• Published 17th Jul 2019
  • 2,212 Views, 26 Comments

Roaring Winds and Rising Tides - vortex123

(Displaced) A young dragonslayer and water wizard find themselves in a familiar (the former) and unfamiliar (the latter) world.

  • ...

Courage from another world part 3

“...Right. I can give you guys new spells, items, one or two transformation masks, or perhaps something like ammo such as Bombs, Arrows, Deku Nuts, perhaps some archery and swordsmanship.” Link explained from the top of his head. “And before you say anything about those magic spells, it’ll be up to those three if they want to teach you them afterwards.”

“Why?” Twilight asked, Spike nodding in agreement with her.

“Because them doing so will affect the present and the future of your life, Twilight.” Link said as he looked at her knowingly.

‘Why does everything have to be so vague and complicated with old beings?! Why can’t things just be simple with them for once?!’ Twilight thinks to herself, aggravated.

“Anyway, I’m pretty confident about my combat skills, wish I could deal with magic types better though. Got anything for that?” Mike asked.

“I can teach or give you Nayru’s love, a diamond shaped barrier that will prevent your body from being damaged, but you’ll still be knocked around. The shield will protect you for three minutes, more or less depending on a number of factors.” Link explained to Mike.

“That’s nice but I was thinking more of something to fight on even footing. Though I guess that’s a little too much, it’s not like a Pegasus can use magic the same way they can.” Mike states.

Link snapped his fingers. “There is something I can give you. Here, just take my hand.” Link said as he extended his arm out. Mike stares at him for a moment and shrugs.

“Eh, I’ve done weirder.” He says, he then grabs Link’s with no hesitation whatsoever. Along Link’s arm something energy-like traveled along his arm, glowing in the colors of gold, only to change to purple as it was leaving him. The same colors travels along the pegasus’s arm until he felt something grow within him.

“You can now use magic.” Link said, looking a little exhausted. Wendy sucks in air and transferred the energy she got from it to Link unaware of how pointless that was.

“…You wanna run that by me again?” Both Twilight and Mike asked simultaneously.

“You can use magic.” Link repeated. “Not sure if the same method can work for you like it did for me, but just close your eyes, think of energy that’s like water inside of a pipe, now direct that energy through your magic.” Link explained as he raised his hand as fire traveled along his fingers. “It’s all about mental control and focusing on your thoughts.

Mike did as he was instructed, it felt weird to him but in a way, normal. After a moment his hands felt tingling. When he looked, he saw that his hands were glowing grass green. But before he could celebrate in a way that definitely would have embarrassed himself, Twilight spoke her mind.

“HOW THE FU-“ she stopped and looked at spike. “-reak did you do that?! That’s not something a Pegasus should be able to do.” She finished, looking frizzled.

“You saw me appear out of thin air as a wolf spirit, Displaced aren’t meant to make sense.” Link explained to Twilight. “You’re going to be seeing ALOT of this as long as those three find other Displaced tokens.” As he says this, Twilight sees Mike sticking his hand through Zoey who was using water body. Her eye twitches as she lets out a deep sigh.

“Tokens? You mentioned those before, how do we make them?” Wendy asked.

“And what are they?” Spike asked.

“Tokens come in many shapes and sizes, they’re used to communicate with Displaced from across the Multiverse or to summon. There are millions of them out there and any of their tokens could have arrived here, however It’s a good thing my Token got here first, otherwise one of those three could have summoned someone bad. Worse case scenario, it could have been someone like…” Link paused to think of a character. “Like Goku, except with the mind of someone who would use his powers for their own gain.” Link explained.

“Ok…could someone tell me what a “Goku” is?” Spike asked.

“Think of a much more powerful version of an alicorn, now imagine said being existing for the sole purpose of getting stronger and having a good fight. Thankfully the original is a good guy, obsessed with fighting but good.” Zoey says, then looks to Wendy. “…wanna make a token?” She asked, Wendy thinks about it.

“Sure, after the celebration though.” She says, then turns to Link. “Back to our earlier conversation. What else is there that you could teach us? As long as fresh air is around, I can take care of any exhaustion you might get.” Wendy says with a smile.

