• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,165 Views, 857 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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6 - Episode 2

"Thanks for coming." Twilight gently waved at the last of the party-goers. "See you all at town hall in a moment." She closed the door and turned. "Spike, Moonie?"

"Right here!" Spike saluted crisply. "Need help cleaning up after that?"

"I will, later, thank you, but for now we should be moving. Where's Moondancer? We don't want to miss the raising of the sun." Twilight looked around as she moved towards the stairs, figuring Moondancer was likely to be beyond them.

"She was trying to sleep." He followed her up the stairs. "She really wasn't feeling the whole party thing."

"That does sound like her," sighed out Twilight, emerging into her room. "Maybe I should have warned Pinkie..." That would have to be a lesson for another day. "Where is she?"

Spike popped out from behind her, looking around wildly. "Moondancer?" He hurried to the bed she had been in and grabbed a paper. "She left a note!"

His eyes swept over it as he began to read.

Dear Twilight,

I appreciate what you've done for me, but I must act before it's too late. The elements of harmony are pivotal to resolving this issue, and their last known location is not far from here in the Castle, so I am embarking to fetch them and put this matter to rest.

Thanks for Watching Spike,

PS: I borrowed your book, sorry for not checking it out.

Spike lowered his hands, still holding the paper. "Oh..."

"This is not good," stated Twilight firmly. "She's headed straight into the Everfree Forest, and that's dangerous for anypony!"

"We have to save her!" He threw his hand, and the letter, high, the latter drifting down lazily. "What do we do?!"

"Hop on." Twilight turned, allowing Spike to scramble up, even if he was blushing. "Time to get the girls together."

"What gi--" Twilight didn't let him finish talking, bounding down the stairs and rushing for the door, her magic opening it for her and closing it behind her. A sign flipped from 'open' to 'closed' on the way, lest some pony thing the library was open for business.

Moondancer trotted through the dim clutches of the forest, frowning through her glasses at the menacing and glowering eyes that tried to intimidate her. "You have failed," she stated bluntly. "Bluffs are to be ignored. Now..." She followed a path around a sharp bend and came up short.

Ahead of her was a huge beast, snuffing and looking for something. It was like a big cat, with bat wings, and a scorpion's tail. Ah, yes, she'd read about those. Territorial to a fault, and just as violent. Engaging with it rated... low on her priority list. Avoiding it? Yes, that would be prudent.

It suddenly roared, wrenching a paw back with a pained look on its face as it began limping in a circle, keeping that paw off the ground.

A distraction? A distraction. She nodded as she hurried around the chimera in a wide circle, leaving it to nurse its wound, whatever had caused it. It was none of her concern, and it had proven a boon for getting past it. She neither thanked or cursed the serendipity of it, simply plowing past with the advantage given to her.

Twilight's quick approach of the town hall was interrupted by wild laughter from within. Twilight lifted an ear as the other folded back. "What?"

"Got me," admitted Spike, holding firmly to her mane. "This part of the local holiday?"

"I assure you, it's not." She shook her head, resuming her approach a bit slower. "What's going on?"

The door burst open, the double doors slapping against either side as some malignant magical thing flowed free and off towards the Everfree, carrying the laughter with it. Twilight watched it go a moment before trying to get closer. Unfortunately, a lot of other ponies were rushing to get out of the building, slowing her progress.

"Hey." Applejack found her, others clustering in rapidly. "You missed a big somethin' goin' down!"

Rarity flipped her mane. "That ruffian ruined the decorations and promises to do even more. This cannot be accepted!"

Rainbow landed, stomping a hoof on the way. "This big mare just shows up out of nowhere like she's in charge or something! Nightmare Moon, what a lame name."

Twilight's eyes widened. "She was right..."

Pinkie tilted her head. "Who was right?"

"Moondancer," blurted Twilight, dancing in place. "And she's going right into danger!"

AJ set a hoof on Twilight, calming her. "Slow down, sugarcube. You know yer not alone. What's goin' on with yer friend?"

"She... wasn't very nice," noted Fluttershy timidly.

Spike leaned around Twilight's head. "Nightmare Moon?"

