• Published 6th Nov 2019
  • 7,653 Views, 568 Comments

Crushed: The Beginnings - Silent Wing

After a tragic accident, a young man wakes up in the Castle of the two pony sisters and is now presented with a second chance at life.

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15 Nightmare Night

AN: By now everypony should know, that I like to screw with the timeline. So, don’t be surprised by some of the events in this Chapter, since Luna Eclipsed never happenes.

“I still can’t believe, that you make me do this mommy.” I say to the pony standing behind me, while staring at my reflection in the mirror, not all too happy with it. The pony that is looking back at me, is not even close to what I had in mind for today. No, it is the totally opposite of that.

Instead of a cool and fearsome Nightguard looking back at me, I see something that I can only describe as the ponification of cuteness. I don’t know if I should be horrified by it or if I should just accept my fate and even if I could convince her, by now it is too late to get a different costume. “Now Wingy, I know you and Rumble had that agreement from when you had that sleepover, but do you really think he would have liked the costume you choose for him?”

Her reply catches me of guard and I begin to think about what she just said. He didn’t really agree to that, nor did he look very happy when I chose that dare, but he didn’t protest also. So, I guess that he trusted me enough, to choose something he would like and not something that would make him feel uncomfortable, which I am sure that my first choice would have had exact this effect on him. Even if it is a bit reluctantly, I have to admit that mommy is right. But that doesn’t mean that I give up that easily. “Couldn’t we at least have asked him, as what he wanted to go?”

“I don’t think that this would have been a good idea.” She replies after a brief moment of silence and from how she sounds, I can tell that she isn’t sure of her answer. “What do you think would have happened, if you had told him the options, mentioning what you would prefer?” Once again, I have to think carefully about the answer to this question, which isn’t really that hard.

I know that this colt likes me, maybe even as much as I like him and that is exactly why it hurts so much to admit the truth. I can’t resist to be disgusted by myself, for almost hurting my best friend, without even realizing it. “He would have gone with my choice for him, even if it makes him uncomfortable, just to make me happy.” I reply in a low voice, ashamed that I haven’t thought about this any sooner.

When mommy doesn’t says anything in reply, I take another long look into the mirror. I try to imagine, how Rumble would have reacted, if that would be his reflection and not mine and the results to this aren’t anything I like. If even I have trouble to live with my choice, just how bad would it be for a colt? It would be horrible for him! “Thank you, mommy.” I tell her, now really happy that she stopped me from making such a big mistake, before I turn around and throw myself at her in a hug.

“What for Wingy?” She asks surprised about my sudden change in attitude, before I fell one of her wings on my back, returning the embrace.

“For preventing me from hurting my best friend.” I reply with a smile, which she is unable to see, since my face is currently buried in her Chest fluff.

“I am just glad that you realized this on your own Wingy.”

“I am not Wingy.” I replied in mock shock, now fully embracing the role, I will play for the rest of the day.

“Oh! And who are you then, if I may ask.”

“I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, the princess of love, but you can call me Cadence, if you want.” I announce proudly.

“Well then Princess, let me take care of your mane, before we head out. After all, A Princess always has to look her best.” She replies serious, before it becomes too much for both of us and we both start to giggle. Slowly we separate again and I turn my attention back to the mirror, enjoying the feeling of getting my now three coloured mane brushed.

We continue to talk like this for a bit more, while she finishes stilling my mane, before I am finally able to put on my “Royal Ragila”. Even if I am now eager to leave and want to find out, what Mango did to Rumble, I can’t resist to take a last look into the mirror. Looking back at me, is a smiling alicorn filly, with the pinkest coat I have ever seen.

“Now, shall we meet the others Princess?” Mommy asks, shortly after I was able to turn away from my reflection.

I don’t bother to give her a reply, instead I just walk into the living room, where almost everypony is already waiting for us, ready to head out. I let my eyes wander above the assembled ponies, only to realize that two ponies still haven’t showed up till now. “Hi guys, where are Ruby and mama D?”

“I don’t know about Rainbow, but Ruby choose to go with Dinky and Archer.” A smiling and as Daring Doo dressed up Rori tells us and there is something I just have to know, before we go trick or treating. “Does she still have that crush on him?”

Almost everypony replies with a nod, which cause my smile to grow even wider and with my curiosity now satisfied and my worries about mama D forgotten, I take a look at the costumes of the assembled ponies.

It doesn’t surprise me in the slightest, that I spot next to our Daring Doo an as Wonderbolt dressed Rainy Feather and I have to admit, that those two are really cool costumes. I am sure that we already would have made an amazing looking group, had Button not decided to dress up as a character from one of his silly video games.

