• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,165 Views, 857 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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78 - Dragon Quest, Part Two

The land was barren. Where plants should be growing, only stone and sand were. The harsh sunlight left only a scant few shadows across the rocky expanse. A trail of broken rocks was left behind as the carriage passed. They had reached the dragon lands, and where there weren't rocks, there was exposed magma that Moon appeared in no rush to attempt a refreshing bath in. "It would seem dragons are used to a climate extreme."

Spike wiped sweat from his forehead. "You're telling me! But I'm a dragon!" He sat up taller next to Moon. "I should be able to handle it too!"

Moon wrapped an arm around him. "You are accustomed to the climate around Ponyville. All animals get used to wherever they live, after a while. Perhaps, with time, you'll start adapting to this." Her eyes went to one of those exposed, blisteringly hot, magma pools. "Dragons, you included are fire proof. Did you want to try one?"

"We can do that?!" Spike leaped up in shock. "No way! Really? Awesomeness. That's amazing! I don't know, it seems like a bad idea. But I'm a dragon." He fidgeted as he swayed between excitement and fear at the idea of casually hopping into the magma. "Do you think I should?"

Moon considered with all due gravity. "Start slow, just in case, but I think you should. They don't live in these lava-filled lands just to ignore them, I imagine." She flicked an ear. "Please be careful."

Spike winked and tipped his hat, the one he wasn't wearing, spinning once around on his heel to saunter towards the molten pool of orange liquid. "I'm a dragon, but I'll be fine." He reached out a hand, feeling the warmth. It was quite hot, but also wasn't actually burning him. "Huh." He sat on the edge of the pool, extending a clawed toe towards the magma, just barely grazing the surface.

He could feel the intense heat of the lava, but it wasn't burning or melting his scale. "Neat." Feeling braver with each passing moment, he edged farther onto the surface of the magma until, after a while, he was standing atop it, casting ripples along the surface as he moved. He looked at his reflection in the orange bubbling liquid. Unfortunately, even molten lava was more stone than water, and he couldn't see much of a reflection cast back at him. Still, he was in, oops. He sank into it, finding, for a dragon at least, it wasn't that unsimilar to actually being in very warm water.

Moon watched Spike sinking into the magma and felt a tightness in her chest. It was the best possible outcome, but she was terrified that he might drown, despite all the evidence against the notion. When he began to paddle about with a giggling laugh, she smiled and let out her breath. "Having fun?" she called out. "You look like it."

"Fun, heck, it's cool!" Spike's claws whipped up sprays of magma that vanished as they fell. "It's like swimming, but different. I guess dragons don't float, huh?"

Moon curled a hoof to her chin. "This implies things, but you didn't bring me here to, um, get scientific about it. Enjoy yourself. We'll continue when you've had your fun." She sat back on the wagon bench, looking to be in no hurry. "We're here for you, not me."

Spike breached the surface with a splurt, magma flowing from his hair like so much water. "That's weird. Oh, right, science. Do your thing."

She quirked her head, flipping a notebook to the front page. She doodled down her theories on why dragons could swim in magma. She was fairly sure if she tried, she'd flop around on its surface, and also burn to a crisp. "Maybe dragons are denser?" She imagined trying to carry Spike around if he got much larger. That would stop being practical. She noted that. "Are dragons heavier?" She shrugged. "They definitely don't seem lighter. Would be an odd talent to have, light dragons. Eh, it's a mystery."

She shifted in place, the long trip at least over for now, even if she suspected there was more to see, deeper in the dragon lands. After all, they hadn't actually conversed with any dragons just yet.

Spike swam over to the wagon, dripping as he clambered up, looking rather like he'd been through an oil slick. "That was a blast! I, uh, oh yeah, we're here to find other dragons, aren't we?"

"We are." Moon ran a hoof down Spike's back. "Still damp, but not burning hot anymore."

Spike chuckled nervously. "Well, duh. It's magma." He reached back to scratch off flecks of hardened stone. "But that was fun! I bet dragons swim in lava all the time! I have a question!" He darted towards the driver's seat, and leapt onto it, clinging to Moon's side. "Do dragons float? Do we have to worry about you drowning?"

