• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,166 Views, 858 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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5 - Episode 1

Moondancer and Spike both sat on a golden chariot, drawn by royal guards. "There's more to a young mare's life than studying," read Spike from a scroll he was holding.

Moondancer inclined her head. "And she wants us to... oversee a ritual observance, here?" She waved a hoof over the small town they were approaching. "in Ponyville?" her voice dropped at its name, looking increasingly uncertain.

"Not exactly the reaction I expected," admitted Spike. "But, hey, we get to see Twilight!" He clasped his hands together, hearts in his eyes. "I bet she's even more--"

"--studious," interrupted Moondancer with a nod. "It will be good to compare notes again."

Spike blinked awake. "Huh? Oh, yeah, studious," he lied, tucking the scroll away. "We're supposed to help with the festival, the Summer Sun, yeah. They need someone to help plan it."

Moondancer raised a brow. "We should start with Twilight. She's far better at planning things."

"Well, since we're in agreement. First step, Twilight Sparkle!" He hopped down from the chariot as it touched the ground.

Moondancer stepped down a moment later when it slowed down. Neither said goodbye to the guards, but they dismissed themselves, galloping/flying back towards Canterlot. "Here it is... Ponyville." She looked left and right slowly. "Such a small town... They have a library? It can't have many books..."

Spike rubbed behind his head. "I'm wondering how making friends got on your assignment list. She shut down your idea pretty hard though."

"It wasn't an idea," huffed Moondancer. "It's a simple, credible, threat that we should be responding to. This could throw off my studies completely." She huffed and began marching forward. "Whatever, let's say hi to Twilight." She almost bumped into a pink earth pony. "Oh, hello."

The pink mare gasped as if she had witnessed some great and astounding beast before she took off at a dead gallop.

"That was... odd." Moondancer inclined her head at the spot that once held the pink pony. "The ponies of this town are peculiar."

Spike was pointing excitedly. "Look look!" There, a house, and a tree, at the same time. Golden Oak Library a sign read. "I found Twilight!"

"Excellent work." Moondancer nodded in acknowledgment of Spike's skills. "She'll understand my concerns, and probably knows her way around this municipality better." She trotted, Spike jogging beside her. The door was open a crack, and Moondancer willed it the rest of the way open, trotting inside. "Twilight?"

"There's a voice I haven't heard in a while." A book thumped lightly as a purple unicorn slid down a ladder with that smile they both knew. "Welcome!"

"Twilight!" they both said at once, rushing to approach their friend.

Twilight sat and offered her hooves, getting either of their heads under her arms shortly to hold close. "It's good to see you two. You should have warned me you were coming or I would have prepared something for you. Goodness, at least I could have planned a fun day together."

Spike suddenly stepped back, dusting off his scales. "No! Have no fear, faithful librarian. I'm here for you." He pointed at her directly. "I have extensive experience with book upkeep."

Moondancer snickered softly, but was nodding. "It's true, he does."

"I'm on the case!" And off he ran to help getting the books where they should be.

Moondancer tapped Twilight on the back. "While he's distracted, I'm here with two important missions, one because Celestia said so, and well, you know how that goes."

"I haven't had personal experience," admitted Twilight. "But I can imagine. What's the other?"

"A calamity is approaching us." Moondancer frowned softly. "Have you heard of the mare in the moon?"

"An old pony's tale, sure, I've read it." Twilight nodded along to the thought of it. "What about it?"

"Evidence indicates that is is progressing to a terminal stage." Moondancer pointed at Twilight in the chest. "It will be difficult to read books in eternal midnight."

Twilight gasped softly at such a dreadful thought. "I should think so! How do you plan to... I mean, how do you even approach something like that? It sounds impossibly huge." She spread her forehooves wide. "Giving Nightmare Moon a citation for overdue books is unlikely to change things much."

Moondancer smiled a little, imagining Twilight trying that. "I hazard not, still... it's good to have a friend. Perhaps you can help with the first. I'm to assist with the Summer Sun celebration, with a subgoal of 'making new friends'. I am uncertain how that last part assists with anything, but it is the order I have been given."

Twilight inclined her head left and right, then pointed at herself. "Well, you made one."

Moondancer smiled at that. "I am delighted you consider me a friend."

"Am... I a friend to you?" she asked with a raised brow. "It's not a proper friendship if it goes one way only."

