• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,166 Views, 857 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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68 - Sweet and Elite Part One

"Are you certain you're prepared?" Moon looked over Spike discerningly. "This is a lot of responsibility. If it's too much, kindly inform me."

Spike waved that away. "Please. I'll be fine!" He reached down to pat Scamp as the mouse hurried past. "I'll keep the pets fed. I'll keep the library straight. You go have fun." He made soft shooing motions at Twilight and Moon. "Everything'll be alright."

Diamond leaned against Spike from the side. "What are you doing in Canterlot again?"

Moon Dancer smiled at Diamond, adjusting her glass with a glowing horn. "Twilight is having a birthday. We all plan to be there. Rarity is already there, engaging in her own business."

Twilight hiked a brow high at that. "Her own business? I thought she was there for me."

Moon turned to Twilight. "That wouldn't be logical. Why would she need to be there early? I am not aware of the specifics of her business, but she must be doing something, or she'd come with everypony else."

Twilight tapped her chin thoughtfully. "You have a point... Spike, if things get rough, send a letter to Celestia. She can reach us, or even just message you back. Either way is faster than trying to get to us directly."

Spike saluted sharply. "Great idea! But I won't need that."

Diamond nudged Spike roughly. "You're giving up a big chance."

"I am?" Spike peered at his girlfriend with building confusion. "What chance is that?"

Diamond waved a hoof at Moon and Twilight. "You could be rubbing elbows with ponies in Canterlot. How do you just turn that down without even thinking about it?!"

Spike shrugged at Diamond Tiara. "I don't really care about fame or riches or whatever Canterlot ponies are chasing. I've got everything I need right here."

Diamond planted her face firmly into a hoof. That was hardly the answer she wanted to hear from her social-climbing ambitions. Still, she respected that Spike knew what he wanted at least.

"If you're sure," she allowed simply. "Just remember you gave that chance up, later."

"I think I'll be fine." He leaned in to smooch her cheek. "You have fun in Canterlot. Bring me back a souvenir?"

Diamond giggled despite herself, giving him a gentle shove. "You're the worst, you know that?" But her smile lingered as she turned to follow Moon and Twilight. The train would be leaving soon with or without them.

Spike waved at the departing ponies, putting on a show of confidence. As soon as they were out of sight he sagged. Watching the whole house? Keeping the chaotic library in order? What had he gotten himself into?

"Too late now..." He steadied his nerves, putting on a bold face. He marched back into the library, rubbed his hands together, and got right to work. If he took it one task at a time, he could do this!

Moon arched a brow as they walked towards the train. "Diamond, I confess. I'm surprised. I didn't think you'd want to come with us without Spike in attendance."

Diamond gave her best smile to Moon, turning it to Twilight. "You are family to Spike, and I'm becoming family to Spike, so..."

Twilight smiled brightly at that. "So you want to be there at my party, how delightful!" She reached, ruffling Diamond's mane. "Such a thoughtful little filly you are. You are entirely welcome. Let's have some fun. It was very nice of Princess Celestia to help arrange this. She certainly didn't have to."

Twilight colored as they stepped up to the ticket booth to begin purchasing those tickets. "I'm afraid my connection to Moon Dancer caused that to happen. I didn't mean to exploit my friendships like that."

Moon kissed Twilight's cheek. "I don't think you did that. I think I did that. I wrote her a letter, and she arranged it."

"You did?!" Twilight laughed with amazement as they wandered towards the train platform. "I would not have guessed in a thousand moons."

"What can I say?" Moon said, looking quietly pleased with herself. "Diamond Tiara made me realize how much an opportunity like this could mean to you. I knew I had to make it special."

"Well you succeeded!" Twilight nuzzled her affectionately. "This is already an unforgettable birthday."

Diamond scuffed her hoof, eyes darting between the two. Watching their open affection still made her a little squirmy. Even though she was dating Spike, picturing him all lovey with his mom was just...weird.

She distracted herself by bounding ahead to their train car. "So what about Rarity?" Diamond asked. "You said she's already there? Doing 'business' or whatever?"

"Oh yes, apparently Rarity has very important business to attend to," Moon said, unable to keep a note of wry skepticism from her voice. "I suppose we'll discover soon enough what was truly so urgent... I admit, I am assuming. Why else would she go ahead of us?"

They met the other girls on the train and they all cheered their way up the mountainside towards Canterlot.

Diamond smirked with thought. "If I was visiting Canterlot, I'd have a thousand things to do too... I wonder if she's making connections." She tapped her hooves together, rocking in her seat. "I know I would be..."

Moon tapped at the armrest of her bench. "I will hope she is successful then."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Enough talking about Rarity. We're here for Twilight's big day!" All the other mares cheered as one. "Here's to a day of fun in a fancy garden!"

Everypony around her lurched, but Rainbow was flying, not feeling the train stop. "Alright, everypony off!"

The group disembarked and made their way through Canterlot's immaculate streets towards the castle gardens. Every sight was picturesque, from the elegant architecture to the perfumed gardens.

Diamond's eyes shone as she took it all in. That was the life she aspired to - sophisticated, cultured, elite. Though Ponyville had its charms, Canterlot was the pinnacle of high society. She hoped to soak up all she could on that visit.

