• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,168 Views, 858 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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17 - Rainy Conclusions

A sharp knocking came from the door. Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes dramatically. "Who is it? We're busy!"

"Dreadfully sorry," came Randolph's voice from beyond that door. "The misses insists I oversee."

Diamond clopped a hoof to her forehead. "She only thought of that now?" she hissed out. "Whatever, come in!"

And so the elder butler joined them in the room, seating himself in the circle without being told. "Oh, I'll put that away." He reached for the bottle that was clearly trash in need of removal.

Silver waved at him wildly. "No, don't! We're not done with it yet."

Randolph inclined his head, eyes moving over the two fillies and the small dragon. "Not done with it?" It seemed to click. "Oh, you're playing a game of spin and kiss?"

Silver snorted with a grin. Diamond shook her head. "Nah. That'd involve someone smooching somepony else who they shouldn't be." She set her hoof on the bottle. "Truth or dare. You watching or you plan to play too?"

Randolph set a hoof at his chin. A chance to just play and not do a chore? Well... "As you wish. Who's turn is it?"

"Mine!" Diamond set the bottle spinning wildly, with one more pony for it to land on. "And don't think I'll go light on you if you're picked."

Spike chuckled at the fellow guy. "Welcome to the game."

There was a tree, in the room. It had all happened so quickly... "I apologize for the mess." Moon was looking to Twilight. "And will do my best to undo the damage caused to your books."

While she as apologizing, Applejack was wildly trying to get the tree back out again.

Twilight had her hooves to her head. "This is... not according to plan." She still had those, even if she wasn't as fixated on them. "The books!"

"Yes, the books." Moon looked around, taking in the situation. "Rarity."


"You were cutting trees into ornamental shapes, before, correct?"

"I was, darling. How does that help us?" Rarity waggled a hoof at the mess. "Applejack, you've really gone and done it now."

"We do not have time for assigning blame." Moon stood up and pointed at the same mess. "I need you to construct ornaments, quickly."

Rarity blinked, but her horn began to glow. Not entirely understanding the why of it, she got to shaping the tree into art, lots of art. The room filled with them.

With a clap, Applejack closed the window, the tree severed. "Good thinkin'!" She slid down along all the smaller cuttings. "Ah'll get to kickin' these out."

With the immediate emergency under control, they all got together to get things cleared up. "Ah guess there is a use fer that," admitted Applejack with a little shrug.

"And sometimes, I suppose, a little 'direct action', as it were, is required." The two set aside their differences for the time being, helping to restore the library to its proper order. "Now, that out of the way, I feel we've arrived at the best part of a slumber party."

Moon inclined her head. "What part is that?"

Applejack chuckled, getting the joke. "The slumbering part, ah course. Thanks again, Twi, fer puttin' us up."

"Yes, quite neighborly of you, darling." They all settled to bed, their little adventure coming to a conclusion.

"I hope Spike had a less... eventful evening." Moon snuggled beneath her blanket, her glasses set to rest nearby. "Goodnight."


The room became still and dark.

Not that the foals were as eager to get their sleep. It was far past Randolph's usual time to retire, but it was also his turn. The bottle slowed, settling on Diamond Tiara, who was grinning at him with lethal intent.

It was a tremendous opportunity, and also a horrible danger. If he made the wrong move, surely her parents would be informed, and it was not in his nature to... "Truth or dare?" First, the question. Hopefully, she would pick--

"Dare." Diamond wrinkled her nose a little. "Like it or not, you know everything about me already. What in hay could you ask that you don't already know?"

Fiddlesticks... "Dare, alright..." He brought up his hooves together. "I dare you... to let your friend, Silver." He inclined his head towards her. "Let her have the last word for the next hour."


"You heard him." Silver batted her lashes with a grin. "What a great dare, Randolph. I'm impressed."

Diamond burned with retorts, but let Silver have the last word. She instead grabbed for the bottle and got it to spinning. She fixed Spike with a glare as if she could command the bottle.

Which perhaps she could, considering it landed on him. "Perfect. Spike, Truth... or dare?" She rubbed her hooves. "I don't care which you pick. I'll make it good."

Spike audibly swallowed at the promise. "R-right... Dare! I can take it!"