Wait, did I just thing that video games are silly? What the buck is happening to me? I used to be obsessed with Video Games less than half a year ago! This thought however is quickly pushed back into the deepest part of my mind, when the final two members of our group come down from the second floor, now fully glad in their Night Guard Armor. To say that Rumble looks amazing like this, would be the understatement of the century. “Now, is everypony ready to collect as much Candy as we are able to carry?”

To my surprise, it is Mango who asks us this, but this doesn’t change the result. I manage to fold my ears, just in time to protect them from the loud cheering. Damn sensitive pony ears. I am sure that, if there is any drawback to being a pony, it would be those extreme sensitive ears.

Quickly, we leave the house and start our tour through the town, with the important quest to gather as much candy as possible. It isn’t an easy task, but I am sure that it’s a manageable one and that we will have tons of fun.

That’s true for almost our entire evening till we turn around a corner and find ourselves face to face with two very familiar, but greatly disliked ponies. “Look Silver, it’s the other loser club.”

“Yes, as if a run in with the cutie markless crusaders wasn’t enough, now we have to put up with another bunch of worthless blank flanks.” The earlier mentioned grey earthpony filly replies.

“What do you want Tiara?” I ask her annoyed about our misfortune to run into the worst ponies, I ever had to meet in Equestria. Seriously, even Lightning Dust isn’t as bad as those two and she pulled that nasty pranked at the weather factory on me.

We both stare into each other’s eyes for the time she needs to come up with an answer. To my surprise it only takes two seconds for her to come up with something and it isn’t even close to what I expected.

“OUUWH!” She screams in a mix of shock and pain, which is directly followed by a similar scream from her companion. Confused by their actions and curious about what would make those two act like that, I remove my gaze from them and look up. Hovering above them is a black storm cloud, which just happens to get bucked by a certain rainbow maned pegasus and the resulting lightning bolt hits the annoying pink filly right in her flank.

When I realize what is happening, I don’t even try to hold my laughter back, fully enjoying the sight in front of us. Soon the others join in and it goes on for a while, till finally Tiara and Silver drop the bags with the collected candy, before they run into the opposite direction. Even after they bolted away, I continue to laugh for a bit more, before I am finally able to calm down. “Great show mama D.” I tell the grinning mare, which is now sitting on her storm cloud.

Her smile doesn’t hold for long and when I look back to the others, I am able to spot a very disapproving glare on mommy's face. Within a moments notice, I know that mama D is in trouble. “Flits, I had to do this, otherwise that filly would probably have ended up with a broken muzzle again.”

“Hey, we agreed that you don’t tell mommy about this.” I shout upset at her, that she broke our agreement, only to realize too late what I just did. My eyes go wide in shock and I know that I am bucked, the moment I feel her eyes on me.

“Explain.” Is all she has to say, to make me shiver in fear and I turn my attention now to her, after giving mama D a last disapproving glare. I think for a moment if I should tell mommy about what mamma D is hiding from her, but abandon this train of thought, knowing that she wouldn’t believe that at the moment.

“A few weeks ago, we two got into an argument at lunch and both of us said some really nasty things. Maybe, just maybe, I went a bit too far and she charged at me in full gallop.” I pause for a moment, before I end this short story. “Without any other option left, I sidestepped and she crashed right into a tree.”

“And you expect me to believe this?” A now slightly calmed down Flitter asks me. Still, I can easily read in her face that she isn’t very happy about this.

“No.” I reply bluntly, knowing that even in my ear that sounds a bit far-fetched, wouldn’t it be for one important fact. “But you can ask miss Cheerilee, if you want. She saw everything.”

“I will do that, Wingy.” She tells me with a stern glance, before she turns her attention back to mamma D. “And you should have told me earlier about this, Dashie.”

“I am sleeping on the couch again, aren’t I?” Mama D asks the mare in question and the disapproving glare she receives from her, tells us everything we need to know.

After this, there is a long silence, before mommy takes a deep breath and turns her attention to the only grown up pony, that has been silent for almost the entire evening. “Mango, can we talk by a few drinks about something?”

“Sure. When and where do you want to meet?”

“How about we go to Pinkie Pie's Party, while Dashie makes sure that Wingy doesn’t cause any more trouble.” Is her response, causing mamma D and me to gulp in sync, not really happy with her reply. I also fear about any possible punishment, that could be waiting for me, after tonight.**

Instead a verbal answer, Mango takes a short look at our assembled group, before he takes off into the direction from Pinkies Party, immediately follow by mommy. “Wingy, would you really have hurt Diamond Tiara, if she wouldn’t have stopped?” To my great surprise, a shy and unsure sounding voice from behind me asks.

