• Published 26th Jan 2022
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6 - TDR

A continuation into season Six with the Sparkles and their friends and acquaintances.

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Flutter Bahamut, Epilogue

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 6

Flutter Bahamut,

Rahs stared at his sister, his gaze shifting to the coating of jam that was spread across a good chunk of the library as well as soaked his sister. He also took note of Peewee and Blakeney passed out on the floor bellies distended from too much jam and bread, and they barely made a dent in the mess.

Twilight looked over her brother who was still dripping jam adding to the mess and the bitching from Seshat.

“Plan, Light at the End of the World?” Twilight asked.

“Wuff.” Rahs pondered.

“Right too high a chance of sending Canterlot sliding down the side of the mountain onto Ponyville with that one.” Twilight grumbled. ”Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?”

“Ruff.” Rahs counted.

“Right right, where would we even get a Renamon and a digi destined around here.” Twilight sighed.

Both of them stopped as the door was flung open and Applebloom trotted in towing a wagon.

The young mare paused looking at the two jam covered Sparkles and sighed before she turned and shoved the wagon forward showing a passed out, jam coated Spike laying in it with a red bow still stuck to his face.

“Either of yah wanna tell me why my boy friend is passed out, coated in jam with one of mai spare bows ah left in Canterlot stuck to his face?” Applebloom demanded.

“Bark?” Rahs questioned.

“Right, you know where the bow came from?”

“Please, mai sister has her hats ah got mai bows numbered and ah know where ah left um all, that one was mai spare ah left in Canterlot fer when we visit Princess Luna.” Applebloom pointed out then gestured to Spike. ”Now about this.”

“Celestia.” Twilight offered noting how Appleboom's drawl was coming out in full force, clearly she was pissed.

“Ah warned him that she don't play games with her pranks.” Applebloom sighed.
The young mare trotted over to the desk grabbing a bit of paper and a pen jotting down a number of notes before offering it to Twilight who took it in her magic. She and Rahs looked over the potion description then looked to Applebloom.

“Ah Ain't gonna be part of this nonsense of yers, but ah ain't happy she used mai bow and mai form tah catch mai boyfriend. What yah do with that information is on you.”

Applebloom huffed and stormed out grumbling about how she didn't even like raspberries.

Twilight and Rahs watched her go, glanced to Spike, then back to the paper Applebloom left before the pair of them glanced to each other and grinned evilly.

[Two days later]

“Fluttershy how could you let your brother be arrested?” Fluttershy's father chided in a soft tone.

Fluttershy's mother, brute she was, was bawling that her little colt was in jail. Harry the bear sat nearby offering the mare tissues and patted her on the back.

Bishie rolled his eyes a little and continued to run a brush across Angel Bunny. The rabbit wasn't thrilled with the lack of skill the colt showed in his grooming, but he allowed it as the colt was still young and was learning.

“I didn't let him get arrested, he did all that himself and left me to clean up the mess he left of my house.” Fluttershy huffed.

Pinkie Pie had wisely fled as there had been a minor 'stare' off at the beginning of the discussion, that had ended fairly quickly after Bishie threatened to get the spray bottle.

“You were supposed to keep him out of trouble.” Fluttershy's dad offered.

“He's a grown adult, he wasn't supposed to need a foal sitter.” Fluttershy frowned. ”I have my own tasks and life to live. I can't spend all my life watching after him.”

“ He was arrested Fluttershy. What am I supposed to tell Bishie?”

“How about that one of my older brother's stupid ideas finally got him busted?” Bishie offered getting a surprised glance from the others. ”Don't give me that look. I'm eight, not an idiot. Even I can see a lot of his 'surefire plans' and ideas are of questionable morality, let alone intelligence.”

“Don't be mean Bishie.” Fluttershy offered causing the colt to roll his eyes. He did love his family but they were exasperating at times.

“Can't you use your connections to get him out?” Fluttershy's mother finally asked.

