• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,168 Views, 858 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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37 - A Bird in the Hoof

They say that her kind of neurodivergence was troublesome. Perhaps it was at times. It did mean she was focused on Fluttershy, trying to figure her out, instead of intuiting things from the start, or just ignoring her, as many were doing. Fluttershy was focused on the phoenix, but said nothing about it.

What could it mean? Moon Dancer dared to approach. "Have you seen a phoenix before?"

Fluttershy jumped in surprise. "Oh! No... They don't look well..." Her voice managed to lower even further. "Don't tell Princess Celestia I said that."

Moon hiked a bushy brow. "Why not? Phoenixes are very cyclical creatures. They die and are reborn regularly through life."

"What we we talking about?" There was Twilight, drawn by the conversation. "Is something wrong?"

Moon shook her head. "Not that I can determine. Philomena is experiencing a phoenix lull. It should end soon. I read about phoenixes a lot after first meeting her."

Twilight nodded quickly. "I trust your researching abilities." She looked past to Fluttershy. "You alright?"

"I'm... better now." She rubbed her cheek, considering the ill-looking bird. "Nature is mysterious..."

Moon rolled a hoof at the sickly bird. "She is much more impressive after she molts." A thing occurred to her. "Which involves first becoming ash."

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "That normally is... bad."

"Unless you are a phoenix." Moon reached for Philomena, stroking the bird's beak gently. "Isn't that right?" Philomena coughed in reply. "A good burning is like the start of a morning for a phoenix. They look at their best right afterwards."

Celestia was there, approaching with surprising stealth for a pony so large. "Ever so studious, Moon Dancer. But sharing that knowledge is half the joy of it, is it not?"

Moon realized she had been experiencing a friendship lesson without even realizing it! "I do enjoy sharing my knowledge with my friends whenever appropriate... Which I don't always know..." That took practice.

Fluttershy set a hoof on her friend's shoulder. "Oh no! You were perfectly timed..." She had been about to do something silly. Worthy of an episode maybe! "So thank you, really."

Celestia perked an ear towards a guard whispering in her ear. "Oh dear... My apologies, everypony, but I have to cut this visit short. The mayor is requesting an audience. Royal duties and all."

Twilight waved at the departing royalty and her guards. Philomena had been left behind. "Moon, are you able to tend a phoenix?"

"I would require more training," Moon admitted truthfully. "But Philomena is well capable of taking care of herself. Isn't that right?" She reached to beak stroke, just to get an angry squawk. Moon yanked her hoof back in surprise.

Spike snickered as if amused.

Moon looked to her dragon ward. "Are you aware of something?"

"Yep." He flashed a draconic smile. "She remembers you asked for one of her eggs without talking to her. Time to say sorry."

Even as Moon moved to attempt diplomacy with the ancient creature of fire and magic, Spike slipped out of Sugarcube Corner. He had other things to do! Dashing through the streets of Ponyville, he arrived at his target shortly and knocked on her door briskly.

"Yes." There was her butler. "Ah, the young master." He stepped aside without being asked to do so. "She's waiting for you, Sir."

"Thanks!" Spike almost hopped inside. "You're the best."

"Just doing my job, sir." Randolph dipped his head at Spike. "I'll bring by refreshments shortly."

"The best." Spike fire an emphatic thumbs up and hurried to Diamond's room. He didn't expect to find her buried in comics. She read comics?! "Woah. I didn't know you liked comics too."

Diamond looked up at him with a scowl. "They're not comics." She batted one of the not-comics towards him. "They are filly magazines that cover young mare fashions and other things like that. A magazine is not a comic, Spike."

Spike sat near her and picked up the magazine to flip through. "Seems like a different kinda comic to me... Still, cool!"

Diamond smiled a little. "You are cute sometimes." She reached for him, drawing her draconic boyfriend closer. "But your comics are basically story books. My magazines aren't that."

Spike pointed at the magazine he held. "What's this then?" He was pointing at a gossip piece. "Sure looks like a story to me."

Diamond rolled her eyes. "That story's a little part of the magazine. Do your books have more than one story?"

"Sometimes?" Spike bounced to his feet. "But I didn't come to argue with you. I came to hang out!"

"We are hanging out." She booped his nose with the flat of her right hoof. "If you want to read my magazines with me, Spike, I won't stop you. But I promise, there are no super heroes or monsters in them. Just talk about what to wear and who looked extra cute recently."

"They'd be better if there were," mused Spike, imagining one of the magazines that went over the fashion trends of super heroes with gossip columns on the latest monster sightings. That'd be kinda cool... "But if you like them, I want to know more about them."

Diamond sat up at that. "Spike..." She grabbed him in a sudden fierce hug. "You are too precious sometimes, dummy!"

Spike colored at the embrace, but wasn't complaining. He had done something right, clearly! "So which one are you reading?"

Diamond grabbed her abandoned magazine. "This one's going over this big bash up in Canterlot." She rolled her eyes. "They have it pretty regularly, but only the top gets invited, which doesn't include me." She crossed her arms with a mighty pout. "That isn't fair..."

"Well, if you aren't there, it can't be all that important." Spike waved it away.

"Spike!" She pawed at her charming dragon companion. "Stop that." She giggled with building joy. "Still... I have to get a ticket to that, somehow. Why is it so hard to get to the Grand Galloping Gala?"