Moon inclined her head at that. "You do not have to worry about me drowning. I would expire long before that became relevant." She imagined the burning end that'd bring, even trying to drown a pony in magma. "I will gladly watch you have a good time from a safe distance. You seemed to float when you actually started swimming."

"And it was great." Spike clapped gently as they resumed their journey. A wagon needed something to drag it along, and that was Moon, walking at a relaxed pace through the heated wasteland. "Thank you, uh, again. I know this isn't really what most ponies look for in their vacation spots. I really owe you one."

"You do not." She looked over her shoulder at him. "As my little brother, I am proud to assist. Family members exchange favors freely without expectation that they will be returned."

Spike rubbed the back of his neck, grinning awkwardly. "It's still great. Thanks. I'll make it up to you, one day, promise."

"It's a sibling thing." But she gave up arguing the logic involved, focusing on the trek ahead.

A large shadow passed over them, making both look up even as a great dragon landed before them. The adult dragon's tail, wings, and face were a dusty orange in coloration. She smiled at them, giving a cheerful wave with one massive paw. "I welcome you to the dragon lands." She huffed a brief spurt of flame. "Now tell me why a pony is here, looking miserable. These aren't your lands, little pony."

Spike hopped down from the wagon and rushed ahead of Moon, taking a defensive stance, for as little as his tiny form could cover for her. "She's my sister!"

The dragon leaned in closer, blinking at both of them. "That's not how that works. Ponies don't lay eggs. Even if they did, they don't lay dragon eggs. You two can't be siblings from any mother I know." Her eyes drifted to Spike's head. "Oh. No, dear, you are mistaken." She nodded sagely. "Let me guess, you're a runt? Abandoned by your mother?"

Spike flinched at that. "No!" He retreated to Moon's side and hugged firmly to one of her legs. "She's right here."

The dragon chuckled gently at she tapped her cheek with a claw. "I thought you said she was your sister. Is she your sister, or your mother?"

"A little both?" Spike shrugged gently. "Um, anyway, hi!" He released Moon to wave at the dragon. "My name's Spike. What's yours?"

"Flambe." She swayed her tail, only looking more interested, and amused, at the whole situation. "Little pony, why do you see yourself being here?" She put down a large hand, blocking Spike. "I want her words."

"I am here with my younger brother to satisfy his curiosity about dragonkind." Moon pointed a hoof at the young dragon. "That one is a dragon. We aren't here to antagonize. He is unaccustomed to being around other dragons."

"I should say so." Flambe sat up on her powerful haunches. "Admitting he likes ponies would get him laughed out of many dragon circles." She looked Spike over anew. "Not even winged yet. You're still a baby."

Spike squirmed under her gaze, stepping closer to Moon. "That's not a nice thing to say about somecreature you don't even know."

"No, I suppose not." She flicked out her tongue, tasting the air. "But it's very true. You haven't molted yet. That brings wings, and the start towards adulthood. You're not there, so you are a baby, or a large child. Either way, not an adult. Don't look so offended, it's just what it is." She shrugged with a chuckle. "Time will fix that." She dipped her head to Moon. "I shall assume you have little interest in seeing more of dragon life. If you know how to turn around, it is a good place to do so."

Moon huffed at that. "I will not abandon Spike until he has completed his journey to his satisfaction." She turned her head slowly, fixing her eyes on the dragon. "I do not trust you."

"Yet, you stand firm." She nodded in appreciation. "I like that. You've got a little spine, and you're standing up for the runt." She huffed flames at Moon. "And you're not fast to trust every pretty face you see, smart." She patted the tiny Spike. "You have a good friend here. Protect her."

Spike squawked. "She's the big sister!"

Flambe snickered. "But she's weak."

"Strong in friendship!" Spike blurted out.

"Hm." Flambe rose to her full height. "Most adults will not want to talk to you, child. You are not one of theirs, so you are none of their concern. I only stopped to see why a pony marched here, of all places. I'm bored, so I'll go with you a little further. But remember, a dragon must earn its place."

Spike held up his clawed fists. "I know that!"

