• Published 6th Nov 2019
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Crushed: The Beginnings - Silent Wing

After a tragic accident, a young man wakes up in the Castle of the two pony sisters and is now presented with a second chance at life.

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05 A eventful afternoon

I hold her for a little bit longer, after she fell asleep, before I release her carefully out of my grip, always making sure to not wake her, before I place her as gently as possible on my back. I get a few additional Bits out of my saddlebags and place them next to the mess we made on the table, before stepping out of the door, thinking about where I could find Rainbow now.

Officially she should be in her office right now, but everypony that knows her also knows that Rainbow likes to bend the rules in her favor. With that knowledge in mind, I soar through the skies and I sigh in annoyance, when I find her napping on a cloud. "Great now I have to wake her..."

"Why does she always have to be asleep when I need to talk to her," I wonder out loud, when a great plan begins to form in my mind. With an evil grin on my face I push her cloud towards the park until she is only a meter above the surface from the lake. I stuff two pieces of cloud into Wingys ears, to make sure that she won't wake up from Rainbows reaction.

With that taken care of, I mentally prepare myself for the onslaught, that is sure to come, before I buck the cloud out of existence. Rainbow wakes up in the same moment as the cloud ceases to exist and gasps in shock, before gravity takes hold of her again and she lands with a loud "SPLASH" in the cold water of the lake.

Only a few seconds pass, before she breaches the surface and after a short look around she spots me and asks surprisingly calm, but still with a bit of annoyance in her tone. "Was this really necessary Flitter?" She swims to the coast and climbs out of the lake, before shaking all of the water out of her coat. "So what is so important that you thought, waking me would be a good idea?" She asks, trying really hard to keep her anger under control.

"First of, waking you is never a good idea." I admit which causes both of us to giggle. "And second, you wanted me to come over to explain some things." I look around and see some ponies already staring at us, before I add almost in a whisper, "But I would prefer, if we could talk about this at a bit more private place."

This causes her to frown, but when I point at my back she understands, before she asks me to follow her. We take off and fly slowly directly to her home. She leads me directly into her living room and offers me a seat on her couch, which I refuse kindly since Wingy is still sleeping on my back. It takes me a bit to get comfortable, but after a few moments I explain to her what happened in the last two days. She listens all the time and I almost break out into tears, when I reach the part where she already started to call me mommy in the Hayburger restaurant. It takes me a moment, before I get my emotions back under control. In which she thinks about what I just told her.

With sad eyes and deep concern in her voice she asks me, "You really have no idea where she comes from or what happened to her?"

"No Rainbow, I found her eating Pizza out of my trash and the moment I saw this, I knew that I can’t let her go. I would never forgive myself, if I refuse to help her." Hearing this, Rainbows eyes go wide in shock, but she gestures for me to continue.

"She said something about the Castle of the two pony sisters and that she spent the last few days in the Everfree forest, but nothing from her time before this."

A concerned Rainbow Dash looks into my eyes and asks me. "Could this have anything to do with Twilight, wanting us to check the Castle for anything unusual, since the Princesses detected a large magical surge there, only a few days ago?"

Now my eyes go wide in shock about this new bit of information. "I don't know Rainbow, but that could be possible. I will ask her about this, but I also don't want to pressure her into anything." I admit, not even trying to hide how worried I am.

She comes over to me and carefully lays a wing above my back and Wingy. "I can understand that Flitter and I will help you as much as I can. Take this week off, I think it would be better for the two of you to spend some time together, then when you are with us, constantly worrying about her."

"Thank you Rainbow," I reply very grateful. "You don´t know how much this means for the two of us."

Whatever I wanted to say in addition is forgotten, the moment I feel some movement on my back and hear a cute yawn. I turn around and look a very tired filly directly into her eyes. "Finally awake sleepyhead?"

"Uhu," Wingy responds before looking around and asks confused, "this isn't the Hayburger anymore, is it?"

"That's right kido, you are at my place," Rainbow confirmed with a sly grin on her face, "do you like it?"

"Don't know, haven't seen much, so it wouldn't be fair to judge it now." Wingy admits, before hopping down from my back. "This feels so weird, what kind of floor is that?" she asks with a frown on her face.

"Cloud of course," a dumbfounded Rainbow Dash response.

"Wow, this feels so amazing." She exclaims, her face lightening up in excitement, before she starts to dig herself into the cloud, trying to make small structures out of it. "Never thought I could stand on clouds."

I turn to a speechless Rainbow and whisper into her ear, "Do you understand now why I am worried about her, every pegasus foal should know this, so why doesn't she?"

We both watch her excited playing with the clouds for a while, before I interrupt her. "Don't you think it's a bit rude to bring Rainbow’s floor in such a disarray?"

She stops playing and looks down on the floor in shame. "Sorry miss Dash."

Hearing her that sad makes me almost regret what I just said, but before I am able to respond in any way possible Rainbow steps into action. With a smile on her face she walks towards Wingy and lifts her head with the tip of her feathers. "Don’t be, kid. I bet I would be that excited to, if I would set my hooves on a cloud for the first time."

