• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,166 Views, 858 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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70 - Sweet and Elite Part Three

Diamond smiled brightly at each foal she ran into. They were all old money, the oldest. That, all by itself, put them above her. She was... new old money. She never worked for her bits, and never would, but first generation. It hardly counted in front of her new company.

Even their laughter was thick with entitlement. "Is this what I sound like?" She cocked a brow, trying to imagine herself from the view of her less advantaged school foal associates. "Ew..."

Despite that, she did her best to impress with practiced manners and that winning smile.

A colt raised a glass of fruit punch at her. "You came with Silver Platter, did you not? What do you see in that bore?"

Diamond blinked at that sharp intrusion on her thoughts. "Well, he..."

The colt leaned in closer. "He paid you to be here, didn't he?"

Diamond cringed. That was true, but to admit it would bring it all crashing down. "He has some winning features, lurking under the surface."

The colt leaned against a filly next to him. "Does he? Regale us. We could stand to hear of these hidden features in our peer."

Diamond's heart thudded as the wealthy foals watched her expectantly. Of course this posh colt had seen through Silver Platter's hastily arranged ruse - and now her own status hung precariously in the balance. These ponies could banish her from their glittering sphere forever with a cruel laugh or cutting word.

Summoning all her charm and poise, Diamond met their gazes evenly. "While not as refined as he could be, Silver Platter does possess a keen eye and clever mind," she remarked. "Just yesterday we were discussing Manehattan's rising real estate prospects compared to Fillydelphia."

It was a bald-faced lie, but from the way the colt titled his head with interest, her bluff landed. Emboldened, Diamond pressed on.

"In fact, I found his insights regarding which neighborhoods to invest in quite shrewd," she lied breezily. "He may act the stuffed shirt at times, but it belies someone surprisingly astute." Diamond lifted her punch and took a nonchalant sip. "So you see, I joined him because I detected hidden depths...as well as enjoying the company of somepony on my level, of course."

She held her breath as the judgementally arched brows around her wavered. Had her gamble worked? Then, miraculously, the colt chuckled.

"Well well...who would have thought?" He raised his glass in wry salute. "I stand corrected regarding Silver Platter. Perhaps I shall have to probe those 'hidden depths' myself. Well played, Miss...?"

"Diamond Tiara," she replied, barely containing her relief and triumph. With her place secured, the real networking could begin!

Rarity laughed nervously as she joined the other girls. Why did their event have to be next door to the other, and at the same time at that?! She did her best to bounce back and forth between them, getting some time to rub elbows with the ponies she wanted to meet, but also her dear friends in a frantic back and forth dash.

She didn't even notice when she was returning from the elite side with a croquet mallet floating beside her. At least until it was knocked away with a swipe of a small hoof. Rarity jumped in surprise. "Darling!" She whirled to find Diamond there, glaring at her. "What?"

Diamond pointed to the dropped mallet. "You were about to ruin it."

Rarity focused on the dropped implement before it clicked. "Oh! Yes." She laughed a little histerically. "Too true. Dear, I need to gather myself." She hurried ahead to rejoin Twilight and the others.

But harmony was not so easily denied. If Rarity would not mess up and bring the girls over, the intrustion simply flowed the other way. Fancy Pants noticed Rarity sneaking off and casually followed her. "I say." He sat there, watching the partying friends having a grand time. "What a spirited gathering."

Rarity tensed, recognizing that voice easily. "Fancy! Um..." She took an unsure step back. "I..."

Twilight slid in next to Rarity, smiling at the noble stallion. "Hello!"

"Hello." Fancy smiled a genuine smile. "Weren't you Celestia's student? What a lovely dress you have there, where did you get it from?"

Twilight pointed to Rarity. "She made it, isn't it lovely?" Twilight twirled around, showing off her simple but lovely dress off. "I love it."

Fancy clapped gently. "Very good. It's lovely to see--"

"Fancy," Jet Set leaned over the hedges, peering at Fancy. "Whatever are you doing over there? The real party is this way. Stop wasting your time with those country bumpkins."

Rarity winced as Jet Set's arrogant words cut through the festive mood. Yet Fancy Pants seemed unfazed. He merely offered Twilight and the others a polite, if apologetic nod, then turned to answer his rude companion.

"My good fellow, one should never dismiss ponies solely based on where they hail from," he mildly reproved Jet Set. "I've traveled extensively, and found admirable souls rich and poor, city and country alike. Now come - why don't you join us and make some new acquaintances?"

He gestured invitingly toward Twilight's brightly decorated table. But Jet Set only sneered.

"And sully my coat rubbing shoulders with those common rabble?" he brayed. "I think not!" With an indignant whinny, he disappeared back into the opulent party.

Fancy Pants sighed in faint exasperation before turning an earnest smile toward Twilight and her friends. "Please pay no mind to my boorish associate. I would be delighted to celebrate your charming soiree - that is, if you'll have me?" His eyes twinkled hopefully behind his monocle.

Rarity tensed. This could ruin everything! Yet before she could interject, Twilight happily exclaimed "Of course!" She summoned a chair over and invited Fancy Pants to join them with a sweep of her hoof. As he settled in, chatting amiably, Rarity fought back a groan. So much for rubbing shoulders with Canterlot's elite society!

