• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,168 Views, 858 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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38 - Best Night Ever

Spike bounced lightly in his chair, eyes on the outside of the carriage. "Thanks for arranging this."

Diamond waved it off. "You got the tickets. The least I can do it get us a styling ride." Her eyes shifted to Moon. "And I have you to thank too."

Moon inclined her head. "How did I help?"

"You helped in a lot of ways." Diamond slowly spread her hooves. "You're his big sister. Without you, he wouldn't have hatched. No hatching, no boyfriend, and no Grand Galloping Gala, that'd be a double lose, and I wouldn't even know it. I feel bad for that other-me." She snorted with a little smirk. "But I'm not her, so there."

Moon seemed to consider that a moment before turning in her seat towards Spike. "Do you agree with her assessment?"

Spike blinked at the question. "Oh, um... I mean I guess? I'm pretty happy you helped me exist, but that's even more existential than usual. We're here to have a good time."

"You are correct. Philosophy is the incorrect topic." She slowly set her hooves together in a silent union. "Do you think Twilight will gain access to the library she desires?"

Diamond snorted softly. "Hello?!" She pointed at Moon Dancer accusingly. "Student of Princess Celestia. I swear, both of you. No clue what power you have. If you just walk her into whatever dusty library this is, will they stop you?"

Spike arrived at an answer first. "I doubt it. She's allowed whatever she wants, mostly."

"Hm." Moon rubbed at her chin. "Then I should find Twilight after I report in with Celestia. Assuming she has no further need of me, I will escort Twilight to the library. Spike, be sure to try the food."

Diamond burst into merry laughter. "I already ordered him to do that! But why are you thinking about it?"

Moon inclined her head. "Our friend, Applejack, secured a job working this venue. We should return with reports on it for her afterwards. I think she will appreciate that."

Spike blinked owlishly at Moon's idea. "Who are you and what have you done with Moon Dancer?"


"I just mean that's pretty socially forward of you, um, no offense or nothing. I'm just surprised, in a good way, promise." He held up his hands defensively with an odd smile. "She would appreciate that for sure. But we won't know which food she made when. Not like the cooks get to leave little labels or something."

Moon scowled at that fowl up she hadn't seen coming. "You are correct... It will be difficult to give specific feedback. We will just have to judge the food in general. Are you up to the task?"

Diamond perked, being addressed. "Hm? Yep! I plan to enjoy some fancy food while I meet fancy ponies! Now, Spike, remember to eat in a dignified fashion. Your teeth should basically never be visible. Chew sedately, take your time, and keep your mouth shut!"

Spike raised a brow. "If I shut my mouth, how do I get the food in there?"

Diamond clopped her forehead with a hoof. "Your friends are following, right?"

Moon leaned out the window to take a peek. "They appear to be enjoying a song." A musical ballad about the best night ever reached her ears, sang by many more ponies than just her friend. "They are looking forward to this evening, clearly."

Spike clapped his hands together. "My evening's already pretty good. Diamond's right there." He smiled at her brightly. "And we're gonna have fun!"

"That's the spirit." She nodded as she reached into a pocket to draw out some gum. "But first, chewing. I swear." She hopped over next to him and showed him how to chew politely. No was not an acceptable answer.

They arrived at the castle and disembarked the wagon. Twilight hurried up to them. "I'm going to try to get in before things get busy with the festivities."

Moon perked up an ear. "I was informed that I can serve as your key."

Twilight frowned softly. "You can?"

Spike hiked a thumb at Moon. "Student of Princess Celestia?"

Twilight's face lit up with the realization. "How could I be so foalish! Would you?!"

"Gladly." Moon inclined her head the other way. "What are special someponies for. Now, I should speak to Princess Celestia before we do that. She has expressed interest in our relationship. Would you accompany me?"

Spike waved a hand eagerly. "She wants to meet me and Diamond too, so let's show her all the happy new couples."

Diamond thumped against Spike. "Now you're thinking. Let's get in there."

Spike glanced off to the side, thinking he saw something. No, Applejack was inside, cooking up the night's food with other chefs. Why did he think he saw her? He shook his head clear of the thought and hurried with the others.

Celestia stood at the top of some stairs, greeting each pony in turn one by one. Moon moved to join the line without prompting. Diamond slid in with her, but had a brow up. "You're her student. Why are you waiting in line?"

"She is engaged." Moon looked forward and backwards at the others. "Flaunting my student status too broadly may cause them to become angry... I don't want that."

Diamond Tiara's expression shifted to consideration. "You have a point there... Smart... Having power doesn't always mean using it." She kicked aside at Spike lightly. "Learn from your sister. The first step is having power. The second is knowing when to, and not to, use that power."

Spike poked her in kind. "You're still learning that lesson."

Diamond colored sharply. "Spike!"

Applejack hurried from station to station. "8's looking about ready, could use more sage, adding." She sprinkled a little into the pot and stirred it vigorously. "How's 12 lookin'?!"

"12's on time. Dispatch!" That pony began filling a tray for yet another pony to hurry off to serve to hungry guests. "Check 7!"

"On it." Applejack hurried over to see how 7 was doing, peeking in the oven at what was baking in there. "Mmm." It smells great. The whole place was a riot of tasty scents. She couldn't eat any of it. She was on the clock. "7's good, 10 minutes!"