Wingy blinks for a moment, unsure how to respond to this, before she asks her. "How can you not have a first experience like this, if you live literally in the Clouds?"

"Oh that's simple, I was born in Cloudsdale and didn't set a hoof on the ground until I was a bit older than you." She explains with a big grin on her face.

"Oh, so you had a similar experience, but only the other way around?"

"Yeah and it's quite the funny story, if I look back now," a grinning Rainbow Dash admits.

"That may be the case Rainbow, but Wingy and I still have a few things, which we should take care of today first."

"Do we have to mommy?" Wingy asks with a sigh, clearly disappointed about the sudden change of the situation.

It hurts me to see her that sad, but as much as I would like to hear this story on my own, I can't change the situation. "Yes Wingy, it is really important that we at least go to town hall. There are a few things we just have to get out of the way today."

She sighs again in defeat, head hanging low, before she hops back on my back. "Okay mommy."

"Hey Rainbow, want to come over tomorrow, maybe you could then tell Wingy your story?" I look towards Wingy and see a smile beginning to form on her face, before I again focus on Rainbow.

She thinks for a moment about it, before she replies with a smile on her face. "Sure Flitter, would 7:00 be okay for you?"

This catches me off guard and my Jaw almost drops to the ground. Did she really just change a simple visit into a date? Well who am I to complain? We have known each other now for a while and I must admit the idea of her as a herdmate, isn't a bad one. "Okay, I will prepare something nice."


We say our goodbyes and step out of the door, before we fly back into the town center, which ends again in an almost vertical dive, much to Wingys delight. We enter the building and at the reception stands a dark grey Unicorn with green eyes and a dark magenta mane, which is currently preoccupied with some documents. "Excuse me mister."

He looks up from his documents with a sigh before, he turns to us. "Sorry that I didn't notice you earlier mam, but as you can see, I was focused on something else." There is a short pause in which he places the documents neatly on the side of his desk, before he focuses fully onto us. "Good day miss, I am Written Script, how may I help you today?"

"Good day to you as well mister Script, I am Flitter and this cute filly is Silent Wing. We have some important things to discuss, but we would really appreciate it, if this would be possible in a bit more private area."

He looks a bit surprised by my request, but recovers quickly before he replies with a smile. "Of course miss, If you would please follow me, my office is at the end of the corridor."

He leads us down the corridor and into a small windowless office with an oak table in the middle and three chairs of the same material around it. He mentions us to sit down before he smiles at us. "Now miss Flitter, how can I help the two of you."

I shift in my chair, always feeling a bit uneasy when I have to talk with officials, before I gather myself. "There are quite a few things we should do, but for the beginning you should know that my ultimate goal is to adopt Wingy." Before any of us two is able to react, a black and red filly jumps from her own seat on mine, which causes the chair to fall backwards and I feel something holding me down. The moment I feel a pair of legs wrapping themself around my neck, I realize just what's holding me down and I return the embrace.

I can hear Wingy sobbing and when I look her into the eyes, I am able to see some tears in them. "Thank you mommy." she says happily, and we lay there a few more seconds, before we both get back up again. I set the chair up, but when Wingy is about to go back on her own, I grab her by the neck and place her on my legs.

Written Script had observed the entire scene and looks at us with an unreadable facial expression, until a big smile begins to form in his face. "I think that covers the consensus between the Foal and the potential adoptive parent, but you know that there is no turning back, once you get started with this?"

"I am aware of this mister Script, but I promised Wingy that I will never leave her and I will do everything necessary, to make this promise come true."

"I don't doubt that, from what I have just witnessed, but I think there are a few more things we have to cover first."

"Yes, lets better get started with that." I reply, before I start to explain how I met her and what I already learned from her. I tried to explain why I think it as important that she must stay with me and everything is going well, until I had to admit that I am not registered as a Foster Parent. With a sigh and a look of concern on his face, he falls silent for a while.

"That could be a problem, miss Flitter. According to the newest laws I am forced to send her to the next Orphanage, while we search for any relatives." My eyes go wide in shock when I hear this and a quick glance at Wingy reveals that she isn’t faring any better and we both are scared about what will happen next. "That is, if I wouldn’t know a few loopholes in said law."

He opens a drawer of his desk, before he takes a short look in a lawbook, only to grab some formulas out of another drawer. "Did you by chance ever hear of the term Temporary Guardianship?"

"I can't say that I have, mister Script."

"That would have surprised me, since the law in this case is around 500 years old and only used very seldom. It applies only in cases in which a Foal has already made a strong bond to a Pony, before Foal Protective Services could be informed. The potential parent must prove that he or she is able to take care of all needs of said Foal, like in your case and it gives the authorities time to search for any living relatives. If this search doesn't bring any results within 30 days, or ponies that are clearly unable to take care of the Foal, the Foal is automatically adopted."

I stare at him unbelievable. Did he seriously just crush our hopes, only to send us back into the clouds right after? "That would be great mister Script, what do we have to do, to get this started?" I never understood those bureaucrats.

