• Published 17th Jul 2019
  • 2,212 Views, 26 Comments

Roaring Winds and Rising Tides - vortex123

(Displaced) A young dragonslayer and water wizard find themselves in a familiar (the former) and unfamiliar (the latter) world.

  • ...

Displacement screwup

Author's Note:

This is my first ever fic so constructive criticism is appreciated, thank you! This person is the one who made the Rainbow Dash art.

(???)'s POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing, letting me know of it’s most recent notification. Taking a moment to check it, I see it’s about a recent scandal the news people are wasting their time with. Immediately deeming it unimportant, I ignore it and get up. Starting my normal morning routine, I go make breakfast. After I'm finished, I head back to my room when I see the mirror in my peripheral vision. My short dark brown hair (dark enough to easily be mistaken for black) is a little messy. My light tan skin looks a little dry and my hazel eyes are a little tired looking. My unkempt mustache and small goatee could use a little trimming.


I was brought out of my musings by a knock on the door. Opening it, I find some purple dude with spiky green hair and matching eyes, he’s also holding a box.

Handing me a box, the guy says, "Hello, I've got a package for a Ms. Zoey Smith." I look at the package, before what he said clicked.

I tried correcting him with, "Sorry, but there's no one here...named...." I trailed off as I realized the man had left. Deadpanning, I shrug and decide to check what he gave me. After a moment, I realize that there’s nothing that shows what company it came from. Since I didn’t know what company to contact, I couldn't return it or find out where it was supposed to go.

My eyebrows twitch as I sigh, "Great."

Well, might as well see what's inside. Opening the box, I find a strangely familiar dress and dark red ankle tied sandals. The dress was sleeveless with a triangular pattern near the top with the top one being light blue, the middle being light green and the bottom being light yellow with a white lining. It also had a dark green crossing pattern around the rest of the dress, which resembled scales. The dress also had a small yellow ring at the top were the neck would go. The back top was also left exposed.

Well this is a surprise, this looks high quality. I feel bad for whoever ordered this, but it’s not like there’s any way to return it. Well…I might as well try it on, not like there’s anyone else around. But only the arm bands and sandals. I put on the shoes, then the arm bands. They fit pretty good so it led me to believe that this “Zoey” was probably around my age or build. I look back to the dress, it looks like it would fit. As a joke and to satisfy my curiosity as I’ve never cosplayed before, I decided to put it on just for a moment. Going to a mirror, save for my hair, eyes and skin, it looked pretty good.

I muttered, “Huh, not baaaaaaa-“. Everything went black, though I could have sworn I heard someone burst through my door.

(?????) POV

5 minutes earlier

After handing Zoey’s....brother(?) the package, I quickly teleported away when he wasn't looking, a few blocks away to be exact. Deciding to take a walk before going back to work, I can’t help but notice sounds of some people arguing.

Suddenly some girl yelled, “I DON’T CARE WHAT THAT PRICK HAS TO SAY MOM, I’M GOING!” It was a blond girl, and she looked ready to punch someone. I couldn’t help but find it amusing, wonder what pissed her off.

Some lady yelled back, “ZOEY SMITH! IF YOU DON’T COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANT, YOUR GROUNDED FOR A MONTH!” I then froze as what the lady said fully registered.....and then preceded to teleport back to the house I left the package.

Appearing at the front door, I noticed the door was slightly open. He left the door open? Looks like I won’t have to...repair....it....I could only sigh as a see “his” body on the ground, before it vanished.......Oh well, mistakes happen. I shrug before thinking about what to do next. After all, there’s still one more requirement that needs to be met, rules are rules. Now, how to go about this?

As I slowly regain consciousness, I can't help but notice the sound and feeling of rushing wind. What the, what's going on? As I open my eyes I take notice of all the blue. Noticing that the wind was coming from behind me, I turn my head and noticed a sea of white. After a few moments, I broke through it to see what looks like a...town maybe? I then realized how high I am.

I scream at the top of my lungs, too scared to notice a glaring difference. As I get closer and closer to the ground, my life flashes before my eyes. After all the memories were finished, I noticed I was maybe 10, maybe 15 feet from the ground. Just then, a blur rammed into me. After a few more moments I noticed someone talking, but I was too out of it to understand what was being said. After taking a few minutes to calm down, I looked towards whoever was talking.

A blue girl asked, "Hey kid, you alright?" She had rainbow hair, big magenta eyes and pony ears...and a rainbow tail...and...wings.

Well that's interesting, cosplayer maybe? I've seen pictures of people who paint their skin to look more like who they've dressed as. I was apparently too deep in thought to notice her growing agitation.

The cosplayer called in an annoyed tone, "Hey! Equestra to filly, do you hear me?" This snapped me out of my head. Filly? Equestra? I’m a little confused, but assumed she was one of those people that took the whole cosplay thing a little too seriously.

I started to ask, "Uh miss, what did you-" I then noticed something wrong with my voice. Why do I sound like a little girl? I'll worry about that later. I say with my new weird voice, "Sorry, I didn't catch that."

She said, slightly annoyed, "I said are you alright?" It was most likely because I wasn't listening.

I’m tired of calling her “the cosplayer”, and I wanna calm her down. I decided introductions would kill to birds with one stone, "Uh yeah sorry, who are you?" Gaining a cocky smirk she replies

She answered, her voice sounding exactly like Dash's, "Rainbow Dash, maybe you've heard of me?"

Must be a big fan, I’ll play along. Before I could answer her, she suddenly gains a stern look.

She asked in the 'adult scolding child' voice that always agitated me, "Care to explain why you were falling from the sky and how you even got that high?"

I explain, trying to keep my annoyance out of my voice, "Look, I have no idea how I got up there. One moment I was in my house trying on some clothes I got. Then the next I blackout, but not before I hear my door burst open. Then I wake up to find I'm falling from the sky." That was easy enough, since it's more of a stacking pet peeve.

She stares at me for a moment, most likely reading my face to see if I'm lying. When she comes to the conclusion that I'm not, her face softens. She says, "Alright well, just try to stay outta trouble, ok?" Not feeling like arguing, I simply nod. She gives me a glance over, asking, "You sure you're ok?" After I nod she flys around me a couple of times to make sure......Oh my god she's flying! I just stand there, completely dumbfounded as I stare at her. She asked, "What's with that look, something on my face?" She then started checking to see if there was.

I brushed it off, "N-no, it's...not important, were you the one that saved me?" Guess she's not just a cosplayer. She gained a cocky smirk.

She says, "Yep, no need to thank me, just doing my job. Well, see ya at the Summer Sun Celebration next week. I hear the princess is going to be there." She then shoots over to a nearby town.

I take a moment to process what I just saw and heard. If that was Rainbow Dash, then that must be Ponyville. Wait, the Summer Sun Celebration is next week? And she just said “Princess”, as in singular. That means Twilight isn't here yet. As I was musing, I noticed some...pony, I guess, pulling a carriage. Whoever it was must have been in a hurry, because they didn't notice a mirror falling out when that hit a bump. Running towards the mirror I try to get their attention, but I guess they were already too far to hear me. Sighing I glanced at the mirror. Well I might as well bring it to town, who knows, maybe who ever dropped it will come back for it. Picking up the mirror my entire body freezes at what I see, or rather, WHO I see in my place.