She hurried over to her 'personal station'. That was a bit of a misnomer. None of the stations beloned to anypony at all. They were all a team! But that one had the apple fritters, and that was her personal thing. She peeked inside and smiled. "Dispatch," she called, pulling out the tree with a mitt over her mouth. She spat it out and quickly served up the fritters into a tray to take out to the room. "Thankya kindly."

The serving pony nodded and scooted off, just as absorbed in their mission as Applejack was in hers. They were a fine tuned machine, and she was a part of it. Her heart swelled with pride,knowing she was doing it. She was helping despite the chaos of it all. She was fancy cooking!

A shadow loomed over her. "Wha?" She turned in place to see a strangely small alicorn. It wasn't Celestia. No... "Princess Luna?"

Luna smiled shyly. "Valorous evening." She inclined her head. "I recognizeth not thee. Art thee a new w'rk'r?"

Applejack blinked softly at the pony that managed to outdialect herself. "Ah... think that's a yes. Brand new, just fer tonight. We're a mite busy 'round here, ah'm afraid."

"Oh, I didn't cullionly to int'rrupt, but t smells so nice. May I has't some?" She licked over her lips, looking from cooking station to the next with hungry eyes.

Applejack hurried to the next step that was required of her even as she tried to parse that. Is that what ponies felt like when she talked? "Well, ya are royalty. Can't rightly say no." She fetched a steaming bun with a quick snatch and offered it to Luna. "You should head out." She pointed the way. "To the party. Plenty of food bein' carried 'round there fer anypony to enjoy."

Luna accepted the bun but shrank back, ears folding. "I can't doth yond! I'm still so bawbling and weak looking. T wouldst beest far too embarassing f'r oth'rs to seeth me." Her cheeks were burning with the very idea. "I already feeleth contrary being h're, but thou art a s'rvant and i can trusteth thee to beest quiet."

Applejack quirked an ear at her. "Huh? Oh! Yep." She put a hoof to her lips. "Won't say a thin' if ya don't want me to."

"Thanketh thee." Luna turned away and walked away in a sudden dash for cover. She flitted from one space to the next, sneaking out of the kitchen in a hurry.

Applejack hummed softly. Poor royal. Somepony would have to break her out of that old pony dialect. That was not her job though! She got back to making fancy meals for equally fancy ponies.

"Moon Dancer." Twilight smiled brilliant. "And company. Who is this?" There was one pony that she didn't immediately know, and her eyes settled on Diamond Tiara curiously. "Ah, wait. Spike, is this your special somepony?"

Spike colored faintly, but waved at her. "This is Diamond Tiara, my girlfriend." He snapped to attention. "Diamond, this is Princess Celestia."

"Charmed." She dipped her head at the monarch. "Can I say, I love the look of this party already."

"A star studded event, every year," gently agreed Celestia. "Now, it may not be my place, but be good to that dragon. He may not look it, but he is a sensitive creature."

"Hey!" Spike's coloring grew much worse at the protective words of Celestia. "I can take care of myself!"

Diamond threw a leg around Spike. "You haven't seen him. He's amazing. I'll be learning from him soon."

Celestia smiled brightly. "It gladdens me to hear that. Moon Dancer, Twilight, how are you two doing?"

Twilight quickly lowered her head. "Ma'am, um, your highness. I am... very pleased with our arrangement."

"You stole my words." Moon smiled without fear. "Our relationship is entirely pleasing. I am still learning the intricacies, but it is a labor I look forward to every day. Ah. Twilight would like to visit the forbidden wing. May I take her there?"

Celestia inclined her head slowly. "Under your watch. Make sure your marefriend doesn't get into trouble. I remember her from school. She was in your class, was she not? Quite the curious spell academic, when she wasn't studying books themselves. You both have quite the fascination with books, don't you?"

Twilight nodded firmly. "One of several things that we share in common. Thank you, for allowing me. I will follow Moon Dancer's advice."

Moon nudged Twilight gently. "We will bother you no further. Expect a letter about how this evening goes."

Celestia laughed gently at that. "I am right here, Moon Dancer. You can just tell me when the party ends or you grow tired."

Twilight's eyes shined. "I doubt I will grow tired while here." She followed eagerly after Moon towards the forbidden wing. She'd get to read some books ponies usually weren't allowed to. What excitement.

This left Celestia with the foals. "Now, you two. Please enjoy the festivities. Do you need anything else?"

Spike was ready to decline, but Diamond stepped in front of him suddenly. "Your highness, your magic school is renowned through the kingdom."

"True, but that is not a question. Why do you bring it up?"

Diamond flashed a bright smile. "Do you have a school for earth ponies?" She pointed at herself. "Up and coming ones that wish to put their best hoof forward?"

"Now... I may, but I would need to discuss that with Filthy Rich first, hm?"

Diamond stepped back, bumping into Spike. Celestia knew her father already?!

"Don't look so surprised. Your father has some influence, and it is my job to know such ponies. He is not at all shy to speak of his darling filly. Now, enjoy yourselves."

They were dismissed.

Author's Note:

Best. Night. Ever. Some of this is headed the usual way, but a lot isn't.

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