• Published 6th Nov 2019
  • 7,653 Views, 568 Comments

Crushed: The Beginnings - Silent Wing

After a tragic accident, a young man wakes up in the Castle of the two pony sisters and is now presented with a second chance at life.

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Interluder II

"You still think this is a good idea sister?" The surprisingly nervous looking amber Pegasus mare with a two toned blue mane and a smiling sun for a cutiemark walking next to me asks.

"Of course it is sister." I reply, slightly annoyed by her antics. "If you don't feel comfortable you still can return home." I offer her, before I whisper in her ear. "I am sure that you still could hold court, if you really want, think of all the fun you could have with those Nobles."

Her eyes go wide in shock, when she remembers just why she decided to join me today. "No sister, I think my time here will be far better used."

"Glad to hear this sister." we walk for a few more minutes before we stop in front of a beautiful two story building. It looks surprisingly small, but like always first expressions can be deceptive. "I think this is it, shall we Sister?"

She doesn't answer me by saying anything, instead she just knocks on the door. We wait for a few moments, before the door opens and reveals sight to a persian blue mare with rose eyes and a cerulean mane and tail with white highlights in them. "Hello miss, I am Sunny Skys and this is my partner Starry Night, we are from FPS and are searching for a mare called Flitter. Any chance that this would be you?"

"Sorry to disappoint you miss Skys, but that would be my sister." She replies a bit surprised by Tias question, before she ads. "So you are here for Wingy?"

"That would be the case miss?"

"Oh sorry, I am Cloudchaser, miss Skys. Why don't you two come in and make yourself comfortable, while I get Wingy and my sister for you?" She offers us with so much resolve that this sounds more like an order than anything else.

"That would be nice miss Cloudchaser, it became really cold since we left Canterlot." I tell her, before she leads us through a foyer into the living room and asks us to make ourself comfortable, before she goes to get the mare and filly in question. The living room is larger than I expected for a house of this size and while two sides of the room have each a large window with a potted plant in the corner, the third wall is dominated by a large fireplace. In front of this fireplace is a carpet and coffee table, which itself is surrounded by a large couch and multiple smaller bean bags.

Against her wish to make ourselves comfortable, I wait next to the door of the foyer. A few minutes pass in silence, until our host finally enters the room, followed by a black Pegasus filly with a red mane with darker red streaks and a similar coloured tail. While her mane is held together by a cyan bow, her tail miss such garments. Our host, a greyish blue Pegasus mare with light turquoise mane and tail and like the filly, her mane is held together by a bow, with the only difference that hers is pink, walks directly to me and introduce herself and the filly. "Hi, I am Flitter and this little cutie here is Silent Wing." There is silence for a few moments before the mare ads. "I am sorry that my herdmate isn't able to join us today, but something came up and she couldn't leave from work."*

"Oh that is fine." I reply wondering who this herdmate could be. "I am Starry Night and this is my partner Sunny Skys." I introduce us again, before I switch to the important part. "Would you mind to answer the questions of my partner, while I go and talk with your daughter, maybe in her room?"

"Wingy, would that be okay for you?" The mare asks the filly slightly worried, not sounding very comfortable to let her daughter alone with a stranger.

"Sure mommy." She replies, before walking of into the direction she came from. I follow her without hesitation through the foyer and a small hallway into her room. The walls of her room are painted in a plain white, but that doesn't mean the room lacks colour, with all the Poster used for decorations. Expect one Wonderbolts Poster and one of the Night Guard, all posters are surprisingly featuring Princess Luna.

The rest of the room is no exception to this, almost everything in it is featuring my true self in one way or another. May it be the bed located under a window, which blankets and pillows are covered with my cutiemark. Or the saddlebags next to the desk in the left corner, which also bear my mark. I can't take in all of the room, before the filly jumps on the bed and gestures for me to sit next to her. "Like what you see Princess Luna?" She asks me with a smug grin on her face.

"What are you talking about, my name is Starry Night." I ask her, barely able to hide my shock and I wonder, how could she have possibly figured out so fast, who she is truly talking to?

"You aren't fooling anypony Princess Luna, so please drop the act."

"How? How did you know it's me?" I ask her confused.

"I didn't. It was just a guess until I asked you and your reaction there gave you away." She replies matter of factly with such determination in her voice, that I would never expect from a filly, but I know better then to let myself be fooled by her looks. "In fact I am surprised that you didn't show up earlier."

This conversation quickly turns away from what I truly wanted to talk about and I get a feeling, that not everypony in this house should hear what we will be discus. It is fortunate that even disguised I can use my magic, so I cast a quick silencing spell, before I turn my attention back to her. "It wasn't necessary from what I saw in your dreams, I knew that you are no danger for our Ponies, so there was no need to rush."

"My dreams?" She asks me surprised, before her face lights up in realization of what I mean. "Oh right, Princess of the night and Guardian of dreams, even if you didn't really help me in mine."

"I couldn't. I would love to help you, like everypony else and I try everything in my powers to help you, but nothing works. I even asked my sister for help, so devastated I am." I admit in shame, before I try to explain the reason for my failure. "Some kind of barrier is blocking me from entering your dreams. I could weaken it, but it will still take a bit more time for me to break it, so that I can enter your dreams and am not forced to watch your suffering anymore."

"Has that ever happened before?" She wants to know from me and I think, that at least she deserves to know the truth regarding this problem.

"Not as far as I can remember, but you should know Silent Wing, that I'll do everything in my Power to help you."

"Thank you Princess, but can I ask you a small favor?"

"Go ahead." I reply, wondering what she could possibly want from me.

"Can you please call me Wingy, like everypony else? I don't know why, but it helps me feel better."