I mentally facehoof, when he says the words all bureaucrats love and everypony on the receiving end hates. "Only a bit of paperwork." I really should have seen that one coming. He may be a nice and helpful one, but the ponies of his calling can drive every pony insane with their love for Paperwork.

It takes me almost an hour, until we are done with all of it, before we are able to leave. At the end of it, Wingy was bored out of her mind and I decide, that it would be better to reschedule the visit at Carousel Boutique for the next day. I think Wingy shouldn't be too enthusiastic, but for some unknown reason, she is certain that there isn’t anypony looking for her.

She is so convinced of that, that I fear she is hiding something from me, something important. We step out of the building and I am so relieved that this nightmare is over.I take a deep breath of the afternoon air and enjoy the soft breeze, blowing through our manes. I know that Wingy doesn’t like the sun that much, but I decided that it would be better to spend some time in the Park, instead of heading directly home, after all it isn't even close to dinnertime yet.

I looked around and started to walk towards the Park with Wingy at my side, until I notice that more and more ponies are passing us, walking straight back to the marketplace. I look back and see a large crowd gathering in front of a travelling Wagon, Wingy and I exchange a few words, before we join the other ponies there, curious about what is going on. Sadly we are only able to get a place in the back of the crowd, so Wingy climbs on me and rests her forelegs on my head, so she can see over me.

The Wagon transforms into a stage and an azure unicorn mare with a very light grey mane and tail, covered by a purple cape and hat steps out from behind a curtain. She lets a few fireworks go off and with the help of an illusion spell, she tells everypony how she beat an Ursa Major, before she challenges the entire Crowd to a magical show off.

I spot some movement in the front row, but whatever is happening there stops, the moment I hear a very familiar voice speaking up, directly above me. "Miss Trixie, can I ask you something?"

The pony that introduced herself as the great and powerful Trixie looks at me a bit confused before I point with one of my hooves upwards to Wingy. It takes her a moment to realize that Wingy was the one who spoke, before she answers a bit upset. "Sure young Filly, what do you want to know?"

"You promised us a magic show and the only thing we saw till now were some fireworks and you telling a lame fairytale, so my question is, when does your actual show start?" There is a bit of unrest in the crowd and I can hear a few voices agreeing with Wingy, but the magician doesn't look too happy about the turn of events.

She takes a few steps back, clearly shocked by Wingys words, before she raises her voice, not even trying to hide her anger. "I let you know, young one, that I could easily do it again and beat every other creature I face."

"If that's the case, why don't you prove me wrong and challenge that Ursa that lives in the Everfree, after all his cave is only a few hours away." Wingy responds calmer as I could ever be in her situation and I wonder how she is able to know that there lives an Ursa nearby. I have to ask her that later, but I have a feeling that I won’t like the story behind this.

By now, most of the crowd's attention is focused on her and a few ponies are also staring at me, which makes me feel very uncomfortable. "However I know that you would never do this, honestly who would ever face a creature that easily towers over Townhall willingly, if it can be avoided."

Now everypony turns back to the stage, waiting for the magician's response. Her face turning more and more red with anger, before she explodes. "You insolent ragamuffin question the great and powerful Trixie, I will show you how I handle such brats like you!"

Her horn starts glowing with the intent to cast a spell, but she loses concentration the moment she is hit by a flying tomato. This is only the beginning and soon the stage is completely covered in fruits, vegetables and some other things. No trace from the magician is found, after the bombardment stops.

A cyan pegasus flies up into the air and scans the crowd until she spotts us. I recognize her as Rainbow and she flies directly to us, a cocky grin on her face. "Hey kid that was amazing, but how do you know that there lives and Ursa this close to Ponyville?"

Wingy meanwhile had climbed down from me and stood between the two of us, clearly unhappy about the question and tries to hide under me before she admits. "I may have stumbled into it’s cave a short while ago."

Rainbow and I both gasp in shock, before I grab her. "That's it, I won't let you out of my sight, before I am sure you don't get into any more trouble like that.

"Okay." She says with a sigh, head hanging low, only to raise it a few moments later again, with a pleading look on her face. "Rainbow can we two sleep at your place today?"

"Sure kid, but why?" She asks a bit surprised and I am not any better.

"Well you saw how she reacted," Rainbow gives a short nod with her head before Wingy continues. "I have a bad feeling about her and it wouldn't surprise me, if she is up to something stupid. If that's the case, I would like to be as far away from her as possible."

Author's Note:

I hope you guys don't mind but I thought it was a good idea to begin switching perspectives, so we can get a broader approach on the story and make it more understandable, by adding other povs.

Please keep in mind that Wingy may know that Pegasi are able to walk on Clouds, but knowing something and actually experiencing something are two different things.

Sorry for that long Chapter, but I wasn't able to make it shorter, next time, I try again to be around 2,5K.

edit: 18.05.2020, did rephrase a few sentences and corrected a lot of mistakes.

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