• Published 6th Nov 2019
  • 7,663 Views, 568 Comments

Crushed: The Beginnings - Silent Wing

After a tragic accident, a young man wakes up in the Castle of the two pony sisters and is now presented with a second chance at life.

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12 Sleepover, a nice evenning

AN: First of all, sorry for the long wait. It wasn't easy to overcome the writers block this time.

"Mommy Can we go now?" I ask impatient, not wanting to wait any longer for her. If I would know where Rainy lives, I would already be on my way to her place.

"Wingy, why is there such a mess in here?" She asks, when she steps into my room and sees that everything school related is laying on the floor, just where I dropped it to empty my saddlebags. I ignore her for a moment, to confirm that everything I want to take with me is in them, before I close my saddlebags and secure them on my back. "Wingy?" She reminds me on her question and instead of coming up with an answer, I shove everything under my desk, since putting everything in its proper place, would take way too much time.

"Better now?" I ask her, knowing that my solution will bite me in the back, when I come home again. At least, now it isn't as much of a mess as it had been a few moments earlier.

"You are lucky that Dashie and I have plans of our own Wingy." She replies, before controlling my saddlebags, if I really packed everything I will need. To my surprise, she drops a small satchel with a few Bits into it. "Here, I don't know if you will need them, but better have them and don't need them, then the other way around."

I check one more time that my saddlebags are secured, so that there is no risk of losing them on the way, before we both leave the house. "You know the drill Wingy?" She asks me, before she grabs me with her hooves, not waiting for my answer. She quickly begins to fly into the sky and when we are around 800 meters above the ground, like usual, she let go of me without any kind of warning. By now I am used to surprises like this and so it takes me only around 50 meters of uncontrolled falling, before I got myself back under control. I fly a small circle, to figure out where she is and when I spot her hovering mid air, I land on a nearby cloud. "Very good Wingy, you get better every day."

"Thanks mommy." I reply smiling, before I take another good look around. I may not be a good flyer yet, but catching myself from unexpected situations into a safe glide, is something I would call a good start.

Shortly after that I am forced into a similar situation, when she bucks the cloud I am sitting on into oblivion, with the sole difference that she isn't waiting till I caught myself. Instead she begins to fly into the direction, where I suspect Rainys home should be. This assumption proves to be correct, when she lands next to a nice two story home, at the outskirts of town.

The distance however, is much shorter than I expected it to be and so I am forced to decide, if I should fly a few more circles to lose some altitude or instead go into a dive of my own. A dive wouldn't be without risk for me, since I never did this before, but when I remember that mommy is close by, I push those concerns aside knowing that she would catch me if anything goes wrong.

To my great relief, this isn't necessary and after she scolded me for my reckless behavior, she knocks at the door of Rainys house. Not much time pass before miss Raindrops opens the door and after a warm welcome leads us into her house. "Wingy, why don't you met up with Rainy Feather in her room, while I talk a bit with your mother?" She offers me and I accept gladly, if only to get a bit space between mommy and me, after the scolding I just received.

"Okay miss Raindrops." I am about to head off towards her room, but hesitate when I remember that I have never been here before and have no clue where I have to go.

"Stairs up, first door on the left." She answers my unspoken question and after a quick "thank you miss Raindrops", I am about to head off towards my destination, when she quickly interferes. "Wingy, how often do I have to remind you to call me just Raindrops?"

I sigh, knowing that I forget this all too often, but if she thinks that I let this invitation for a funny joke pass, she is dead wrong. "I am sorry, Just Raindrops." I reply, this time not giving her any chance for a reply, before I race the stairs up and only a few moments later I knock at the door of Rainy’s room.

The reply I get from Rainy however, isn't what I expected. "Come in mom." I ignore her wrong assumption of who is about to enter her room, when I open the door and find her sitting at a desk, with her back towards the door.