“I’m not exhausted from what I just did, I’m exhausted as I just transferred void energy. Doing such a thing can be dangerous in large amounts.” Link explained as he stretched his arms behind his head. “As for what else I can teach you.” Link said as he went through the list such as archery, swordsmanship, magic, transformation masks, channel Twili energy via the howling stone to assume the form of a wolf. “I suggest I create the mask later once the void energy is restored.” Link said.

“Wolf? Like you did when you jumpscared me?” Mike asked.

“Jumpscared?” Link asked and snorted in amusement. “I didn’t leap through the void that fast, did I?”

“I’m pretty sure abruptly appearing from thin air then pouncing on someone counts as a jumpscare, especially with Twilight and Spike’s reaction.” Wendy points out.

“...True, since they’ve never seen anything like me before. Anywho, yes, just like the wolf I was before.” Link explained as he reached up to grasp his Howling Stone necklace. A swirl of black particles consuming his body, quickly shrinking him down to the form again, except it wasn’t ghostial anymore. Right there sat a somewhat normal wolf, except for the colors as they were the same green, red, and grey colors as before.

“…thank god Fluttershy isn’t here, it’d be hours before she would leave you alone.” Wendy says.

“Speaking of Fluttershy, she’s who we have to see next. Can you show me how to do that before we go?” Mike asked.

Wolf Link let out a wolfish snort at the remark. The black particles surrounded him again, allowing him to return to what he was before. “Just grab it, give it a squeeze and the Twili magic will react.” Link explained to Mike.

Mike did so and was surrounded by the same black particles. His size had shrunk to 4.6 feet turned white with stripes the same color as Rainbow’s skin. His eyes changed to a brighter shade of brown. Looking at the group, he smiles.

“In this form, you’re able to speak to animals, see spirits, picking up a scent and follow said scent like a misty trail, move faster than hu-... I mean pony, and lastly if you focus hard enough, you’ll see things buried underground as a patch of dark sparkles.” Link explained from memory of all the times he was in wolf form.

“How do I look?” Mike tried to say, but all that came out were barking sounds.

“You won’t be able to speak the common language in that form.” Link pointed out, Mike nods. He then gestured to his body that in a “how do I look?” Way.

“You look like a wolf… Come to think of it other than Timberwolves, are there other wolves in this world?” Link asked curious as he looked at Twilight. “He might stick out a bit.”

“Yes there are others, but he will stick out by being an arctic wolf in Ponyville.” Twilight says, looking at Mike.

“I like it, looks like a white tiger but you know, a wolf instead of a tiger.” Wendy says, rubbing his fur a little bit. He snorts but doesn’t make a move to stop her. He grabbed the necklace again and gave a squeeze, turning back to normal.

“Well thanks for the magic and wolf form. Me, Twi and Spike have one more task to finish, see you guys later.” Mike says, about to leave.

“So I don’t remember much from the game but I do remember the magic songs. Could you teach us some? I have a flute I got as a gift and Zoey’s been teaching me how to play.” Wendy says, as Zoey takes hers out.

“School couldn’t afford to drop me from band, music was one of the only things my school was known for. Not many knew how to play the flute and most of the ones that did, the staff pissed off one way or another.” Zoey said with a chuckle.

“I can teach you some songs except for the Song Of Time. Time traveling can be a little dangerous.” Link said as he shuffled through his pouch. Link finds it and proceeds to pull out a blue ocarina that gleamed in the sunlight.

“It’s bullshit is what it is.” Zoey muttered under her breath. Time travel always confused her, which in turn, agitated her.

“So what songs can you teach us? Got any suggestions?” Wendy asked, mentally agreeing with Zoey.

Link glanced over at Twilight for a moment in curiously. So far, this version Twilight has been the most tame compared to the others, others would just have a mental breakdown or be in denial. Link redirections his attention to the group. “I believe I’ll start by giving you three songs. All you need is repeat after me.” Link explained as he placed the mouthpiece to his lip. He repeated the first three notes of the Song Of Healing to see if she’d be able to do the same.