She tilted her head to one side. "You do now, at least." She began to walk ahead of them with low chuckles. "A dragon raised by ponies? It is difficult to even imagine. Can you even breathe fire?" She turned suddenly, flames pouring from her maw in an unending torrent. "Can you?"

Spike flinched back as the flames washed past, vanishing just as they reached him. "Of course I can." He took a deep breath before exhaling a smaller cone of greenish fury, though it petered out far sooner than it had for Flambe, leaving him coughing from the effort. "There, see? I can do it!" He straightened himself.

"Impressive, little one." She turned back to walking, humming along to a tune that was in her head, alone. "About what I'd expect from a dragon so newly hatched. How many summers have you seen so far, child?"

Spike bunched up in embarrassment. "Um, I think eight or so?" He trailed after the massive dragon, keeping close to Moon.

"Baby steps. It takes years to molt." She spread her wings. "Flight is one of many gifts we dragons enjoy. Look forward to that day, if you survive." She folded her wings behind her back, shrugging. "I did."

Spike looked to Moon. "Do ponies fly?"

"They don't, in general." Moon glanced from Spike to the dragon. "Unless they are a pegasus." She pointed up to her horn. "Which I am not. I have heard of flying spells, but they are tricky to use, and dangerous for the unpracticed."

Spike grinned, nodding happily. "See? Ponies fly just fine!"

"Yes." She stopped and looked to Moon. "Without flight, wings, claws, or scales, there is no reason for you to be here, little pony." She crouched, growling in displeasure. "Your loyalty is commendable, but foolish. A pony would do better to live for herself than to die for her misguided kin."

Moon bristled, planting her hooves firmly against the ground. "I will be returning, but only with Spike, and when he decides."

Flambe shook her head slowly. "On your small head." She pointed ahead. "That is where the dragons have gathered, where we all gather, after the migration. They may just chomp you, little pony. It would be sad to see a fine sister meet such an end. Last warning. Turn back, if you're smart."

"And what of Spike?" Moon stamped her hoof down, glaring up at the dragon. "What will they do to him?"

Flambe shrugged at that. "He can spend time around some dragons closer to his own age. They won't eat him. It's rude to eat a fellow dragon. Beyond that? I'll not have any opinions."

Moon's glare lingered on Flambe as she stomped past. "Very well. You've made your intentions clear."

The dragon gave a raspy chuckle. "I won't be eating you." She launched into the air. "I know you too well." But she was also leaving on her powerful wings.

Moon shuddered at that, swallowing hard. "You didn't need to threaten me like that."

Spike hugged her leg gently. "I, uh, think that might be a dragon thing?" He slumped a little. "Not a me thing though. I wouldn't ever do that to you."

Moon touched her nose to the top of his head. "I imagine not." The two were still a moment before they resumed, climbing the wall of what was essentially a volcano. Inside it, countless dragons, enjoying themselves and the day.

Spike was transfixed. "Wow, just, wow." He gaped at the sight of dozens of dragons, even more, just stretching out into the distance.

A smaller dragon, with bright pink scales, looked up from her game. "What is that?" She tapped her playmate, a male, and pointed at Spike and Moon. "Check that out. Think we should roll out the welcome wagon?"

The blue-scaled dragon looked up, grinning at the sight of Spike and Moon. "Well, I'll be! If it ain't a pony. It's a pony! Never seen a pony up close. Should I show her what it's like to be eaten?"

Moon stood in front of Spike, glowering at the blue dragon. "I've brought Spike here to meet other dragons."

The blue dragon howled with laughter. "This pony is playing egg-sitter to a dragon? This is too much, too funny." He laughed a little more at the joke that the two strangers made for him. "And there's nothing you can do about it. A pony in the dragon lands? There's nothing you can do that I can't stop." He rose up onto two legs, more bipedal than the massive Flambe had been. "Want to split her in half?"

The female rolled her eyes. "You're not impressing anyone. The pony's got guts, coming all this way just to help out a dragon." She licked her lips as she examined Moon. "She looks so soft and juicy."

Spike rolled up his sleeves. "You two don't scare me, or my sister." He waved a fist at them. "You want a fight, you get a fight!"

