• Published 17th Jul 2019
  • 2,213 Views, 26 Comments

Roaring Winds and Rising Tides - vortex123

(Displaced) A young dragonslayer and water wizard find themselves in a familiar (the former) and unfamiliar (the latter) world.

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"Just call me John. Real name can't really be spelled with your universe's alphabet as you can see."

POV John....I guess

I was playing on a computer I had recently 'liberated' from a prick when he wasn't looking. Asshole thought it was funny mine got ruined when he spilled his drink all over it by accident. Glad I did, this thing is MUCH better than the one I had. Anyway, after a few moments I get a call from my best buddy.

"Sup dude, how's it going? We should hang out sometime." I say with as much enthusiasm as possible.

"No way in hell man, we only got out of trouble last time because the owner of that shop's son liked you for some reason. Do you comprehend how lucky we got?" He said in an exasperated tone. While pretty rude, he does have a point.

"What can I say, kids love me, besides my drink was spiked, apparently the hostess saw me and gave me the drink I spiked. And hey I know you had a good time. You can't deny it, right?"

"Fine whatever just don't pull anything this time.....at least not when it's possible I'll get in trouble, if it's just yourself or someone who isn't me, have at it. So you fix your screw up yet?" My eye twitches as I contemplate ways to wipe that smirk I know he has off his face, but decide not to because that would mean he wins.

"Yes don't worry." I sigh

"Good, glad you remembered to seal her magic, especially considering who she was displace as. That could've ended horribly." With relief dripping from his voice. I freeze as I realized I forgot to do that exact thing.

"Yep good thing, though, what do you mean by that?" I ask hoping he buys it, which he does.

"Look up her character, you'll see what I'm talking about. Anyway gotta go, bye." He hangs up

I do as he suggested and what I find is worrying. 'I'm sure it will be fine, I mean I just displace them. How much trouble can two newbies cause?

POV Wendy

I dodged another attack, our talk didn't go well but I did learn some things. One: she's the bad tempered girl that guy was talking about. Two: While she didn't have many things to miss in our home world, she's really attached to her friends back home. Three and this was currently in my opinion, the most important part all things considered: She thought I was in league with the guy who sent her here. My Calm attitude while explaining didn't help my case....no scratch that, the most important detail was that my magic is still sealed while her's isn't.

Talking proved useless, and I couldn't run because there was nowhere to run save for outside. Unfortunately it's still raining thanks to her, and I knew she'd get a power boost while in the rain. My only option was to outsmart her, my backpack is still down here thanks to my forgetfulness. Meaning the book and ASC (air shatter canon) is in reach, and I have a plan. I just needed to get to them.

"Water Slicer!" Zoey yells as a single wave of multiple blades that resemble scythes rush toward me. I barely dodge in time as the blades cut through the wall. Sprinting as quickly and as quietly as possible I managed to hide in the dark, the fireplace being extinguished because of her first attack. She tried to simply push me into the fire with a burst of water, which I easily dodged. With my sharper senses I managed to finally navigate the dark without drawing her attention much to her agitation.

"You can't hide forever, especially in this house!" She says, and she's right. Thankfully I reached my backpack, problem was if I opened it the sound of the zipper would tell her where I am. Guess I'll have to Solid Snake my way upstairs, she's too angry to think straight so maybe I could distract her somehow. After about 2 minutes of sneaking and searching I find a piece of the long since destroyed table. Positioning Myself to have a clear shot at the stairs, I wait until she's facing the right way. Then I chuck the thing behind her and it hit the other side of the house catching her attention. While she's distracted I rush up the stairs as quickly and quietly as possible, thankful that they didn't creak.

Once I reach my room i quietly go in, taking a moment to see if she heard me. Hearing her curse up a storm downstairs and hearing words I didn't know were curses, I open the backpack to discover some changes. The book was now sky blue, the words had changed to 'Wind Magic' and the chapters for medical care had vanished. In their place two new chapters written in a language I didn't know, In fact it kinda hurts to read them. Checking the backpack I saw another book, it was red with a white plus sign on it. Ignoring the medical book, I put everything except the blue book up and read.

