• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,166 Views, 858 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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3 - Manifest Destiny

There were many other fillies and colts there, awaiting their turn. In another world, or much the same world with one little change, Twilight had been out of breath with worry, shaking and nervous against her mother. But in that view of things, she was seated with Applejack who was already cheering her on. "Ya got this," she reminded, holding up a paper for Twilight to see.

There were arcane symbols on the paper and Twilight called them out, playing flash cards with Applejack to pass the time and looking far calmer for it. "Whatever the test is, I am ready."

She had been delayed, once before, in another world. They let her gather herself, far from the only student that wasn't quite ready when they were called on. That didn't happen. One little change beget another, and Twilight arrived before the testing ponies far earlier than the plans of the universe had allowed for.

Applejack was beside Twilight Velvet and Night Light, looking around nervously. Unicorns, so many of them, and even if most of Twilight's family was warm and welcoming, most of the rest were so... snooty. Even the ones giving the test gave off a thick air of self-righteousness that rubbed Applejack the wrong way. Even as she hoped for Twilight's success, thoughts of home crashed on her like building waves.

"The test is simple," explained the mare that towered over Twilight. "We know you can perform basic magic, but we need something a bit more complex to gain entrance into this school." A cart was wheeled in with her glowing horn. A spotted egg rested on a bed of straw. "Hatch this egg."

Twilight gasped. Of all the spells, that was surely not one she had learned! "I'll... do my best." She walked up to the egg and frowned before directing her magic at it. "Hatch... hatch," she began muttering to herself, pouring her magic harder and harder. But there were ponies around her. She didn't forget that. If she went too much higher, she knew she couldn't keep a hold of it completely.

She could hurt somepony, and she didn't know how to do it gracefully.

She sank down onto her haunches. "If I knew the spell, I feel confident I could do this," she stated. "But I don't, and trying any harder could hurt somepony. I'm sorry."

The mare smiled gently even as three others took notes rapidly. "I see. Forget that then, let's test something else."

Twilight hadn't made it past that test before, excluded on account of Celestia's intervention, but in that world, she advanced along other tests, showing she was a talented little filly. Not entirely outside the realm of the expected, but talented enough to belong in that school.

Twilight bounced giddily along with a paper floating over her head, announcing that fact. "I'm in I'm in I'm in," she repeated without time for commas. "Applejack, I'm in!" She threw her arms around Applejack, hugging her friend, but that was when she noticed the little apple-farming filly looked a bit strained. "Are you alright?"

"Think ah need a little air. Right proud of ya, don't get me wrong." She moved to escape the stifling halls, Twilight trailing right after her. "Yer parents probably want to celebrate," noted Applejack along the way. "Ya don't have to come with."

"They can wait a moment. My friend needs me." Twilight softly thudded her side against Applejack's. "What's wrong?"

They emerged onto the streets of Canterlot. Though neither were paying full attention, Twilight's parents were behind them, keeping an eye as mindful parents were known to do. Applejack took a deep breath of the fresher air, but it still smelled of a city, of the place that wasn't where she wanted to be. "Just... ain't the same."

A great explosion shook the ground beneath them as bright colors washed through the sky, bedazzling the fillies. Applejack's eyes went wide as everything became a rainbow. It was wonderful, majestic, like a big warm hug from her mother. "Home," she whispered, her rump tickling as they were adorned with apples. "Time to go home."

Twilight rocked back with the force of the display, her own thoughts carried to her magical displays of the day. There was no egg to unload on anymore, but she had something even better, at least from her perspective. "Home!" She jumped at Applejack and the two vanished from sight with a bright flash and leaving a scorched circle behind.

Velvet and Night Light rushed to the spot where the fillies had been, but no amount of looking around would find much of a hint of either of them. "This was not in the schedule," noted Night Light, tone tense with worry. "Where could they have gone?!"

Velvet danced from hoof to hoof, having a moment of panic before it came to her. "Home. She said that, you heard her, right?"

"She did say that," he easily agreed. "Do you think she's home then? That wouldn't be so bad." He began trotting off towards their abode. "Let's see if she's there waiting for us."