"Hm? Of course." Moondancer raised a hoof to her chest. "We have exchanged favors frequently. We trust one another to make good on agreements made. We share a love for books and learning new magic." A smile grew on her face. "We are dear friends."

"That's more like it." Twilight went in for a two-armed hug, drawing Moondancer tight. "But, you're to make more friends, hmm? You know, some friends don't share all your hobbies."


"Some of them may not even read many books."

Moondancer hiked a brow at that. "Ridiculous. How could such a pony be a friend to me?"

"Hey!" Spike was hurrying back to them, heavy book in his hands. "You have one too."

Twilight took the book in her magic, flipping it open. "Ah, the legend of the mare in the moon, yep." She gently set it aside though. "For now, I will introduce you to a friend of mine, who's also working on the Summer Sun celebration. I put her in charge of food preparation." She rose up to her hooves and started for the door. "This way."

All three of them headed out onto the roads of Ponyville, heading out towards the tree lands. Spike took his place on Moondancer's back, riding along as he looked around. "Wow, I didn't think we could get much wilder, but here we are."

"Don't be like that," gently chastised Twilight. "This is the home of one of my best friends, App--"

"--Applejack," finished a mare that was approaching them with a grin. "Hey, Twilight. Who're yer friends?"

Moondancer approached Applejack without delay, peering at her skeptically, but silently, a moment.

"Uh... Somethin' the matter?" Applejack asked, reaching up to fuss with her hair in a nervous moment. "She alright?"

Moondancer shook her head. "What is the last book you read?"

"Oh, uh..." Applejack put a hoof behind her head, considering it. "There was that one Twilight gave me, right, 101 tricks to a better harvest. Orchard raising made easy!"

"Taking after the family way?" Another earth pony had arrived, Pear Butter. She was about the same size as Applejack, but also a little older. "Shoot, ya didn't mention ya were studyin' up. Ah coulda given ya a few hints."

Applejack began to blush brightly, caught. "Twilight said I might get somethin' good out of it, felt ah owed her a browse through."

Moondancer shook her head a bit more firmly. "I don't get it." Her eyes went off Applejack to her mother. "Hello, are you also involved in food preparation?"

"Mm? Oh, of course." She tipped her head lightly. "The whole family's here to give a hoof, c'mon and I'll introduce you." She turned and began pointing at ponies, calling out their many apple-themed names as she went. "And they brought food." Food that matched many of their names were assembled for their guest. "Are you here to make sure things are goin' right?"

Twilight put a leg over Moondancer from the side. "That is exactly right. Moondancer here is on orders from Princess Celestia herself." All the others gave a collective Ooo of wonder.

Applejack nodded. "Well, we got the food covered, just like ya planned, Twilight." She inclined her head faintly, hat tilting with it. "Shoot, with you as our planner, I doubt a thing even could go wrong, and you'd fix it if it were."

"Stop it," deflected Twilight with colored cheeks. "Go on, try some." She gestured at the gathered food, glancing towards Moondancer.

"I am uncertain that is strictly required..." Despite that, she sampled an apple pastry and licked her lips. "It's... pretty good." And she tried a candied apple, and another little morsel. Each led to the next, leading her down a black hole of apple-themed gluttony.

Pear Butter tittered softly. "It's a funny thing, but this seems to happen any time a city unicorn tries some real Apple family food the first time. Well, that's a seal of approval right there." She looked to Twilight. "We'll have everything ready on time."

Twilight nodded with confidence. "I'll save my share for the festival itself."

Spike took a few finger treats for himself, chewing on an apple a moment before he dug out his scroll. "Alright, next up." He balanced himself on Moondancer. "You alright?"

"I, perhaps, overindulged," admitted Moondancer as she staggered forward. "What's next on the list?"

Twilight gently nudged against Moondancer. "You got to meet the Apple family. Not every day they're all in town."

"Mmm? Fascinating." Here interest levels did not meet her words. "Spike?"

"A pegasus should be in charge of clearing the skies."

"Oh, Rainbow Dash," provided Twilight without delay. "She's a curious one. A bit of a braggart, but not a bad pony. Her interest in books is... zero."

Moondancer scowled. "And, let me guess, you want me to meet her too."