"Oh, um, not her either." She withdrew behind her hair as if she could vanish.

Twilight chuckled nervously at that. "I know she can be a bit... prickly, but, I promise, there's a lovely pony under there, waiting to warm up to you all. Right now, we have to keep her safe. Nopony deserves to be hurt, or worse, and she went right into the Everfree Forest."

All the girls gasped at the news. Fluttershy braved a step forward. "What was... that, about her being... right?"

"I'll explain on the way, we have to go." She led her friends towards the same dangerous forest. "We have a friend to save. What did Nightmare Moon say, anyway?"

"Blah blah blah," started Applejack. "Eternal darkness, mua ha ha. Somethin' like that."

"She mentioned a Castle," noted Spike.

"The Castle of the Twin Sisters," agreed Twilight. "That is where we're going."

Rainbow lifted over the group as they strode towards the edge of town "Is she worth it? I mean, shouldn't we be doing something about the fact that it's still dark?" She waved a hoof at the darkened skies.

Twilight twisted her head to look up at Rainbow. "She's already trying to do something about it. She was trying to ask me about it, and I put it off a day, thinking it wasn't... a big deal." She sighed softly. "And I let her down."

Rarity bumped into her from the side. "Don't beat yourself up, darling. We're on the case, now. We'll save your friend, and the rest of Equestria while we're at it!"

"Ah'll drink t' that." Applejack adjusted her hat as they came up on the border of the forest. She swallowed heavily. "Just have to make it through... there."

There was some soft grumbling, but they would not be dissuaded by a tree line alone, and they pressed onwards into the unknown.

"Again?" Moondancer cocked a bushy brow at the menacing faces that had appeared on the trees all around her. "I'll award points for an improved bluff, but it's still a bluff." She kept on walking, paying the faces no further mind. "Stupid forest."

She kicked one tree as she went past, only to have a branch swat her bottom in reply. With a squeak, she dashed forward out of further range, grumbling to herself as she blushed. "Don't be a little foal. You have this under control."

Still, no lousy tree, with or without a face, was going to stop her! As if...

A raging frothing river, on the other hoof, was harder to argue away. "Hmm..." She looked up and down along it. There was no bridge, and the water seemed far too agitated to dream of swimming across it. "I should have learned that spell..." Her decision to 'leave flying to the pegasi' felt silly right at that moment. "C'mon, think..." She plonked down to her haunches, considering the challenge before her.

Twilight slid forward suddenly, the bank giving way under her. Her and the other girls yelped, scrambling for purchase as those with wings jumped into the air. Applejack managed to bring herself to a halt, her forehooves clapped together as strongly as they could to hold Twilight in place, a painful position for them both. "Ah... gotcha... Alright, gonna let go."

"Applejack, I trust you dearly, but... why would you let me go?" asked Twilight, trying to be rational despite the situation. "Pull me up instead?"

"No can do, promise. It's a Big Mac Catch." Twilight's eyes widened a bit before she relaxed, allowing the drop to come. Twilight fell into the arms of her flying friends and Applejack sat up, chuckling. "Just like old times."

"Just like it," joined Twilight with a little laugh as she was carried to safety. "Thanks, both of you."

They were able to proceed, a little closer for their harrowing moment of danger.

Fluttershy wished the chimera well as they went on past it, all sore feelings for their brief conflict set aside and forgotten with the thorn removed from his great paw.

"Good work." Rainbow thumped her rump into Flutter's from the side. "You had that big monster literally eating out of your hoof."

"Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness." Fluttershy was looking ahead into the forest that seemed to press from all around them. "I really hope we're almost there..."

There was no such luck. The trees only got more and more imposing, until they seemed to be literally leering at the ponies, daring the mares to turn tail and run back from whence they came.

Pinkie wasn't having that, espousing the power of a bit of laughter in the face of danger, and banishing the tree demons away. "You'll see that they can't hurt you; just laugh to make them disappear!" With a pointed ha ha ha, she sent them packing, leaving unaltered trees behind. The girls could proceed laughing along with one another instead of trembling.

