• Published 6th Nov 2019
  • 7,663 Views, 568 Comments

Crushed: The Beginnings - Silent Wing

After a tragic accident, a young man wakes up in the Castle of the two pony sisters and is now presented with a second chance at life.

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07 Rumble

After a long night’s rest and a surprisingly good breakfast of this weird thick Pancakes (honestly, I prefer the thin version from my old home), all three of us sat down on the couch in Rainbows living room. They explained to me why Rainbow wants me to call her mama D now and what that would mean for the future and the three of us. Since I can't fly yet, we decided that mama D would move in with us, at least for now and hopefully without any complaints from Cloudchaser.

She would occasionally fly back to make sure there were no problems with the house, since cloud homes are high maintenance buildings and to get a few things she would need.

Cloudchaser, that was another important point. Flitter informed Rainbow that she originally planned to start a herd with her, another mare and asked if it would be okay for her to join, if she wants to. Rainbow wasn't surprised by this and agreed without hesitation.

Rainbow packed her most important stuff and left most of the rest behind. We flew back to our home where Rainbow dropped her stuff in the room in which I spend my first night with Flitter, before she headed out to work. Looks like even if she is Captain of the weather team, she just can't skip work herself, only give others some vacation time.

Mommy and I left shortly after her, flying towards Carousel Boutique, to see Rarity’s and get a few other Bows in different colours for me. Really, a red mane just doesn't match well with a Pink bow. We barely left home, when another Pegasus called for us. “Hey Flitter, wait please.”

We both turned around, seeing a dark grey, almost black Pegasus stallion with light grey mane and golden eyes heading towards us. “Hey Thunderlane, what's up.”

He needs a moment to catch up with us and adjust his flightpath, so that it matches ours and we fly next to each other. “Flitter can you maybe do me a small favor?" he asks, shortly before we land close to Carousel Boutique.

Flitter sighs a bit annoyed, obviously knowing what's going on. "Let me guess, I shall look after Rumble for a while?"

"Äh, yes. How did you know?" He asks surprised.

"Thunderlane, you only come to me if you want tips about courting my sister or when you need a Foalsitter for Rumble. So you shouldn't really be surprised." She scolds him and takes a moment of time before she answers his question "You are just damn lucky that I like that kid."

"Thank you Flitter, you are a lifesaver, I promise you to pick him up tomorrow shortly after lunch." He takes her into a short hug, earning a look from her that could kill somepony, before he tells us. "He is with Rarity, since miss Cheerilee is unable to teach at the moment," before he flies of again, not even saying goodbye.

"Is he always like this mom?" If yes, he just lost a lot of the respect, I always had for him.

She hesitated a moment before she answers, with a sigh. "Not if my sister is around, but otherwise? Yes. He tries to date my sister, but she lost any interest in him, when she found out how he truly acts around me."

"Sorry mom, I didn't want to upset you."

"Wingy, you did no such thing. I understand that you are curious about him, but you couldn't know that he is such a touchy subject for me."

"Okay, but if that's the case with him, why do him this favor?" I ask with a raise eyebrow, curious about her reason to do this.

"Rumble shouldn't pay for his brothers mistakes, that wouldn't be fair to him." She stops for a moment and with a smirk she continues. "Besides, I think you two would get along very well." She answers now much cheerfuller, then in the last few minutes, before we continue our flight. "It's good that he is with Rarity, I wanted to go there with you anyway."

"Oh, what for." I ask with fake curiosity, also hoping that she doesn't plan to put me in a dress just yet. I know that I can't avoid that forever now, since I am a filly, but I don't think that there is any need to hurry with that.

"You will see." Is all she is willing to say and I have no other option than to wonder what else is in store for me. Since Carousel Boutique is Rarity's place, it can only mean one thing. Honestly, I can imagine better things than to be poked from her with needles for hours.

We arrive not even five minutes later at her place and I step in first with mom directly behind me. I have a hard time to suppress my laughter by the sight in front of me. A white Unicorn mare with Purple mane and tail stands with her back to us, facing a podest in front of her, but this isn't the funny thing. On the podest stands a very uncomfortable looking Pegasus Colt with black mane and tail and his light grey coat is almost completely covered from a light purple dress. I feel sorry for him and can only wonder how he got himself into this Situation.

I want to take a closer look at the room when Flitter starts to laugh like a madpony behind me. My eyes and those of the Colt, which I assume is Rumble, met and after a moment to understand what just happened, his eyes grow to the size of dinner plates. A bright blush is spreading on his face and he begins to squirm, finding himself in a very uncomfortable position. This however rips Rarity out of whichever thoughts she just had and makes her turn around. She blinks a moment in confusion at the sight of me standing there speechless, eyes still looked with him and Flitter still laughing behind me, before she turns back towards him. "I am sorry Rumble, I really thought that I locked this door."

I take a look at the still open door and switch the sign to 'Closed', before I kick the door close and turn back to them. "I am sorry mam, but the sign clearly said 'Open'."

"Please call me Rarity my dear, mam makes me always feel so old, but who are you, if I may ask." She asks while I give Flitter a soft nudge to make her stop laughing without any success.

I decide to ignore her for now and give her time to calm down, while focusing back on Rarity and Rumble, who by now has clearly calmed down. "Well most started to call me Wingy," I admit with a slight blush, feeling not very comfortable with the fact that others than mom and mama D call me this. "But it's actually Silent Wing."

