• Published 6th Nov 2019
  • 7,663 Views, 568 Comments

Crushed: The Beginnings - Silent Wing

After a tragic accident, a young man wakes up in the Castle of the two pony sisters and is now presented with a second chance at life.

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This Chapter takes part as the same time as Chapter 08 Mango

Canterlot Castle

Court is over since half an hour now and I am waiting for my sister in my private study, curious about what she wants to talk with me. She was very insistent in her letter, where she informed me, that she has to talk with me about something important. I am about to grab some of my own paperwork, to at least do something useful, while waiting for her, when the door finally opens and a midnight blue Alicorn walks into the room. "Tia, I am sorry that I am late, but a certain Unicorn had to interrupt me."

"Hello Luna, think nothing of it, to be honest I am glad that I had a bit of time of my own after court." I reply unwilling to hide my displeasure, about the events that transpired earlier.

"Let me guess, you also had problems with Blueblood sister?" she asks me while walking over towards me and sitting down in the couch directly opposite of mine.

With a frown, I admit, that she is indeed correct with her guess. "He demands that I triple the budget for the Grand Galloping Gala, he is in charge to plan."

"Send him to nightcourt and I will make clear how I think about his preposterousness request." Luna offers to me with a wicked grin, that makes clear that the disappointment that my nephew is, won't like what he will hear.

"I'll think about it Lulu." Wondering what ideas she has this time, before I change back to more important matters. "So Luna, what was so important that you want to talk with me, this early in the evening?"

She drops her playful attitude, before she begins with a sigh. "It is about the events in the Everfree forest, from five days ago. I think I know what is going on there and I started to take actions, to ensure the safety of our subjects."

Now curious about what she has to tell me, I take a sip of my tea before I gesture for her to continue. "After adjusting your students orders, I sent a small squad of each of our guards to Ponyville. Official their job is, to make sure that no beasts from the Everfree forest come close enough to be a danger for the town. The real reason for this is something we cover later, but I need to explain a few things first."

"Sister I admit that sending Guards to Ponyville is a good idea, but how could you ever think, that it's a good idea to for Twilight to abandon her current task. For what we know, whatever caused this magical surge could be extremely dangerous." I demand to know from her, raising my voice slightly so that she understands, that I certainly don't agree with her decision.

"Tia, I know it may look very irresponsible at first, but let me explain my reasoning behind my decision, before you do any further judgment." She begs me, before I can voice any more concerns.

"You beat me there sister, to judge something with a lack of informations has always been a bad choice." I admit my defeat, knowing that she has a good argument against me.

"Sister this may yet sound unbelievable, but I am certain that this magical surge was caused by the arrival of something from a different dimension and I believe that it has his origin nowhere in Equestria." Hearing this from my sister, does nothing to lessen my skepsis about her decisions, but nonetheless I gesture for her to continue.

"A few hours after the events in the Everfree, I found a new Portal in the dream realm. Normally I don't care about this, because newborn Foals make their first appearance there all the time, but this was very different from what I consider normal. When I was patrolling the dream realm, on the search for nightmares I was drawn to this portal and found something I never encountered before." She pause for a moment and gives me the opportunity to ask her questions about it, but when I just stay silent, she drinks some tea of her own before she continues.

"The portal I found there was unusual in many ways, the first was that it was marked with two different names. Quite unsure how this was possible, I decided to investigate further. The portal may just have been create only an hour ago, but it belonged to a pegasus filly that was six, maybe even seven years old."

"Luna, that doesn't makes any sense, we all know no Pony can live that long without sleep." I interrupt her and want to ask her more, but she doesn't give me the chance, when she just continues as if I hadn't said anything.

"I entered her Nightmare, willing to help her like all of our subjects, but some kind of barrier stopped me from doing more then just watch her dream. It began with her waking up in the middle of our old Castle, where she ran into your student and after a short conversation Twilight just knocked her out with a spell before she teleported the two into a laboratorie." Luna pause for a moment, taking in a few deep breaths before she continues.

"Believe me when I say, that the things she did to the filly in her thirst for knowledge, were equal in cruelty to the things Sombra did to his own subjects. It went on for hours and when she finally had all the informations she wanted, she just teleported her to a place I have never seen before. It was full with bipadeled creatures, that look similar to Minotaurs, but were a species I have never seen before. She approached them badly injured in the hope for help, but they just continued where your student stopped. Shortly after this her dream ended in a very nasty way."

"Luna, Twilight would never do such things." I reply, upset about the fact that somepony could ever think about her in this way before I add. "And what are those creatures you mentioned?"

"Tia, from what you told me, I am willing to believe, that your student easily can get over excited in her research. But this doesn't change the fact that she somehow must have scared this filly and I am more concerned about her then your student." I don't like what she is implying here, but I can't deny that she is right, when she says that Twilight can get over excited easily.

"This and a few other dreams, I was able to see, are the reason that I forbade her to approach this filly in any way. Instead, I ordered her to search in our old Castle for any information about the magic, that may brought her to Equestria."

I think for a moment about her words, but I only see one problem with them. "And what is with the filly, do you think it's a good idea to let her all alone, if what you just told me is true?"

