• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,167 Views, 858 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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13 - There's a Book for That

Twilight pat Moon's shoulder softly, distracting her just as she was about to neatly fold the letter. "Don't you feel better?"

"I... do, yes." Distracted, the letter sank to the surface of the table. "Thank you, Twilight. I do not understand how you navigate these things without effort."

Twilight burst into a short bit of laughter. "Without effort? I'm just not letting that effort show, Moon Dancer." She pointed at the letter that she may have watched being written. "That is a lie, much like the one Rainbow probably did."

Moon's ears danced with alarm. "You lied to me?!"

"I did." Twilight didn't even sound ashamed. "Because it helped you feel better and be more comfortable. Being polite requires knowing when to lie, and what to lie about." She wobbled a hoof in the air. "It's actually really complicated, but it can be boiled down to a simple step."

"Please educate me." She did not want to think she couldn't trust Twilight, of all ponies ever in all the world.

"Is the thing I am about to say something that will hurt those who hear it?" Twilight nodded as she explained as if reading something, though nothing was there. "Is there a nicer way to say what I am about to say that will convey what I want to say, but in a positive way?"

Moon's shaggy brows fell together in a knot. "I... see..." That was, perhaps, a lie on her part, but she was trying! "So you do not share your concerns, because you... want me to be comfortable. Why would I not be comfortable?"

"If you thought you were a burden, Moon." Twilight began to walk away, her magic dragging along Moon's drained teacup with her. "You'd feel guilty, and you might want to go away. I wouldn't want that. You are a dear friend, and I'm enjoying having you around."

Moon began to worry her hooves together, piecing together those bits Twilight had just given her. If Twilight looked visibly distressed... Moon would not want that. If she were the cause... Leaving would... be logical? But Twilight wanted her there, so... So... she does not let her see any discomfort caused. Twilight lies... for her?

"I do not like this!" Moon scampered to her feet and clopped after Twilight. "If you are being made uncomfortable, please tell me how I can assist. Your discomfort is not my goal. You're my favorite pony! What must I do differently?"

Twilight set a hoof right on Moon's snoot, quieting her. "And this is why I lied. The effort it takes to have you here? I made a decision that it was worth it, to have you around." She glanced over as the teacup came down and settled in the sink. "But, since you're asking, and I doubt you will be satisfied until I answer--"

"--No." Moon bobbed her head, looking at Twilight with great gravity. "How can I behave differently? What assistance is required?"

"Required is the wrong word." Twilight sat back on her haunches, watching her frazzled friend. "You are welcome here. I accepted that, and I meant it, and I do not regret that choice. Now... If you want to help..." She pointed to that very same sink. "A pony to swap dishes duties with would be nice."

Moon's horn began to glow immediately, turning on the water in the sink. "That is a fair exchange. Friendship is the exchange of favors, Twilight. I would have preferred you had asked." She rose and approached the sink with a smile. An exchange of favors! This she understood. A chance to even the pile of favors Twilight had given her? She liked that idea.

Twilight wasn't entirely sure that was the specific lesson she had in mind, but... "You're not wrong. I should have just brought it up. Maybe I'd be better off not hiding some things. Still, that's why ponies might lie, for you, not to be mean. I bet Rainbow did the same thing. She's not a mean pony."

"She did not seem hostile, unlike her friend." Moon got serious about washing dishes, which meant she stopped talking.

Twilight brought over the soap closer, right in Moon's line of sight. Without words, the shaggy browed unicorn grabbed it in her magic and put it to work. That issue was settled, for the time.

Applejack caught a flying set of eggs in her hat and twirled that hat so they went flying in the air with a spin. They came down right on the edge of her mixing bowl, spilling their contents just as her leg brushed to the side, sending the shells free. "Thanks kindly!"

When she had first arrived in that kitchen, the ponies had scowled at her with judging eyes, but when she got down to cooking, they seemed to perk up, but also began getting involved, whether she wanted them to or not. "A professional kitchen of this caliber," explained one of the kitchen staff. "We must always be working as a team. Even if you are visiting, you are a temporary part of this."

