• Published 17th Jul 2019
  • 2,212 Views, 26 Comments

Roaring Winds and Rising Tides - vortex123

(Displaced) A young dragonslayer and water wizard find themselves in a familiar (the former) and unfamiliar (the latter) world.

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2nd POV

She just stood there, taking in what she saw. The dress, armbands and shoes looked the same, but smaller and more detailed. Her hair was now long and a nice shade of dark blue. Her eyes were now big and brown with an odd white circle at the top. Her skin now a little paler than before, and the two biggest changes, she was a girl and much younger. Also strangely enough, she had a blue fairy tail emblem on her right shoulder. Overall, she looked cute as hell!

As she was deep in thought, she didn't notice a purple skinned man with green spiky hair and eyes in casual clothes, sneaking up behind her. Nor did she notice the sound of him dropping a book, or the dozen paper balls hitting her in the head, she did feel a rock hit her on the back of her head though.

"OW! HEY, WHO THREW THAT!?!" She shouts lividly before looking down. She looked at all the paper balls, the book, and a piece of paper on top of it with a shocked expression. She also saw a blue cylinder with a white stripe that looks to be an opening point to the left of the book. The book was black with the title "Fairy Tail" of it written in silver, in the usual writing from the show, with the tan colored logo on the cover. Raising an eyebrow, she picked up the paper to find it was a letter. Shrugging she sat down and read it.

Dear Wendy

I'll explain why 'Wendy' in a moment. As I'm sure you've realized, your not in your home world any more, and no longer have your original body. First things first, I would like to apologize, as you were not the intended individual who would have came here. There was a mixup with the address, the package was supposed to go to a Zoey Smith, but you got it instead. Ordinarily, I wouldn't have bothered offering an explanation or...well we will get to that in a bit. But since I made the mistake, it's only fair that I make up for it. 1. Sorry to tell you this, but this is a one way trip. No I'm not holding you here against your will, there is literally no way for me to send you back. Since it’s the multiverse we're talking about, I would need to have a way point for me to distinguish your home universe from the infinite others. Which I don't as I was sure I got the right person. 2. Your name is Wendy now, you can try to call yourself by your old name all you want, but it isn't going to work. That's just how your particular transition works, a friend of mine helped make the clothes and spell, and they insisted that be a feature. 3. You have her magic now, check the book for more info. Btw, as a safety measure as the intended person was a BAD tempered girl, your magic's 'faucet' so to speak was shut pretty tight. Though if you focus and try to use it with a calm mind, it should loosen as that was the requirement. Don't worry it's a one time thing, afterwards have at it. Finally ,and I can't stress this enough, READ.THAT.BOOK! Trust me you'll NEED too, anything else you'll find out in your own time.

Sincerely, J

She didn't appear to be phased by the letter. Suddenly another one popped into existence, reading it caused her to deadpan.

PS. On account of the mixup, unless you find someone more powerful and proficient in magic then the royal sisters, you won't be able to change genders. Age shouldn't be a problem as that would have happened regardless of who got the clothes.

She closed her eyes for a few moments, before opening them. She then decided to pick up the book to see why it was so important. She gained a confused look when she checked the Table of Contents.

Chapter 1: Sky dragon slayer magic.
Chapter 2: Normal Wind magic.
Chapter 3: Medical care.
Chapter 4: Advanced medical care.
(NOTE: More chapters will be made when deemed necessary.)

Shaking her head, she gained a focused look. Grabbing the blue object, she noticed a tag that read 'Air shatter cannon'. Picking up the paper-balls, she heads towards town. She didn't make it far before her foot hit something. Looking down, she noticed a fairly simple looking blue backpack, with a tag that had her new name on it. After putting her stuff in it, and not caring enough to check what was already in there, she continued on.

Once Wendy reached Ponyville, she looked at her surroundings in wonder. As she was looking around, she bumped into a women. She had yellow hair, grey skin and gold eyes, one of which was lazy. She had on a simple blue shirt, a white skirt, and tennis shoes.