Twilight chuckled softly. "Please? She really isn't a bad po--"

In a rainbow streak, a new pony crashed into Moondancer, knocking her into a puddle of mud and leaving Spike hovering a moment before he thudded to the ground with a soft grunt. "What?"

"Sorry," declared Rainbow, standing up atop her victim. "Oh, wow, really, sorry, lemme help." She sprang up and flew away, returning a moment later with a cloud.

Moondancer danced to the side, avoiding the cloud. "No, thanks. I have a spell for this emergency."

Rainbow tilted her head. "You do?"

"Several," assured Moondancer. "Come here, you're covered in mud as well. I can assist us both."

Rainbow inclined her head. "Nothing a little rain won't fix." She bounced on the cloud, encouraging the rain free and darting under it, allowing the rain to rinse herself clean. "Ta da!"

Moondancer waved it away. "Twilight, watch this. I never had a chance to show it to you." Twilight didn't need to be informed to behold a new spell in action. Moon's horn began to glow brightly as the mud lifted free of her, becoming smaller and smaller bits until it seemed to just disintegrate away, leaving her clean and dry. "As you said, 'ta da.'"

Rainbow squinted at the display of unicorn stuff. "Huh, friend of yours?" She was looking at Twilight and pointing at Moondancer. "She's kooky. I like her."

Spike waved up at the pegasus perching on her cloud. "Hey, I'm Spike."


Twilight inclined her head. "She's here to ensure the Summer Sun celebration proceeds smoothly, which includes making sure the sky is cleared."

Moondancer looked to the cloud-spotted sky. "That appears to be a negative."

Rainbow threw a hoof, waving the problem away. "Please, I can clear it when we need it. What's the rush?"

Moondancer raised a hoof to adjust her glasses that had been knocked askew in the impact. "Are you certain you are capable of the task?"

"Please!" Rainbow rolled off the cloud, hitting the ground on all fours, trotting towards Moondancer. "I can handle it in, what, ten seconds, flat."

"I demonstrated my trick." Moondancer inclined her head. "Your turn."

"I dunno, ten seconds seems kinda fast," noted Spike, looking to the clouds that dotted the sky.

"Oh, it is so on!" Rainbow thudded Moondancer. "Kooky unicorn, you wait here. Watch." And she was gone in a blur of rainbows, smashing clouds in rapid darts across the sky, kicking and punching when she wasn't just plowing through them, clearing the sky.

Twilight was counting slowly. "Eight... nine... ten." Rainbow landed as the last word was said. "Wow. The timing is the more impressive part, if you ask me."

"Flat," repeated Rainbow, looking smugly satisfied. "Happy now?"

"Quite. Thank you." She turned to Spike. "What's the next on the list?"

Spike dug out the scroll, eyes scanning. "Uh, next..."

Twilight moved around to Rainbow. "Thanks for the help. Moondancer's still getting to know ponies, don't--"

Rainbow pushed Twilight's hoof away. "Your friend's weird, and I got Wonderbolts training." And she flew off without further delay.

They proceeded towards the town hall. "Decor," spoke Twilight. "Rarity has this, and I trust her when it comes to making things pretty."

"This should be fast." Moondancer nodded appreciatively. "Then we can go over the facts and figures. I know, with your help, we can solve this problem."

A unicorn was comparing ribbons. "No... no. No... Oh! goodness no."

"That is Rarity," announced Twilight. "A community figure, and the head fashionista of the town."

Moondancer inclined her head. "She's a unicorn, does she--"

"--no," answered Twilight before Moondancer could finish. "She has some mild interest, but no particular magic talent."

"Darling!" Rarity noticed them and trotted towards there. "Twilight and... friends?"

Twilight gestured at Moondancer and Spike. "They're here to make sure everything's up to code."

"Well, as you can see." She slowly turned. "This is under control." She finished her turn to face Moondancer. "But you. You are untouched clay."

"Pardon?" Moondancer adjusted her glasses. "Is something off?"

"How to put this delicately... You could be so much more! Allow me a moment and I'll get you into something that will let you shine with the light inside." She was around Moondancer, nudging her along. "It took me a while to convince your friend, but Twilight came around."

Twilight chuckled as she followed. "Just let it happen, she knows her fashions."

Spike followed at Twilight's side, watching Moondancer being nudged along. "She's a bit pushy, isn't she? Not at all... a delicate flower, like some mares I know." He sighed gently, admiring his beloved book pony. "So... how are things going?"