"Sorry to disappoint you Rainy, but I am not your mom." I reply directly into her ear, after I marched to her and take a good look over her shoulder. It only takes me a few seconds to realize that she is engrossed in the math homework, miss Cheerilee gave us earlier. I watch her for a while in silence and when I realize just how much she struggles with this task, I am quick to offer her my assistance. "Need help with that?"

At this, she turns her head around with a bright smile on her face. "Thanks Wingy, you know how I hate this stuff." She replies before she focus her attention back on the papers in front of her.

"No biggy Rainy. I am sure I wouldn't be able to get even a D in Equish, if I had to do that without your help." I reply, before I focus on the task at hoof and together we get most of it done, until there is another knock at the door. This time Rainy turns around before greeting the newcomers, to avoid a misunderstanding like with me earlier.

To my surprise I spot there not only Rori, but also a very cute looking Rumble*. I barely recognized him, since he has a new manestile and if I hadn't already known that he is a Colt, I would have mistaken him for a filly.

"Rumble what are you doing here?" I ask him surprised, since I didn't really expect him to join us, after I learned about Raindrops annoying filly only rule for sleepovers.

He blush slightly, before he comes closer to me and tells us. "Somepony made Raindrops believe that I am a filly and when Flitter heard about this, she made sure that I look the part." I don't know if I should be happy that he is here or if I should be sad that Ruby and Button are unable to join us as well. I could also be mad, that no pony had this idea earlier, since Rumble looks really cute with his mane done like this.

"You look cute Rumble." I try to cheer him up, pushing the thoughts about the others aside and would I not already love this Colt, I would fall for him right now.

"Thanks Wingy, so what do we wanna do first?" He asks in a desperate attempt to change the topic, unaware that this is just what we are waiting for.

"Why not start with truth or dare?" Rainy offers and everypony, expect Rumble of course, agrees to this. While he realize that he made a mistake, I think about all the fun we can have. "Okay, since Rumble is the only one against it, why don't we let him start?"

Nopony objects against this and it doesn't take long for him, to focus his attention on me. "Wingy?"

"Truth." I reply without even thinking. Unwilling to risk, that I have to do something embarrassing, directly at the beginning of this game.

"Who is that Bat Pony, you are spending so much time with?"

"You mean Mango?" I ask in return, surprised that he even knows about him, wondering just how he found out about him. "He is one of Princess Luna's Night Guards." I tell him, but since none of the others seem satisfied with my answer, I add a bit more information. "He helps me a lot, like with my nightmares and my training."

"Training, what kind of training?" Rumble asks me a bit surprised, but I don't plan to answer this question, at least not yet.

"Not telling." I reply grinning, before I explain my reason for this. "You have to wait for your next turn, if you want to learn more about him." I pause for a moment, unsure who I should choose and decide to return the favor. "So Rumble, what do you want?."

"Give me a dare Wingy, but don't make it too easy, okay?" He replies as fast as I did earlier, with more confidence than would be good for him. His wish for a hard one is welcome, but not really needed, since I already have a funny idea for him.

"At Nightmare Night, you have to wear the costume, I chose for you." I reply with an evil grin on my face. After all, what is a Guardspony without something to protect?

"My turn," Rori interrupts, before anypony can protest. "Now Rainy, what do you chose?"


"Why did you make your mother believe that Rumble is a filly?" She wants to know, something, I think everypony is curious about as well.

"I always found mothers filly only rule stupid and I thought it would be so much more fun, if Rumble joins us." This gets some chuckles out of everypony and I sigh in relief, now knowing that there was no sinister motive behind this. With my mind now back on Rumble, I can't stop but think how Rumble would look in one of our dresses .

From there on, the game continues with a much more relaxed attitude and while I happily answer all the questions about Mango, I think Rumble regrets that he accepted Rori's dare. But I have to say that he looks really amazing in that pink dress.

This continues until a steel blue Pegasus stallion with dark blue mane and tail steps into the room and after introducing himself as Wave Chill, he asks us to come down for dinner. He leaves soon after that and we are about to follow him, when I see that Rumble is frozen in place. "Rainy do you know what's wrong with Rumble?" I want to know from her, now concerned about him, since he didn't move an inch from the moment on her dad stepped into the room.