Zoey was able to to get it pretty quickly, having had experience from playing in band. Wendy on the other hand, struggled a little at first but got the hang of it. Link nodded before proceeding to play the rest of the song. Those who were listening would feel their emotions be calmed, soothed, and healed by the song’s magic, like their past regrets were melting away. Magic was now in the air as the three played, the harmonics of Equestria guiding them. When Zoey and Wendy looked at their instruments, they would see they were now glittering.

“You have learned the song of healing. This song can help heal wounds, cleanse curses and hexes, soothes troubled spirits and get rid of regrets. Now, there may be times that a spirit refuses to pass onto the afterlife and there is still a lot for them to do, the song will turn them into masks that will allow you to transform into that person except for their clothes. The song can also turn the curse into a mask if its a form someone was forced into. “ Link explained as he looked at the others for their reactions, especially Spike and Twilight.

Spike looks at his scales and sees the few cracked ones were healed. Twilight looks content rather than simply resigned to dealing with what’s going on. Wendy looks to be calmer, no longer upset about her earlier stunt from the fight. Zoey seems happier, her smile looks more genuine and not forced. She could’ve sworn she felt something loosen, but whatever it was locked back into place. There was a bright flash around Mike, then it vanished. He looks around in confusion, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

“...Huh, seems you had a curse on you.” Link said as he stroked his chin in curiosity.

“WHAT?!” Twilight and Spike asked/shouted. Twilight’s hair had frizzled, the effects of the song now gone. Link softly cringed at their shout. Wendy is in a similar state, her dragon hearing making it worse.

“…how do you curse someone so close to the royal family?” Spike asked, saying what Twilight was thinking.

Link shrugged. “He might have been cursed by another Displaced, or his Displacer.” Link guessed as he looked at Mike. “But the question is, what did the curse do?”

“…vampires maybe?” Spike suggests. Twilight gives him a look.

“Alright I’ll accept the whole ‘Displace’ thing, but I refuse to believe that Vampires exist! I’m putting my foot down on that!” She says with smoke coming from her hair.

“Also wouldn’t my mentors be my displacers? With how powerful they are, I don’t see why they would need to curse me.” Mike says with heavy doubts.

Link softly chuckled at Twilight. “No, they do exist either across the void, or under a different name, like Vamponys.” Link said to her as he looked at Mike. “I don’t know then, you may need to find someone to help trace the curse back to their origins through magic.” Twilight gives a look that screams “I don’t believe you”.

“Well sucks to be that prick, now what’s the next song?” Zoey asked, off put by this whole curse thing.

“...Just take it into consideration.” Link warned before going onto the next subject. “Now, this next song will help you fly, or at least sprout wings to help you fly.” Link explained. Like before, he played the first three notes of the next song known as the Song Of Soaring. The two followed suit, Zoey needing to help Wendy with finger positions. They were able to get it down well enough. The moment they played the last note, they suddenly sprouted wide angelic wings while those who already have wings, will noticed their wings were glowing.. “Those wings will allow you to fly, however when it comes to teleporting to a location you’ve been to before, their magic will be spent in the progress, thus you’ll need to play the song again to get the wings back. There may be times the golden feathers will be left over from the previous pair, so put them to good use for whichever, maybe give them to a certain tailor.” Link explained.

“Why did my wings glow?” Mike asked.

“They’ve been fueled by magic in order to use the song’s teleportation, except yours will just lose the glow rather than your wings. You can dispel them if you relax.” Link explained just as his wings slowly faded away.

“Nice! Now I won’t need water body to fly anymore!” Zoey says.

“And teleporting will be pretty useful.” Wendy says, Twilight smirked at that.

“To use it, just picture the location in your mind, then wrap your wings around your body. Make sure its not far away, you do need to make a return trip after all.” Link explained to Wendy.

“Return trip?” She asked.

“Yea, I did mention the wings vanish when you teleport and you’ll need to replay the song just to get your wings back. “ Link said as he raised an eyebrow. “Were you not listening?” Link asked.