The process is actually pretty simple on account that the original Wendy used Magic often, so the body already knew how to access and use it. The only real problem I'll have is control and mental fortitude, basically I'm gonna have to straighten my mind through meditation or other mental exercises. I'll also have to train my body on account of Dragon Slayer magic being pretty physical based. Assuming my body would guide me through the process, I closed my eyes and relaxed. After a few moments I could feel my core, as the book called it, stir and 'stretch' like someone who had been asleep for a while. My 'faucet' began to open but at a slow pace, deciding the I could take the time to learn some spells I read chapter 1 "Sky DragonSlayer magic". Though I made a note to at least learn flying from chapter 2 so I could have better mobility, plus I've always wanted to fly:pinkiehappy:.

3rd POV

Zoey was getting tired of their game of hide and seek and she made it known. Kicking a chair she muttered a curse, and walked around until she heard a faint noise at the edge of her hearing, unfortunately the rain made it hard to pinpoint. Wendy was practicing flying, she had made good progress but clearly had a ways to go before she could brag about it. When Wendy felt confident enough she snuck back down to where Zoey was and waited for the perfect moment or at least planed to until Zoey decided to egg her on.

"So not only do you look like a little girl, your as cowardly as one too. I bet your just a stupid widdle baby that couldn't ev-." She started to taunt before Wendy shut her up. Talking down to her is a pretty big trigger.

"Sky Dragon's Roar!" Wendy shouted as she blows a hurricane-like blast at Zoey. Having zero time to react, the attack hits and sends Zoey flying through the wall and landing hard outside. Berating her self for making such a stupid mistake, Wendy chases after her. With a growl the water wizard gets up and glares angrily at Wendy and vice versa. Wanting to end this as quickly as possible before Zoey becomes a problem, she gathers wind magic in her fists and rushed to her.

'I finally made that 'brat' come out, if she's working with my kidnapper then she's probably older than she looks. Oh she's rushing me head on? Fine by me.' Zoey think with a smirk, covering her fist in water and condensing it she throws a Water punch to counter Wendy. 'I have two advantages: one, I know everything about Juvia and Wendy as I'm a big fan of Fairy Tail and two, the kid knows barely anything about Juvia. She probably has Wendy's memories like I have Juvia's but if she does, why isn't she using Dragon Force to try to beat me quickly?' I think in confusion

'DAMIT WHY ARE ALL OF MY MEMORIES OF WENDY IN JAPANESE!?!' Wendy thinks aggravated, she had no idea how someone could have memories in a language you don't understand.

'Probably thinks that she doesn't need it, why that arrogant little-no, not important right now. I can ask her later once I beat her.' Zoey thinks, even more motivated to win. Their fists meet and Zoey is slightly pushed back. 'Maybe ticking her off was a bad call, in for a penny in for a pound I guess.' They go on like that for a bit before They realize that their fighting styles are different their my normal ones and Wendy's attacks are losing power, after Wendy realized it she put a lot of distance between the two of them and landed on the roof.

"You know, you're quite the fighter. But there's something I'd like to ask you." She states, giving her an intrigued look. Zoey decided giving a response wouldn't hurt.

"Water Lock!" She yells, what? I didn't say it would be a response she would like.

Her eyes go wide as she takes a deep breath before water completely covered her, and out comes another roar, shattering the spell. 'Guess I can't be surprised that I'm not as good as the original...wait IT'S COMING RIGHT FOR ME!' This time She dodged out of the way, last time really hurt so she'd rather not get hit by it again.

"Yeah should have seen that coming, worth a shot....bitch." She mutters the last part but Zoey still heard it. She then shot towards the woman like a bullet and hits her square in the face but not before she could spam Water Slicer, getting a lot of hits in but they don't slow her in the slightest.