"There has to.. Ah ha!" She saw a serpent lump move, a coil in the frothing waves. "Is something in there?" She lowered her horn at it and gave it a little zap.

"Ouch!" proclaimed Steven Magnet as the purple lizard rose out of the waves, scowling at the little pony. "What'd you do that for?! My day is already absolutely ruined and you have to add to it?"

Moondancer inclined her head at the enraged beast. "I have to get across." She pointed past him. "Or we stay in the dark forever, which takes higher priority than your bad day."

"Oh, that's so easy for you to say, little dear." He reached up to his disfigured face, one side of his great moustache removed. "Look what just happened to me! Even this dark isn't dim enough to hide my shame. It's literally the worst thing, and you don't even care."

He wasn't entirely wrong. She did not feel a great amount of compassion for the large roadblock. "If you've stopped crying, may I go past now?"

"You attacked me and now you're being rude? Honey, I'm losing patience fast." He scowled at the little unicorn, but noticed movement behind her. "What's this, you brought backup to make my day worse?!"

Twilight and the girls had caught up with her. Twilight closing in on Moondancer, the two exchanging a brief hug, warmth offered there at least. "Good to see you." Moondancer inclined her head towards Steven. "He won't let me go past."

Fluttershy was studying the great lizard. "Oh, um, sorry if we've bothered you."

"Well, at least one of you has manners." He sniffled dejectedly, but he was looking at Fluttershy then. "I've just had the worst day, little sister, the worse!"

"Oh my, what happened?" She inclined her head faintly.

Moondancer leaned in closer to Twilight. "I don't get it. Why are we talking to him?"

Twilight pointed to the two talking. "They are becoming friends."

Moondancer's gaze flipped between Fluttershy and Steven, back and forth. Suddenly, she applied a hoof to her face. "How could I be so dumb?! He just wanted a favor in return for a favor, of course. Friendship was the answer the entire time!"

Twilight gently booped her friend on the nose. "I think you arrived at not precisely the conclusion I was aiming for, but basically yes."

"Darling, how can anyone deal with looking so. The barbarian who did this to you deserves what's coming to them," huffed Rarity, turning up her nose at the idea. "Have no fear, we'll get you looking more like your usual self."

Steven blinked with obvious surprise. "What could you do? I mean, I do appreciate the feeling, honey, but you can't just... Ow!" She had plucked one of of his scales. "Now you're attacking me too?!" But she brought down the scale like a knife, severing the tip of her own tail, leaving her with just a stub. "I mean... That's a bit extreme."

She smiled, lifting it up in her magic to work it into his moustache, giving him a purple, but complete, look. "Here you are, something to tide you over while you wait for your natural locks to return."

"You are just a peach." He clapped his hands together with a bright smile. "You're alright. If you need something, you just let me know."

"Friendship is the exchange of favors," noted Moondancer, looking satisfied with her world view proven correct.

Steven formed a bridge for them to hop across easily to the other side, their adventure able to continue with a new friend secured.

Pressing on, together, Moondancer explained as they went, "We need the elements of harmony. They were last seen in the Castle of the Twin Sisters. That is how Nightmare Moon was last defeated. We can do it again with their help."

Rarity inclined her head faintly. "Why would they leave such an important thing in such a remote place? Really, some people."

Twilight shook her head. "No argument there, but there must be a good reason." She shrugged softly. "By the way, I left Spike at the library, so he wouldn't be in danger here in the forest. I couldn't risk your little brother."

"Hm? Oh." Moondancer nodded firmly. "Thank you. I knew I could trust on you to make reasonable decisions. I hope he's not upset about not being here. I feel certain he would have wanted to accompany you."

"He really did," chuckled out Twilight, thinking back on the brave Spike, wanting to protect her instead of the other way around. "He is a darling little dragon, which is why we have to keep him safe."

Emerging from the fog up ahead, they saw the rundown ruins of the castle. Their faces all lit up with hope. Moondancer accelerated forward. "Let's end this--" She stopped, her tail grabbed in Rainbow's teeth. "Excuse me?"

Rainbow pointed past her, to where a bridge had fallen, and a great abyss awaited instead. "Best leave this to a pony that can fly." She spread her wings and launched into the air. "I'll get the bridge back up in a flash." And she was gone.