As they rounded a corner, a familiar voice rang out. "Twilight! Girls!" Rarity approached, looking flushed but delighted. "And Diamond Tiara, what a lovely surprise."

Diamond regarded Rarity's breathless demeanor and the fancy luncheon unfolding behind her with a raised brow. Clearly, the fashionista had not just been killing time since arriving early. She looked every bit the social butterfly.

Twilight swept Rarity into an excited hug. "Rarity! We were just talking about you on the train here. What sort of important business has kept you so busy?" she asked innocently.

Rarity's eyes widened, her gaze sliding briefly toward Moon Dancer's wry expression. "Oh, you know...this and that!" she laughed airily. "But let's not waste another moment out here. Come see the gardens, they're divine!"

They all headed that way, with Rarity trailing back a bit to get beside Moon. "Darling!"

Moon perked an ear. "Yes?" She nodded at a pony passing by, one she knew from school.

"How did you even know I'd be here?!" demanded Rarity in a harsh whisper. "I didn't expect any of you!"

Moon inclined her head slowly. "It was a secret? Princess Celestia informed me you'd be staying, and we corresponded about it. Visiting seemed logical, so you'd be able to attend Twilight's party."

She froze misstep. "Did I miscalculate?" She buried her face in a hoof. "I'm awful... Please forgive me."

Rarity cringed at the display. "Dear, darling, no..." She glanced nervously at the other mares, and one filly, not noticing their chat, thankfully. "No... You did... nothing wrong." She forced a smile. "Everything is just fine. When is this party again?"

Moon peeked out from behind her hoof, reassured that she hadn't totally botched things. "The party is tomorrow evening in the castle gardens," she answered, adjusting her glasses.

Rarity nodded, lips pursed tight in thought as the gears spun rapidly in her head. She'd have to get creative if she wanted to maintain her carefully cultivated social status here while still celebrating with her dear friend. An uneasy feeling gnawed at her stomach. She hated the thought of anything marring Twilight's special day.

"Rarity, are you coming?" Twilight called over her shoulder.

"Be right there!" Rarity sailed back into her cheerful socialite persona and trotted to catch up. She linked her foreleg through Twilight's. "So darling, doesn't this garden take your breath away? I must introduce you to some of the ponies I've met..."

As Rarity babbled brightly, Diamond sidled up next to Moon with a smug little grin. "Soooo business, huh?" Though still young, Diamond recognized thinly veiled social maneuvering when she saw it. This birthday visit had just gotten a lot more interesting.

Moon coughed softly into a hoof. "Business... Perhaps more of it than I had originally surmised."

Diamond raised a brow at the frank admission. "I expected you to be more evasive about it." She glanced at the others chatting amiably about the garden. "I swear, it's like they never saw a garden before." She leaned in all the closer to Moon. "Do you need a helping hoof?"

Moon frowned with consideration. "Mmm... I feel bad asking a foal for assistance with what is an adult problem."

Diamond's brows flattened low. "Moon. Mom? No, that feels strange... Let's forget I ever said that. Moon. I am not just a foal. I am a classically trained socialite." She tossed her mane. "Think of me like a smaller Rarity, if that helps."

Moon smiled at the high class filly. "Actually, yes. That does provide me the context I need. Alright... Diamond, can you assist Rarity?"

Diamond blinked at that. "I thought you'd be the one needing help."

"That is incorrect." Moon waved at herself. "I am here to attend a party. That is the entirety of my ambitions. Nothing appears to be interfering with those plans."

"And Rarity?"

"I don't know," admitted Moon. "But I think you could find out, and assist her. Please do your best to see to her success."

Diamond considered Moon's request, emotions flickering across her face. On one hoof, the idea of swooping in to aid the sophisticated pony she idolized made her little heart race. She loved the scheming, the social tussling, the high-class game of it all.

But a part of her rebelled at the thought of doing Rarity any favors. They had never been particularly close back in Ponyville. Rarity had always seemed to view her as an obnoxious child, not anyone worth grooming as a protege. Why should she lift a hoof for her?

Diamond scuffed the cobblestones, wavering in indecision before giving Moon an earnest look. "What's in it for me though?" True, Rarity looked rather strained trying to balance her two worlds. But she'd need some incentive to get involved.

Moon pursed her lips thoughtfully. Diamond was ambitious, there must be a suitable reward for her. But what would best stroke her budding ego? Then Moon smiled. Just the thing.

"You wish to be a high society pony one day, yes?" she asked. "Then consider it...career experience. Helping Rarity now could mean a glowing recommendation later."

Diamond's eyes lit up. Prestige, connections, advancement - now THAT was motivation! "Deal!" she chirped, shaking Moon's hoof eagerly. This might shape up to be an entertaining day after all. "One more thing."

Moon sank mildly. "That is not enough."

"No." Diamond smirked viciously. "The next time I want to invite Spike for a sleepover, I expect not a single complaint from you."

Moon inclined her head slowly. "I don't recall standing in your way before. I was also not aware this was a desire you had. Shared sleeping arrangements is an acceptable task for two friendly creatures of any age. Why would I object?"

Diamond buried her face in a hoof, realizing she had just wasted a favor on something Moon would have just given freely. "Alright, it's a deal then. I'll hold you to it."

Moon nodded as Diamond walked away, on the job. "I hope I didn't error too grandly..."

Author's Note:

I hope this twist on the episode went well.

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