"How brave." She rose to her hooves. "I like it. Spike, I've seen you riding your sister around. You think we ponies are good for that? It goes both ways. I dare you to let me ride you until you get picked again."

Spike sputtered and squirmed. "W-what?"

Silver rolled a hoof. "Go on, get on all fours, just like we do." She danced from hoof to hoof as if to demonstrate. "Then let Diamond Tiara up."

Diamond began towards Spike. "You heard them. The first time the bottle points at both of us, it's my turn, the next one, it's yours, and you're done."

"Oh.... Okay..." Spike flopped forward to all fours, tail giving a little wag of uncertainty. "Like--" He didn't get to finish, Diamond climbing up on top of his back. Dragon whelps were not designed to bear much weight. That came later in life. He grunted with the weight of the filly. "Alright!"

Diamond nudged with her knees, giggling. "A boyfriend who knows his place. Nice... Go on, it's your turn."

"Give it a spin," sang out Silver, barely hiding her laughter behind her hooves.

Spike got his hand on the bottle and twirled his fingers, getting the bottle wobbling wildly around in a circle. Silver Spoon. "Truth or Dare," he challenged the smiling silver filly.

She clopped her hooves eagerly. "Dare, and make it fun! Make it something silly." She flopped on her belly. "Be clever!"

"Clever, silly... right..." He trembled a little, holding up Diamond as he was. "Clever... Silver Spoon, I dare you... to kiss--"

"You?!" she burst out, bouncing to her hooves. "Like, wow. Bold!"

Diamond squeezed, her hooves digging into his sides. "I don't think he finished. You're allowed to finish my words."

"But not his, right, right." Silver fixed Spike a look. "Who, or what, am I kissing?"

Spike smiled, trying to hide his nervousness with dubious results. "The other stallion here."

Randolph colored, but said nothing.

Silver blinked softly. "You're kidding." But Spike wasn't making any motions to call it a joke. "Uh..." But the rules were the rules. She approached the butler on unsure hooves. "Alright... like, you got this." She was convincing herself more than anything else. "Hello, Randolph."

"Good evening, m'lady. Perhaps, after this, I can fetch you all some refreshments?"

Silver hopped up, planting a smooch on his cheek. "That sounds like a great idea," she hurriedly added, already ambling back towards where she began.

"Guess the game's done." Diamond showed no movement to dismount from Spike. "Nice dare."

"Uh, thanks." He smiled as he looked up over his shoulder. "Shouldn't you..."

"Not until the bottle lands on us twice. Isn't that right, Silver?"

"That was the dare." Silver nodded in easy agreement.

"Aw, c'mon!" Spike wriggled under her. "If nopony's spinning it, how can it ever land on us? That's not fair."

Diamond gave a thoughtful hum. "Well... I suppose you're not entirely wrong..."


"Just because you asked nicely." She slid down to his side and planted a far more genuine smooch than Silver had on Spike's cheek. "It was a good game though."

Randolph appeared. He hadn't been seen leaving, or heard. The bottle, gone, vanished with him. He was returning with a tray burdened with soda pop bottles that he set between them where the bottle used to be, replacing the empty bottle with filled ones. "Enjoy."

Spike quickly counted the bottles. "You don't get one?"

Diamond laughed at the idea. "Randolph's our butler, silly. He doesn't need one."

Spike crossed his arms as he flopped to his bottom. "He played with us, he should get one too."

Silver nudged at Diamond. "Your boyfriend's got an opinion."

Diamond snorted. "I hope it's not terminal." She squinted at Spike a moment. "Oh, very well. Randolph, fetch yourself a drink since you're here."

"As you wish, madame." He rose and started off, taking the tray, but leaving the bottles.

Spike nodded firmly, pleased. "He seems like a nice pony. Has he worked for you since... uh... ever?"

Diamond inclined her head. "That's about right. Since before I was a little thing." She held up two hooves close together. "Practically came with this house." She tapped at the floor lightly. "I don't think he even likes soda."

And there he was, sitting. He wasn't seen entering, just him sitting, a bright lime green colored bottle cradled between his hooves. He sipped quietly from the straw, making little noise.

Spike sampled his neon red offering. "Mmm, cherry. What's yours?"

Randolph perked an ear as if surprised. "Hm? Lime. Do you have a preferred flavor?"

