• Published 6th Nov 2019
  • 7,663 Views, 568 Comments

Crushed: The Beginnings - Silent Wing

After a tragic accident, a young man wakes up in the Castle of the two pony sisters and is now presented with a second chance at life.

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34 Error 404, Name not found

“Can you teleport us back Twilight?” Lieutenant Mango asks the mare worried, who instead just looks at Silverfang, the medic of their small group.

“No, but I can cast a stasis spell on her, which should buy us some time.” She replies a moment after Silverfang shook his head. True, they could ignore his warning and still teleport her and his daughter to the hospital, but by wounds so severe it always managed to worsen the situation.

Nopony knows why it is like that, but none of them is willing to take the additional risk either. “Mind you, I can only keep this spell up for an hour, two at the most, so we still need to hurry.” She informs everypony once she got the okay of the medic and Lieutenant Mango before she cast said spell on the unconscious filly.

“How is your leg doing Corporal?” Lieutenant Mango asks the only pony to get wounded during the fight, worried if he will slow them down, while two of the Guards build a makeshift stretcher.

“It won’t make any problems sir.” He replies after a moment, while he uses the sulies he got from Silverfang to bandage his wound. A few test steps proves his statement to be true, but nonetheless, he decides that a doctor will have a good look at the wound later.

From then on it only takes a few more moments before everything is ready to go and they make their way back into town. However, after around five minutes they run into another Guard squad from where Lieutenant Mango sends two messengers ahead. One to inform everypony that the search came to an end, the other to the hospital, so the doctors know what awaits them and are fully prepared to treat the fillies injuries.

It’s an hour later when they arrive at the hospital, and while those bearing the stretcher stay unmolested, the commanding officer of this group doesn’t have this luck.

“Mango, what happened?” The greyish blue Pegasus asks the stallion in charge, after she was able to take a short glance at her daughter before the medical staff rushes her into an ER.

He however doesn’t respond, he doesn’t want to. At least not yet. Instead he undoes the straps of his armor and let it fall unceremoniously to the ground, which is quickly joined by his helmet before he takes his beloved into a tight embrace. “I was too late, Flits, I was too late.” Are the only words he manages to say before his emotions get the better of him.

It doesn’t take long for a second mare to lay her forelegs around his neck, giving him the comfort he needs and helps him to calm down. “Mango.” The pegasus who was there first to comfort him says in a caring voice. “Whatever happened there, it wasn’t your fault.”

“But.” He tries to protest, only to be quickly silenced by his two mares.

“We will have nothing of that, isn’t that right Dashie?” She addresses the cyan pegasus, that is with them in the embrace, only to get her words confirmed. “You tried everything you could to be there in time, didn’t you?” She wants to know from the depressed stallion, who isn’t able to answer with more than a weak nod. “Then there is nothing you are to blame for. Now, please tell me what happened out there.”

“There isn’t much to tell, really. We found her getting attacked by a Manticore and after we finished it off, we came here as fast as possible.” He recaptures everything that happened out there in less than two sentences, not bothering to go into deeper details.

He knows that at least one of his mares doesn’t approve of that, but he just can’t bring himself to do it. Currently he is far more concerned about the wellbeing of his daughter than to such trivial details.

He was shocked when he saw how serious her wounds are, and he knows very well the consequences it could have for the little filly. Those injuries at her wings looked especially nasty, if it comes to the worst, she won’t be able to fly for a long time.

Soon after that they separate and sit down in the waiting area, until they are approached by an amber unicorn. From the look on his face, they know immediately that what he has to say won’t be pretty. “Hello, I am Doctor Horse, are you the parents of the young filly that got brought in recently?”

“Yes, that would be us.” Rainbow Dash confirms, speaking up for the first time since they met again.

“Than the good news first. Her broken wing will be easy to fix, and while she won’t be able to use it for a while, it should be fully healed within a month. The other wounds however are more troublesome. While the Manticore didn’t break her right hindleg when it bit down on it, it served the achilles tendon and the soleus.”

He pauses for a moment to let this information sink in and give himself sometime to prepare for the hard part, that is about to come now. After all, what he just told them are only minor injuries if you compare them to what he has to tell them now.

“The wound on her left side, where the Manticore hit her with its paw are far more troublesome, especially where its claws cut her stomach open. If not for miss Sparkle’s stasis spell, the filly would have never made it.”

“So, she will survive?” Flitter asks barely audible with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

“What about her right wing? You haven’t said anything at all about it.” The worried Thestral asks, not giving the doctor any time to answer Flitter’s question.

“We are unsure if we can save it, sir.” The doctor replies after a moment, confirming what he already feared from the moment he saw the wound. “I am sorry sir but I have to leave now and assist doctor Fine Stitch in the surgery.” Is all the further explanation they get before they are left alone again.

The alicorn looks at the newest additions to her dungeons, unwilling to believe that these three ponies are responsible for the horrible things that transpired in Ponyville earlier. At first she didn’t want to believe it when her sister woke her up earlier, but sadly, the facts only confirm it.