Moon Dancer took a slow breath and refocused herself, hurling her magic at the egg. "Come on..." she grunted herself, then the ground shook. Bright colors washed over her. Last time, she had still been in the waiting room, so flustered she had gone after Twilight. Twilight hadn't been there to be behind, nor caused delays with grand displays of magic, so she had moved up just enough to be there when the rainbows came for her.

The rainboom swept over her in a brilliantly overwhelming display and her magic flared brightly. The little life found a way, its destiny perhaps too bright to be denied on account of one little change. The egg cracked, and a new form exploded from it.

Spike entered Equestria, and Celestia emerged to welcome a very special student, certain that Moon Dancer had many great things ahead of her.

Twilight hit the ground with Applejack serving as a pillow, both of their forms sizzling with magic that lacked greatly for grace in that moment of wild abandon that had sent them hurtling across Equestria.


Applejack cracked open an eye to see Big Mac looking down at the two of them. "Bro!" She squirmed out from under Twilight and hurried to hug him with a bright smile, feeling complete again. "Ah'm so glad to be home!"

"Uh, yeah. Is she alright?" He pointed past Applejack to the prone form of Twilight.

Applejack tripped over herself in her rapid turning about-face. "Twilight!" She was on her friend in a flash, shaking her. "Wake up! What did you do?!" That was she noticed a new addition to her friend, a cutie mark of a big star with several smaller stars around it. "What's that mean?"

"Yers is pretty clear," he noted with a confident nod, inclining his head towards her rump.

She twisted her head back to see she did have a cutie mark. She smiled gidilly in the moment of realization before the situation crashed back on her and she twisted back to Twilight. "This ain't funny, wake up!" She slapped Twilight with her hoof right across the face.

"Ack!" That had succeeded at rousing her. She scrambled to her hooves, holding one of them to her bruised face. Her eyes swept over the area rapidly. "Sweet Apple? How..."

"How?" Applejack hiked a brow up. "Reckon you're how! Ya did magic, real real big magic." She pointed at Twilight's back end. "Big enough to get a mark, and leave us both all ashy." She shook herself vigorously, freeing herself of the bits of ash and soot. "Landsake! Did we just, what, telemaport from Canterlot?" She pointed way up at the city on the castle, so far away.

"Twilight, Applejack?" Pear Butter was approaching, pausing to pat her son on the back before closing in on the fillies. "Yer early, and ah woulda figured Twilight woulda stayed back up there. Ya got in, didn'ja?"

With a glowing horn, Twilight produced the paper. "I did!" she squealed. "And I got a cutie mark." She turned to display her rump to the older mare. "And I might have did a big spell..."

"Big Mac, get these two fillies inside and into a bath if you have to throw them in." Pear was marching right past them, towards town. "I haveta borrow a phone right quick." The Apples didn't have a phone, but Ponyville was not so small that no phones existed, they just tended to be in specific places.

Twilight's eyes folowed Pear as she stormed off. "Is she... angry?"

Big Mac chuckled as he leaned down and grabbed Twilight, his teeth closing on the nape of her neck and plucking her up like the little bundle she was. "Nope. She's just takin' care ah business. Bath time." He headed inside, confident that Applejack would follow without such extreme measures.

Trotting firmly into Ponyville, Pear Butter's eyes wandered over the faces of other ponies before one she recognized as potentially having an answer came into view. "Chiffon!" She raised a hoof to wave and soon was hugging the baker. "Good to see you, but--"

"Something's wrong?" interrupted Chiffon Swirl, who preferred to be called Cup Cake. "You look upset."

"You know me too well." Pear waved it off with a bright smile. "I need a phone, of all things. I have a filly."

Missus Cake blinked owlishly. "A third?!" She raised a hoof to her chin. "Did you... find a new stallion? I mean, congratulations!" She threw up both of her forehooves.

"Don't even joke!" Pear punched her friend's shoulder with a dull thud. "She's Twilight Velvet's, you remember her, right?"

