• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,166 Views, 858 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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54 - Sisterhooves Social - Part Three

"She didn't even bother to come." Sweetie rolled her eyes, but she was smiling at Pear Butter. "Not that it matters. I have you and we're going to be great!"

Pear Butter patted her little running-mate. "Now, be kind on me. I'll do my best, but I'm not a spring mare anymore. Let's have a fun time."

"Okay!" Sweetie bounced against Pear Butter. "But let's try our best." Not that she was against doing well.

They were hardly the only ponies there. The starting line of the event was filled with sisters from all over Ponyville, and even one brother. "That was easy."

Silver Spoon tossed her mane. "Like, of course. We just told them the truth."

"Amazing how often that works." Spike thought back to them approaching the judges to enter things properly. "She's like a sister to me," he had explained. They had looked at each other, shrugged, and waved them in. "Looks like they got in too." He looked across the line to where Moon Dancer and Diamond were doing preparing stretches. "This'll be something..."

"Something great!" Silver punched up at the sky with her words. "Are you ready?"

They met, hoof to fist, and took on a ready stance to begin the race.

Moon lifted a hoof up into the air as if to gauge the strength of the wind. "Five knots, south by southeast."

Diamond gave a slight nod of acknowledgement. "Alright, that sounds good." She could feel the wind blowing against her, the melody of wind chimes in the air, but it was far too gentle to be an issue for the race. "We are so ready. Let's take home the gold!"

The race began with the sound of a starting gun being fired into the air. The ponies galloped forward in a wild and uncontrolled manner, the big and little sisters side by side. "One thing," gasped out Silver, trying to control her breath as she ran. "We have an advantage... in size!" They were the smallest pair there, both being children.

They all ran into the mud pit, one thing they hadn't practiced on. Sweetie bounced ahead in spritely springs, the mud barely registering to her. Spike charged in and discovered mud was slippery. Fortunately, Silver was there to grab, almost knocking them both to the ground before they could regain their footing and stagger forward in the slippery course.

Pear Butter vanished into the mud.

Sweetie rushed back to her with a squeak, reaching out a hoof to help her partner escape its depths. "You alright?" Pear Butter nodded and they hastened through the course, the sun glinting off the trees.

There were losers and winners, but all of them shone aas winners. They helped each other through the tall and low parts. They smashed berries and balanced eggs. "As if you need to teach a dragon how to balance an egg." Spike struck a victorious pose, then dashed ahead, so much more to do.

The two had to work extra hard to stomp the berries. Neither of them were very large, so they had to make sure the jar was ready and both climb up to stomp and stamp things to get it full. The crowd roared and stomped at the exploits of the teams as they hurried along through the sisterly challenges.

The end of the course was right in front of them, but Silver's endurance was tapped out, slumping to the side instead of running as she adjusted her glasses. Spike stopped with her. "You alright?"

"I'm... fine... The real course is... a little harder," Silver got out slowly through her pants. "Thanks... For doing it with me... This is still... so dumb."

"Yeah." Spike sat next to her. "But we got to be dumb together."

"Yeah." She grabbed him, an arm around him as she drew him in close.

Diamond was racing past with Moon, and she saw Silver and Spike. "What?" She skidded to a stop and stomped up to them. "What are you two doing getting all buddy buddy?!"

Moon came at a slowly jog next to Diamond. "We can't win if we stop."

Diamond waved Moon off. "He's getting all snuggly, with my friend! The two of you!"

Silver stuck out her tongue at Diamond. "You coulda had me as your sister, but you left me with him. This is your fault, like, really." She pulled Spike all the tighter, more out of possessiveness than lingering affection.

Diamond stomped one hoof after the other. "That isn't how this works! You... don't even like this kinda thing."

"Neither do you," retorted Silver Spoon with a huff. "And here you are."

"Here... we are?" Diamond glanced at the race rushing right on past them. Diamond and her companions had already lost all hopes of winning. "Here we are... Ugh! I did not come all this way to not finish." She turned for the finish line. "And you didn't either. Get back on your hooves!"

Silver popped her glasses back into place. "Fine! You're so bossy." Still, she was standing and resumed her journey at a light trot instead of the wild gallop they had started with. Spike easily kept up with her relaxed jog.

"Oh no you don't." Diamond snagged Spike, rearing up onto her hindlegs to get one arm around him. "You're mine, you."

Moon inclined her head left and right. "I do not believe that is factually accurate." Not that anyone rose to that argument. They made it across the finish line, not winners, but not feeling like losers either.

Sweetie Belle was already there, gaping at the revealed form of who had actually raced her. "But then where's Pear Butter?"

"Right here." The middle-aged mare came walking up, still flecked in mud. "Did you have fun?"

Rarity laughed in her proper way. "Not the sort of 'fun' I usually have, but that was quite invigorating, and it was time spent with Sweetie Belle, which made it entirely worth it, darling."

"You mean that?" Sweetie took an unsure step back, just to be gently scooped up against Rarity. The two hugged, their differences set aside in a moment of sisterly bonding.

Pear nodded at the two. "Well, now this is jus' me sayin' it, but this feels like the perfect endin' fer the social to me, aside of gettin' a snack er two."

