• Published 17th Jul 2019
  • 2,213 Views, 26 Comments

Roaring Winds and Rising Tides - vortex123

(Displaced) A young dragonslayer and water wizard find themselves in a familiar (the former) and unfamiliar (the latter) world.

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Three new additions to Ponyville!

Exposition starts

It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like these, ponies like me, can't help but go down memory lane. My name is Mike and if you haven't figured it out yet, I like references as long as there relevant to what's going on. I'm a pretty average looking Pegasus, at least I think so. My skin is light brown, my eyes are hazel and my mane and tail are black. I used to be human until a fateful day. I was just on my computer goofing around when the power goes out, and it wasn't normal ether. All the light bulbs in my house literally exploded, my curiosity turned into panic as the 'earthquake' starts. When I looked outside I noticed that my house is the only one being affected by it. As if some higher being wanted to screw with me, what I now know was a portal, opened up. It sucked me and some of my possessions, including my laptop, in it before closing.

After experiencing what I can only describe as a drug trip, I land on hard floor feeling different. For one I was lighter, kinda hard to miss. I also had a tail, easier to miss but not too much. And 'shockingly' my two new appendages on my lower back were the most eye catching out of everything, well that and I was 5 again. My clothes were shredded almost completely save for a few saving graces, so I was as decent as someone wearing a loincloth. Hearing a woman laughing hysterically I turn to the source to find three people. One was sickly pale, in fact she was the actual color white. Her hair was blue, green, purplish, pink, and so was her tail. Her eyes were darkish pink, and had absurdly large wings and a horn. She had a simple yellow dress with orange trimmings, a crown, and a necklace around her neck. She looked like she was a mixed of angry, sad, and concerned.

The one laughing and the one next to her were wearing purple cloaks and white masks. The one not laughing was shaking and her hands were balled, apparently the age thing was a sore spot for her. Honestly save for the laughing, they were quite intimidating. The white one must have noticed because she dismissed them, once they were gone she explained what happened. Apparently her student had run away into some kind of mirror portal and she was trying to get her back. She couldn't go after her because it only stays open for three days and if she didn't make it back in time Equestra would be doomed. She controls the sun and moon, so if she was trapped in another world, well I'm sure you can figure out the consequences. Plus she's the princess so she couldn't disappear for to long and the mirror was a national secret.

So she attempted a summoning spell using the mirror with the help of those cloaked people, but she over shot it getting me instead. Unfortunately she had no idea how to send me back so I was pretty much stuck. Luckily I was allowed to stay at the castle, in fact the two cloaked people specifically requested that I do. One of them said their names were Jenny (the one who was laughing) and Sam. After that meeting we got to know each other. I was still kinda afraid of them even to this day which I could tell saddened them, but I feel it's justified. One noble said something racist to them and they released so much magic pressure that everyone around them was knocked unconscious, myself included. Another time their light sparring caused on earthquake which affected me the most. And those weren't the only instances, but for some reason they were very adamant about befriending me. They've made a lot of progress, they're not actually bad when you get to know them.

I'll admit I was shocked when they offered to train me to be a better flyer but eagerly excepted. Unfortunately I didn't win the young flyers but I did come close, I even made friends with somepony named Rainbow Dash and a griffin named Gilda though we didn't always hang out. I also learned how to fight from the guard, specifically Sam's division. It was difficult at first but I got the hang of it. Eventually I met the princess's new prodigy Twilight and her little brother Spike, their older brother was a rookie for the guard. His name was Shining Armor, and for some reason Sam and Jenny had great interest in him and personally oversaw his training. Because of this we spent a lot of time together training and getting to know each other. Dude was head over heels for some foulsitter but didn't have the guts to confess, when Jenny found out she giggled psychopathically and ran off. Turned out that she had a plan to hook them up but needed a pawn wingstallion for her plan so she picked me, what followed after were the single most confusing and ridiculous events of my life so far. After everything was said and done, after both Sam and I had apologized for Jenny's craziness, they became a couple.

The years go by and now I'm 20, it was an insane road up till now. I have to go to a town called Ponyville with Twi and spike. While they have to oversee celebration preparations, I had two oversee two 'strange creatures' that had suddenly popped up there. After I complete all my business in Canterlot, I go to Twi's library tower (because of course she has something like that) then knocked on her door and waited for an answer.