I turn around in shock, looking the filly in question directly into the eyes. “Of course not Rori, you guys all know, that those two aren’t worth the trouble.” I reassure her that I would only use violence, if there really is no other option. “And even if a certain mare gave us a nice show, it’s because of her inability to keep her muzzle shut, that we now missed Princess Luna's tale about Nightmare Moon.” I add, giving the mare in question a glare, that would bring doom above her, if looks could kill.

“Hey guys, how about we just go to the costume contest instead? I am sure the Princesses will be there to.” Rumble offers as an alternative for us, which all of us agree to. “But how about we punisher her for this first.” He offers to us with a wicked grin on his face.

Around thirty minutes later our whole group gathered at the town square, where the competition is held, waiting for the judges to inspect the costumes of everypony. To my surprise there participate only around twenty ponies in it.

I think that the others are just here, because they want to learn about the results or what is also possible, to get a good look at princess Luna in a more relaxed manner. This is a very rare treat, considering that she is less outgoing then her sister and barley leaves the palace, if not absolutely necessary.

After another ten minutes of waiting patiently, the participants of the costume contest are finally asked to step forth, so that everypony can get a good look at the costumes. My eyes grow wide in shock, when I don’t see one, but all three princesses leaving town hall and taking a good look at every participant. Only now I am able to understand what Rumble meant, when he said that we will meet the Princesses. Never in my life had I expected to see all three at once.

“If I wouldn’t know it any better, I would say somepony did cast a youth spell on you Cadence.” The sun princess tells to the smiling alicorn of love as she has a first look above the crowd, pointing directly at me.

By now I begin to feel very uncomfortable, since I only wanted to have fun, not being started at by all three princesses. I just hope Princess Cadence doesn’t take it in a bad way, when they come to me.

Slowly they walk along the line, taking a good look at every costume, before all too soon I find myself muzzle to muzzle with a smiling Princess Celestia. “If I wouldn’t know it any better, I would say that Cadence just used a rejuvenating spell on herself.” She repeats her statement from earlier, with a look at the pony in question.

“Yes, auntie. She almost looks exactly from when I was her age.” Cadance responds after a quick look at me, looking extremely happy and I am almost certain that she didn’t expect something like this. “I think we already found the winner of this competition.”

“Yes, it is this handsome Night Guard over here.” A very excited Princess Luna announces proudly, much to the surprise and disagreement of the two other Alicorn Princesses.

“Luna, you can’t do that just yet!” Princess Celestia answers clearly upset. “We only have taken a look at half of those ponies costumes yet.”

Princess Luna lets out a sigh in defeat, before she moves on, but not without another harsh reply. “You are right sister, but my point stands. This young Guard is my favorite.”

With that said, all three Princesses continue with their inspection, before they withdraw to decide upon the winner. In regards of what Princess Luna said earlier, their discussion takes surprisingly long, which proves to us that the decision isn’t as easy as we thought.

Fifteen minutes pass till finally Princess Luna steps back in front of the Crowd to announced the winner and the price the pony in question will receive. “This year’s price for the best Nightmare Night costume goes to a young unicorn filly, that choose to dress up as Sapphire Shores. Congratulations Ruby Pinch.”*

The next morning Twilight Sparkle and Spike slowly approach the Nightmare Moon statue, intending to collect and count all the donated candy, to share them equally between the local Orphanage and the Ponyville Hospital.

At first everything looks normal to them, but her eyes grow wide in shock, when she walks around the statue and spots something unexpected. There in front of her, lies a young mare with her legs glued together and her wings bound to her body. Her mouth is also glued shut, after somepony put the handle of a basket into it. Of course, said basket is filled with all kind of sweets. “Rainbow Dash, what in Tartarus happened to you?”

Unable to answer this question, she just glares at the librarian, waiting for her to remove her restrains. “I don’t want to talk about it, okay?” She responds as soon as she is able to speak again. “But seriously, how can anypony give out duct tape, only because they have nothing else left?”

Since she is a very intelligent mare, Twilight chose to not press the issue any further and instead just removes the remaining restrains from the pegasus, before she begins to focus on her task at hoof.***

Author's Note:

First of, sorry that it took me so long to write this Chapter, but it really was a pain in the flank. To that comes the fact that I am currently playing Die stämme, which is a verry time consuming online game. But since it looks really bad for me there and I should be defeated theire shortly, I should be able to focus on more important things (like writting) soon again.

* I decided to end it here with a nice moment and belive me when I say, that Wingy is really happy for her friend.

** If you wonder why Mango and Flitter decided to leave at this point, there will be another interluder coming soon, which explains her action and a few other important things.

*** This was the last time I was mean to Rainbow. There are nicer times comeing for her. For example, she will play an important roll in two of the next three Chapters.

Till then, your Wingy

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