"Sorry miss, wasn't paying attention." Wendy apologized, slightly embarrassed. The woman seemed to not mind.

"It's no problem, usually I'm the one bumping into somepony. Hey, I’ve never seen somepony like you before. I'm Derpy, nice to meet you." Derpy says holding out a hand.

"Oh, well nice to meet you too, I'm Wendy." Wendy says before frowning. "sigh Looks like it's true. I guess I'll just have to deal with it. Hey, do you know where town hall is?" Wendy asked after muttering the previous sentence. Derpy stared at her for a moment, curious about why Wendy suddenly got upset. At the end she decided to not press into the issue, much to Wendy's relief.

"Yep! Just go towards the biggest building in town, you can't miss it." She says, pointing towards, sure enough, the biggest one.

"Thanks!" Wendy says before rushing to it.

After reaching the town hall, she looks inside to find 2 ladies at a desk, talking. One has white hair and tan skin, and was wearing a business suit and glasses. The other one had short black hair and her skin was peach. She had a simple black short sleeve shirt, dark blue jeans and tennis shoes. She had a strange air about her, but Wendy shrugged it off. Putting the mirror down, she made herself known.

"Excuse me, hello?" She asked, gaining the attention of the lady in the suit, and making the other one tense up.

"Oh, hello young filly. I'm Mayor Mare, what can I help you with?" She asked, walking towards Wendy with a smile, while the other lady sneaks away.

Unable to find the right words, Wendy looks to where the other lady was, only to find her gone without a trace. The Mayor took notice of Wendy's confused look, and guessed who she was looking for. After a moment, something clicks in her head, and she gives Wendy a knowing look.

"Oh! You must be Wendy, your mother told me about you. Were you checking on her? Don't worry, everything is fine, she already sorted all the paperwork for your new home. Welcome to Ponyville! I hope you enjoy your time in our lovely little town." She said, handing the blue haired girl directions and a key. "She must have been in a hurry to leave so suddenly, she's apparently a busy mare." She said with a giggle. Maybe it was a trick of the light, but her eyes seemed...off, though Wendy didn't ask.

Thanking her, Wendy made her way outside, completely forgetting about the mirror. She just stands there and absorbs the sites. She sees the ponies walking by without a care in the world. Looking at the directions, she only finds two words, instead of an address.

Look up.

That's all she saw, she even checked the back thinking there would be more, there wasn't. She shrugged and looked around for a moment. She then noticed some clouds spinning in a circle above a house. Rolling her eyes, she sprints to the house.

As she approached the house, the clouds just vanished. Shrugging, she takes a look at what will be her new home, which is a 2 story house. The roof was made of hay but looked stronger then it should, which made sense since It needed to be strong enough to stop the elements. The walls were brownish white with dark brown wood all over it, acting as both supporters and decorations. The door and windows were different shades of purple. There was pink here and there, even on the decorative heart on the roof. There was a patch of grass with yellow flowers around the house, save for the way in. There were shrubs around and plant decorations on the house.

Taking the key, she decided to go in and have a look. Entering, she sees that the place was already furnished. She preceded to head upstairs. Reaching the top, she finds another note on one of the doors.

Dear Ms. Marvell

Welcome to your new home. First of all this is merely a, how to put it, helping hand as it were. While me and my friend are covering the financial side of things, I want to be clear on two things. 1. We are only covering the base necessities. 2. And I can't stress this enough, this is a temporary arrangement. While you may currently be in the body of a minor, and have no income, that can and will change in the future. I'm not having you stunt your growth by babying you.

Best regards, U

Shrugging, Wendy takes a look inside. The walls were light blue, and the floors were black, as were the bed sheets and dresser. She closes the door and curtains, then laid on the bed. Finally she experienced a full mental breakdown, as everything finally caught up to her like a train wreck.

Author's Note:

All constructive criticism is welcomed.