• Published 6th Nov 2019
  • 7,663 Views, 568 Comments

Crushed: The Beginnings - Silent Wing

After a tragic accident, a young man wakes up in the Castle of the two pony sisters and is now presented with a second chance at life.

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03 The first night with Flitter

In the house, she tells me to wait in the hallway while she starts our bath. Within a few moments she comes back and leads me into the kitchen and rewarms some leftover oatmeal, from her dinner earlier. "You know, this was meant to be my breakfast tomorrow, but I think you need that more."

"Thank you," I answer before I start with my dinner and after a few spoonfuls of it, a huge grin appears on my face. "Wow, this tastes amazing."

"Really," she asks, "I thought it was a bit dull, since I had not enough cinnamon left." She answered surprised, "but after how long you had been without food, I bet everything would taste good."

"No, really, it just tastes good," I reply with a smile.

"That's nice to hear, but would you mind telling me about earlier, what caused this reaction of yours?"

I drop the spoon into the bowl, suddenly feeling no appetite at all, before I answer. "You mean when I had to cry earlier?" The nod she gives me as a reply is nothing I like, since I try to avoid talking about my past, but I feel that at least in this case, it won't hurt to tell her the truth. "It's just, I can't even remember anymore, when somepony has been that nice to me, without wanting anything in return." As if she would know that I am fighting back my tears, she comes to me and pulls me in another gentle embrace.

We sit there for several minutes before she grabs me by my neck and walks into the bathroom, only to drop me into the already filled bathtub. Only seconds after I return to the surface, from my unwilling dive, she also steps into it and starts to scrub my back. "So, while we get you clean again, do you mind if we talk a bit?"

"As long as I don't have to answer when it becomes too painful for me, then I don't see any problem." Inwardly, I hate this idea, but I know that I just can't keep silent forever. The only thing I can hope for now, is that she won’t ask about my past, at least for today.

"Okay," she answers with a hint of disappointment, but she doesn’t press the issue any further. "Let's just start with something simple then, something that is long overdue by now."

"Oh, what would that be," I ask her without any idea of what she could mean.

"Introductions, silly. Or do you want me to continue, to just call you young miss, missy or anything similar I may come up with?"

Hearing this I can’t resist the urge to facehoof. "Okay, that should have been obvious." I reply with a smile, before we both break out into a fit of laughter.

"I am Flitter," she starts, "but what's your name missy."

"You can call me Silent Wing if you want." I responded after a moment of thinking, knowing that my real name wouldn't fit anymore and for a long time, I didn't think of it as a good fit anyway. I always preferred to be called by the names of my gaming accounts. Also I am more used to them, but none of them would be a good fit for a pony, at least here in Equestria.

"That's a nice name," she says while starting with the cleaning of my mane, "but I think I will just call you Wingy, that sounds way cuter."

"But I don't want to be cute," I exclaimed in disagreement.

"You sure about that Wingy? Because that won't change the fact that you will be the cutest filly in town, when I am done with you," a excited Flitter answers to my absolute horror.

On the other side, I am curious about what she wants to do to me and decide that I can at least see the end results, before I object anymore. "Okay, I give it a shot, but we can change it, if I don't like it?"

"If it really makes you that uncomfortable, then yes." There is a short pause for a moment before she continues, "Now can you tell me anything about how you ended up alone in the middle of the Everfree forest?" She asks before switching to my tail.

Shit, I knew a question like this would come, but at least this is one of the few I have no problem with giving an honest answer. "Sorry Flitter, I have no idea how I ended up in that place. The only thing I know for sure, is that I woke up in that old castle ruin and then got lost in it."

"That isn't much, anything else you could tell me, maybe about your family or where you are from," she asks the question I fear the most, while starting to work on my belly. I could tell her everything, but I doubt she would believe any of it. She would probably think that I am delusional or something like that and just drop me off at the next asylum. That is one of the few things I want to avoid at any cost, so maybe it's better to keep quiet about that for now. "Hey anypony home in there," she asks and only now I realize that I had been lost in thoughts for more than just a few minutes. I look at her with a pleading look, hoping that she doesn't press any further. " Maybe it's the best, if we stop at this for today, since you clearly don't want to talk about that."

"Now, since you are all clean again, do you want to relax a bit more in the warm water, while I take care of myself or shall I just tell you the way to the bedroom?"

"If it's okay for you, I would like to keep you company." Honestly, I just don't want to be alone at the moment, with all what's happening in the last time.

"Okay, but could you scoot over a bit, so that I can move more freely?"

Without hesitation I do as asked, before I pick up the conversation on my own again,with the intention to direct it into a slightly different direction. "So Flitter, do you mind telling me a bit about yourself?"

"I don't see why not, even if there isn't much to tell."

"You sure about that," I ask her, curious about what answers she will give to me.

"Well I have an older sister, even if it's only by fifteen minutes." She admits with a smile on her face.

"Is she anything like you?"

"If it wouldn't be for our different mane styles, I am sure you couldn't tell us apart."

"Sure that you don't exaggerate?"

"Totaly," she says, before stepping out of the bathtub, after finally finishing with cleaning. "But you will find out soon enough."

It catches me totally by surprise when she again grabs me by my neck and lifts me out of the bathtub only to assault me immediately with a towel. "What do you mean by that," is all I get out while she completely rubs me dry.

"She is currently in Cloudsdale, helping out in the weather factory, but she will be back on friday." There is silence between us for a moment, before she dries herself off and continues. "But I think that will be enough for today, since we have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow."

