• Published 6th Nov 2019
  • 7,663 Views, 568 Comments

Crushed: The Beginnings - Silent Wing

After a tragic accident, a young man wakes up in the Castle of the two pony sisters and is now presented with a second chance at life.

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01 Castle in the forrest

Date: 15.02.2020, location: Ludwigsburg

It's cold when I step out of the train, walking down the stairs into the passage and out of the station. Only now I see that it's snowing a bit, which makes me pull down the hood of my jacket. Like always I cross the road and walk the 5 minutes to the MHP-Arena, barely able to keep my excitement under control.

When I reach the arena there is already a huge crowd waiting in front of the gates, even if they will still be closed for more than an hour. However, I am not surprised by this sight and curse myself for being so late and there probably goes my chance to get front row places.

Since I have nothing else to do since my friends didn't join me this evening, I walked towards one of the vendors to get something warm to drink. Maybe this will help to keep me warm enough, till the gates open or maybe I just should have grabbed the thicker jacket. Seriously, how could I think that my soft Jacket and my Hoodie will keep me warm enough in the middle of winter? The fact that it's an open area and it's extremely windy doesn't help either, nor the digital sign at the bus stop, that's constantly switching between the actual time and temperature. "- 4° Celsius (24,8°F), I don't want to imagine how cold it will be after the concert."

The line moves slowly and in the ten minutes it takes till I can finally order my Glühmost (mulled spiced cider) and a classical Dinnede with sour cream, onions, and bacon, I constantly look back to that clock.

After paying I grab my food and drink and walk to a small alleyway next to another vendor, to get out of the wind. The moment I pass the stand, I hear a hissing sound, like something is leaking. I give that no mind and just walk further, but after three more steps into the alleyway, I remember that they were selling Burgers and grilled sausages. The moment I turn around to ask the sales clerks about there gas supply, I hear a loud explosion and a wall of flames coming directly towards me. I drop my food in shock and the only thing I can do is scream in pain, when the fire consumes my body.

Date: unknown, location: unknown

Groggily I wake up by the sound of blowing wind and the all too familiar feeling that you get when you lay with your uncovered stomach on a cold surface. I don't know where I am, but the fact that I only hear the wind and not feel it tells me that I am at least in some kind of building. This is a very interesting thing to discover but it also raises a huge question, a question I am scared to get answered, and to postpone any unwelcome discovery, I decided to keep my eyes closed for now.

I sniff the air, but can't smell anything at all and the feeling I get when doing it is strange. It almost feels like my nose is in the wrong place. After a few moments I stop and try to focus more on my hearing, but except for the blowing wind I only hear the rustling of leaves. I finally accept that only by hearing and smelling alone, I won't get any more information about my current surroundings and decide that I just have to open my eyes, if I want to find out where I am.

I expected many things to see, but a stonewall like in a medieval castle, directly in front of me wasn't one of the things I expected to see. Unwilling to believe what I am seeing, I raise my hands to rub my eyes, but the level of confusion just increases dramatically, when not my hands, but a pair of hooves enter my field of vision. I just stare at them in silence for a moment, before I try to continue as planned. "I am just imagining things now," is all I can think. However, this illusion shatters the moment I try to move my hands again when those hooves (obviously my hooves) rise and start to rub my eyes. This however feels way too real to be just an imaging.

I try to pull my right hand back and the right hoof does the movement. Now there is no sense in denying the fact anymore, that those are indeed my hooves and I begin to wonder what else did change. I focus on my right hoof and turn my head around following, the now in black fur covered, arm back to the shoulder, and even further

The farther I turn my head around, the more confusing becomes the sight. If that's truly my body I see that something must have happened. Something that probably only Discord can explain.

That is at least what I think because the body I see isn't that one of a 30-year-old human male. It's from a pony. A Pony with fur almost as black as Nightmare Moons, a red tail, a red mane with black streaks, and two black feathery wings to be precise. Everything I see tells me that I am now an equestrian pegasus, just like in the "My Little Pony" show I love to watch and I begin to wonder if those "Wings'' really work.

I close my eyes and try to focus on the wings, flapping them carefully in a steady rhythm. I feel how the pressure on my stomach lessens and how I slowly separate from the ground. Two minutes after I started to flap my wings, I open my eyes again only to see that I am now around three meters (10 feet) above the ground and still rising. Only two or three wing beats later I hit something with my head and lose focus enough, so that I stop flapping them for a short moment. Before I even realize what I just did wrong, the merciless piece of shit, also known as gravity, regains control and with a loud "THUMP" I crash into the ground.