"It's been nice." She turned an ear towards the dragon, trotting alongside him. "Though it's nicer now that I have my favorite dragon around."

Spike floated with joy, his tail circling to propel him along. "Your favorite?"

"Well, honestly, also the only one I actually know?" She inclined her head. "Still my favorite." She grabbed for him with a leg, drawing him close in a gentle hug he accepted with a blush. "Now let's keep up, Moondancer may need our help."

They hastened their steps to find Rarity hurriedly swapping poor Moondancer from one ensemble to the next, critiquing each in a flash before rushing to the next. Moondancer saw Twilight enter and shot her a hopeful look.

Twilight advanced with a little smile. "Rarity! You've outdone yourself."

"I have?" She turned to regard the sunny outfit Moondancer was in. "I can do better than this."

"You're kidding." Twilight waved it away. "She looks fantastic, and it's all your fault. Oh, Moondancer, you're late."

"I am? Oh, yes, very late, thank you." She hurried away, fleeing boutique with Spike, grabbing him up and tossing him up on her back. She was leaving Twilight to Rarity's clutches. Some ponies were true friends.

"What's the last one?" asked Moondancer as she trotted along uneasily. "At least... the last one."

"Music," announced Spike, waving the scroll.

They heard birds tweeting melodically, though one of the line was clearly singing off key.

Moondancer approached, one bushy brow rising as she beheld the yellow pegasus trying to instruct the birds. "You know birds can't understand ponies, right?" The birds took off at her speech, apparently unbothered by Fluttershy's previous conversation with them.

Fluttershy turned to see the source of the unexpected voice. "Oh, my."

"Do you know who's in charge of the music?"

Spike nudged Moondancer from above. "Pretty sure that's her right there."

"Is that a baby dragon?!" gasped out Fluttershy, realizing what she was looking at. She zipped in close to Spike. "Aw, look how adorable you are!"

Spike pawed at her hooves, trying to win some space. "Uh, hi, that was a really nice song."

"Excuse me." Moondancer turned and raised into view. "Are you in charge of the music for the festival?"

With Spike removed, Fluttershy fell back, looking suddenly very unsure.

"Excuse me?" Moondancer adjusted her glasses, perplexed. "I'm Moondancer, sent by Princess Celestia. Who are you?"

"Oh, um... I'm..." Her name was lost to mumbles.

"Repeat that, louder?"

"I'm fl..."

Moondancer's bushy brows came together as her horn began to glow, as did Fluttershy. "One more time."

"Fluttershy!" boomed out, her voice amplified several times over. She squeaked and fell back, hooves to her mouth.

"That's better. Fluttershy, are you in charge of the music?" Moondancer looked smugly certain of her actions.

Spike waved. "Don't worry about her. She gets really focused on her jobs."

"The dragon can talk? I didn't notice before, and now I feel silly, you said something else at me before. What's your name?" she gushed, her shyness forgotten in the face of the adorable baby animal.

"I'm Spike." He waved at her lightly even as Moondancer was walking away. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, oh, gosh, what do dragons talk about?"

"Your birds are back," noted Moondancer. "You can go back to talking to them."

But that wasn't happening, with Fluttershy flapping along after them, chatting animatedly with Spike. Moondancer sighed, but pressed on, listening to Spike give his entire life story to Fluttershy. He was about to launch into the day's activities when Moondance twirled to face her. "We're here." She pointed at the library they were beside. "No talking allowed in there. See you later."

Without giving Fluttershy much time to reply, Moondancer hurried inside away. It was strangely dark inside. "Huh, did I get the timing off?" Moondancer reached a hoof about, trying to find some manner of light. "At least now we have chance to study and approach the real problem at hoof."

With a loud click, the room was revealed. Ponies were all around them, smiling and shouting, "Surprise!" Party favors were blown and confetti dropped as they closed in to greet the two newest visitors to Ponyville. They saw a few familiar faces, like Lyra, in the mix of mostly strangers.

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you!" She thrust a hoof at Moondancer with a huge grin. "Were you surprised, huh, were you?!" She bounced in place, then right over Moondancer's head with obvious joy radiating from her in all directions.