“First off I can and I tried. I was going to leave him in there for a day or two so he might learn something and I told the Guard Captain that was the plan. But evidently he was still offered a choice. To pay a fine, serve time, or enter Guard service.” Fluttershy flattened her ears. “It wasn't even a big fine, Bishie could have afforded it on his allowance.”

“No way, that's for comics and horror movies.” Bishie proclaimed.

“And he chose the Guard service.” Fluttershy's father sighed. “That's such a dangerous profession...”

“It's alright. Mister Comet Trail has told me that he's going to make sure Zephyr is alright.” Fluttershy offered.

“Well that's a relief at least.” Fluttershy's father sighed. ”Maybe a bit more rigid structure will do him good.”

( A shady pub in Canterlot)

A small booth seated three figures. The worn table had a few plates of food including a large basket of fries on it. The dim light hanging over the table only lit up the table leaving the ponies seated at it in shadow. One of them was greatly enjoying the fries as his wife had cut him off from greasy food.

The usual rough and tumble crowd of the pub took one look at the three seated there and gave that whole portion of the building a wide berth.

“So why did you ask to meet here?” The first asked.

“The fries here are the best in the city.” the second pointed out.

“I've had better.” the lone mare of the three offered.

“Where?” the second stallion demanded.

“Smokey Bobs.” the mare offered.

“Those aren't fries those are tater tots.” the second stallion pointed out.

“Same thing.” the mare shrugged.

“Blasphemy.” the second stallion huffed. “Any way you were the one who wanted to talk to us.”

“I did.” the first stallion agreed. “Word is you two are back on the job.”

“Ehh retirement was boring and after Tirek trashed the thieves guild and what the Guards did, we've been in high demand.” The mare offered.

“The group coming in this month. Are they yours?” The first stallion questioned.

“Mine yes, mares group starts next month.” the second stallion explained.

“Still think it's dumb to separate them. “ The mare shrugged.

“You just liked catching those that paired up and tried to be sneaky about it.” the second stallion cackled.

“Not true. I enjoyed critiquing their techniques, and you can't tell me that the ones that decided to ignore me and keep going didn't turn out to be some of the best.” the mare grumbled.

“Still don't know how Princess Cadence snuck past the posted Guards....” the second stallion chuckled.

“We distracted them for a box of Twinkies and a mango.” the first offered getting a glare from the other two. “Don't give me that look. It had been eight weeks already and three resets. Ponies have needs.”

“HA. Well. As amusing as it is to finally know the answer to that. What was it you wanted? I doubt this is a social call.” the mare offered.

“It isn't. After what you two did at my wedding you owe me.”

“We don't, but I'll humor you.” the second stallion chuckled.

“The snack table was like that when we got there, as was the eastern wall of the building.” the mare offered.

A photo was slapped on the table and pushed over to them. The mug shot of a pegasus stallion who looked like he was posing.

“This stallion is joining the next group.” the first stallion offered. “Guard service instead of time served.”

“Hmmm okay?” the mare offered “ And.”

“He managed to upset four of the Elements of Harmony enough to report him. One already had a restraining order. He also managed to aggravate Prince Blueblood and several other mares around town with blatant flirting and lewd comments...”

“A play colt huh?” the second stallion offered.

“... including my wife.”

There was a pause only broken by the second stallion eating a fry.

“So what do you want? I won't cause a fatal injury in my training.” the second stallion stated.

“No, with the sort of egotistical nonsense he spouts, he's clearly an idiot. Besides Fluttershy would gut me like a fish if I killed him, Ditzy wouldn't be happy either, which is more important. “Comet Trail leaned into the light as he next spoke. “I want Zephyr Breeze to be your special friend.”

The other two look at each other before they grin.

“Consider it done.” Jer'rahd Kaisur stated as Starfall Silvertail chuckled.” At least so long as you pick up the tab and don't tell my wife I was eating this.”

“That's your fourth basket of fries.” Comet Trail huffed.

“I told you these are the best fries.” Jer'rahd smirked.

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