Diamond waved it off. "He'll get you whatever color you like best. We got a full fridge."

Spike waved a hand and his head at once. "No no, it's good." He sipped loudly. "I was just curious what yours was. Like it?"

"Perfectly satisfactory," assured Randolph, a bit unsure. "Think nothing of it, young sir."

Diamond slid over next to Spike. "Stop picking on Randy. He's here to make sure we don't do anything too bad." She leaned in closer to him, cheeks almost touching. "Mother's still getting used to the idea of--"

"Actually, madame, your father arrived."

Diamond went still, some of her color draining. "D-does he know?"

"He does, ma'am."

Silver applied a hoof to her face. "Oops!"

"This is not an oops!" Diamond stormed to her hooves. "He was supposed to be gone for another day! He was supposed to come back tomorrow, after the rain!"

Silver Spoon was looking to Randolph. "You have the scoop. What brought back her dad early?"

Randolph glanced at the door leading out. "He decided he wanted to be with his family. He was not expecting you to be... indisposed..."

Diamond grunted with renewed frustration. "He's the one that sent you, didn't he? You said mom sent you!"

"Apologies, ma'am." He dipped his head towards Diamond. "He insisted I not disclose that."

Spike shrugged softly. "What's the big deal? Not like we did anything." He raised his bottle towards Randolph. "Let's enjoy our drinks and relax."

"Well said, sir." He raised his bottle in kind. They met with a soft tink of glass on glass and they both sipped, pleased with life in general.

Silver burst into a set of new giggles. "He's not, like, wrong. Besides..." She leaned in, voice turning into a whisper, "He's buttering up our jailor good. Roll with it."

"Clever..." Diamond tipped her bottle as she took a big swig from her straw, little bubbles seen in the force. She eyed the pony that she was used to ignoring unless she wanted something from. "Well... if daddy's here, maybe we should solve this head on." She turned her vision on Spike, angling her bottle towards him. "You ready to shake hooves?"

Spike swallowed loudly. "Now?!" His eyes darted to the darkened window. "It's late, isn't it?"

"If only we had a pony that could check for us." Diamond batted her lashes at Randolph, though her expression soured quickly. "Get on it."

"Of course." He set his green soda aside and rose, walking off in that quiet way he had.

Spike scrambled to his feet, dusting himself off. "So... Filthy Rich, huh?"

"That's daddy." She looked to Silver Spoon. "Sorry, but this is really gonna be between the three of us." Diamond turned a hoof between herself, Spike, and the door leading out. "I'll give you all the details afterwards."

"I totally get it." Silver waved it all away. "Just don't leave a single bit out when it's done."

Spike hurried over to the wardrobe. There were plenty of options for a filly, he ignored them. Grabbing one of the tuxes that had joined them, he was soon dressed smartly. "How do I look?"

"Just fine." Diamond thumped him on the way past. "What comes out of your mouth is more important for this one. Daddy's more of a substance kinda pony. He will be listening, and he'll ask some questions, some of them maybe hard."

"Oh... lovely." He adjusted his bowtie nervously. "Maybe he won't even be awake..."

Spike would not be so fortunate. One could argue Diamond was not lucky either, considering two ponies returned to the room instead of one. "He is awake, ma'am." As if those words were even required, with her father stepping in around him.

"Good evening," He was moving at a spirited jog despite the late hour, closing in on Diamond. "How's my little hon doing?" She was already rolling her eyes, but did not resist as he got a leg over her and was soon rubbing the top of her head. "Having fun?"

"Yes, sir," chimed Silver Spoon with a perfectly innocent smile.

Spike cleared his throat. "Yeah! Uh, hey." He waved at the larger, adult stallion that had joined them. "Nice to meet you."

Filthy looked over at Spike as if just noticing him. "And here's the dragon I've heard so much about!" His eyes swept up and down over Spike, appraising. "I'm not afraid to admit you are not what I imagined little Tiara's first would be."

Diamond began to color swiftly. "Dad!"

It had not occurred to Spike that he could be the first. "Really?!"

Filthy arched a brow at Spike. "Diamond's saved herself for somepony special. Why wouldn't she?"

Detecting he had stepped on a mine, Spike took a literal step back. "I'm just happy, uh, sir. She's the first... for me too."