"This is a library," noted Moondancer. "I expected silence, so this is quite surprising indeed." Her voice was low with a mix of anger and annoyance.

"Well, that's just silly." Pinkie shook her head, dismissing the idea. "What kind of party would it be if it were quiet? A boring one! I saw you before, remember, and I got all excited because I remember ponies and I didn't remember you, so you had to be new! Which meant I had to throw a party!"

Moondancer spied someone she recognized, Twilight, by the punch bowl. She began walking in that direction, trying to avoid the many other ponies. Pinkie just followed along, still talking. "So, Pinkie... Are you involved in the Summer Sun celebration?"

"Am I? Are you for real?" Pinkie bounced up next to Moondancer. "Of course! I am the party planner of Ponyville. I'll have all kinds of games and fun to be had once all the boring stuff is out of the way. I can't wait!"

Moondancer decided to tune out Pinkie for a moment, getting close enough to Twilight to approach her properly. "Twilight, good to see you."

"Moondancer." Twilight came in and the two exchanged a brief hug. "Did you find everypony else? When I got out, you were gone."

"Found them," she reported with a nod. "They're all ready, so that's done, now about..." She glanced aside at the loudly partying ponies. "How are we going to get anything done with all of them here."

"They're here for you," reminded Twilight. "They're really excited to get to know you, and to have you as a friend."

Moondancer's brows fell together. "Do they need something specific? Tell me what it is so I can give it to them and they can go."

"Moony!" Lyra landed next to Moondancer, an earth pony walking up easily next to her. "Wow, it's been so long. How's it been since school?"

Bon Bon raised a brow. "You two went to school together?"

"Oh, yeah!" Lyra threw a leg over Moondancer's withers, turning her towards Bon Bon. "Meet a pretty mare I happen to like... a ton. She's Bon Bon, she makes candy, but she still can't make them half as sweet as she is."

Bon Bon suddenly shoved Lyra away. "Stop that! That was corny the last ten times you used it."

Twilight and Lyra laughed, and Moondancer was the odd one out, laughing fakely to fit in a bit. "Yes, well... I have study to do, so..." She began walking away.

"Not interested in the party?" There was Applejack to the side. "Ah ain't big for real huge hootananies after a while either."

"Yeah..." Moondancer advanced past Applejack to find another pony in her way, Rainbow Dash. "Good job." She just walked around Rainbow.

"You can sleep upstairs." Twilight hurried to catch up, pointing. "I set up two extra beds with me. Just grab one of the larger ones and get a nap."

Moondancer smiled. Twilight knew what she needed... of course. Twilight was the best pony she knew. "Thank you," she whispered before fleeing up the stairs. She was in Twilight's room! There were three beds. Two of them were big enough for a mare, and one smaller one she imagined Spike could occupy without issue.

She wandered up and sniffed gently. One smelled like Twilight. Moondancer felt a temptation to collapse on that one, to sleep surrounded by Twilight's presence...

But it was hers. She wouldn't intrude on Twilight. She flopped onto the other and closed her eyes, but she could hear thumping and loud music from below. The party was still going full speed, without her there. "Nng." She glanced at the clock. Surely the party would be done in just a few hours, right?

She tried to get some sleep. She tried to wait it out. She was doing pretty badly at both. The party was still going on and on with no pause in sight.

"Hey, Moondancer!" It was Spike. "Wanna come --"

"No!" She threw her pillow over her head, trying to muffle all the noise fruitlessly. "The ponies of this town are crazy! Why aren't they going to bed?"

"Everypony has to stay up for the Summer Sun celebration," explained Spike. "That's right at dawn, when Celestia raises the sun, remember?"

Moondancer applied a hoof to her face, realizing her error. "Ugh, right..."

"You could... come have fun with us?" He gestured back downstairs. "Twilight's there."

She was not feeling like even Twilight's presence could turn things around. She buried her head and Spike fled back to the party. "I need to find out more about the elements of harmony, and they're partying like nothing's wrong. Stupid parties are a waste of energy anyway. Celestia, this is the worst research project you've ever given!" She rolled over and thumped the bed in frustration.

She could see out the window. She could see the stars, and the moon. It was perfectly... terrible... "Oh no... Princess, you'd better be right..."

Author's Note:

Yay, new Slice chapter! Welcome to episode 1. I... liked it overall, but I thirst for your opinions.

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