Yet strangely, she felt tension draining from her shoulders as well. Watching Twilight bounce excitedly in her seat, hanging on the cultured stallion's every word, Rarity felt a rush of clarity. However ambitious she was to shine in Canterlot's social sphere, it mattered little if it meant sacrificing who she was. Her friends would support her however high she climbed - or came crashing down. Rarity smiled softly to herself. Perhaps this birthday party meant celebrating more than just Twilight after all.

With a releived giggle, Rarity joined in the festivities. "Dear." She gently shimmied in place, next to Diamond. "You simply must tell me. Have you had any chance to enjoy yourself as you followed behind, fixing my mistakes?"

Diamond snorted at that. "Oh, trust me." She paused to rub her hooves together. "This trip was worth it."

Moon Dancer suddenly leaned in. "Excellent. Would you feel inclined to write a friendship report?"

Diamond blinked at that. "Why would I do that?"

Moon rolled a hoof. "You are here because of friendship, and you've been quite busy, but seem satisfied. Was frienship involved? I think it was. Please report it."

Rarity tittered at the exchange. "She has you dead to rights, dear. You'd best just go along with it."

Diamond rolled her eyes at Moon Dancer's request. Write a friendship report?! Her interactions among the Canterlot elite had nothing to do with namby-pamby friendly feelings - it was all about advancing her status and forging useful connections!

Still, Rarity had a point about the persistent scholar pony - once Moon Dancer fixated on an idea, she was harder to dislodge than a diamond dog on a gemstone vein. Perhaps a token report would satisfy her so Diamond could move on with her evening undisturbed.

"Oh, very well," the filly sighed. She made a great show of pulling out a small notepad and jotting a few lines, all while providing deadpan narration.

"Dear Princess Celestia. Today I learned what good friends Rarity and these Canterlot ponies can be." Her voice dripped with sarcasm on the word "friends."

"Rarity worked very hard to fit into this crowd while still celebrating Twilight's birthday because she didn't want to let anypony down. And the posh ponies accepted us country folk at their party after first looking down their muzzles, because that's what good chums do."

Diamond snorted as she scribbled an emphatic period. "There, friendship report complete. They all lived happily ever after, the end!" She waved the notebook with a flourish, then promptly tossed it over her shoulder. "Did that satisfy your silly need for documentation?"

Rarity hid a smirk behind her hoof while Moon Dancer frowned, clearly sensing the biting satire underlying Diamond's words. But to Diamond's relief, the studious pony merely sighed.

"Thank you." Oblivious to the feelings under the surface, Moon tucked the paper away. "Fortunately, Princess Celestia is present. This is her city. I can offer it to her later." She waved at the refreshments. "Enjoy yourself."

Rarity let the laughter out. "Oh, we will, darling. I promise that." She waved as Moon wandered back into the party proper.

Diamond grumbled, but secretly felt pleased her acting skills has apparently fooled the emotion-oblivious unicorn. Some ponies would clearly believe anything! With the pestering issue resolved, Diamond happily returned her focus to mingling among the Canterlot ponies. "Have fun." She bee-lined away from the country party over to the side that had the richer ponies.

Rarity shook her head. "One good friend is worth a dozen false ones." She tapped her chin. "That's a good one... I should write it down." A scroll appeared before her, horn glowing as she wrote it with a quill. "Moon! I have a little addendum for you."

Moon approached, but she wasn't alone. A very large pony was walking alongside her. "You can give your report directly to Princess Celestia." Moon gestured with a toss of her head.

Celestia was smiling gently. "Mmm? You have a friendship report for me?"

Rarity dropped the scroll she was just writing. "Oh, Your Highness!" She dipped into a bow. "I didn't expect you to come!"

Princess Celestia chuckled sweetly. "Come now, do rise, there's no need to stand on ceremony among friends." As Rarity hurriedly straightened back up, Celestia continued, "Regarding your comment, I quite agree! A single, genuine companion is worth more than any number of fairweather flyers."

She cast her thoughtful gaze over the glittering soiree next door where Diamond Tiara had scurried off to. "That ambitious young filly is skirting both good and ill company. Let us hope she learns to judge the true hearts of new acquaintances before status or influence."

Celestia's gentle yet piercing eyes came to rest on Rarity, who shifted self-consciously under the weight of unspoken understanding. Then the princess smiled and any censure faded from her face.

"But let us speak of more pleasant matters! Moon Dancer informed me you formulated a friendship discovery you wished to share?" Celestia prompted kindly, tilting her head.

"Oh! Well, yes..." Flustered, Rarity tried to gather her wits. She levitated her hastily scrawled scroll back up to peer at it. "It was a small epiphany I had while observing, er...certain pony interactions tonight." She offered the scroll to Princess Celestia with a nervous half-grin.

Celestia accepted it with a gracious dip of her head. As her rose-hued eyes skimmed the brief message, she made a sound of approval deep in her throat. "Succinct yet insightful as always, Rarity dear! You have a real talent for capturing profound truths so elegantly."

Glowing under the praise, Rarity dared lift her chin higher despite inward chagrin over her earlier pretentious posturing. Perhaps the path ahead had a few more twists and turns than expected, but genuine bonds of companionship could light the way.

Celestia extended a wing towards the others, the girls and Fancy Pants. "I think I'll join this festivity. Fancy Pants always had the best taste." She winked gently. "Besides, this looks far more entertaining than the stuffy party next door."

Author's Note:

And... end arc! How'd the episode go?

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