"Wait!" Sweetie reached for Pear in a wild flailing of a hoof. "It's not fair! You never got to race, and you still haven't..."

"There's always next year," gently assured Pear Butter. "I'd rather see you safely back in your sisters' arms."

"You're too nice!" squeaked out Sweetie Belle. "No! Next year, you! I want to race with you. Not, um, because I'm angry, but because you deserve it. You're such a good mom, you should get a chance to be a sister."

"Hear hear," called Apple Bloom with a smile. "Best mom ah know!"

Applejack lowered her hat to her chest. "It'd be a pleasure to run alongside ya, mom."

Apple Bloom turned to the others arriving late. "There ya'all are. The not-sister sisters." She was giggling to herself as she scampered to Diamond, Spike, Moon, and Silver. "You were doin' so good! Why'd ya stop like that?"

Silver sank to her haunches, just catching her breath. "I ran out... I couldn't... I just had to stop."

Spike hiked a thumb at Silver. "I was running with her. I'm not going to keep going if she stops. That's against the rules even."

Diamond colored in her cheeks as she shuffled awkwardly a little. "I saw them stopped," she weakly got out. "So I stopped..."

Moon's horn glowed as she snatched Spike with her magic and placed him on her back. "Like my brother, I could not proceed without my partner. Next year, would you care to participate, Spike?"

Spike hugged her neck from behind. "That sounds fun! And..."

Diamond rolled her eyes. "If you're thinking we'll go next year, pass."

"Pass," joined Silver. The two giggled, their bond, reforged. "Wanna?"

"With pleasure." Diamond bumped her hoof against Silver, just to swap to the other as they performed their dance. "Sugarlump, rump," they cried out together, their giggles redoubling in volume.

Moon inclined her head at the two, then turned to march off without any further words to them. "Did you enjoy yourself?" She had words for Spike though.

"Not the ending I expected." Spike shrugged from atop Moon. "But I guess I should have seen that coming. Oh! Think this is worth a friendship report?"

"Excellent idea." With a pop, she conjured a scroll and a quill to get to writing with. "Let's see... A lot of things happened today."

Dear Princess Celestia,

I was a participant in a local ritual known as the Sisterhooves Social this day. The topic of sisterhood is complex, with biological sisters being merely one type of example, not to mention the tension that can influence familial connections and challenge them. This has caused me to think of the great fondness I have for my sister. I shall compose a letter to her when I am done with this one. It also brought to mind my brother, even though I seldom fail to think of him. Nevertheless, our connection was solidified despite his interaction with another pony.

I am not typically inclined towards physical activity. In spite of that, I observed the exercise to be a stimulating change of pace. This experience allowed me to observe the different types of familial friendships which were being displayed around me. This was a highly beneficial experience for myself and all ponies who were present. I propose that this ritual be distributed to other communities if possible. I will provide a review of the difficulties encountered in the course, along with proposed modifications.

It has been suggested, and I agreed, that I would participate with Spike as my companion next year. I am eagerly anticipating that moment, however I do not wish for it to come any sooner. My body is showing signs of fatigue. A chance to have dinner and refreshments is being presented. Both come across as highly desirable.

Eagerly Learning,
Moon Dancer

She folded her scroll tightly. "If you would, please." She hovered it in front of Spike. With a puff, it was sent on its way towards her ruler and teacher. "We have accomplished our tasks for the day." She pointed to the food tables. "Shall we?"

"With pleasure." Spike nudged her with his feet. "Hey, where did Twilight go? Did she come?"

"Eh..." Moon wobbled a hoof as she advanced on the other three. "She showed little interest in participating. 'I have no sister,' was her reply."

"Twilight." Spike folded his arms. "That sounds like her. I bet she resorted the books while we were busy running our tails off."

"Likely." Moon sat at one of the tables and allowed Spike to slide free of her. "Our differences are a part of what appeals, is it not? Meeting the ponies of Ponyville have taught me much by not being the same as me, or you." She inclined her head in thought. "For that matter, you are not the same as me."

"We both like reading?" Not that this stopped him from taking big bites out of his plate of food. "Right?"

"We enjoy reading different topics. I do not, usually, read comics." She twitched an ear at him. "Perhaps, some day, you can show me the appeal. I'd like to learn more about what interests you."

Spike took a deep chug of his fizzy drink. "Really? I... didn't think you cared about that."

"I care about you." She put an arm around Spike. "And that means I'd like to know."

"Thanks..." Spike was quiet a moment, shuffling in place. "Does that mean I should ask about your stuff?"

"If you like?" Moon stuffed a bit of cake down her snout with a satisfied mmm. "But don't feel forced. You provide ample assistance with my study, and I appreciate that."

"Spike!" Diamond hopped up next to him. Silver took up position next to her. "Next year, we're gonna--"

Spike held up a hand. "I'm racing with my actual sister, sorry." Though she pouted a moment, she let that one go. He had a sister, but so did she. She resumed her chat with Silver Spoon.

Author's Note:

And end arc! That was cute and nice, to me. What'd you think?

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