"Of course not Tia." She shouts at me, obviously upset about the mere thought. "I can assure you that she isn't as alone as you think and this," she says before she summons a stack of papers out of her room and let them fall on the coffetable between us. "Is the reason why I will make a trip to Ponyville next week."

I grab the papers up and quickly look over them, before a look of surprise is cast on my face, when I realize what she gave me to read. "Temporary Guardianship?" I ask confused and shocked at the same time, surprised that somepony still knows about this form of adoption, before something different caughts my interest. "Who is this Flitter and how do you even know about it?" I ask my sister, after reading the first two lines of the document.

"When it was clear to me, that she is close to Ponyville, I ordered the Mayor in Ponyville to report everything unusual directly to me. Flitter is a weatherpony in Ponyville and obviously Rainbow Dashs herdmate, but that shall be enough for now. I still have a moon to raise."

"Rainbow Dash is in a herd?" I ask her surprised, after I recovered from the shock of this news. "I wonder who the Stallion is."

"It is a very recent development and as far as I know, they are currently still searching a suitable one."

Maybe Cadence knows something about this, she is after all the Princess of love." I mumble to myself, before I focus back on my sister. "Is it really already time to raise the moon sister?"

To my surprise she admits. "Actually, we are already a bit late. Let us take care of this for now, before we continue."

"Sure, I also let a maid bring us something to eat. You just can't live only from cake."

"Sister, you of all Ponies says this? Truly, I never expected to hear that from the Princess of Cake." Luna responds, barely able to suppress her laughter.

Around fifteen minutes later we sit back down on the couches again, enjoying a light meal, while picking up our conversation from earlier. "I know that you still have a few things you want to tell me Luna, but please explain to me, why do you seam it necessary to make a trip to Ponyville next week."

She gives me a look, that silently asks me, you didn't just say that, before she opens her muzzle again. "Tia you know that a temporary Guardianship is nothing other then, the beginning of an adoption process, right?"

"Of course I know that Luna, what do you think who made this law?" I reply upset.

"Well then you should also know, that like in every other adoption, a inspection by the Equestrian Foal Protective Service is mandatory, to ensure the wellbeing of the Foal."

"And you want to do the inspection on your own, if I assume correctly?" I ask her, now understanding where she is going with this.

"Yes, even if I will go disguised sister, I hope to learn a bit more about her, then only the few things from her dreams."

"Mind if I tag along sister?"

"Not really, but I must interrupt this again." She stops again, but with what she says next, I can more then understand the reason. "It seams like this filly has another Nightmare." To my great surprise this isn't where she stops, instead she asks me something that she asked me never before. "Mind giving me a hoof sister? Maybe together we can break that mental barrier of her and I will finally be able to help her."

Three hours and a series of horrifying Nightmares later. *

"You understand now why I am so careful about her? For what I really send those guards there sister?" Luna asks me, her head hanging low, disappointed that we failed to help that filly.

"Luna," I reply softly. "We will make sure that such things will never happen. I can understand why she is afraid, but I am sure that they would never reject her like that." I pause for a moment thinking what she said about the Guards, but I only have to think back to the dream, to realize just why she send them there. "Are you really so afraid that she will harm herself Luna, do you really think that she would go that far?"

"Yes Tia, I am. If you would have seen all the things, I saw in her dreams, you would think the same way. I really send those Guards down there, to let them watch her, to make sure no such things will ever happen." She admits and hearing her say all this scares me even more, then what I just saw.

"How much more is there Luna?" I want to know worried about that filly.

"I am not sure if I ever want to know the answer to this question Tia, but for every dream she has, there are at least three to four Nightmares."

"That's horrible Luna, I know we need to help her, but I have no idea how. Maybe after a good nights rest I may have some ideas, but for now I am to tired think about it."

"Then sleep well sister, I will instead go back to my duties. Nightcourt is about to start soon." Luna replies, before we both go our separate ways for this day/night.

Author's Note:

To avoid spoilers I decided to skip the dreams they saw in this Night, but you can trust me that you will see the most important one in a few Chapters. I still have no idea how to write it the best, but maybe I will get a good idea till then.  After the next Chapter I will increase the speed of the stories, but don't worry I will give my best like always.

"Hey, when will you finally let me throw her a welcome to Ponyville Party?"

"Not sure yet, maybe soon, maybe never."

"Whaaaaaat, you can't be serious, how will she make new friends if she never has the chance to meet them?"

"You know Pinkie, there are more possibilities to met new ponies and make friends then only on parties."

"I know, but what is wrong with a party for her?"

"I'll explain later, but maybe you should just invite her to one of your parties?"

"Great idea, I think I know exactly which party, she would like."

*There is silence for a few minutes before I sigh in relief* "Puh, I thought I would never get rid of her".

"I HEARD THAT!", the pink terror yells directly into my ear, after popping out of nowhere, before she disappears again.

Anyway, I hope you had fun with this Chapter, maybe the next ones will come easier to me. Honestly, two times I had to delete over 2K words, just because it didn't turn out well at the end and I am not 100% convinced that this is the best solution.

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