At first that had been a mite confusin'. Every time she tried to go off to get something, they got in the way and just... asked what she wanted.

But she eventually got the idea and began barking ingredients as they were needed, and they came flying at her. They weren't trying to be in the way, they were just well trained, and a cook had to focus on cooking. "Yer gonna spoil me." At home, there were no ponies that'd hurl the supplies on demand. One had to do it themselves!

Not to mention that there were some ponies constantly cleaning up. If it looked like she was done with something, it just kinda vanished like it weren't ever there. Well, until she called for it again. Despite the furious activity levels of that kitchen, it was sparkling and clean except for the very specific spots in use in that instant.

She was helping, mostly by not leaving her station. An out of place pony was a pony for other ponies to crash into. Applejack was getting the idea, and the pie was coming together as a result. "If we get this, we'll be back, mah family and ah. We'll make up all kindsa tasty treats, together." The kitchen staff would still be there, a part of the process.

The cook one set of stovetops down was working at his own creation. "I look forward to seeing your confection. You are a confectioner, are you not?"

"Nothin' quite so fancy." Applejack teased her ingredients into shape, eyeing the oven to make sure it was at the right temperature. "Think more home cooked treats."

"You are making a pie, a sweet pie, one assumes?" He was not facing her, busy with his own creation. "That is a confection."

"Oh." She learned something new. "Then ah guess ah am doin' that today then." She did glance over at his station, where it seemed he was working on something involving fish? "Not yer taste?"

"Consider me more of a generalist." His stovetop became a riot of sizzles as he placed the fish atop to cook. "I cook whatever the princess is in the mood for on a given day."

"Oh. Oh!" The Princess' personal cook?! "Right honor to meetcha."

"Cut it in half."

She inclined her head. "Pardon?"

"The pie, when you are finished." He was tending to his aquatic meal carefully. "Cut it in half. Give it to me. The princess' favorite tooth is her sweet one. I'll see it arrives in front of her."

Applejack's smile erupted into being. What an opportunity! "Ya got it!"

But that was not who she'd have to face first. With her bisected pie, she slid the tray in front of Fancy Pants. "Nice an' fresh!"

"Hm." He leaned in with one delicate sniff. "Hm. Yes..." He sat back up and his magic poked gently at the pie, measuring it? Testing it perhaps? Applejack wasn't sure, but she was being judged, that much was certain. But he hadn't actually tasted it...

"Go on," she encouraged. "Best apple pie ya ever did try, and we got all kindsa family recipes to go with it."

"I should imagine." A fork floated towards them, thinner and narrower than most forks she'd seen. He pressed down with its edge, seeming to take note of how it went through the pie. "Hm." Was that a good noise?! Applejack couldn't know, but she really wished she did at that moment.

"How did you get along with the kitchen?"

Applejack blinked. That was not a pivot she was expecting. "Oh! Jus' fine. Bunch of nice ponies in there, gettin' work done. The work ah cookin'! Ah can respect that." She nodded with building confidence. "Felt like ah was part of a big thin' in there. Kinda nice in a way."

"Indeed." He didn't sound terribly enthusiastic. The pie cut on the end of his fancy fork floated before his eye a moment before it came in closer to his snout. "Did you meet their confectioner?"

That word again! "Can't say ah did." She wasn't searching for other pies. "Why?"

"We have the services of one." He considered Applejack, that pie, still there on his fork, still uneaten. "He's already a proven member of the kitchen team."

Applejack tensed, detecting what was comin'. "Ya asked me to make a pie. The least ya can do is try it!"

He was still and quiet a moment. "You're not wrong, Miss Applejack. It would be rude to not do that." And the morsel vanished into his snout. "Hm." That noise, neither positive or negative. "Your pie--"

Is great? Is fantastic! Is the best thing ever?!

"--is acceptable." He dabbed his snout with the end of a napkin. "Your apples are of fine quality. Your cooking, acceptable. I will discuss with the kitchen staff, perhaps they'd like to put in an order for some of those apples, if you can ship them here?"