"Ouch," I whimper before I try to get up on my hooves this time. Unwilling to crash again anytime soon, I decided to lay off flying for now and focus on my hooves instead. It doesn't take me long to realize that standing on four hooves is extremely easy, but walking is way more trouble than I expected and I end up eating dirt more than once.

After a while of practice, I decided to find out more about my surroundings and walk around through numerous rooms, before I hear voices heading in my direction. Without hesitation I run back into the last room and squeeze myself into the small cupboard I spotted there earlier. I keep the door slightly ajar and wait while the voices grow louder and I begin to understand what they are talking about.

"You are sure that this magical surge came from here Twilight," a tired and really annoyed voice asks.

"Yes Spike, I am sure," Twilight says not less annoyed, before she continues. "Also, Princess Celestia was very clear in the letter. She and her sister, both felt the same and were able to track the magical signature back to the Castle of the two sisters."

"But do you think it's a good idea to search for whatever caused that magical surge without any help? What if it's something dangerous, which we could only defeat with the Elements of Harmony?"

"If that would be the case Spike, don't you think the princess would have warned us in her letter about it?" Twilight asks him with growing annoyance.

"I don't know Twilight but the words 'A magical surge of unknown purpose and origin' and 'potentially dangerous', sound at least in my ears like a warning!"

"That never was in the letter Spike and I did read it twice, just to be sure."

"Yes, but you also pulled three all-nighters in the last five days and we both know how easily you can get distracted then."

"I don't get distracted," Twilight responds upset.

"Then prove it. Count pie down to the one-hundredth number without getting distracted by anything and I believe you."

"Just to prove you wrong Spike," Twilight replies, and after a short amount of time she begins to count down as told. If I count it correct, Twilight is at the 15th number, when Spike suddenly asks. “What's that squirrel doing up there, Twilight?"

"Which squirrel, Spike?" She asks without hesitation and there is a short pause when Twilight realizes the mistake she just made, before she admits, "damn it, Spike, I hate it when you are right. Maybe we really should come back tomorrow with some help and after a few hours of sleep."

"Finally, I almost thought you go as crazy as AJ like at the last apple-bucking season."

"Spike I am not that bad."

"You sure about that? Back in Canterlot you came extremely close when you were running late with an assignment from Princess Celestia."

"Spike that was a long time ago, so don't mention it again."

When I hear the voices of those two grow silent I let out a sigh of relief and carefully step out of my hiding spot. Twilight may be a nice Pony if she is anything like in the show, but I don't have any interest in ending up as her 'research project'.

I sit down on my haunches for a bit to think about what I have just learned in Twilights and Spikes discussion and how I can use this information in the best way possible for me.

The fact that I am not on earth anymore, fills me with relief because I don't want to spend the rest of my life in a research facility. On the downside if it, that I am currently in the Castle of the two sisters also means that I am in the Everfree forest and if I want to reach Ponyville safely I should better follow those two.

With that in mind I get up again and start to walk into the direction I heard them go, quickly I come out of the castle into the cold windy night air and look around. I spot them at the other side of the rope bridge and follow them over a half-hour, always making sure that I don't get spotted. It would be easier if my bright red mane wouldn't be such a dead giveaway before I start to get tired.

I decide to rest for a moment, just closing my eyes for 5 seconds, before I follow them again, which proves to be quite fatal. When I open my eyes again, I am unable to spot any of those two, and to top it all off, I don't remember in which direction they had been going. After a moment of thinking I just pick a random direction and hope that it is the right one, towards Ponyville.

Soon, I start to get tired and I don’t have to walk for a long time, before I spot a cave large enough to squeeze myself in, but small enough that no Timberwolves or Manticores can reach me in there. I squeeze myself into it and after just around two meters, the cave expands a bit. Just large enough, that I can now stand up and walk on all four, instead of the crawling I was forced to, at the beginning of it. I follow it a bit more and after a turn it ends in a room large enough to fit a full-grown manticore. I go into the center of this room, curling myself into a ball, just moments before I fall asleep.

Author's Note:

Let's just hope that this isn't a prediction since I plan to go on the same Hammerfall concert with "Beast in Black" and "Serious Black" as special guests.:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

edit: 16.05.2020 just gave this chapter a once over. I hope it's better now and that there aren't that many mistakes anymore

edit2: rikithemonk was so nice to edit that Chapter for me. Thank you for that my friend

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