"Aw, that so?" He stepped forward, his daughter behind him. "So which of you had the idea?" He looked over his shoulder at Diamond. "Was it you?" And back to Spike. "Or your idea?"

Silver kept herself quiet, watching the interaction with a bit of a grin. She wouldn't have to get the details later!

"It was my idea, daddy," admitted Diamond. "Don't be mad at Spike."

"Mad?" Suddenly he had an arm around Spike, roughly holding him. "Why would I be mad? Why, when I was a little colt, I did plenty of my own... Let's not be distracted." He cleared his throat, turning the topic away from what he was doing as a child. "It did work out much the same way. Spoiled had her eyes right on me. I was practically along for the ride. That sound right, Spike?"

"Sometimes, it does feel that way." He smiled sheepishly. "But I do like her."

"And I liked Spoiled enough to marry her and we're still together!" He released Spike. "Just one thing though. It's not exactly proper for a colt your age to be sleeping alone with a mare her age."

Silver raised a hoof, waving it wildly. "I'm here!"

"That you are, Miss Spoon. Glad to have you around." He nodded at her as if acknowledging a fellow warrior of the cause. "Randolph, have they been good?"

"Perfectly reasonable for foals their age. Can I get you anything, sir?"

"No no... thank you though." Filthy's eyes were on Spike. "You're the, hm... Forgive me, but what is the relationship between you and Moon Dancer?"

Spike relaxed a little. That wasn't a difficult topic. "She's my big sister and caretaker. Um, because she takes care of me, but I take care of her too." He laughed a little nervously. "Guess that just makes us siblings."

"Siblings that look out for each other, good good." He nodded with a satisfied expression. "You know, I don't have any of those, and neither does she."

"Any--" It came to him. "Oh! Siblings?"

"Something special, isn't it?" He tapped a hoof to his chin with a wistful expression. "Knowing someone that close, got your back in a different sort of way than your special somepony. Like the Apples!"

Spike blinked at that sharp pivot. "Hm?"

"Haven't you met them?" He directed to where the farm was beyond the walls and the dark night. "They're a tight family. Brothers, sisters, and a grandma and a mom, all together. That's quite the family! Compared to them, we're both single children." He chuckled, finding his own words amusing. "But let's put that aside. Let's..."

Spike tried to edge in forward in the conversation. "So what was it like, when you were a foal?"

"Hm? Oh! I was a chip right off the old block." His smile had returned, bright and warm. "I was looking for ways to expand the family business. I think that's what caught Spoiled's attention." His attention had slid onto the past. "She always liked following me around, watching me do business. Hmm... I wonder if she'd like to do more of that. It's been a while since I asked."

Diamond tapped at him from behind. "Daad! It's late. I wanted to say hi, but we should get some sleep."

"Ah? Yes, of course." He turned back to her. "I'm just glad I got to see my little bear." He touched his nose to her pouty cheek. "And her little coltfriend."

All too soon, he had wandered out. Spike rubbed behind his head, a little surprised. "Huh... That was... I thought he'd be more, you know, upset, or something? He was just a nice pony."

"He's a creampuff." Diamond nodded softly with a little smile. "I was teasing you. Good job though. You played him like a fiddle." Her eyes shifted to Randolf. "Don't share that."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

Silver burst into fresh titters. "You were great, Spike. He really likes you. I mean, he is nice and all, but he is a dad, and you are his filly's first special somepony, so... that coulda gone badly."

"But it did not," sternly cut in Diamond as she headed towards her bed. "This is mine. You two get to be on the floor."

"As usual." It was hardly Silver's first time over at Diamond's. "Here." She grabbed some fluffy blankets that had been in a pile, sending one flying at Spike. "I use them."

Spike was temporarily obscured, buried in a blanket, but he dug himself free quickly. He formed a little nest out of the bedding instead and flopped onto it. "G'night!"

"Randolph, you can go now." Diamond blew out a lantern, plunging most of the room into dim light. "We're sleeping."

"I was asked to stay, madame. Don't even think of me."

However much Filthy had treated Spike kindly, he was not infinitely trusting. Well, it wasn't like Spike had planned anything anyway. Sleep seemed like a perfectly good idea. He closed his eyes and was soon in the land of dreams. He had survived his first sleepover.