Applejack bobbed her head stiffly, uncertain how to accept that judgment. "Y-yeah!" But if she sold a bunch of apples, that was... kind of a win, right?! They couldn't charge as much for a raw apple as an apple made into a treat, but it was still a sale, and to ponies that could pay top rate for top apples. "What's wrong with the pie?" She didn't want to admit it, but it kinda hurt to be called... acceptable.

"Nothing." He inclined his head at the pie. "Perfectly acceptable. But the gala needs exceptional. Princess Celestia trusts me with these preparations, so my name is on the line. Nothing less than extraordinary will make it past me. This is not a mark against you, dear. Your pies are quite fine, but they just aren't... the step after that, if you will." He lowered a hoof to his chin. "Actually..."

"Actually?" She perked a little. A silver lining?

"Actually, if you got along with the kitchen staff, perhaps you could educate yourself."

"Say what now?" Was he insulting her?

"They are chronically underhooved during the gala," he went on, not seeming to notice her distress. "You could assist them, and learn a thing or two about the fine art of confectionery while you're there."

"Oh, uh..."

"It is a paying position," he added with a subtle confidence.

It hurt a little that he was also entirely correct. "Ah can lend a hoof." And maybe learn something or two! Her pies were not just acceptable, consarnit!

"Fantastic." His horn glowed as a ticket approached through the air. "Here you are." It wasn't the usual Gala ticket, marking her as kitchen staff, right there on the ticket. "This will get you into the kitchen and, when things allow, you can partake of the gala as well. Do bring clothing for the occasion." His eyes wandered over her mostly-lack of clothing. "Professional cooking attire is acceptable, but I find most prefer to display something of their own while they're off duty."

"Oh, yeah..." She took the ticket in her mouth, looking down around her snout to peek at it. "Thanks!" Things were looking up! "Ah'll be there!"

Celestia inclined her head. On one of her dessert trays was half a pie. That happened at times, but not commonly. Still, it was the note attached to the pie that had her attention. With a glowing horn, she brought the note out from under the pie up to read.


A country pie maker went through the effort of trying to impress you with her pie. I have a feeling Fancy will block it, but I also had a feeling you would want to have a try. Her name is Applejack, of the Apples, from a little place called Ponyville. If you don't want to, then don't, your highness. I would not presume to command you.

Yours humbly,

The signature was of her personal chef, as fancy in lettering as he tried to compose himself. A good pony, who made delicious foods to satisfy her cravings. And he had thought the pie was worth at least considering a try? Well... She was not a specifically snooty pony when it came to sweet treats. She cut off a delicate slice of the pie and brought it right up to snap from the air. "Mmm..."

Wasn't Applejack in one of Moon Dancer's reports? She'd have to keep an eye on that pony...

"An' that's what happened." Applejack sagged in her chair. "Phew, ah'm beat!"

Pear Butter patted her returned daughter's shoulder. "Jus' glad to have ya back. An' what a story!"

"Ya really did that?" Big Mac looked duly impressed. "We never sold apples to Canterlot before."

Granny shook her head. "That's nice, but ya done sold yerself too."

Pear snorted at the objection. "Mother, that's what ponies do. That's what we do. We work, ponies give us bits. I'm proud of you." She wrapped her arms around Applejack, embracing her. "Yer gonna learn at that there fancy party, an' earn a few bits while yer at it."

"And what's wrong with the old fashioned way ah doin' it!" cried the conservative voice of Granny. "We got recipes passed down and perfected over generations. And ya wanna go and mess with it?"

Pear Butter sat there at the table the rest were gathered around. "And how did that happen?"

Granny frowned with thought and anger. Big Mac was first to reply, "We tried new thin's to get it better?"

"'Course we did." Pear Butter nodded firmly. "We ain't throwin' out a thin'. The family recipes are right precious to us, and that's why we should always try to make 'em even better, fer the ponies what come after us."

Big Mac set a big hoof on Applejack's back. "Right proud."

"Ah what?" she asked with a bit of a smile.

"Yer learnin' somethin' new. Sounds excitin'. Yer gonna come back, bake somethin' all fancy fer us, right?"