"That is all?" I ask surprised about such a small request and look at her, waiting to ask for more, only to be greeted with silence. "Of course Wingy." I reply smiling, before I go back to the topic, we were just talking about. Abandoning the plan to find out where she originally came from and trying to find out how she ended up in Equestria. Thinking that her wellbeing is currently more Important, then the search for a way to send her back, which I don't think will ever be needed. "You know that you could stop some of this nightmares from returning on your own Wingy."

"What do you mean Princess Luna?" She asks me, obviously not knowing or not wanting to know, what I imply with this.

"I know that this may be hard for you, but I think it would be better for you, if you just tell your mothers, who you really are."

I see her eyes going wide in shock and I begin to think that maybe I just made the wrong move. "What? You know that I can't do this." She exclaims in shock, not really in a soft voice and I am glad that I cast the silencing spell earlier.

"Do you really think so or is this just the fear speaking?" I ask her, shortly after my ears stopped ringing.

"I don't know, maybe both?" She responds slightly unsure.

"Wingy, your mothers are Flitter and Rainbow Dash correct?"

"Yes, but what has that to do with abything? "She now wants to know from me, not knowing where I want to get with this.

"Do you know that Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loyalty?" The short nod I receive from her is answer enough for me and I continue without taking a break. "Then you know that she would never abandon those who are dear to her heart or that she would choose a partner that would be capable to doing exactly this. "

She sighs in defeat, knowing that I am right, but this doesn't stop her from trying to find a way to dispel my arguments. At least that is what I think she does and that is exactly why her next words catch me off guarded. "I know, but it's just that I don't want to risk to be alone again." There is a pause for a short moment before she adds, her voice so low that almost I don't hear it. "I just don't know if I could take it again."

I lay a wing around her, pulling her closer to me. "You will never be alone again Wingy." Is all I need to say to her, knowing that this is the truth. I hold her for a while, before I get up and I am about to go with her back to the others, when my glance falls on the recruiting poster for the Night Guard and I just have to ask her. "Wingy, where did you get this poster from? As far as I am aware, I ordered them to only be put on display in Hollow Shades and a few smaller Bat Pony villages."

"It was a present from a friend." She answers my question without hesitation, but I also notice that she isn't fully comfortable, with telling me this. "He said everypony needs something to aim for in life and maybe this is something I would like, I think he is right with that."

"Do you mean that a pony needs a goal in life or that your goal should be to join the Night Guard?" I want to know from her, not even speculating, what her answer could be.

"Both," is her short, but very clear reply.

"What makes you say this?" I wonder what her motivation could be to join the Night Guard. I try to remember when the last Pony, that wasn't born as a Batpony, joined my Guard, but I just can't remember with all the time that has passed since then.

"I always wanted to help protect others and I would have joined the Guard, where I came from, was it not for those disease I had." I hear her say and I can't think of a better reason for anypony to join the Guard, but I know that this isn't everything.

"I think it is a good purpose you are aiming for, but I also know that this isn't the full reason, why you are so focused on my Guard, but I think that this is something we should discuss at a different time."

"Is there anything else you want to know from me, while we are alone, before we go back to the others?"

"No, but would it be okay if I stay back and get some more rest instead?"

Knowing that conversations like this are always taxing, I have no problem in granting her this wish, but this doesn't stop me from setting one condition. "If you will tell them, what I want you to tell them, then I see no problem with this."

"Tonight Princess, I will tell them tonight, if that is fine with you."

I can't do anything else then smile when I hear her say this, before I get up and let her go under her covers, before I cast a spell for a dreamless sleep on her. I dispel the silencing spell and make my way back towards the living room, before I inform Flitter that her daughter fell asleep, shortly after we covered everything I needed to know. My sister looks a bit curious at me, but I signal her with a gesture, that I let her know about this later, when we are in private. We stay for a bit more talking about the annoying things like finances and everything else, which is more Tias area of expertise than mine, before we let her know that there won't be anything else FPS wants to know. Shortly after this, we take our leave and while I fly back to Canterlot, my sister can't resist the urge to give her student a surprise visit.

"How went your visit with your student sister?" I ask her, shortly after she arrived back in Canterlot, when I began with my preparations for nightcourt.

The groan coming from my sister was nothing I expected to hear. "When you ignore the panic attack she had, when she thought that she had messed up her schedules again, it went surprisingly nice."

I look slightly surprised at her, wondering how a mare like Twilight Sparkle still can get panic attacks, only because of an unexpected visit, before I turn back to the matter at hoof. "That is nice to hear sister, but I would be more interested in what you have talked about."

"Mostly her studies of the events in the Everfree forest." She replies with a sigh, looking slightly unhappy about what she is about to tell me. "Twilight wasn't able to detect any magical trace that could give us any idea, what exactly happened there. The more she thinks about it, the more she accepts the fact, that this is a riddle she can't solve."

"Tia, that doesn't sound like your student at all."

"I know, but she needs to learn that not everything can be explained."

"The way you say this, it sounds like there is more behind this story." I ask her surprised, hoping that she didn't agree to something questionable.

"Well she wanted to examine the filly we just visited, in the hope to get some answers from her, but my words made it very clear, that this isn't an option."

I sigh in relief when I hear Tias words, knowing that this filly is already traumatized enough, but I am curious what my sister said to her Student. "And which words did you use on her?"

"I asked her if she wants to spend the rest of her life in magical Kindergarten." She tells me, before we both collapse laughing on the ground.

Author's Note:

If you are curious, Princess Luna was disguised as a Batpony mare and I am sure that this is really a rare sight in the middle of the day. 

*The reason that RD can't join is a strong storm incoming from the Everfree forest.

It is possible that the next Chapter will be delayed a bit, since I plan to join on dirty little secrets contest, but this story will still be my main focus.

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