• Published 6th Nov 2019
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Crushed: The Beginnings - Silent Wing

After a tragic accident, a young man wakes up in the Castle of the two pony sisters and is now presented with a second chance at life.

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18 Consequenses

“So how do you think about it?” I ask the mint green mare, which reminds me just so much of Lyra, but she doesn’t respond immediately. Instead she gives the idea some thought, which I understand completely, since this isn’t a easy decision to make. It wasn’t for me either, after Wingy suggested it two weeks ago and still I am not sure if Wingy meant it just as joke to cheer me up or if she seriously thought it to be a good idea. At least all three of us agree, that he deserves to get some payback.

“You know what, why not? But how would we go about it?”

I am not surprised at her question, since I asked myself this earlier to and have actually come up with something that could work. “I think we should start small, maybe some complements here, a nuzzle there to begin with. Than later share some kisses directly in front of him and eventually go on a date, about which he knows.”

“That actually sounds pretty good, but how do you want to make sure that he knows about all of this, without it looking suspicious?”

However I wanted to respond to this, gets unimportant the moment Rainbow shows up and harshly reminds us that we actually have work to do. “Hey would you mind to give us a hoof here? We have a sky to clear after all."

“Dinner at my place tomorrow, at seven?” I asked Skyra, the moment I spot the target of our anger passing nearby.

“Sure, I will be there.” She replies instantly, not at all being surprise by the sudden question.

The moment I hear somepony knocking on the frontdoor, I gladly get up from my homework, taking up the opportunity for a short break to let our guest in. “Hi, you must be Skyra.” I greet the to me unfamiliar pony, after taking a short look at her.

“Yes and who are you?” She asks me, surprise written all over her face. If it is for the fact that I already know her name or the fact that she didn’t expect anypony other than aunt Cloudy to be home, is something I can’t tell.

“Aunt Cloudy, your marefriend is here.” I shout into the direction of the kitchen, totally ignoring her question and after a shouted reply from Cloudchaser, leading her into the kitchen.

“You know that we aren’t actually that kind of friends, right?” Skyra asks me in return, after she overcame the shock of my proclamation.

“I am sure that she knows this, but Wingy loves to tease others.” Aunt Cloudy replies, when she meets us halfway to the kitchen.

“Can I go back to my homework now?” I try in attempt to change the topic, which backfires horrible.

“Is Rumble coming over and you want to be done by time he arrives, so you can spend more time with your coltfriend or what is the matter? Normally you try to postpone your homework as much as possible, especially equish.”

I want to deny at least the first part, but the fact that I can’t withhold a blush when she mentions this cute colt, makes it futil. “You are worse than mom, you know this?” Is all I am able to come up with, when I accept the fact, that I have lost this round.

“Privilege of the older sibling.” I don’t even bother with a reply to this, instead I just walk back into my room, planning to get at least one more of the three subjects done before Rumble shows up.

For a short moment I want to pick up my equsih textbook, just to prove her wrong, but instead I choose something different. I could have chosen math, since it’s the simplest of all and would probably be done the fastest, but that’s also why I decided against it, since it is kind of boring!

History on the other hoof is way more fun, since we currently go over the Lunar Rebellion, which started shortly after Princess Celestia banished her sister and almost caused her downfall, shortly after her single reign of Equestria begun.

I am so engrossed in it, that I didn’t realize just how fast the time passes and so it takes me by complete surprise, when all of a sudden, somepony begins to nuzzle my neck. I enjoy the motion for a moment, before I turn around and find myself staring into the purple eyes of my coltfriend. “Hi Rumble.”

“Hey Wingy, I knew that this would bring a reaction out of you.” He replies smiling, now that he finally got my attention and I feel bad, for not noticing him earlier. “Don’t worry, I haven’t been waiting that long.” He adds, when he notices this. “Besides, you have the whole weekend to make up for it.”

“The whole weekend?” I ask him, surprise written all over my face and I can only wonder, what caused the increased stay of him.

“Yeah, Lane went to Cloudsdale for the weekend and left me behind. Didn’t even bother to tell me and just left a note on the fridge.”

“Well then, how about we start with some video games?” I try to change the topic, when I noticed just how downcast he looks. At first I think it works, but something seems off to me and when I beat him in three races in a row I just have to ask him. “Okay Rumble, what’s wrong with you.”

“What do you mean Wingy?”

“Expect for the fact I win every race, when you normally beat me miles ahead? You look horrible and something is definitely keeping you down.”

“You think Thunderlane hates me?”

“Why should he?” I ask once more surprised by another revelation this evening, wondering what could have caused this, since those two brothers have always been really close.

“Well, it’s basically my fault that he is now alone again. If I hadn’t let Cloudchaser in or wouldn’t have let her go upstairs unannounced, maybe they could still be together.”