"Huh, what do you mean by that," I ask very confused, since I haven't thought ahead for a while now. Normally, I don't plan ahead at all, so there was also no idea what the next day could bring.

"You will see, but for now it's bedtime, so just follow me."

Again I do as asked, when she begins to lead me up the stairs and into a room with a large bed, that could easily fit more than three ponies. I am still wondering why there is such a large bed, when she goes into it and patts her hooves on a spot directly next to her, signalyzing for me to join her in it. It doesn't take long for me to lay down next to her and move as close to her as possible, but still trying to be not too intrusive. She gently places the covers above us, before pulling me even closer with her hooves and placing a wing above me. "Good night Wingy."

"Night Flitter," I respond, before I enjoy this close embrace for a while, until I am finally able to fall asleep.

When the sun begins to rise, shining directly into my eyes, I simply turn around and try to hide my head in Flitters chest fluff. Sadly she already got up and so I have no other option then to pull the covers all above my head. It may not be as comfortable as her fluff, but it fulfills its purpose. At least until somepony pulls the covers rudely away. "Get up sleepyhead, or do you want to let the breakfast get cold?"

I wonder how breakfast can get cold, since for me it always has been a cold meal, but certainly, she has my attention now. After a quick sniff, I recognize the lovely smell of waffles and I wonder if I can have some applesauce or strawberry jam with them. Flitter has already gone back into the kitchen, but with that lovely smell in the air, it's simple for me to find the way, since my nose is leading the way.

"So you finally decided to get up? I already was thinking about coming back with a bucket of cold water."

The moment I hear this, my eyes grow as large as dinner plates, unwilling to believe what I just heard. "Would you really be that cruel," I ask in disbelief.

"If you don't want to find out, maybe you should try to get up earlier." A big grin is appearing on her face, when she gives me her scarry answer. The simple fact that she didn't deny it, but she also did not admit it, let me come to a simple conclusion. Don’t test her!

I sit down on my chair and take a look at the big stack of Waffles in the middle of the table, before I seek the table for anything I could put on them. She puts each of us one of the waffles on our plates for now and I decide to went for a simple powdered sugar* topping for now. I take a few bites of my waffle, before I ask Flitter currios. "So what did you mean yesterday, when you said that we have a busy day ahead of us?"

She takes a bite from her own waffle, before she responds in a tone that makes clear that there is no way for discussions. "A visit at the Hospital would be our first stop. I don't know how long you were on your own and I want to make sure that you didn't catch anything." I think for a moment about it before she continues, without giving me a chance to answer or complain in any way. Since I have nothing to complain with that I don’t mind it and continue to listen.

"Next would be a quick stop at Town Hall, where we have a few important things to discuss with Mayor Mare, before we give Rarity a short visit."

"What is so important that we have to go to Town Hall," I ask her curios.

"You will see, but I have a feeling that you will like it."

"Okay, I trust you with that," I answer while grabbing me a second waffle, this time putting some strawberry jam on it. "Is that all or do you have anything else planned for today?"

"Expect for a small lunch and a quick visit to miss Cheerilee, we have to make a short stop at my work, but the rest of the day is free." With that out of the way, we continue our breakfast while making a few jokes. And I caught her a few times, where she tried to find out a bit more about me, but luckily I managed to dodge those questions.

We get up and put the dishes in the sink, both of us are too lazy to clean them now, before I walk towards the door. Sadly I never reach it, since a certain somepony is holding me by my tail. "Where do you think you are going missy?" I point at the door, with the clear intention for us to start, but that isn't the case. "Follow me," she says, before she leads the way into the living room and sitting on the couch, pointing with her hoof on the spot next to her. I do as indicated without objection, before she grabs a brush and starts to take care of my mane. "Did you really think, I would let you go out of the house with this mess of hair you call a mane?"

"It isn't that bad." I object, making clear that I disagree with her on this point.

"You are right, it's worse or didn't you see that bird at the window eyeing your mane, clearly thinking if it would make a good nest?" I follow her gaze to the window and to my shock there sits indeed a bird glaring at me. I gulp in fear that this actually could have come true, before I admit that she could be right after all.

She tells me to wait on the couch for a moment and to close my eyes, while she gets something out of her room for me. It doesn't take long for her to come back and I feel her doing something to my mane, before she tells me to open my eyes again. In front of me is a large mirror and I look directly into it. It takes a moment for me to realize that this filly in the mirror is actually me and a big grin appears on my face, when I find out what she did to my mane. "You were right when you said that I would like the results." After all, I look almost like her, except for the colors and the fact that the pink bow clashes horrible with my red mane. I can only imagine how Rarity will react, but if she is anything like in the Show, she will faint the moment she sees me.

She replies with a look that says "I told you so" before she puts the mirror away and grabs her saddlebags, before we leave the house.

Author's Note:

Finally I am done with Chapter three and I am glad that I actually was able to increase the length of the Chapter a bit. Let's just hope it didn't impact the quality in a bad way. If there are any mistakes please point them out in the comments, so I can take care of them and may learn for future Chapters.

And thank you all for reading my story, I really appreciate that.

I also have to admit, that there are some changes in my plan for this story and I doubt that I will be able to get Scootaloo a major roll.

* sorry, but I am not sure if there is a better translation for the German word "Puderzucker", so I just went with the first solution Google offered

Again, I try to write the next Chapter within a week so latest date for the update should be on thursday.

edit: One more Chapter I (hopefully) improved today. Since it’s going this good, maybe I do another, before I call it a day.:twilightsheepish:

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