All of them waited patiently. Moondancer raised an arm over her eyes. "Did I see something?"

Twilight inclined her head faintly. "Mostly fog... Let's be patient."

The bridge began to rise into place, being tied off onto something secure. They could see Rainbow Dash waving at them. They were able to advance across it as if it had never been damaged. "Some jerks tried to get me to leave you all behind, as if." She rolled her eyes at the idea. At last, they had arrived at the castle! Moondancer was already trotting ahead, determined to see her quest through to completion.

Applejack leaned in, speaking quietly to Twilight as they trotted along, "Look, ah know she's yer friend an' all, but she's a might... prickly?"

"She's a jerk," more bluntly added Rainbow Dash.

"We were all a little difficult to deal with, when we were new." Twilight shook her head slowly. "She's used to living with books for company, and as much as I love them, a pony once in a while helps. We can smooth those edges."

Fluttershy nudged against Twilight gently. "That's very, um, kind of you." They shared a little smile, unified in extending a nice hoof, even if the target wasn't looking for it specifically.

Rarity buffed her chest with a hoof as they walked. "Let's get this little emergency over before we worry about that, darlings. Priorities and what not."

"Here it is!" They came in to join Moondancer around a strange statue with great stone spheres. "The elements. All..." She counted quickly. "Wait, there should be... one more..."

Twilight opened her mouth to reply, but maniacal laughter surrounded them, along with a powerful wind. As the gust faded, the statue was gone, along with Moondancer. "We have to find them!" And Twilight led the charge to find the elements and their missing friend.

Moondancer picked herself up off the floor with a low grunt. She could see Nightmare Moon cackling. And there were the elements! She just needed a spark. Moondancer's horn began to glow as she wove the magic she hoped would awaken the artifacts.

"You're kidding." Nightmare inclined her head at the little unicorn. "You're kidding--"

She didn't get to finish her statement, Moondancer sending electric arcs over the statue, lighting the area and providing a handy way for her friends to find her, not that she was thinking of that.

That was not the spark the elements were waiting for. The status crumbled to pieces before her eyes. "No..." She had failed.

Nightmare Moon laughed wildly. "You saved me a step. I should thank you, little moron. What were you even trying to do?"

The others rushed into the room, circling around her and scowling at Nightmare Moon. "The Night will last forever," she cried with victory, head back for continued cackling.

"Just say the word," barked Rainbow.

"We're here for you," assured Applejack.

"Yeah, we're all here," added Pinkie, bouncing.

Twilight set a hoof on Moondancer's shoulder. "If the elements broke that easily... maybe they weren't the elements."

Moondancer sat up almost so fast as to crash into Twilight. "That's it! You're a genius!" She turned on Nightmare Moon, a victorious smile on her face. "Those rocks aren't what we're here for."

"What?" She frowned at the sudden recovery of her enemy's spirit.

"The elements are right here!" She thrust a hoof back at the assembled mares. "Kind enough to want to make friends with a dragon, she's confusing but she's got kindness down pat. Fluttershy!" Rocks snapped together, becoming a necklace around her neck, dangling over her chest.

"So generous she cut off her tail just to make a guy feel better, seems clear to me. Rarity is generosity!" An amulet snapped into place on Rarity. "This mare literally ran off to throw a surprise party for a mare she never met, and she's the life of the party." Moondancer pointed at Pinkie. "Behold, laughter!"

Twilight was gently clapping her hooves as each was named, a bright smile on her face as her friends lifted into the air. "You can do it," she urged quietly, as if her voice could throw things off.

"Loyal to her friends even when comparative offers are made! Rainbow Dash, I dub thee Loyalty!" Rainbow joined the others, glowing with power. "And I'm out of elements so I'm pretty sure this one's yours. Applejack, you are my honesty!"

"Fool," thundered Nightmare Moon. "Proclaiming you're out of elements when you don't even have them all? Your little speech didn't work."