"Oh! That unicorn, yes. I remember the dear. How did you end up with her filly?" She glanced around as if the answer could have been hiding in the area if she just looked hard enough. "Never mind, listen to me go off on a tangent. You need a phone? I bet Mayor Mare has one ready to go."

"Mayor Mare!" exclaimed Pear as she swatted herself on the head. "How silly of me to not think of her. You are a treasure." She hugged Cake with one arm before trotting off towards the town hall with a mission.

Mrs. Cake watched her hurry off. "Poor thing. Not sure I'm ready for a filly just yet." She couldn't know when she would have one, or that a colt would come along for the ride. For that day, she had baked goods to deliver.

Pear Butter ascended the steps of the town hall and grabbed the circular loop, pulling back to open the door. "Phone, please, I need to borrow one," she got out even as she went around the still-opening door. "I have a mare's filly and she's probably worried sick."

The secretary at the front looked up as Pear Butter came in. "The phone is for official use only," she sternly rebuffed.

"Don't be like that," gently chastised another voice as Mayor Mare came trotting out from the back. "Pear Butter, a pleasure. I'm so sorry what happened to you."

Pear flipped an ear back at that. "I'm gettin' by..." It had been long enough to not still be a bleeding wound, but it still hurt to have it reminded of. "Mayor Mare, you've been there, for us... This is another filly, not mine. She's a long way from home. Ah know her dam's number." She coiled on herself and pulled a small book from a saddlebag. "Got it jotted down right here. Didn't figure ah'd need it fer this, but the wee thing jus--"

"Slow down," gently advised Mayor Mare, setting a hoof on Pear's shoulder. "Is anypony hurt?"

"No, thank Celestia." Pear let out a slow relieved sigh. "I just 'magine she's quite a bit worried. Ah'll make it fast, just ta let her know her filly's alright."

"Let me see that." She leaned in, getting a view of the phone number. "You're not allowed to use the phone." The secretary looked so smugly pleased. "But I am." Mayor Mare circled the desk and bit into where the handle met the base, pulling up the phone and setting it down.

"Now let's see..." She began pressing and swirling the circle, letting it roll back with each selection to dial up the number she had been shown. "It's ringing." She propped the receiver to her head, listening with a little nod of her head.

"Hello?" came the confused sound of a stallion.

"Hello," chimed Mayor Mare with less confusion. "I've been informed that we may have your filly--"

"Twilight Sparkle," spat out Pear Butter, hearing Mayor Mare's side of the conversation. "She's safe!"

Mayor Mare chuckled softly. "You heard her. She's in good hooves."

A thunderous sigh came over the line. "Oh... good... good. Hon!" his voice raised in a shout. "Twilight's alright!"

"Where is she?!" came a concerned mare's voice, clip-clops rapidly approaching. "I will kill her! After I hug her to pieces."

Mayor Mare nodded lightly. "She's here, in Ponyville. I have to go, long distance bills, you know."

"Oh, yes, thank you," blurted out Night Light before the click of him setting his receiver down.

Mayor Mare set down the phone gently with a coy smile. "They don't charge us long distance bills," she admitted to Pear Butter. "Don't tell anypony." She held up a hoof with a little shh of a noise.

Pear let out a short laugh. "You are a wicked thing. Still, thank you. They know she's safe. That's all ah needed to do. Poor thing will probably come at a full gallop. She might not even need the train none." She tucked her little notebook away. "I picked this from that little filly."


"The habit of carryin' somethin' to write in, fer notes and things." Pear patted the bag with a hoof. "A habit she has, and passed right onta me. Kinda glad right now. No way ah woulda remembered that number for a phone ah don't got. Maybe she would had it, but ain't no fer sure there."

"It worked out," gently assured Mayor Mare. "Now, you go on home and take care of that filly, and yours too. Is she back?"

"They came together." Pear put a hoof to her head. "Even if ah still don't right get how it happened. Ah'll go ask 'em. Thanks again!" She twirled in place and got to walking out, less frantic than her entry by a considerable amount.

Twilight was snatched up by Night Light, surprising Pear Butter. He thanked her and Granny for keeping an eye on Twilight, then the two unicorns vanished back to their strange city up on the mountain.

