• Published 26th Jan 2022
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6 - TDR

A continuation into season Six with the Sparkles and their friends and acquaintances.

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The Claw Before the Pony, Part 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 6

The Claw Before the Pony,
Part 1

(Ponyville school house, Seriously will some one give this dump a name? Early Spring.)

“And this is the school house. Normally I'd be in class right now, but I got a pass for showing you around today. A good chunk of the year is spent in here learning.” Spike offered.

Ember looked at the building curiously.

“How would this even work? Is the building some pony magic to to teach?” Ember asked.

“No, it's just where the teachers teach, well... how do dragons educate their young?” Spike pondered. “ Bleu never really said anything about that. And I doubt the parents do.”

“That is correct. Most dragons will be taught the basics by a elder who has the patience for it, sometimes it's younger dragons that teach. Once the basics are done most dragons go do their own thing, some seek to learn more and shadow older dragons who have skills and knowledge they want. I followed my grandmother for a good ten years to learn what I could from her.” Ember stated. “I feel I didn't get a portion of it but I did learn to hate her sense of humor.”

“Well Pony's don't have a fully centralized system apart from the first years, with the variety of tribes and other races that live in Equestria it's rather difficult to get more than the basics. So basically all foals, or chicks, or whatever living in Equestria have to go through school usually starting at age 5 or 6. They start in the first grade with grades 1-4 in the same class. Often the older students are expected to help the younger ones with things along with the teacher. It's a bit different in bigger cities as they have more teachers and can thus have less grades per class, but the principal for these early classes is the same, math read, writing, rules and other things that are needed to set them up for their next years. Most of the racial things are left to the parents at this stage, flight, magic, and so on.” Spike explained. “Grades 5 to 8 are much the same but with more specialized classes being brought in, some more advanced math, history and geography, localized issues, and such. These years are usually some what peppered with field trips and guest speakers as it's about the time foals start getting cutie-marks and having a wide variety of interests presented offers multiple chances of finding out what one likes or is good at as well as pushing their education a bit further. I still say they need a tax code course however.”

“And that did not work for your friends?” Ember questioned

“Not at all.” Spike nodded. “This is also the point that a number of educations stop. Some ponies find their talent and focus fully on that and others already have family with positions that can be filled. Mostly farmers and some others in truth. This is pretty much where Ponyville school ends. Then there are the grades 9-12, High Schools, that offer a much broader education across more subjects. There's not many of these Schools, Celestia's school for gifted individuals is one such place. Luna was working on opening one in Ponyville due to the size of town particularly since it's still getting bigger. There are also a multitude of smaller 'Trade schools' that focus on specific things. Canterlot has a few unicorn specialty training schools for unicorns and for finance, and those are just the ones I know of. In recent years there have been a ton of 'Send Away schools' for people looking to continue their education in specific fields but can't manage to head off to a trade school. Applejack, Twilight and even Rahs have been taking advantage of these things, I think twilight's on her eighth or ninth doctorate at this point. Even though the courses are through the mail , you still need to take a test before you're cleared for anything in whatever trade you are going for. Me personally I'm finished with 8th and can be done with school, though I'm currently sticking around and helping Cheerilee with her classes, she's also teaching a small group with a 9th and 10th grade, but so far that's just got myself, Firefly, Scootaloo, and Sweetiebelle in it. Applebloom shows up too when she can but she's taking an alchemy and specialized science classes taught by Zecora and the god of Healing Ascepius, though the latter is mostly a mail class on Ascepius' end simply due to Twilight losing her shit every time she comes within 10 miles of the castle.

“That is a surprisingly convoluted practice.” Ember frowned. “I am not sure I can implement something like that.”

“I'm really only covering the basics there's a lot more too it than that, though there's a council of sorts that makes sure all the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed, and some how they make it work fairly well. The mail in classes might be your best bet for the dragons. You could find out what interests them and get them into various trades that way.” Spike suggested. ”If some one enjoys what they are doing, they are more likely to do it and that would open more trade for the Dragons as they gain specialists.”

