• Published 6th Nov 2019
  • 7,663 Views, 568 Comments

Crushed: The Beginnings - Silent Wing

After a tragic accident, a young man wakes up in the Castle of the two pony sisters and is now presented with a second chance at life.

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29 When it rains it pours

The merciless heat of a late summer sun is pounding down on a small secluded valley far away from any major cities of the Griffin Kingdom in the deepest part of the mountains.

A wooden cabin is nestled in the shadow of a large mountain with a small lake. Not too far away, a small stream flows toward the glistening pools southern end. Near the lake are a few oak trees and in the shadow of one from them lies a large white alicorn studying the contents of a very thick tome.

She hopes to find something that would allow them to lessen the consequences of her latest screw up. True, she doesn’t screw up often, but when she does the aftermath is always hard to deal with.

However, her concentration is broken by the sound of approaching hooves and the giggling of foals. Having a good idea of what is about to happen, she earmarks the page before closing the book, waiting for the inevitable to happen. To be honest, she is actually glad for the interruption from her monotonous task.

Even if she has a good guess about what the foals are planning, she decides to play along so as not to ruin their fun. “Hey, mom.” One of the foals shouts from behind her, causing her to turn her head in the direction, only to see something approaching fast. “Catch.” The colt finishes his sentence right before the balloon hits her face and bursts, deposing his contest all over her.

Only moments after the first balloon hit her, she is bombarded with more from three different directions. Wait, three directions? That can’t be, there are only two foals with them. Looking around she spots her son, his fillyfriend, and a certain pink annoyance.

She gets up and slowly makes her way over towards the pink pony while using her magic to gather water from the lake and sneakily floats it right over the mare “Cadence, look up.” She addresses the pink pony with a smug grin on her face, giving her the time she needs to realize what is meant by this before releasing her grip on the magic.

The pink alicorn has just enough time that her eyes can go wide in shock before getting drenched by enough water to fill multiple bathtubs. Satisfied, the white alicorn turns towards the two laughing foals and gives them a short warning before she advances slowly.

“Oh, shit.” The filly replies before storming off, quickly followed by her son. She begins to run after them, chasing them toward the lake. The foals quickly realise this, and with no intention of getting near it, they do the only logical thing and split up.

“You will never catch us.” The filly shouts, marking her as the first target for Celestia’s revenge. The filly runs even faster once she realizes that she is still being chased. Laughing, she makes multiple sharp turns and much to the annoyance of her significantly larger pursuer, takes full advantage of her smaller size.

The alicorn has almost caught up with the red-maned filly, when her target gets tired of running and instead takes to the air, gaining a few meters in distance before turning once more. Mockingly, the filly sticks her tongue out as she passes the alicorn and flies back to the lake.

Deciding that she has enough, she takes to the air herself and catches the filly shortly after they are over the lake. The filly squirms between her hooves, in a futile attempt to get free, but the alicorn is having nothing of it. Instead, she makes a sharp loop and at its peak, drops the filly into the cold lake.

With one foal taken care of, she looks around and soon spots suspicious movement on a low hanging cloud. Believing that this can only be her son, she uses her magic to quickly get rid of the cloud.

However, her assumption proves to be wrong when a thestral and a greyish blue pegasus fall the short distance and impact the water with loud splashes. Ignoring her minor blunder, she continues her search, until something hits her from behind.

Startled for a moment she loses her focus and her attacker uses this moment of distraction to successfully send her down into the lake as well. True, she could have used her magic to avoid this, but she didn’t care if she stayed dry or not as long as everypony that dared to attack her gets punished accordingly.

Once her head is above the surface again, she spots a certain grey pony hovering directly above her. With a grin and a flash of brilliant magic she teleports directly above him, only to return the favor as she lets herself fall back into the lake again.

The small group of ponies continues to play in the lake for a bit more before the solar princess decides that it’s time for her to go back to work. An hour of reading passes, in which she makes no real succes in her work before the next distraction arrives. “Any luck yet, Princess?”

At the sound of the cocky voice she looks up from her boring task, just in time to see the cyan pegasus mare sit down in front of her. “Unfortunately not Rainbow Dash.” She replies slightly annoyed, not at the interruption, but ator the lack of progress in her work.

“Why not ask the egghead for help? I am sure she would be a great help with that problem.” The element of loyalty replies, confident that her suggestion could make some things easier for all of them.

