• Published 17th Jul 2019
  • 2,212 Views, 26 Comments

Roaring Winds and Rising Tides - vortex123

(Displaced) A young dragonslayer and water wizard find themselves in a familiar (the former) and unfamiliar (the latter) world.

  • ...

Preparing for the future and a lesson about prejudging others

Wendy & Zoey's house

3rd POV

Once the 'trio' had entered the house, Mike spent the next 30 minutes explaining what he knew in detail, leaving nothing out, as per Zoey and his agreement.

"So basically, shit's fucked." Zoey eloquently simplified Mike's entire explanation of what's happening.

"Pretty much." Mike responded with a nod, having gotten used to how Zoey talks.

"And the curse?" Wendy asked. Mike shook his head.

"All they said was that someone had been seen sneaking around the capital where I was jogging awhile back, but I have a feeling they weren't being upfront with me. And no Zoey, it isn't so fun when it's happening to me." Mike said, seeing Zoey's look.

"Killjoy." Zoey muttered.

"Is this going to devolve into another fight?" Wendy asked, frustration clear in her voice. The pegasus and water wizard shook their heads.

"I have no desire to go back to square one." Mike said.

"If I say I'm gonna give someone another shot, that's what's going to happen, no ifs ands or buts about it." Zoey stated firmly. Wendy smiles in relief. "But I'm still confused about some things." Zoey stated, earning the others attention.

"What?" Mike asked.

"One: While we were getting our asses handed to us, John had taken you away. Care to tell us where and why?" She asked. Mike scratched his head.

"Well from what I remember, he needed to use me as an anchor to and from somewhere. But once I touched the portal he had opened using me, everything goes fuzzy. Then I come to, right in front of the portal, having apparently blacked out. I go towards the portal again, but it fizzled out suddenly. John had tried to reestablish the connection, and in the failed attempts, I had gained an ability called 'Void Copy'." He explained.

"What's that?" Zoey asked.

"I'll show you, but I need something to use as an example, could one of you use one of your abilities?" Mike asked. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, Zoey summoned a water-make sword. Mike concentrated on the sword for a moment, then suddenly he lost both his wings. Before the two could voice their concerns, two exact replicas of Zoey's sword appeared in his hands. After a few moments, the swords went back into him and he regained his wings. "I can copy things at the cost of the void energy that makes up my body. Though only basic things like plane swords, plane shield or whatnot. At my current level I can use those swords again with needing an example, but I can't do more complicated things at all, let alone without an example." He explained. "Now what else?" He asked.

"After the 'League Of Friendship' rainbowed the moon chick into submission, what happened to her armor and scythe?" Zoey asked. Wendy waved her hand to get their attention.

"I went to check them out when the scythe suddenly exploded into blue smoke, by the time I got my vision back, both the armor and scythe were gone." Wendy informed before looking directly at Zoey. "Also, 'the League Of Friendship', really?" She asked. Zoey shrugged.

"Hey, at least it's not an insult." Zoey defended herself.

"Listen." Mike said suddenly with an oddly serious tone, earning the others attention immediately. "I know you might not like it, but you should buckle down on training your powers and skills. While Zoey was able to follow me undetected, I was distracted with protecting Wendy. And yes Wendy, you were found more times then I care to count, Storm and I just intersected everyone who spotted you." He said.

"So what? You got any ideas Protag-Kun?" Zoey asked Mike.

"Well we could head back to my folks' house, they have a gateway to a special guards training room that their guards use, it's in case of emergencies." Mike said. Wendy raised an eyebrow.

"Why can't we use that song?" She asked. Mike thinks about it.

"I don't see a reason, but we should teleport outside of the castle gates, protocols." Mike said. Hearing them agree, Mike asked for one of them to play the song, then they vanished in a flurry of feathers.

Canterlot castle gates

Zoey's POV

Not even a minute after we appear in front of the castle gate, my sixth sense tells me that a racist fucker is approaching us. With a groan, I turn towards him and fold my arms.

"What do you want?" I say in a annoyed tone. As he's recovering from that, I take a good look at him. He looked pretty familiar, from his gaudy clothes, to…ok so everything looked gaudy. It was actually kinda hard to make out anything else about him.

"How did you know I was walking to you?" He asked, which was fair since I didn't even look behind myself.

"My sixth sense tells me whenever a racist is planning to interact with me. Your brand of stupidity gives off a certain idiotic type of waves that it can detect, it's hereditary." I explained truthfully. That's actually true, for some reason everyone in my family has a strong sixth sense. While it isn't perfect, it does have a 90% accuracy on everyday things like someone stealing your phone or someone having bad intentions for you. Though it only has a 20% accuracy if we're really angry at something or someone, 10% if we're under the weather. "Now who are you?" I asked.

"Gaud Lily, charmed, I'm sure." He says while sticking his nose up in the air. I actually don't laugh at that, I prefer not going for low hanging fruit.

"Oh my god." I hear Wendy groan, causing me to accidentally snort, much to my embarrassment.

"What's so funny?" Gaud asked in confusion.

"Don't worry about it." I waved off. "So what do you do? Make clothes?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yes actually, I own a clothing store called 'Gaud Lily Tastes'! The most extravagan clothing store in Canterlot, anything you buy there will out shine anything you'd find elsewhere!" He finished his spill, I say nothing as I watch the low hanging fruit hit the ground.