“That has merit. I can see why the Dragon Lord wished me to speak with you about this.” Ember hummed.

“I think it's more that she could get me out of the house so she could have some alone time with my brother since Twilight's not in.” Spike sighed.


A voice squeaked causing Ember and Spike to turn as a white unicorn filly ran up, followed by a lazily gliding orange pegasus with green fiery wings and a yellow earth pony filly with a massive red bow, behind them flew a colt with the same coloration as the other pegasus, only reversed making him a purple pony with orange hair, his wings were not on fire though.

The earth pony filly slowed and started giving Ember the stink eye in a way that made the young dragoness nervous.

“Oh hey what's up, class get out already?” Spike asked.

“Only because we were given a massive project to do.” Scootaloo sighed landing next to Sweetiebelle who was vibrating in place. ”Sup Ember.”

“Scootaloo.” The blue dragoness nodded.

“Come on after that parade float you guys made this should be easy.” Firefly offered.

“So are we teaming up?” Spike questioned as Sweetiebelle handed him a sheet of paper to look over. Ember leaned over his shoulder looking at it curiously.

All of them ignored the grinding of Applebloom's teeth at Ember being close to Spike.

“Huh so it's sponsored by local businesses. They're gonna deliver a block of apple wood to use and we only have a day to turn it into a race ready cart? Are they serious?” Spike questioned.

“They try to make it fair by giving as little time as possible, but we are all going to be allowed off on Friday in order to make the carts” Firefly explained. “The race itself is Saturday morning.”

Spike hummed.” Well at least we can get some one to help us, though they have to be able to ride in the cart too. Well that rules out Twilight, She's about as artistically creative as a lump of mud.”

“Mud can be rather artistic when it is thrown against something.” Sweetiebelle offered.

“My statement still stands.” Spike huffed. “The cart has to be able to finish the race if you want to win one of the awards. Fastest – for winning the race. Most traditional – for the best working replica of an original Apple wood cart? A what? And most creative – for the cart with the best overall design, hmmm I wonder who the judges are?”

“Pinkie Pie probably.” Scootaloo shrugged, “She has been the last couple years along with the Mayor.'

“I don't remember this race happening recently.” Spike frowned.

“They used to run it in the summer, but they moved it to the spring this year as it's been canceled so many times lately. A lot of crap has happened since you've been here, Tirek, Discord, the Crystal empire, that crap with the Storm King...” Sweetiebelle offered. ”Plus there's usual an age limit though it's been lifted a bit this year which is good because we're pretty close to aging out of it. We would have qualified for it four years ago normally and this would have been the last year we could compete, but they've adjusted it so we can get at least two more years if we want. They also lowered the age of admittance. Dinky's gonna be in it and she's at least four years younger than us.”

“Fair enough.” Spike shrugged.

“So who is this Spike...?” Applebloom spoke her voice sounding like a iceberg crashing into a cruise liner.

“Oh right , I guess Scootaloo's the only one who's met her. This is …. I guess we're going with cousin, my cousin, Princess Ember, she the regent of the Dragon Lord. She came to talk to Twilight about finding a way to educate the dragons a bit more.”

“Among other things.” Ember nodded. ”Dragon Lord Trixie has left me in charge and I will make sure that the dragons become more than dumb brutes under my watch. If I have to drag them kicking and screaming all the way”

“I thought you were her uncle?” Scootaloo offered.

“Ehh due to the age range and the fact I'm younger than her we just went with cousin, kinda like how Sunset is when she should be a grand aunt. “ Spike shrugged

“That tracks.” Scootaloo shrugged.

“Oh.” Applebloom responded her tone mostly normal though she still glared a bit at the blue dragoness.

Ember wisely took a step back away from Spike. She didn't want to get involved in this.

If the Dragon Lord was any indication, ponies were crazy when they got attached to some one.

Author's Note:

This chapter went a little more world building than i expected.

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