“Did you know that Skyra was with him or that there was more between them, than just being coworkers?” I want to know from him and when he shakes his head in denial to both questions, I continue right on this path. “Than you did nothing wrong. In fact, if anypony is to blame for what happened, it’s him.”

“You know she is right Rumble.” Mommy replies as she is entering the room, sounding as calm as ever, when she has to approach a very sensitive topic.

“But how can it be wrong, I have seen Stallions having two or more marefriends at the same time a lot of times.” He replies upset, not understanding the difference between those and what Thunderlane did.

“Yes, but there is a very important difference. In a herd like you just described it, they know about everpony and love each other equally. Thunderlane on the other hoof went behind everyponies back and by doing that he betrayed the trust of both. If he would have instead just talked with them, he could be in a herd of his own by now.”

“Oh, okay.” He replies after a few moments, finally understanding how much Thunderlane messed up. “How about a rematch, Wingy?”

“Not now you two, the five of us have a reservation at that new restaurant, near the marketplace.” She interrupts us, before we are able to pick the controllers up again.

“Five?” Rumble and I ask in unison, wondering who else is going to come.

“Dashie, Mango, and us three of course.” She replies, before ushering us out of my room and leading us straight to said restaurant, where I spot them already waiting in front of the restaurant.

I rush over to them, happy to see that mama D is fine. I was so worried, when she started to throw up around a week ago and only today went to the hospital, to figure out what’s wrong with her. Obviously it can’t be that bad, since otherwise the doctors wouldn’t have allowed her to leave.

After a heartly welcome and a bit of small talk, we enter the restaurant and when I finally have a good look at what it looks like from the inside, I find myself unable to move. A flood of memories, which I buried a long time ago and thought forgotten by now, comes back with all it’s might.

I try to keep my tears in check, but I don't manage it completely and I am unable to hold more than a few back. Nopony recognize this at first and when a waiter comes to lead us to our table, I step forward and ask with a slightly trembling voice. “Can- can we maybe have a place near the tiled stove?”

(Since I suck at describing places, I decided to add some images in the AN, so you get an idea about what I had in mind for this place. You could also search on google images for Bauernstube. don’t make the mistake to translate this into english, since this would give you completely different results. Believe me, I tried.)

At first the waiter looks a bit confused at me, but after a look at my parents and no protest from them, he leads us to such a place. We sit down and after he takes our orders and leaves, mommy is the first one to speak up. “Wingy, are you alright?”

I think about it for a moment and with a heavy sigh, I tell them what troubles me at the moment. “It-it’s just this place reminds me so much at home.”

This earns mixed reactions from my parents. While dad is calm and waiting for an explanation, my mothers gasp in shock. “We can leave if you want.” They offer me, but I can only shake my head to this.

“No, this few are good memories.” I admit wholeheartedly and even if they are good memories, it doesn’t make there return any easier. So I lean slightly in the side of my mother for comfort, taking full advantage of the fact, that we both choose to sit on the corner bench, next to each other.

It takes only a few moments for her to understand what I want or to be more precise what I need now and she gently places a wing over me. Till dinner is served, I spent most of the time just listening to their talk, only opening my muzzle to talk, when a question is undoubtedly meant for me. Only when our meal arrives, I leave her embrace.

Dinner is a very quite affair and after the waiter picked up the dishes, a new conversation starts, which is now focused on mama D. “So Dashie, how went your check up at the hospital.”

“I think it went well, even if it comes with a few side effects.”

“What side effects?”

“Since I can’t do any stunt flying for a long time, Flitter will take my place at the best young flyers competition.”

Everypony at the table stops what they are currently doing, since they are to shocked from what mama D just announce. I just don’t get it, why did she smile, when she told us that she won't participate at BYFC? And even if there are still two months left, she already trained like a madpony for it. I don’t want to imagine how much more intense her training was planned to become.

“Why?” Is the only word, mommy is able to say in response, after she recovered from the shock.

To my great surprise, mama D doesn’t focus on me and not on Flitter, like I expected from her. The words that leave her muzzle next, are something I expected even less. “Wingy, how would you like to be a big sister?”

I don’t know what exactly happens next, only that a few moments later, I find myself clinging to her neck while she lays on her back, with the biggest smile I have ever seen on anypony. “Does this answer your question mama D?” I reply, with tears of joy in my eyes.

I hold here for a long time, before the others are able to convince me, to let go of her and I sit down next to mommy again.

The rest of the evening can only be described as a big party, where we share a lot of drinks (non-alcoholic) with the other patrons of the restaurant and I swear that I saw Pinkie's head popping out of the corner for a short moment, before it vanished again.

Author's Note:

That took me a while. This is the result of multiple attempts for Ch. 18, which was planned completely different. But since I was too stupid, to make my original idea reality to have to accept this one and not the Family appreciation or take your foal to work day. Over 20K words did I write and throw into my trash can!

Let's just hope, that is one is satisfying for you and now, here are the promised images:

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