Spike blinked softly. "Oh, uh... I'm going there."

Diamond sat up sharply. "You are?! How did this happen?! Why didn't you tell me?"

Spike hiked a thumb at himself. "Moon's going, and I'm going with her. She is Celestia's student and all." He rubbed at his cheek. "Speaking of that, she had some tickets given to be handed out. Didn't you get one?"

Diamond scowled at Spike. "Sweet sweet summer child... Those tickets went to ponies that had the connections." She clopped her hooves in one firm strike. "Which I didn't have... until now maybe?" She fluttered her lashes at Spike, grin growing. "You'll take me, won't you? They allow Plus ones, don't they?"

Spike tipped the hat he wasn't wearing. "I'd love to go with you! Wait." He grabbed a paper from Diamond's desk and got to writing hurriedly. With a puff of green smoke, the paper was sent away. "There. Asked Celestia for one ticket for you."

Diamond's eyes widened. "You can...? Seriously?! You can just ask the princess for things? Spike, that's amazing." She clopped a hoof to her head. "I thought I was the one showing you how to wield social power, and you just go and power move on me like that?" A sly grin quickly formed. "I'm so proud of you."

Spike wasn't sure if he did a good or not. "You're... welcome?" He smiled though. A happy Diamond was a good Diamond. "So, now that you're gonna go too, what are you looking forward to."

"Well! Since you asked..." Which seemed to be the right thing to have done. "First, I get an evening with my boy." She nudged against Spike. "Away from my parents. Double plus. I get to hob knob with Canterlot nobility and try to get a hoof in that door." She narrowed her eyes. "Gotta be careful though. You know, make friends, the rich way."

"The rich way... or the Rich way?"

Diamond raised a brow. "Ha... But also yes, both of those ways. Daddy is great at making contacts. It's how he's come so far. I'll take after him a bit, see if if I can't make a few new friends for later." She rubbed her hooves together, plotting for the future. "It'll be fun either way! Also we get to try fancy Canterlot food."

Spike rubbed his belly in time for it to rumble. "Oops, s..." He couldn't get the rest out, the gas escaping him in a belch that solidified in a ticket and a small letter. "Hey!" He grabbed both from the air. "Dear Spike, when did you get a girlfriend? I must meet her! Give her this ticket. Yours, Celestia."

Diamond claimed the ticket. "Mine." That was by royal decree. "You are simply the best, Spike. You know what this means, right?"

"We're going to the gala," guessed Spike with a little shrug. "Right?"

"Yes, sure." Diamond wagged the ticket at Spike. "It also means I get to meet Princess Celestia face to face. That's an opportunity." She thumped against Spike. "Stop acting like you have no contacts! You have, like, a ton! We can start with your... What is Moon to you? Is she your mom?"

Spike blushed vividly. "Well, that gets a little complicated." He worried his fingers over one another. "She's a little like my mom, but she's not that older than me... It's more of a big sister kinda thing."

"Cute." Diamond nudged Spike with a hoof. "Stop looking so awkward. As I was saying, you know her, and she's important. You know Celestia, and she's important. Don't forget you know me! And through me, I know important ponies too, so your social network--" She made a web of a motion with her hooves. "See? There you are at the center. You got a network going and you weren't even trying! And these aren't even bit players. You're a mover and a shaker, Spike, and you should be proud of that."

Spike rocked on his feet with a silly smile. "I am proud! I have you as my plus one."

"You are on fire today." Diamond laughed as she kicked her magazine aside. "Now enough of that... Since we know we're going, we have to look the part. Attending a fancy shindig without proper attire is a good way to put a big L sticker right on your forehead." She trotted over to her dressed and began throwing clothes to the ground with twists of her head. "No, no... No! Why do I even have that anymore?" She tossed that one instead at the door. "Randolph, throw that away!"

"Right away, ma'am." And there was Randolph, a tray held atop a hoof. "Snacks, ma'am."

"One moment." Diamond practically threw herself into the dresser, digging furiously.

Spike wasn't so distracted. "Moon's already getting me a suit, from Rarity I think?" He took a morsel from the tray, crunching into it. "Mmm, nutty."

"Very good." Randolph mostly stayed out of the conversation, just holding the tray in case it was wanted.

Diamond poked her head free of the torrent of clothes. "You're getting a Rarity suit? Well..." She hopped free. "Guess I'll be getting her business next then." She took a bottle and a snack from Randolph, drinking from the bottle immediately. "That settles that. She'll know what you'll look like, and she can make something matching for me. Done deal."

Spike slapped his hands together in a single clap. "Great!"

Diamond poked him anew. "By the way, that you can casually get a Rarity suit is another hint that you're a real mover, Spike. Don't sell yourself short." She smirked. "Besides, you're my plus one. If you're not big, well, then what am I doing? We rise together, hm?" She smooched his warm cheek.

"T-that makes sense..." He rubbed the kissed spot, considering keeping it unwashed a little while to save the kiss for as long as he could. "I'll tell Moon that you're coming with us."

"Would you? Another worry off my shoulders. Spike, best. That's you." She nodded firmly. "Randy, inform my parents of the news."

"Very good, ma'am."

Author's Note:

And now, a Spike episode. Less infuriating than most of the canon ones, I hope.

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