It wasn't long after that the local school-foals put on a show with glittering costumes created by a neighborhood filly. A shy pegasus teenager landed and moved into a cottage on the border of town. As reserved as she was comely, she was an instant hit, but she was so withdrawn that attempts to get closer to her soon dwindled away. Only the animals and those who understood them had a chance around her.

A bright pink earth pony became apprenticed to the Cakes, cheerfully helping around their shop and learning how to make all manner of delicious treats while spreading joy throughout the town.

As if following the yellow pegasus, a more brightly-colored rainbow mare appeared, joining the local weather team. She was one of the only ponies in town that could approach the yellow one easily, but her presence served to loosen up Fluttershy enough to at least admit her name to the curious others. A party was thrown in celebration, a habit Pinkie would never shake.

Twilight was only mutely aware of these things, with exchanged letters with Applejack. She had school to do! There was one student that had earned the attention of Celestia directly, but even that didn't save her from normal classes with the other students. "What's it like?" Twilight asked with a bright smile. "Learning directly from the Princess Celestia."

"It's alright..." Moon Dancer ran a hoof up and down the opposite leg. "She knows a lot. I like that..." A little smile spread on her face. "She doesn't read as much as us though." She pointed then to the book spread out in front of them. "Did you get the spell on page ten down?"

"How could I not?" challenged Twilight. "With that spell, my study time will be improved by at least 33%, with rounding. How did you find an indexing spell?" She clopped her forehooves with obvious excitement. "No more fumbling to find a passage!"

"Isn't it just the best?" gushed Moon Dancer in agreement, glad to have changed the topic.

"Hey, wanna play?" There was Minuette, grinning. In another world, Twilight had sent her packing in favor of study.

"Sure," she said, not realizing the deviation on her own timeline, how could she? "Moon Dancer, come on. Afterwards, I'm going to show you a cool spell. I have one that'll knock your socks off."

"I am not wearing socks," noted Moon Dancer, but she was already rising. She had little interest in the game, but Twilight's tempting offer was enough to spur her into action. Besides... "I call dibs on being on your team."

A ball was kicked around wildly by the collected fillies. Twilight would perhaps press her nose less firmly into books, even if she remained quite the avid reader. The wonder that her friends could bring would not be alien to her.

Huffing for breath, Minuette kicked the ball back towards its resting place. "Whew, what a game! Hey, Moon Dancer, right?"

"That's me." Moon Dancer inclined her head, not yet adorned with glasses. "We won."

"You sure did." Minuette bounced in place, not looking at all upset for having lost. "I was curious, how did you hatch that dragon? I tried really hard, but I couldn't figure it out!"

Twilight clopped a hoof to her cheek. "You hatched it?! I felt like I was way off. Please, share your secret."

Moon Dancer sank to her haunches and crossed her arms. "I refuse." Both fillies gaped at her with shock and disappointment. Moon Dancer pointed at Twilight. "You promised a spell after the game was done."

Twilight blinked rapidly. "Oh yeah!" With a glowing horn, a book popped into existence over her head. "Right here. After my, uh... the way I got my cutie mark, I just had to research more on transportation and translocation magics."

"Oooo." Moon Dancer reached for the book as the color of its magic shifted, her own taking control and bringing it over. "May I?"

"Of course." Twilight clopped her hooves together from the side, still standing on them. "What are friends for?"

"The exchange of favors?" proposed Moon Dancer with a raised brow.

Minuette burst into giggles, a sound that drew other fillies over, Lyra and Twinkleshine. "What's going on over here?" asked Lyra, eyes sweeping over the others.

Twilight pointed to the floating book. "I was just giving a gift, not an exchanged favor, to a friend." She put an arm around Moon Dancer, hugging the awkward filly. "Now, about hatching that dragon?"

"One favor for another." Moon Dancer tucked the book away, looking smugly justified in her initial thought. It didn't seem to put her off. She didn't flee, instead explaining the story of the sudden rainboom in the middle of her attempt.