Applejack burst into laughter at that. "'Course ah am! Ah'll bring fancy Canterlot cookin' and Apple cookin' and pow!" She clopped her hooves together smartly. "The way it was meant to be, best parts ah each."

"What're ya'll talkin' 'bout?" There was Apple Bloom, poking her head in. "Applejack!" She scurried over to pounce her big sister. "Yer back!"

Applejack caught her sister, hugging her with happy nuzzles. "Sure am! But, just t' warn, gonna go again, just for a day er two. Gonna cook some fancy food fer extra fancy ponies."

Apple Bloom stuck out her tongue at that. "Aw. Have fun... Say wanna hear how school's goin'?"

"Nothing would make me happier."

And so she did start to explain exactly how school was going.

I had two new friends. You done met 'em before. Sweetie Belle, she's a unicorn, that one. And there's Scootaloo! She's a pegasus what don't fly. Not that it seems ta slow her done none. She goes everywhere super fast! Ah can't get a scooter going half s'fast.

Anyway, we were at school. We sit next to each other. Miss Cheerilee was goin' on and on 'bout somethin'. What? Yeah I was payin' attention! It was 'bout how clouds were made, that was it. Anywho, this story ain't about that.

It wasn't even about us, really. Now, we sat near each other partly to keep each other safe. Y'see, Diamond Tiara used to poke fun of us when she could, which was way easier when we were single targets. Now that don't mean she can't make fun of us together, but...

See, she's been distracted. Good fer us, lemme tell ya. She wriggled her way over to sit by the new kid, Spike. The dragon? They're passin' notes back and forth, they do projects together, and they're always right there! And since Diamond's busy being with him, well, she ain't botherin' us! We win!

But this is more about Spike. At first, he was kinda lost. He was home schooled, by Moon Dancer. The one with th' shaggy eyebrows, yeah! So he weren't really used to goin' to school. Funny thing that, like Diamond just kinda... adopted him. She teaches him everythin'. Well, 'xcept the stuff the teacher's talkin' 'bout. Diamond ain't big for book learning.

But pony learnin'? She tells Spike how to act, what to expect, all those thin's! You should see when they eat lunch! It's kinda cute. They sit across from each other and talk about the day. I think he likes the food she brings, but ah also think maybe he kinda likes her? Ain't no problem, since I think she likes him likin' her.

Huh? Does she like him? Uh, that... gets more complicated.

Ah can tell she likes him likin' her... If she gets a new dress or a hat, he's the first one she rushes over to show it off to. An' ah get it, ah do. He always looks so happy and he compliments her somethin' fierce.

Applejack was failing at entirely hiding her snickers. "Sis."

"Yeah?" She looked up at her sister's face. "What's s'funny?"

"While ah'm glad yer schoolmate's havin' a grand ole time of it, ah thought we were gonna hear about your schoolin'."

"Oh!" She chuckled nervously. "Well, their little thin' let me and the others alone. It's been so nice!" She clopped her hooves before bounding down to the ground. "So it's been nice at school. An' ah got an A on mah last test!" All the adults clapped appreciatively and Apple Bloom bowed to the applause. "Thank ya, thank y'all. Couldn't ah done it without mah family behind me."

Granny nodded at the energetic little foal. "'Bout that. How's the clubhouse turnin' out?"

"It's the best!" Apple Bloom threw her hooves wide as if to encompass the enormity of it all. "We all love it. Thank y'all for helpin' put it together."

Big Mac nodded sedately. "'weren't nothin' at all."

Applejack eagerly joined, "Yeah, that's what family's fer. Oh! That thing, it will pay. Ah'll give it over to the family, don't ya worry none."

Granny huffed softly. "Ya mentioned that already. You go and learn, maybe get a trick or two... Just don't ferget what makes an Apple an Apple."

"Granny..." She set a hoof on her own chest with one arm, the other reaching up to knock her own hat forward. "Ah will be lookin' forward to gettin' back here as soon as possible. Still don't like cities none, but ah'm gonna learn what ah can."

"Thatta girl." Granny seemed satisfied with that response. "And stop encouragin' her!" She swatted at Pear Butter.