Exposition Ends

3rd POV

The door opens to show Spike, same purple scales and same green spikes. They had become friends over the years surprisingly enough. Mike was wearing a black shirt and blue jacket, he also had blue jeans and white shoes.

"Hey man, where's your sister? There's something important I need to tell her." Mike said. He shrugs.

"I don't know, you know her, she rushed out to do her normal thing and left me to clean her mess. Come on in, there's some soda in the mini fridge if you want." The pegasus smiled, it took a lot of convincing for Twilight to let drinks in the library but Mike made a good enough point.


"Look it would be a nice idea, I mean having a drink while reading a good book sounds great if you ask me. It makes a lot of sense to me." Mike argues.

"Ha, I can't believe what I'm hearing. In what world does it make sense to have drinks in a library?" She demanded, appalled he would even say something like that.

"It makes more sense then a grown A-" (there is a child present, Twilight would literally kill him if he actually cursed in front of him) "-magic user having a baby dragon clean a ,God knows how many stories, tower by himself." He says, now frustrated by her refusal.

"He's a baby DRAGON, it's not that dangerous." She defends.

"So explain that cavity that was knocked out of his mouth when he fell, and that sucker wasn't loose ether so don't even try that."

"A cavity means the tooth is damaged, i.e weakened so it makes sense it would be knocked out."

"Is that what Colgat said or are you assuming? Because I know you don't have any dental books."

"I'm making an educated guess based on the facts presented to me and what I've learned about physics and the breaking point of varies weakened objects with similar properties to a tooth."

".........So your assuming."

"Sweet Celestia, you two sure do argue like an old married couple." Spike comments, he breaks into a cold sweat as the other two glare at him. "Sorry sorry please continue." He chuckles nervously.

"Look you have a fire breathing dragon taking care of the books and you make a mess anyway. Are you telling me there isn't a spell to protect the books from liquids and/or sticky substances? Plus save for the few times outside of school that you actually leave, you spend all your time here anyway. Wouldn't having drinks nearby be beneficial? I mean save for the books you borrow, all of them should be covered." She thinks it over for a moment then eventually concedes.

"Fine but if anything happens to any of these books because of this, I'm gonna fucking kill you." She leans close to him so Spike doesn't hear her cursing, Mike laughs. "Why are you laughing? I'm not joking."

Flashback Ends

While he was slightly intimidated, he did have a contingency plan if he ever needed to fight a Unicorn. After a while the Unicorn in question comes barging in.

"Spike? SPIKE!? I need you to-oh hey Mike, what are you doing here?" She looks at him confused.

"Needed to talk with you about something important but I'll wait until your finished with whatever you were doing first." She gives an appreciative look before going back to her original activity. A few moments later after sending her warning to the princess and getting the response, she walks to the Pegasus expectingly. Having his full attention now he took a look at her.

She was wearing a blue buttoned up short sleeve shirt with a dark pink bow tie. She had a striped purple skirt with a starburst surrounded by little white stars. Purple socks with dark pink cuffs, they had some diamond design on them. She had on boot like black shoes with purple trim, there were starbursts on them too. But the most prominent feature about her was the fact that she was missing something. Normally unicorns would have a horn but recently that was not the case. Some unicorns are born without a horn, though it's extremely rare. A name for this type of pony has not been made yet for two reasons. One: their so rare they could hardly be considered a separate race, two: this doesn't exclusively happen to unicorns but I degrees. She could still use magic with her hands, and she was a force to be reckoned with.

"Oh your done? Good! We need to get packed, apparently we have business in a town called Ponyville." He says.

"I'm aware, I just got a letter detailing our jobs. Why didn't you tell me from the moment I got in?" She demanded.

"Not to be rude or anything but, trying to get you to pay attention to something when you're in the middle of something you feel is important is like banging your head repeatedly in a wall and expecting that to heal it." He stated, she imitates a fish before shooting a glare but not disagreeing with him.

"Well where is your stuff?" She asked

"Already taken care of, just came by to tell you and give you a hand. Since we're taking the same ride and going the same place." He states, she sighs and smiles before going up stairs to make a checklist.

POV Mike

'I don't understand why I need to ride this slow thing. In the time it's taking to get there I could have laped between the village and that snob infested city.' He was not one to take rides, not ever since achieving his dream of flying. He thought he knew what freedom meant before coming to this world but he was proven immeasurably wrong. In his mind nothing beat flying, well maybe some things but he'd never admit it. Looking at his companions he noticed Twilight is still fussing about the princess and some prophesy. He was about to share some 'words of wisdom' with her before Spike said that they finally reached their destination.