That two of the three guilty parties are directly related to the element bearers doesn't make things any easier. She can already hear their pleas to be lenient in their sister's punishment, something she may not be able to.

Her only hope right now is that it takes some time before word about today's events reaches the Griffons. After all, she already knows what they will demand and she isn’t up for that discussion just yet.

However, she can only wonder, why their teacher didn’t put an end to this earlier, when all this was indeed published in a school newspaper. Hopefully, she gets some answers soon, otherwise she has to travel to Ponyville and get them herself.

Screw it, she is sick of the waiting and all those second hand reports. “Prepare my carriage, I will travel to Ponyville immediately.” She addresses the closest Guard before she gets herself some calming tea, after all, nopony wants to deal with her in a bad mood. On the other hoof, a new statue for her garden would be indeed nice.

“You really shouldn’t have put that much strain on your leg, Eve.” Twilight Sparkle scolds her coltfriend. She really would have preferred it if he would have returned with one of the other squads and not ran back with everypony. She also knows that every attempt to convince him to do just that, would have been only a waste of time, something they didn’t have to spare.

“Look Twilight, I appreciate your worry for me, but you know that it isn’t necessary. Besides, there is also something good to it.” He tries to reassure the mare that everything is fine, only earning a look of utter disbelief from her in return. “I am now on sick leave for at least a week and we can spend that time together.”

“You are such a dork sometimes, you know that, right?” She replies after a moment of thought, actually looking forward to that time, but sadly, that isn’t the only thing on your mind.

“Yes, but I am your dork.” He replies with a grin before they step out of the treatment room and make a quick stop in the cafeteria. But unlike what they would love to do, they don’t return home immediately. They just can’t without seeing their friends first.

“Here, we brought you some coffee.” Twilight says before she hands out the brown wakefulness, knowing just how much they need it right now. “How bad is it Rainbow?”

“They are not sure if they can save her wing Twilight.” The cyan pegasus in question replies, sounding so depressed that Twilight struggles to recognize the pony in front of her as her friend. The mare she is looking at right now just has nothing from the brash pegasus she got to know over the course of the last year.

“You know that my offer still stands.” A pony unseen by the newcomers reminds the worried family at something they aren’t aware of. However, the look the pony that said those words receives isn’t a pleasant one.

“I know Princess, but you also told me how dangerous it would be to perform this transformation right now. There is no chance that I subject my daughter to even more danger this night than she already is in.” The Thestral replies slightly annoyed at the nocturnal princess, who in return just sighs in disappointment.

“I understand Lieutenant, still, if there is anything I can do to help you and your family don’t be shy to ask.” Princess Luna offers them before making her way towards the exit of the room, after all, there are still other duties she has to attend to tonight.

“There would be one thing Princess.” He replies much to the surprise of everypony, causing the lunar alicorn to stop halfway to the exit. “I need permission for my family to visit Hollow Shades.”

“I will prepare everything necessary. Anything else Lieutenant?” She asks once more, but when nothing else is said, she takes her leave, now slightly happier that she could at least grant her old friend this small favor.

“Mango, why do you want us to travel to Hollow Shades all of a sudden?” Flitter asks mere moments after the princess of the night left, wondering what their stallion has in store for them.

“I want to introduce my beloved three mares to my family, something I should have done a long time ago.” He replies grinning, knowing very well that under different circumstances this would have been met with cheers, so he isn’t too surprised when he only receives suspicious glances from his mares. “And I don’t think that Wingy would be comfortable with staying in Ponyville for quite some time after everything that happened today.”

“Why now?” Flitter asks him after a minute, knowing that he is right. Even if she knows that the visit to his parents is long overdue, she doesn’t believe that the two reasons he gave them are the only reasons for his choice.

“Besides Canterlot Castle, Hollow Shades is properly the safest place for her in Equestria. Wingy may not know it but when she defeated that Royal Guard, word of her plans to join the Night Guard reached the city. Shortly after that, Luna informed every Thestral that she already thinks of her as one of us, and Thestral’s look after each other.”

While both Rainbow and Flitter would like to say something to this, their focus lies suddenly on an entire different Pony. A pony that just entered the room and from the looks of it, he would love to be everywhere right now, just not here. That the eyes of Mango, Twilight, and Eve also rest on him, doesn’t make it any easier for him.

“What are you waiting for, how is my daughter?” Flitter asks impatient when several seconds pass in silence without the doctor saying even one word.

“The surgery went pretty well, considering how bad the fillies wounds had been. Still, we haven’t been able to save her right wing. The damage the Manticore did on it was just too severe.” He says to everypony, crushing the flicker of hope they got after the first part of his announcement.

Author's Note:

I know, I said that I won’t publish any new chapters this year, but it looks like I was wrong. Now, the next one however will be far more difficult to write than this. 

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