“I was, just couldn’t think of a reason why I would make one. Wouldn’t you stay where you are if you needed to get somewhere fast and teleported there?” She asked.

“I mean if you were to leave right now and needed to get back, there are songs I still need to teach you among other things after all.” Link explained as he looked at Twilight. “I don’t want to take up too much of your time considering you guys have that celebration to set
up.” Twilight doesn’t react immediately, then she grabs Spike and jumps on Mike.

WE'RE GOING TO BE BEHIND SCHEDULE, TELEPORT NOW!” She shouts, and like that they’re gone.

“And there they go.” Link said as golden feathers scattered where Mike was standing. Link looks toward Wendy. “This next song is called Saria’s song, but i’ve changed it’s magic a bit so that you can speak to anyone you know instead of Saria herself. The song is a little catchy though.” Link explained as he played the first three note. The song was a little bit faster than the other two songs. Zoey followed suit just as well as the others. Wendy had a harder time but eventually got it down. “Similar to the song of soaring, instead of picturing the location in your mind, you need to picture who you want to talk to.” Link explained.

“Do you need to talk out loud or does it work like telepathy, meaning you can just think it?” Zoey asked.

“Either or is fine depending if you’re alone or not.” Link explained as he took a moment to think over the songs. Link lists them off and explains their uses, but each one he told, they declined.

“God knows I don’t need a song to make it rain.” Zoey says.

“Well let’s take a break for now, wanna stop by Sugar Cube Corner?” Wendy asked the two. Link’s pointed ears perked up at the mention of Sugar Cube Corner.

“...That reminds me I'm surprised a certain pink pony didn’t just… you know, zip out of nowhere to say hello. I guess her Pinkie Sense works differently here.” Link said with a shrug. “Sure, but not in this form. While Twilight reacted well to me, I’m not sure if the rest of Ponyville is ready to acknowledge that there are more Displaced.” Link said as he shuffled through his pouch to pull out the unicorn mask.

“You never stepped foot in Ponyville, she only does that when someone new actually enters town.” Wendy points out.

“The Pinkie in my universe would pop out regardless of where I am.” Link said as he turned around, not wanting to sicken Wendy again. Upon putting the mask on and becoming Protective Shield again, he was now ready to go into ponyville.

“…Thank you.” Wendy says.

“Alright come on” Zoey says, dispelling her wings as does Wendy. They lead the way with Link, now as protective shield, followed behind. It doesn’t take them long to reach Ponyville but the single millisecond Shield stepped into town a pink blur homes in on him, reaching him in seconds.

Shield quickly raised his hand. “Yes, I’m new to ponyville, no I don’t plan to live here.” he quickly answered before the hyperactive Pinkster could ask any questions. “I’m just here to take in apart of the Sunset Celebration.”

“Hmm…okie dokie lokie! Hope you enjoy your stay in this universe, crossovers are always interesting.” She says with a smile. She then hops away but not before bumping into Zoey. “Sorry!” She giggles and bounces away.

“…As God as my witness, I will figure out what she’s on and take some of it for myself.” Zoey vows with determination in her eyes.

“She’s always like this, no doubt she’s extra bouncey if she eats too many sugary treats.” Shield said jokingly with a grin. They continue on until they reach their destination, they then headed inside.

POV Twilight

We had arrived at the location we were at when Link made that light show. Afterwards we walk to our next task, check on the one in charge of the music. We followed the song of birds and found a woman named Fluttershy, she’s her namesake for certain. She had taken an interest in Spike and decided to have a conversation with him while we walked home. With the other two distracted I was left to my own thoughts.

‘I’ve always wondered why Mike, Jenny and Sam were so different. Granted, Mike told me upfront that he was from another world but for it to actually be true. The more I think about it, the more everything makes sense. For once in my life I actually understand them.’ I think, feeling a smile came to my face.

Looking at Mike for a moment, my mind goes to the curse on him. ‘Could his displacers really have done that? But his displacers are Sam and Jenny. They may be crazy, especially Jenny, but they’d never do something like that! They helped the Princess with the summoning spell for Celestia’s sake, literally for her sake! If they had malicious intent they would have overthrown her, they have the power to do so.’