"Nice to meet you my dear, but why did you two decide to stop by in the first place?" She asks currios, while Rumble steps down from the podest and walks over to Flitter. I can only assume what he is up to, but I wouldn't be surprised if he wants Flitter to stop, since I return my full attention back to Rarity.

"There is a small problem," I admit while pointing towards my bow, "in form of a lack from a better matching colour." When she takes a better look at what I mean, she screams in shock before she faints. Seriously? I always thought the show was just exaggerating this part.

She needs a few moments to return to the land of the living and immediately asks me. "My dear, what were you thinking when you choose this outrageous colour?"

"That nothing other was available. I admit, I was first against the bow, but it has been growing on me, from the moment mom put it there." I can't resist to smile, when my thoughts drift back to the moment where I got it from her and what encouragement from her it took, that I at least decided to give it a try. "But I think something in Cyan or turquoise would still look better, without clashing that extrem with my mane."

She looks thoughtful for a moment, before she admits, "That could actually work. Give me a moment please, I'll be right back." She walks of towards a flight of stairs and I have finally time to take a closer look at her Boutique.

When you enter the building you come into an small open space, flanked by multiple clothing racks to the left and the right, displaying all kinds of outfits. The left side seams to be a bit smaller and there are two dressing rooms behind the display area which are flanked with large mirrors. The larger side looks similar only that there are a few tables, displaying multiple scarfs and hats at the wall. At the end of the room you see the earlier mentioned podest with another clothing rack next to it. Behind you can see a staircase, which is flanked by a closed door to each side and another mirror.

The cloths on the rack next to the Podest all seem to be a lot smaller and by a closer inspection I realize that they are all Foalsized. There are Tuxedos, suits and a lot of different dresses. Curious, I begin to browse through them and only realize that Flitter and Rumble are back, when she asks me, "Anything you like Wingy?" standing directly next to me.

I look for anything that I could use as a good distraction and look to Rumble, who ironically is still wearing the dress from earlier. "You are Rumble right?" I ask him, but I notice the glare from Flitter, signalizing that she had clearly seen through my plan.

"Yes and you are Winngy, right?" he asks a bit unsure, occasionally looking back to Flitter, before I answer him.

"Yes, so do you mind telling me why you ended up as her living ponyquine?" I ask him curious, which cause him to blush a bit and a look to Flitter confirms, that she would be interested in this story to.

He gulps for a moment, before he answers, "Long story short, don't accept a bet you can't win, without knowing the consequences in advance."

"I will keep that in mind Rumble and don't worry we will keep quiet about this, isn't that right mom?" I ask her switching glances between the two of them. While Rumble still looks slightly uncomfortable, mom seams to enjoy this situation way too much in my eyes. "Rumble, I admit that you look cute like this, but are you sure that you don't want to get out of the dress?"

My question cause him to blush slightly at the beginning, but at the end his eyes go wide in shock, when he realize that he is still wearing the dress. He quickly gets out of the dress and drops it on the Podest, before Rarity comes back, carrying multiple boxes in her magic.

"I think something of this should be perfect Wingy," Rarity explains excited, before she sets the boxes down. When she spots the careless dropped dress, she frowns towards Rumble, before she decides to ignore it for now and opens the first box. Revealing multiple cyan bands, which she quickly forms into bows, before she replace mine with the new ones holding a small hoofmirror in front of me. "Now what do you think?"

I am pleased with the results, but take a short look towards Flitter, curious what she thinks about it. She gives me an encouraging smile and we continue with this for the next fifteen minutes and at the end of it, I have at least six new different bows to choose from.

Rumble and I both thought that we are finally done with it and could leave now, but after Flitter whispered something into Rarity's ear, she insisted to take my measurements 'for future use'. I believe it for not even a second, but decided to play along for now and after another ten minutes, we truly were done. When Flitter explained to Rarity that Rumble would go with us. She hadn't been happy, but mentioned something about Sweetie Belle and other important orders.

We walked over towards Sugar Cube Corner, when mom decided to drop another bombshell on us. "You two ready for a visit to the Spa now?"

"SPA?" We both spit out in perfect sink, shocked about the pure idea of this, before we look to her.

"Rumble if you don't want to, you can always go back to Rarity and we pick you up later." She asks him with a devious grin on her face. I am not sure if she means this for real or if she is just playing a cruel joke on us.

"Fine," Rumble replies with a sigh. "Everything is better then to be poked with those needles for any longer." Unwilling to let him endure this alone, I fall in line and agree also to this.

"Good, but first let's get some snacks." She replies cheerful before heading off towards Sugar Cube Corner.

Author's Note:

Sorry that it took me so long to write this chapter, :fluttercry: but I was a bit distracted by the Blank Page series from Hiver and after that I was more focused on writing applications.

Sadly I have more bad news for you. With December now on the road, I have to admit that I won't be able to write as much as in the last month, cause of at least ten celebrations in my own family (without Hearts warming eve of course).

On the other side I have started to plan this story a bit better and can now garantie that it is already fix, what will happen in the next ten Chapters. This means that this Story will definitely be 25 Chapters long or even more. 

Am I really that cruel or is this just a mean prank from Flitter, what do you think? Please tell me in the Comments.

Like always I hope that you enjoyed this Chapter and I hope that I will get done with the next Chapter a bit faster this time.

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