"That happened to me!" squeaked Twilight, all eyes moving to her. She blushed and laughed a little. "Sorry, I just mean... when that big explosion happened, I was caught in it too. I teleported all the way to Ponyville."

"I have a friend there," gushed Lyra.

"Me too!" echoed Twilight, her smile deepening. "We have so many things in common."

"Well, while you were teleporting, I was hatching an egg." Moon Dancer inclined her head. "And now there's a baby dragon named Spike. Celestia agreed to watch over him during his first few years, then he becomes my responsibility."

Twinkleshine nodded sagely. "My mom told me about that. If you make a foal, you have to take care of them. That's how it works. She made me, so she had to take care of me, and she did a good job." She put a hoof at her chest. "Thanks mom!"

"Thanks, Mom," echoed all the other fillies except Moon Dancer.

Twilight noticed the silence of her friend. "Everything alright?"

Moon Dancer stood up. "I should review the book." She trotted off without another word.

Lyra watched her go before looking back to Twilight. "Who's your Ponyville Buddy? Mine's a nice earth pony mare."

"Mine too," laughed out Twilight. "It isn't Applejack, is it?"

"Applejack? Well, um..." Lyra tapped at her chin. "She is also named after food. Bon Bon! Sweetest filly ya ever met! She's gonna grow up to be a big candy maker." Lyra threw her forehooves wide. "Now lemme guess. Applejack... She makes fun drinks?"

Twilight considered that. "She can do that, but she's good at everything Apple, from seeds right up to getting them out of trees in a single buck." She bucked the air with the form she had learned from her visits to the Apple farm. "She's amazing."

"Sounds like a good pony." Lyra bobbed her head. "Next time, how about we both visit! Then I can meet yours and you can meet mine and they can meet each other if they haven't already. Bet they have, everypony knows everypony in Ponyville; kinda nice."

"That does sound nice," admitted Twilight before spotting a rolling ball approaching them. "Bet you have a chance with Moon Dancer taking a break."

Lyra clopped her hooves together. "Oh, you're being a hotshot? You heard her. Everyone on Twilight!"

The game resumed. Twilight would not win that match, but she was still smiling by the time it was over.

During those formative years, Applejack grew larger. Big Mac was a teenaged colt, returning with her from town.

In the kitchen, Pear Butter and Granny were working on tidying things. Pear perked an ear as the door opened. "Did they have some spray for the Apple Blight? The sooner we get the orchard treated, the better."

Granny nodded in grave agreement. "Not somethin' we can afford ta let wait. How'd it go?"

Several cans of the treatment were set down on the dining room table. Applejack looked to Granny nervously. "I made a deal with Filthy Rich, we saw 'em in town."

Pear raised a brow. "You sound a might nervous. What were you promisin'?"

"What she said," agreed Granny with a nod. "We're friends a long ways back, just tell me what ya said."

"I offered three barrels of apple cider." She spread her hooves to show how much. "Fer him t'sell at his store."

Granny stomped a hoof down. "Now that was right foolish. Apple cider goes sour a lot faster than the jam he usually sells fer us. That's why we sell it fresh. No sir, you just go tell him we can't do that." Big Mac nodded with satisfaction at being proven right.

"Let's not be too hasty," demurred Pear. Big Mac's face fell. "If we make it clear how quickly it goes, and make him pay upfront, it can be a quick sale to make up for the apple blight cure we had to buy. If he can't move it, well, he already paid, and we told 'em clear up front."

Granny grumbled with dissatisfaction. "That ain't how we usually do it."

Pear gently touched her nose to Granny's. "It ain't, but we gotta make ends meet, so long as we don't lie none."

"You're a wicked little mare," snorted Granny, though she also had a little smile. "That's what he loved aboutcha... If yer sure, we'll give it a try. But ah'm ready to give him a right earful about how careful he needs to be. He better be sellin' it by the time we get it to him."

She stormed off. "And get to dousing the trees! None of this will matter if it all goes to blight!"

Author's Note:

One change, one little change. The ripple reaches ever outwards. Spike's safe! Yay! The cast is coming together now.

One change.

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