No matter how many times I think about it, it doesn’t make sense…so basically the norm when they’re involved.

“I’m sorry if this comes off as mean, but that’s a little hard to believe. Please don’t be upset.” Fluttershy said, she has been listening to Mike talk about the Nightmare Night incident two years ago, it still makes me shiver. ‘So.much.cheese.’

“Yeah but you gotta admit it’s pretty funny.” Spike said.

“No, not at all.” I correct him, I still haven’t gotten over it. ‘If they intentionally brought him here for an important reason, why de-age him? He would have been more useful as an adult then a child. Hmm…maybe I’m forgetting something.’ I cast a spell that allows my body to move and react on its own, then think back to an earlier time.

Ten years ago

I was at home playing with Smartypants when Dad knocked on my door.

“Sweetheart, there’s someone here to see you~!” He says in a sing song voice. Going down stairs I see the Princess, two people in cloaks and a boy.

“Hello my little pony! It’s nice to see you again! Remember when I told you that I wanted you to meet some very special people?” I nod. “These are the ones I was talking about. This is Sam, Jenny and Mike.” She says pointing to them in that order.

“You look familiar, have we met before?” Mike asked me, I shake my head.

“We’re his new caretakers, we messed up a spell and now he’s stuck here.” Sam says, I blink.

“So you two kidnapped him?” I asked, confused.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Mom says, as Sam tries to respond.

“N-no, we simply got the spell wrong and now he can’t return home.” She says.

“…so you two kidnapped him.” I say again, much to my parents dismay.

“…I like you!” Jenny says with a laugh. “Glad you’re our version and not that nut case.” Jenny says, Sam then faces her head away from me and lifts her mask off in Jenny’s direction. Jenny shrinks and holds up her gloved hands. “Sorry!” She says in a regretful tone.

“It’s fine.” Sam says with a sigh. She sees my confused look but waved it off. “Don’t worry about that, we actually came here to introduce you to Mike here.” She says with a smile.

“Nice to meet ya, your brother told me a lot about you but never showed me what you look like.” Mike says offering me a hand, I raised on eyebrow but take his hand.

“He’s told me a bunch about you too, nice to meet you too I guess.” I say half heartedly, not seeing the point in this meeting.


I chuckled at the memory, never would have thought he would turn out to be such a close friend. ‘I think I missed something important, something in that specific moment.’ I think and think but draw blanks. ‘Whatever it is I’ll have to figure it out later.’ Just then I bump into someone without the spell triggering.

“Oh sorry about that, wasn’t paying attention.” I say sheepishly, the person in question was a blonde Pegasus woman with gray skin and golden eyes.

“It’s fine. Special delivery for Twilight Sparkle! Here ya go!” The mystery woman says. Now that I look at her, she is wearing a mailwoman uniform.

“Oh…well thank you.” She nods and walks away after handing me a small yellow box. I decided to open it later, pocketing it, I continue on. I finally reached the library with the others In front of it, after getting the lady to leave us alone we headed inside.

3rd POV

When they stepped in, everything was dark. Wendy could smell the scent of the entire town in here, it was still jarring how much stronger her senses were to her. And just as Wendy’s eyes had adjusted to the darkness, the lights suddenly came on much to her discomfort.

“SURPRISE!” Everyone shouted, and sure enough everyone was here. There was a banner that read: “Welcome to Ponyville Twilight, Spike, Mike and enjoy your stay, Shield!”,it surprisingly fit all that. At that moment, the pony-disguised-hylian blinked in surprise at how they knew.

“...Right, Pinkies always like that; knowing things she shouldn’t know..” Shield said as he glanced around for the pink pony herself.

“That woman is honestly terrifying when you first meet her, as a brony I was aware of her habits but it didn’t prepare me at all. Zoey had an even worse reaction to her.” Wendy says as Zoey shutters.

“She even got my guilty pleasure food right, and not even my closest friends could find that out back home. And we were here for only two days.” Zoey mutters.