“The egghead? Who are you talking about?” Princess Celestia asks slightly confused by the name, not having any idea who she could mean.

“Twilight of course.”

A big grin spreads over the face of the solar alicorn, wondering why she hadn’t thought of her favorite student before. “That is indeed a great idea Rainbow Dash.”The mare replies while gathering everything needed, and begins to write a letter to her most faithful student.

After recovering from the exhausting attack on Princess Celestia, the following chase and battle in the lake, I make my way back into the cabin on the search for some towels. After I got myself dry, I went into my room and grabbed one of the books I brought along, before I went out again. After all, there is still some reading I have to do before school starts in three weeks.

I know that this should be plenty of time, but with all the things happening in the last few months, I think it would be better to get it done sooner than later before anything interferes again. Besides, reading can be quite enjoyable if you have the right book, so I don’t really mind.

Two chapters in and I find something casting a shadow over me all of a sudden, since the place I choose as a reading spot is as far away from anything that could cast a shadow as possible, it can only mean that somepony wants something from me. “Yes?” I ask without looking up from my reading, too engrossed am I in my book to care

”Hello Wingy, mind If I have a word with you?” A voice that became very familiar to me in the last two weeks asks. I take my time to see if what I assume is true, only doing so after finishing the current paragraph and earmarked my page.

When I look up from my book, I realize that is indeed who I feared and I only hope that this encounter will end better than our last. “Hello King Gustav.” I greet the proud griffon standing in front of me, fully taken by surprise from his sudden visit. “What brings you here today?”

“Politics, some decisions regarding your future were made in the last few days and I think it’s best to inform everyone involved as soon as possible.” He replies much to my disdain and I can only hope that whatever he has to say won’t be affecting me too badly.

“Okay, any idea where they are?” I ask him, but instead of giving me an answer, he just leads me back to a place near the lake, where everypony is already waiting. “So, what is it you wanted to tell us about?" I ask curious after I nestled myself between mommy and dad.

“The first thing concerns your wedding. The nobles demanded that you marry Prince Georg within a week, but I was able to put a stop to this by simply reminding them of our laws.” I sigh in relief, not really a fan of how fast they wanted things to process. I may have agreed to marry him, but that doesn’t mean that I am that eager. “However, I had to accept a compromise. So to speak, after you come of age on your sixteenth birthday, you have exactly six months in which the wedding shall take place on a day of your choosing.”

“You don’t do subtle King Gustav, do you?” Princess Cadence asks with a frown on her face, sounding just as shocked as most of the ponies look, which probably includes me. I may have expected some unpleasant news, but never imagined that I would learn about something like this today.

“Not in matters like this, no. Besides, it’s actually not as bad as it sounds, since it gives you enough time to form a herd. As long as you and Georg marry as the leadponies, when the time comes, there shouldn’t be too many complaints about it.”

I sigh in relief when those words hit my ear, now with my worst worries put to rest, there are so many other things I can finally think about. Another important question comes to my mind, who is this Gaby, Georg was talking about and how would we get along?

“Also, to make sure that Wingy and Georg get to know each other, it was decided that Prince Georg will accompany you on your way back to Equestria.”

“Okay, what else?” I ask, not really minding this one, since it actually makes some sense. Besides, if we indeed form a herd, it’s only fair that he gets to know more ponies than just me and Rumble.

“It’s also expected from you to attend every important official function in Canterlot Castle or our embassy, while wearing this.” He replies while giving me a small wooden chest. Curious about its content, I open the lid only to stare in disbelief at what I am seeing. There, on red velvet lies an intricately carved emerald encrusted silver diadem. "Please try it on."

A bit hesitant I raise it up out of the box and carefully place it on my head. To my surprise, the glittering circlet fits surprisingly well. I look around, wondering how everypony else is taking this and realize that everypony, except one, has looks of utter disbelief on their faces. "Did you know about this Celestia?"

"I expected it not to be so soon, but it doesn't come as a surprise." She replies cryptically while conjuring and levitating a hoof mirror towards me. I grab it out of her magical aura and have a look at myself. While I personally am not that much a fan of jewelry, I actually like this one.

"Is there anything else I should know?"

"I can only think of one more thing." He replies and after a pause he goes into details. "When you return to Equestria, a tutor will accompany you. He will teach you about the finer workings of our government, history, and old griffish." I inwardly groan at the prospect of even more learning, not happy at all with that development and I can only hope that my new teacher won't overload me with work.

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