She stops halfway on her way to the door and after a quick look at him, she leaves me and Rori alone with him, only to return a minute later with a full bucket of water. "This happens all the time when a pony learns, just who my dad is and this is the only way to get them out of there stupor." She explains, before dumping the water on Rumble, effectively freeing him out of his trance, if his scream is anything to go by. "Honestly Wingy, I am surprised that you didn't react the same way."

"Why should I, it's just your dad right?" I reply, wondering what could be so special about him.

"You really have no idea who my dad is Wingy?" She asks surprised, about how clueless I am and after I shock my head in denial, she questions me further. "So you don't know that he is a Wonderbolt?"

"Rainy, I just met your dad for the first time, how should I have known that he is one of them?" I ask again, surprised that such a celebrity like him lives in Ponyville. I don't know what Rainy wanted to say next, since her dad comes up again, to remind us that dinner is ready and we should hurry.

We don't waste anymore time and immediately go down into the kitchen, where a delicious smelling vegetarian Lasagne is waiting for us. How we plan to spend the rest of the evening dominates the conversation over dinner, but when the decision is made, I am forced to explain why I know next to nothing about the Wonderbolts.

You should think that when you live under the same roof as Rainbow Dash, you would be a expert about the Wonderbolts in no time, but that couldn't be farther away from the truth. Since the Wonderbolts is almost everything she is talking about, it didn't take long until I started to ignore every Wonderbolt related conversation.

With this finally out of my hoof and desert in front of me, Wave Chill wasted no time to inform us, that we have to go to bed very early. "Girls I know this sucks, but the earlier we fly to Cloudsdale, the easier the flight is and the more time we can spend there and have fun."

"Isn't there this large show tomorrow?" I ask after a while, partly remembering what mamma D was going on about, the entire last two weeks.

"It sure is kid." Wave Chill replies, happy that I am not totally clueless and just from looking at him, I know that there is more about it. He doesn't explain to us what it is, so I guess he wants to surprise us with something and since I don't want to ruin this for him, I keep my muzzle shut. It wouldn't surprise me at all, if we end up watching this show tomorrow.

The next two hours are spent playing Ponoply and at first I think of it as something boring, but that changes when I find out, that the event cards have been messed with. True there are the usual ones in it, but also some custom made ones, which give you some surprising tasks. For example, thanks to my third card, I have to kiss the pony to my left, which is no other then Rainys mom. But when Rumble ends up preening Roris wings, it isn't easy for me to hide just how jealous I am at her.

In the end we don't really care who wins, instead we focus more on the funny cards. I think Rainy had the worst luck with the cards, since she was forced to drink the juice of a whole lemon more than once.

After the game comes to an end, we make our way back upstairs. Raindrops informs us that expect from Rainys bed, there is only one other bed we can use. I take a questioning look at Rumble and when he answers me with a nod, I tell the others that Rumble and I will spend the night together. We say our good nights to Rainy and Rori, before Raindrops leads us into the guestroom. We wait for her to leave, before we snuggle up together, like all the times when Rumble spends the night with me.

Author's Note:

Again, sorry for that huge delay, but I had a bad case of Writer's block.:fluttercry:

Out of boredom I was browsing derpieborou and found some interesting Pics, just like this and they gave me great ideas, which I will include in some Chapters.:pinkiecrazy:

If you have ideas for Rumbles Nightmare Night costume you can share them in the comments, but I won't spoil anything. I am sure you can wait three more Chapters, till you find out if your costume idea is the one I choose.

Orginally I had no idea how to go about this Chapter and only while writing it, I decided to split it into two parts.

I just hope you enjoyed this Chapter as much as I enjoy the Gloryhammer concert on Friday in Stuttgart.:twilightsheepish:

I slightly edited this chapter today, (hopefully) correcting all the spelling errors.

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