“Right.” Shield said with a nod, then silently hoped that Pinkie Pie wasn’t expecting him to go make friends, especially when he’ll be returning back to his world once he’s done here, it would long distance friendship that would be way too far away to make work. Speaking of the party girl, she’s bouncing towards them.

“Were you guys surprised?! Were you were you were you?!” She asked with a Pinkie smile.

“Only mildly.” Shield answered with a smile of his own.

“But you still were, so mission accomplished!” She goes over to Twi and company, and starts her spill while they walk to the food table. There was all sorts of things, including Chocolate mint ice-cream. Zoey gives a sheepish grin at Shield as she takes out her flute and shakes it slightly.

“Oh, right, you asked those questions, but I didn’t expect you’d tell Pinkie.” Shield said with a shake of his head.

“Well I thought that my friend should be well informed so she can properly make a party.” Zoey said with a strange look.

“Pinkie is an amazing cook and the easiest and most effective way to get Zoey to do something, is to have her by the stomach.” Wendy bluntly says with an innocent smile, Zoey glares at her.

Shield chuckled at that. “And knowing Pinkie, she does love to see smiles.” Shield said as he helped himself to a few servings of chocolate chip ice cream. Twilight’s hair and tail suddenly caught on fire, she then ran upstairs. Pinkie goes straight to Zoey and hands her a fairly large box.

“Here ya go, I even throw in a couple extra on the house.” Pinkie says.

“Thanks! Let me know if you need anything else!” Zoey says with enthusiasm before putting the box into her bag. Pinkie rejoined the party, Wendy looks at Shield.

“Is it possible for us to give you some of our abilities? Having water body or the ability to fly would be helpful, or even wind armor.” She asked.

Shield waved his hand. “Yes, but considering how much I already have? I won’t be needing them.” Shield said. They looked at each other then nod.

“If you say so. Though now that I think about it, we should probably actually learn how to properly use our original displace powers and such before we offer it to someone else.” Zoey says.

“Wise choice.” Shield complimented with a nod.

“Hey Wendy, wanna Practice your wind armor? I need to practice water beam and water Slicer.” Zoey asked her.

“Alright but I need to work on my Dragonslayer magic.” Wendy says, She looks to Link. “We’ll be outback, come get us if anything happens or if Pinkie needs Zoey, If ya don’t mind. We’d appreciate it.”

“Hey, it’s no problem, I'll be enjoying my bowl over there in peace till you’re ready to send me back.” Shield said before heading over to the chair in questioning. They chuckle and leave, unaware of the glowing red eyes watching them from the window.

After explaining why they were leaving the party early to Pinkie, they began practicing their magic. Wendy used wind armor and Zoey alternated between water beam and water slicer. They had been making good progress when they decided to take a break and stare up to the twilight sky.

“So…how are you adjusting? You know, to being a girl.” Zoey asked with a rarely seen concerned look.

“It’s been…an experience to say the least. Not like I can really talk to anyone about it. Don’t get me wrong, talking to you about it helps. But save for being in a different body, we aren’t really…” Wendy trails off.

“In the same boat?” Zoey asked. Wendy flinches and looks away. “I’m not upset, it’s perfectly understandable that you feel that way. I got to keep both my gender and name while you didn’t. And talking to Link only helped one of those.” She puts her hand on Wendy’s shoulder and smiles, then grins. “I can’t believe you were up front about it, most guys would have kept it a secret.”

“I was honestly worried you’d tease me about it. Glad I was wrong.” Wendy says with a sigh. Zoey smiled and playfully punched her arm.

“Relax, I can be a massive bitch sometimes but I’d never go that far.” Zoey says in a firm tone. “So…anyone back home you miss?” She asked.

“Family of course, and friends. I had a crush but I blew that long before I came here, it’s pretty stupid though.” Wendy answered with a shrug. “My mind has been elsewhere so I haven’t really thought about it to be honest.” Zoey nods and looks at the moon on the horizon.