Twilight willed the front door open, ready to walk out with the door, but there was something in the way. "Oh, good morning, Spike," she greeted with a warm smile. "Did you have fun?"

"I sure did!" He hopped up and got a quick hug before scampering off in search of something or somepony else.

"Hm." Curiosity was not enough to stop her. "Let's go, Applejack."

"Right behind ya." She left the library alongside Twilight. "Thanks fer puttin' us up and everythin'. Ya don't have ta walk me home."

"I don't have to... but I want to. If you don't mind?"

"Shoot, 'course not." They met, each putting an arm around the other in a warm hug before they split. "Right after me then." And she began to lead the way.

"Bet they'll be happy to see you."

"As if your family is ever sad to see me." Twilight nudged against her longest friend. "That feels strange to say."

"'Cause it is, sugarcube." Applejack rolled her eyes and adjusted her hat as she went. "You are family," she affirmed, each word slow and specific. "Get that through that pointed noggin' ah yers!"

"Right right." Twilight gently waved her friend down. "But she's not my mom."

Applejack cocked a brow, an expression she was good at. "Then what is she?"

"She's your mom..."

"Uh huh. But that's what she is to me. What is she to you?" A smirk began to grow. "Is she yer friend?"

"No! I mean, yes...?" Twilight began to fidget in her walking. "Of course she is..."

"Ya know she's more than that." Applejack began to smirk, enjoying the thought maze she was leading Twilight down. "So if she ain't just a friend, what is she?"

"She's..." She frowned softly, but then it clicked, and a brilliant smile came with it. "She's like an honorary aunt."

"Ah'll take that. Pretty sure your mom would too. They are practically sisters. And if she's yer aunt, that makes you..."

Twilight's joy turned into awe. "We're cousins?"

"Putter there, 'Cous." She threw an arm over Twilight's withers, hugging her close. "Fer real though, ah know we ain't blood, but you are a part of this family, so stop pretending ya aint."

"I wasn't trying to offend, promise." Twilight slipped away from that grabbing hoof. "The rain cleaned things up, huh?"

"Sure did." Applejack angled her hat against the sun. "Ain't fun to be caught out in the middle of, but without some rain, we don't get many apples, now do we?"

"This is true." She angled her head. "I was reading about weather patterns and ideal precipitation for orchard..." She trailed off, seeing Applejack's eyes had begun to glaze. "Um, just about how and when you want to water to make the apples grow best."

"Oh! Why didn't ya say so?" She thumped against Twilight with a laugh, her world put back in order again. "Hey Big Mac!" She waved at her brother, out in the orchard.

"Hey." He began walking towards them. "Ya didn't come home, figured somethin' came up."

Applejack gestured with her head towards Twilight. "Got caught in the rain like a ninny. Twilight took me in."

"Right neighborly of ya." Big Mac nodded towards Twilight. "Thanks fer lookin' out."

Twilight threw a hoof. "As if I could leave her in that storm. It was really coming down."

"Ayup." He turned to look over the orchard. "Jus' in time too. They do a right good job."

"Sure did." Applejack reared up, coming down with her forehooves on the fence. "How're we lookin'?"

"A few old ones fell over." Big mac shrugged softly. "Nothin' too bad. Clearin' it up. Wanna come?"

"'Course." She hopped up onto the fence just to come down on the other side. "Twi, go say hi to Mom and Granny! They'll tan mah hide if they know you were this close and didn't stop in to say hello."

Twilight and Applejack exchanged one last hug goodbye, the Apple sibs marching out to take care of their trees. This left Twilight to visit the Apple home. "Anypony home?"

The door was answered quickly. "Twi! Look what the storm done washed in." Twilight's 'aunt' grabbed her up and drew her inside. "How ya been?"

"Did ah hear Twilight?" There was Granny, knitting up something fluffy. "Oh, there ya are. Were you the one keepin' an eye on our Applejack?"

"That girl." Pear Butter rolled her eyes. "'Least she has good taste in company. Oh, ya gotta try this." She lead Twilight towards the kitchen. "She's been tryin' to learn how ta cook better."

Author's Note:

Sleepover complete! Spike's making progress, and so is Moon Dancer, in different ways. Twilight learns she has an aunt.

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