Both howled with laughter, clearly seeing the child dragon as no threat. The female went up and shoved Spike aside. "Your first mistake was taking something you value to the dragon meet without being able to protect it. Leave those at home, whelp. Your second was picking a fight with someone stronger than you."

The blue dragon towered over Spike. "Don't pick fights you can't win. Ever. Hear me? He casually punched Spike in the shoulder, a light blow to the dragon, and more than enough to knock Spike over. "Wow, weak."

Moon glared at the two, horn glowing in dazzling colors. "You leave him alone immediately! Both of you! What sort of dragons pick on other dragons? He's just a kid, he's been raised differently, give him a chance!" She flared her magic at them, lifting into the air as her power focused down into a point of prismatic light.

Neither were prepared for when Moon sent a slicing beam of colors across the male, sending him retreating with yelps at the burns that worked on dragon skin. "I've been studying my brother for many years. I know what gets through and what does not."

The female snorted gently. "You just got roasted by a pony, sad." She held up a hand when Moon glared at her. "Hold up! I get it, you're not helpless." She stuck a claw up. "And I'll throw this fight, for Spike's sake." She tossed Spike a wink. "Just don't let me down."

Spike groaned with annoyance as he picked himself up from the ground. "Sheesh, I just wanted to meet a few dragons, talk a little?" He dusted himself off. "But we might as well." He blinked on realizing he was speaking to empty air. "Uh, hello?"

The female dragon looked him over. "You have a good one there." She angled her head at the still retreating male. "Got him running. Ha, that was hilarious. Kindly don't zap me though, I'm keeping my teeth to myself."

Spike offered her a hoof bump. "I appreciate it, really, thank you, uh..." He waited for a response, which didn't come. "Name?"

She winked. "Charhide." She nipped at Spike with a laugh. "Spike, was it? Little baby, maybe you'll grow out of it, but you're so pudgy and adorable." Charhide grabbed one of his cheeks and pinched it gently. "Look at you."

"I am looking at me." Spike sighed, brushing off his cheek. "And you can stop calling me adorable." He eyed her curiously. "How old are you?"

"What a silly question." She rolled her eyes. "And rude. I'm old enough to have these." She spread her wings wide behind her. "Which makes me a lot older than you, shortie. Don't die and that'll get fixed, probably."

Spike swallowed nervously, tapping his claws together. "Is it that bad being small?"

"Nah, nah." She nudged him gently. "Just means you can't do some stuff, or that you can't do it yet." She fluttered her wings gently, considering him. "Flying, obviously." She glanced at Moon. "But you're pretty good at hiding behind a pony."

Spike puffed out his chest. "Siblings watch out for each other!"

Charhide huffed gently. "Do they? Sometimes. You have a good sister, even if she has more hooves than I'm used to seeing in one. Anyway, you may have more luck with the teens." She fixed Moon a glare. "Don't let them tease him too badly." She pointed at some rowdy looking teen dragons playing roughly for dominance. "There they are."

Spike beamed at that. "Thanks, you're a great big sister, or, uh, I think you are. Good job."

Charhide blinked. "How'd you, nevermind, shoo." She pushed Spike towards the teens with a grumble. "I swear."

Moon nodded at Charhide as she walked past. "Come on, Spike." She joined his side. "Try to get to know some other dragons."

He beamed. "Yeah, of course! Uh, sis, what do I say?"

"Well, I don't know what to expect from dragons." She considered the boys and their games. "Spike, you know I'm not that, um, good, when it comes to social situations. I want to provide assistance, but I am unsure. Try saying hello?"

"And then?" Spike crossed his arms, tipping his head at her.

She stroked her chin in thought. "Ask how they are doing? Introduce yourself? Make a small request?" Moon smiled sheepishly. "Do not comment on the weather, I used to make that error."

Spike glanced up to shrug. "Yeah, weather's not changing much around here anyway. Um, I'll try." He started jogging towards the young dragons with a nervous smile and hope in his heart.

Author's Note:

Extra long chapter, and I don't think we're done here. Moon is taking a very different route, standing aside her little brother.

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