‘Huh…didn’t Wendy say that the silhouette would stay there until after that moon chick showed up? Well it was the first episode of the series, mayb he remembered it wrong.’ Zoey thought and shrugs it off…mostly. ‘I've got a real bad feeling, well Juvia had a good sixth sense…so I guess I might have one now to.’

“What are you thinking about?” Wendy asked. Zoey just waved her off. “Well we should probably head back inside, it’s almost time for the celebration.” Zoey nods and they head back inside. She doesn’t know why, but a weird chill went down her spine.

They head to where they last saw the disguised hero, they find him with no problem. “Had fun?” Shield asked.

“Yeah, it’s nice to get away from the noise every now and then. You wanna go to the celebration or do you just wanna go home? I’m pretty sure you’ve went through this too many times to count.” Zoey says.

“Just head on home, I’m sure the mane six can take care of it just fine with some of your help, but of course the multiverse can be a bitch and just alter what happens.” Shield said with a shrug. “But before you utter the words. Is there anything else you’ll need?” Shield asked.

“Actually yes, two things if you don’t mind. One: can you tell us how to make a token? And two: as…unsettling as they are, a mask would help. Have anything that can be used for two people?” Zoey asked, Wendy gives her a look.

“I’d actually feel more confident if we had something like what Goku and Vegeta had, you know, those earring things. If a villain like Irene Belserion is here, I doubt even the Elements could stop her.” Wendy says, Irene’s fight with the original Wendy fresh in her mind. Shield blinked a couple of times, he lowered his head and stroked his chin in thought.

“Possibly, I just need to keep a clear focus on how those potara earrings work.. Heh, surprised I still remember what they’re called. Alright, there were two ways I can do this. Either I fill two masks with void energy while keeping focus of their functionality, or two, I create it from scratch based on how you want it to look.” Shield explained in a quieter voice, not wanting to attract anyone's attention. “Now, if you can help me out and channel your energy as well, it will be less tasking on me.” They look at each other then back to him.

“Well yeah.” Zoey states bluntly.

“We are the ones asking you for this, why wouldn’t we help out? So…how do you channel void energy? Our displacer-“ Zoey twitches in unadulterated rage “-never really explained that to us, or even told us about it.” Wendy says, taking a few steps away from Zoey.

“It is something that’s deep within you. As much as I've learned, it is like the very core of your Displaced body, you just need to close your eyes and reach deep within you, you’ll feel it as something that is a paradoxical chaos, it makes sense and makes no sense.” Shield explained as he took out the ocarina of time. “Once you’ve reached deep and pulled that void energy out, you need to focus it at the center point of the object you wish to create, i’ll be infusing the mask with the Song Of Healing in order to give it it’s transformation properties.” Shield explained.

They did as instructed, and closed their eyes. It took a moment but they felt something more…personal than their regular magic stir, it was on odd experience. They tried to focus solely on the object but for some reason, they couldn’t stop thinking about each other. As silly as it sounds, they had formed a genuine friendship over the small time they spent together, though something felt…off. While they thought about the mask, they couldn’t help but think of themselves acting as one. Two pieces of the same cloth, making something better then they were separate. Shield started to play the Song Of Healing, causing all those memories and thoughts to replay itself, causing the two to relive them as a vivid dream, they felt themselves melt away with the song as it came close to the end, soon they felt their vision softly blur.


Two things made of metal landed at their feet, causing the two to open their eyes and look down. They see two pieces of a complete mask on the ground that looked Like a split ID mask from Ben 10. But the eyes were blue with one dark blue and one sky blue, the face was also white. A Fairy Tail emblem was in the middle of the forehead, the inside of the emblem was white and the outline was sky blue. The split was evenly zigzagged in the middle. With how calming the song was, no one paid any attention to them and left.

“Huh…is it going to hurt when we put this on, and if so, for how long?” Zoey asked, wondering why it felt lighter than metal should feel.

“It’ll work exactly like the earrings, you put them on, you’ll suddenly start sliding toward each other, there’ll be a flash and you won’t feel a thing. It’ll feel slightly awkward for the first minute or so since you’re a whole different being, you’ll have each others knowledge, powers, emotions, everything. It was either this method, or how Gems fused in steven universe using some kind of dance that’s in rhythm with each other.” Shield whispered to the two. He raised a hand up as a thought acquired to him. “I suggest you try it out alone somewhere in the forest.”