"I…have no words." Wendy says bluntly. Mike thinks for a moment before he snaps his fingers in realization.

"I've heard of you, you won the fashion show that Sapphire Shores hosted a month ago!" Mike said in shock, he then proceeded to look at Gaud's outfit. "You…didn't use that outfit though, in fact this isn't anything like what you showed, even the stitching looks like it was done by someone else." He points out. I raised a brow at Mike, but noticed Gaud start to sweat a little.

"I was escorting Prince Blueblood awhile back, and he gave me this jacket as a gift, it's from the winning line from the fashion show." He added, while Wendy looks shock for some reason, I take a closer look at Mike's jacket and Gaud's outfit. I may not know anything about clothe making, but even I could see the difference. The quality was like comparing a wall made of concrete to a wall made of cheap wood.

"Ah yes, I thought I recognized it, glad to see it's in good hands. While this conversation has been invigorating, I simply MUST be going now.” Gaud says, walking away oddly fast.

“Hold up.” Mike says, causing the pony to stop and turn around. “I wanted to ask about your sudden disappearance after the show, according to your fans, no one has seen you since that show. You worried a lot of ponies you know, I’d hate to think that one of Canterlot’s best would be having trouble.” He added. Gaud’s worried look was replaced with an arrogant smirk.

“Ah…forgive me, it seems I failed to think about my invaluable supporters and fans. Well you see, one of my…pets ran away, and I had to track her down you see. She’s a very stubborn girl, always trying to wander away from me and into places she shouldn’t be.” Gaud said with a sigh.

“Well that’s a shame, I have a card for a local pet training center, here.” Mike says, handing him the card. Gaud looks at it for a moment, he makes a suspicious look as the card glows, showing that he’s a Unicorn (it’s really hard to focus on anything but his outfit, can’t believe he actually goes in public wearing it). He loses the suspicious look and smiled after a few moments.

“Well thank you for your generosity, I’ll be taking my leave now.” He says with a smile. He shoots me and Wendy one last disgusted look before walking away.

"Blueblood is nice here?" Wendy asked in confusion, Mike raised a brow.

"Yeah? Why? Is he a jerk in the show?" Mike asked.

"Well, he was a jerk to Rarity during the Grand Galloping Gala." Wendy said. Mike folded his arms.

"Was Rarity following him around assuming he'd be head over heels for her, and that the prince of Equestra would want to date some random pony he's never seen before just because she was wearing a great outfit?" Mike says with a frown.

"Yeah." Wendy says, causing Mike to deadpan and me to facepalm.

"Did he do anything else in the show?" Mike asked. Wendy shook her head.

"Don't know about the comics, but in the show he's never seen again." Wendy says.

"The show that only shows the POV of Twilight and her friends?" Mike asked. Wendy nods hesitantly. "And I take it that image of him comes from the fans and not the actual show?" Mike asked. Wendy nods again. "I swear. I can't speak for show Blueblood, but this Blueblood would only do that because ponies like her would try to date him just because of his title." Mike says with a groan before raising a brow. "Or did Rarity have a noble reason for dating him?" He asked, but he (and I) already knew the answer.

"No. Her part of a musical number was about how she'd look so good that 'Prince Charming' would want to marry her, even though they've never even interacted before. She was upset because he didn't take off his coat so she could walk over a puddle of water, didn't open the door for her, and used her body as a shield for a cake that was flying towards them." Wendy says.

"Ok FIRST of all, he's the prince, she's a commoner. At the end of the day, it's expected of Royalty to keep up an appearance, he can't do something like that for someone he's never even met. That would signify that Rarity was above him, and besides, she could have easily went around the puddle. Second of all, again, it's expected of others to open doors for royalty. That's just common knowledge. Third of all, I'll admit the whole body shield was a dick move, but it was gonna hit her either way. She has the right to be upset at that, but since she'd be hit by it regardless, it's not that big of a deal." Mike points out.

"Ah, I see your point." Wendy relents. Mike puts his hand on Wendy's shoulder.

"I understand that that show is a big influence on you, but please think of everyone's view points before condemning them, and don't use that show as how things should be. The fact that you, me and Zoey are here should be enough proof that things work differently here then on the show." Mike says. Wendy nods and I smile at that.

"Yeah, basing your entire view on media and what you see on TV, and not making the effort to get to know someone is a scummy thing to do. Our home world would be a lot better if people would actually make the effort to get to know someone rather then just listening to what other people say about them." I added.

"Alright alright, you've both made your points, I'll try to keep an open mind from now on." Wendy concedes. Satisfied with that, we continue our walk.

Author's Note:

I can't say anything about the comics, but the amount of hate people give to characters just because of how said characters upset the mane 6 or someone with a connection to them is upsetting. Tell me, if the roles would have been reversed, would Rarity have earned that much scorn? Blueblood's only in three or four scenes in the entire series (most of which aren't that bad, at most their eye roll worthy), and yet in almost every fic or fan comic of him I see, he's painted almost as bad as a demon. If some random person you've never met expected you to do everything Rarity expected Blueblood to do, would you? We only see the main characters POV, not anyone who isn't a main character, we should consider everyone's view point before we condemn them.