"Come on just give it a chance, try talking to that pony." Spike suggested, pointing (rude) at the pony in question. The pink mare had on a light blue opened jacket and underneath a white shirt with 3 balloons on it. Had a matching light blue skirt with balloons on it too. And light blue shoes with white trimming and pink socks.

"Um...h-hello" Twi starts.

"Gasp!!!!" What's-her-face jumps in the air while doing that impressively long gasp before shooting away...while she was in the air, even though she's an earth pony. Before I can question my sanity I hear something heading for us.

3rd POV

Wendy had been anxiously waiting for this day, she was eager to meet Twilight and Spike. Spike because he was her favorite character from the show, and Twilight because once the whole "friends aren't important" BS was over she would be an awesome friend. She was surprised to see this new guy, he certainly wasn't in the show. Mike was just as shocked, he "knew" exactly who she was. 'Oh my god, she's even cuter in person!' He thought.

"Hello there, nice to meet you. I'm Mike, these are my friends~" he motions for them to finish his sentence.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle" she says with a smile.

"Hi I'm Spike! And you are?" He asked.

"Call me Wendy, welcome to Ponyville." She then pretends to be checking out the Pegasus much to his embarrassment, when in reality she's trying to figure him out. She could hear metal clinking in his jacket thanks to her sharper hearing, she made a note to be careful with him. On the other hand Mike was no fool, noticing her body language change to a more cautious position made him suspicious. But having no reason to be hostile, he pushed that to the back of his mind for the moment.

She was wearing a red and white striped short sleeved shirt, black shorts and red sandals. Her hair was cut short in a boyish kinda way, she was almost as tall as Twilight if a little shorter. It didn't take him long to figure out that she was one of the "strange creatures" he was sent to check.

"Well anyway we have a schedule to keep so if you don't mind, I'd like to move to the first destination on our list." Twilight said already walking away, much to Wendy's dismay. Noticing this, Spike try's to lift her spirits.

"Hey Wendy was it? Why don't you tag along? Having a guide would help us get around faster." He suggests.

"There's directions on this list, I don't think we'll need help" Twilight said.

"Do you really want to stop and argue, and risk going behind schedule?" Mike asks.

"Fine but she better not slow us down." She concedes. Wendy actually laughed at that.

"Sweetheart with all due respect, I could lap you even with your magic and without my knowledge of the area." She claims.

"My magic? But I don't have a horn, how did you know I could use magic?" She asks, now suspicious.

'Wait she doesn't have a horn!? Quick, think of something' Wendy thinks. "Earth ponies can use their magic to increase their physical prowess, it's as basic of a skill as telekinesis is for unicorns. How could you possibly not know something that common?" She asked. Twilight then gains an embarrassed look. Deciding to spare her the embarrassment, Mike steps in much to her relief.

"That's not important, what is important is doing the assignment the Princess and my teachers assigned us. Could we please get moving? We got a lot to cover."

"Sure, where to first?" Wendy asked, mentally berating herself for that screw up. 'I gotta be more careful, God knows how they'll react if I have to tell them about the show. Should try to learn more about this Mike guy. Wait....isn't that a human name?' She thinks, now curious about him more then before.

Author's Note:

Ok so to explain the whole "Twilight has no horn thing and how other ponies have something similar. Basically they are a type of....I guess you could call them mutant ponies.

Unicorns are born without horns, they have stronger magic but at the cost of control (both how much energy they use and how precise they can be.

Pegasi are born with wings but they eventually fall off, in exchange they can use their inner magic to spawn wings like Exceeds but they need to continuously use magic to keep them. They're naturally much better and faster flyers. The more magic they have the better they are but they can only increase their magic through physically training their bodies, kinda like Ki.

Earth ponies can use the trick that Wendy said to avoid suspicion. They can manipulate their magic to increase their physical prowess. The reason this is common knowledge is because unlike Unicorns and Pegasi, Earth ponies see this as nothing but beneficial to the whole community as these types of ponies can get more work done for everyone. Well there are some jerks that use this as a negative but that's not important right now. They still have to physically train to increase this skill though.

And to reiterate, there’s so few and their so rare that a proper name hasn’t been made for them yet so their called the type of pony their closest to. Dumb I know but considering they are a recent development, you can hardly blame them for not having a name just yet. One will be made in the future when everycreature is made more aware of them.