“…our…memories?” They both ask, there is a moment of silence. Suddenly Zoey bursts out laughing while Wendy isn’t sure whether to blush in embarrassment or bang her head on the wall for not seeing this coming, she contemplating doing both.

“Well that’s going to be more awkward than you think. Though I promised Wendy I wouldn’t tell anyone so I can’t really tell you why.” Zoey says, smirking at the girl in question.

“You know I have a great idea, let’s talk about something else! How about making a token, that’s much more important and interesting than whatever Zoey’s talking about!” Wend insists while giving Zoey a warning look. Shield looked between the two, then shrugged as it was none of his business.

“Making the token is the same as before, however you’ll be thinking of what message it plays when it arrives at the other end, the token’s method of summoning, and perhaps a safety trigger incase the summoner turns out to be a bad person, much like when I made my token to allow me to leap into anyone’s mind to speak with them privately.” Shield explained to the dio.

“Well…how about the Air Shatter Cannon? I mean I was supposed to be Wendy before…he screwed up and got you.” Zoey says to Wendy. “So in a way, it kinda represents both of us.” Wendy thinks about it then nods. They go through the steps again, using the one they had as a base. It flashes and then it’s done. It looks the same save for one side being a lighter blue and having a black outline of the fairy tail emblem.

Ok now for the message, uh…Wendy, you start. Alright, we are Wendy and Zoey. If you want to summon us and you’re not a prick, turn both sides in opposite directions. It doesn’t matter what direction they go as long as it’s opposite. But we can leave whenever we want, and the token will vanish if we want it to.” They say in tandem, Zoey speaking first.

“So…now what?” Zoey asked, kinda light headed. Wendy in a similar state. At the moment, a tear in the fabric of reality opened up, quickly pulling the token in. It closed just as quickly as it opened.

“Your token will replicate itself and spread across the multiverse seeking out other Displaced.” Shield explained just as the original token returned to the duo.

“…huh…well that’s convenient, so how do we send you back?” Zoey asked.

“All you have to do is say ‘Your contract is complete’ and i’ll be well on my way.” Shield explained as he turned around, reached up, and pulled his face, returning back to Link after a brief flash. “Just a small warning. The one who summoned the Displaced, is the only one who can send them back, not unless it was multiple people who summoned said displaced at the same time together.” Wendy nods and gets Mike from across the room. After explaining everything Link told them about the void and displace, Mike looked at Link.

“Your contract is complete. Later dude, thanks for the Magic and all that.” Mike says, understanding a little more about how Twilight has felt for years. With those words ushered, Link’s whole body slowly faded to black, then particle by particle, he was slowly being pulled into what appeared to some twirling black and green portal. They stood there for a second before Zoey broke the silence.

“Could you imagine how the townspeople would have reacted to that? Would’ve been funny as hell.” She says, unaware that Wendy was more focused on the mask than at her. Mike chuckles at Zoey, just as unaware as her.

Author's Note:

I feel like I need to clarify some things.

One: Twilight has spent a decade with Mike and his Caretakers (who are also his displacers). Anything weird that has to do with them, she’s going to just roll with it to a point. She has come to the conclusion that that is the best course of action she can take.

Two: Ever since Twilight became Princess Celestia’s student and Mike’s friend (who was adopted by two incredibly powerful and influential beings) the ‘Nobles’ and other Canterlot ponies have been trying to manipulate her to rise up in the world. She is used to receiving gifts to the point that she’s not going to question a gift delivered to her out of nowhere by a Mail-women

Three: When two people are stranded in another world where they are the only members of their race and one doesn’t know anything about that world while the other is aware of how important friendship is, especially in MLP, they’re going to put aside their differences and try to form a friendship. One may not know much about the new world but both are aware of how troublesome it is being the odd ones out. Plus they actually enjoy the others company. Though as it was stated, something about that moment felt off to them.