"That's where you're wrong." Moondancer brought her hooves together. "The sixth element is also here. The element... of magic!" she cried, lifting into the air. The entire group was awash with power as a new form rose to join them, Twilight floating just aside Moondancer, to both of their confusion, but they put it aside as each gained half a tiara, precisely half that would fit into the other.

"No!" Nightmare Moon took a step forward, but it was already too late. The two unicorns at the fore were the channel, magic flowing in a dazzling beam of rainbow hues. "Nooo!" She was lost under waves of colors, her laughing at a complete end with her defeat.

The next thing anyone knew, Rainbow was rubbing her head. "Ow, wow, what happened?"

"Everypony alright?" asked Applejack, looking around. They were still wearing their necklaces, which she brushed with a hoof idly.

"Oh, thank goodness." Rarity was admiring her restored tail.

"Why, Rarity, it's lovely." Fluttershy agreed with Rarity's opinion, nodding.

"Oh, darling, you needn't tell me. I'll never part with it again!"

"No, I meant your necklace." She pointed at the jewel. "It looks like your cutie mark."

"Well, dear, so does yours," She pointed in return with a nod.

Fluttershy gasped as Pinkie bounced. "Look at mine, look!"

Rainbow had seen hers, pumping a hoof. "Aw yeah, look at me."

Twilight threw a leg over Moondancer. "How did you figure that out? My friends are all elements?!"

"Indeed they are," spoke a gentle voice. There was Celestia, arrived with her stately smile. All the ponies present bowed towards her, except Moondancer who inclined her head.

"Moondancer, my faithful student. I knew you could do it."

Moondancer raised a hoof to her cheek. "I don't even begin to understand. You were quite firm in not assisting me."

"I told you to make friends, and nothing more than that." Celestia reached out a hoof to rest on Moondancer's head, right where her tiara ended. That was... not in the plans. She glanced aside at Twilight, wearing the other half. What did that mean? She kept that to herself. "You have found friendship, and it let you awaken the magic in your heart, now if only another will... Princess Luna!"

She approached Luna to share emotional words. Twilight was quick to close with Moondancer. "What happened? We're wearing matching tiaras." She pointed up at them. "Mine has half of my cutie mark, and yours has yours, which matches our friends, but why are ours half?"

Moondancer clopped her hooves together. "Because we're both magic. Our talent was equal in this field." She leaned in, touching her head to Twilight's. "It is a pleasure to acknowledge you as a peer." The two shared a look, warmth growing in their chests. Even if Moondancer had failed to see the friendship in the others just yet, those two were true friends, and that link allowed the magic to work.

She stepped back, uncertain. The royal sisters seemed to have made things up. Pinkie was sniffling with joy. "I... suppose this means I go home." Moondancer turned to Celestia. "At least let me go retrieve Spike. He's in town."

"There is no need," assured Celestia. "Moondancer, take a note please."

With a pop, a quill appeared with a scroll, Moondancer ready. "I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn Moondancer shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the magic of friendship. She must report to me her findings from her new home in Ponyville."

Moondancer dutifully got the words down, even as her head tilted more and more. "Wait... but--"

Twilight threw a hoof over Moondancer, hugging her. "Isn't that wonderful! You can stay!"

She could stay? Oh! That was good news! Moondancer began to smile. "Yeah... Um, Celestia, ma'am, I'll do my best!" She saluted with the hoof away from Twilight. "Expect regular reports."

Pinkie bounced ahead to join the hug pile. "This is so exciting! I can't wait to get to know you better, and I'll show you all the fun places around town. I hope you're ready, because I'm so ready! Oooo!"

The other mares couldn't resist the affection being given and closed, joining in the welcoming of Moondancer, even if they didn't really get her just yet. Twilight and Pinkie seemed happy at least, and they seemed to be tied somehow, linked with an ancient artifact.

Celestia gently gathered up her sister. "I am sorry this took so very long," she whispered so softly she felt sure the girls wouldn't hear it. "Let's get you somewhere safe, then I can try to begin apologizing properly."

Author's Note:

End Episode 2! As you can see, Moondancer is not Twilight, at all. She is a different pony with a different temperament, and her presence will cause further eddies in the stream of life.

Still, Equestria will cope, we hope?

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