Who did not look at all dissuaded. "We're looking forward to hearing t'how that turns out. But that ain't today, or even this week... Or even this month... So let's get back to other thin's."

The Apple family was reunited and happy to be together.

"Moon!" Pinkie appeared from nowhere, a habit she had. "You're totally invited!" From her mane emerged a fancy stamped envelope that extended towards Moon Dancer. "Be there!"

Moon's horn glowed as she plucked it free of Pinkie's prehensile hair. How that worked, another mystery. "Pinkie, I would like to schedule an examination."

"Oh gosh." Pinkie flopped to her haunches. "My older sister's great at school stuff, but I never was. You sure you want me to do this exam? I probably won't get a super great score."

Moon inclined her head slowly, adjusting her glasses with a raised hoof. "It is not an examination you can fail."

"My favorite kind!" Pinkie bounced in place with obvious joy. "Oh oh! Is this a party exam? I bet I could pass that! What's the best kinda soda pop to serve to a pegasus?!"

"I do not know." Moon lowered the hoof to her chin. "What is?"

"Something light and fizzy, duh." Pinkie nodded, confident in her party planning ability. "Rainbow loves it! Fluttershy around a ginger ale? You can't pull her away!"

"Mmhmm." Moon made a note with a floating quill against an equally hovering pad. "About that examination. I predict it will require at least an hour of your time. When is convenient in your schedule?"


"I will pay for your time." Moon nodded firmly. "You are providing valuable research material." An exchange of favors. She would not fail at friendship!

"That sounds important." Pinkie pointed though at the letter still floating there in its envelope. "Promise you'll be there and we'll call it even."

A favor for a favor? How delightfully convenient! Moon waved a hoof as if it were a blade, her magic breaking the seal and flipping the envelope open. The card inside floated free. It was an invitation to a party, a welcoming party to one... "It's the griffon. Are you certain you want me there?" She pointed at herself. "That griffon did not seem to harbor good intentions towards me."

"That was a big misunderstanding. I think I have it figured out." Pinkie bobbed her head. "Please? I want everyone to be friends. So it's super important she have a chance to patch things up with you too!" She threw an arm over Moon's neck, drawing her in close. "And then we can do your exam. I'll give the best answers I can!"

Moon felt a puzzle piece fall down from far above, landing right into place. "Pinkie."


"Are you also unaware of how people operate?"

Pinkie reared back at that. "What? Me?! I'm the master of how ponies work! I can put a smile on any face!" She reached for Moon, trying to force a smile, but Moon did not smile easily, and the expression slipped away.

"It makes so much sense." Moon started to turn away. "You have given me much to consider, and we haven't even begun the exam. Pinkie, thank you. You have been a most valuable friend. I can only hope--" She didn't get to finish her statement, being tackled and hugged by the affectionate pink pony, both of them crashing to the ground.

"You're great too! I'm so sorry I thought you were no fun at first. Boy was I wrong. You're kinda great!" Pinkie squeezed Moon all the harder, forcing a squeak free. "And kinda silly. Really, me not knowing ponies." She snorted the very idea of it, bouncing free. "Anyway, see you at the party!" And off she trotted, the attempt to poke a hole in her mindset, failed.

Moon watched her trot off. Her eyes went back to her filling pad. "Interesting..." Friendship was a puzzle, a big puzzle. Princess Celestia had given Moon Dancer a large assignment, and Moon was starting to appreciate the enormity of it. And it excited her. "I will not let you down." She reached up to pat the floating pad. "This is worth all seriousness."

Greetings Princess Celestia,

This is a short update. I wanted to inform you that I am starting to see the true measure of the project you set at my hooves. It is grand and terrible, as any proper research material should be. I will redouble my efforts into unlocking it and will continue my writings to you on it. On that note, I will soon be attending a function with a creature that hurt me, physically. Can that be forgiven?

It was not an accident, if you thought it was. I am alright, I should add.

Yours Faithfully and Humbly,
Moon Dancer

Author's Note:

Ah! I kinda liked a lot of this chapter, but it's easy for a writer to like it (and to hate it, I hear). What think you?!

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