POV Wendy

'Ok you know what? Screw this, my magic is refilling too slow right now and she actually knows what she's doing. I'm ending this now.' I take a moment to take out the Air Shatter Canon. I take another moment to wonder how the hell I did that. This dress has no pockets and I left all my stuff in the living room so even by cartoon logic I shouldn't have it. It would make some sense if I put it in some sorta hammer space but I know I didn't nor did I reach behind myself which seems to be the trigger all the time for that.

I then rush at her at top speed surprising her, when I reached her I latched on to her and had us go as far from any buildings as possible. When we were far enough I stopped us and opened the ASC with both of us in the blast radius then booked it before it completely went off. Her screams of rage were soon replaced with screams of pure terror as a giant tornado spawned from where I left. After a few moments it stops and Zoey falls to the ground but I managed to catch her before she could become a stain on the ground, she's slipping in and out of consciousness but I knew that since anime (specifically fairy tail) and cartoon (specifically MLP:FIM) logic now applied to us she would be fine. After I land us on the ground I could hear her mumbling something.

"Huh?" I ask now looking at her.


"What? I can't understand you." Kinda worried and slightly curious.

"W**** B***"

"Can you please speak more clearly? I can't exactly make out what you're saying." I stated, more annoyed then curious now. She smirks for some reason.

"I said Water Beam!" She places both of her hands together and jets a high-pressured beam of water point blank in my face. Sending me flying a several feet away, when I get back up I give her an "Are you serious" look. She chuckles softly but doesn't get up. I walk to her in as least threatening as possible before offering a hand to help her up, to my surprise she takes it and gets up. Before I could say a word she beats me to it.

"Before anything else, sorry about the cheap shot. Now why did you and that man bring me here and can you take me back?" She looks at me expectingly, I just sigh.

"If we were working together, do you seriously think I would have had to run away when you attacked me? If my 'partner' gave you Juvia's powers, you'd think I would have been prepared to handle you at the start. Instead I had to sneak around until I managed to learn the three spells I used against you." I state more then a little tired from the fight.

"Wait you only know three? What about all of Wendy's other spells and abilities like Enchantments or Dragon Force? I mean you should have your character's memories like me." She asked in bewilderment, I shake my head.

"Yes I only know three and as for her memories, their all in Japanese. I'm assuming you know something about that since I took your place according to OUR kidnaper." I say put as much emphasis on the word "our" as possible.

"If that's true then that makes sense, I grew up in Japan until I was 16 then I moved to America, so it's easier for me to process then English. The first year was pretty difficult since your language is so complicated and my Schoolmates at the time were jerks. Sorry I attacked you like that, I promise I'm pretty nice to hang out with if you get to know me. I'd like to have a chat with whoever sent us here."

"Ok sure." Said the man in question....I think, pretty sure he wasn't purple when we met. He had a soda, popcorn, an umbrella and a grin on his face. "Call me John"

POV John

'Man if looks could kill, I'd beat Kenny easily with the look Zoey was and still is giving me. Kinda funny when you think about it.' After finishing the explanation about their situation I judged their reactions. Wendy just looked annoyed, most likely already had her episode. Zoey looked like her counterpart when some 'rival' was spending time with Grey. Though she looked guilty when I said that one: Wendy wasn't in league with me and two: she had attacked her with no proof that she even was. It probably didn't help that she wasn't holding it against her, when asked why she just stated it be better to make friends then enemies since they're going to be stuck here and she'd have gotten a different reaction back home. Plus it's better that she's not pretending to be fine and bottling it up, that reminds me.

"Wendy First of all, the whole free falling thing was an accident. Well not really accident since that wasn't my fault. That's just where you popped in this reality, you two are going to have to get used to that." I clarified.

"Why?" The both asked

"Anyway I'd like to see that book, there was info in there that your not supposed to see." I ignore their question and get to the point.

"Oh, and what info would that be?" Zoey asked me, I guess she's not feeling helpful at the moment.

"Look I'll explain later, right now I need that book." When I got here they were already fighting so I legitimately need them to cooperate. Zoey was about to go on another round of yelling, but Wendy decided to take control of the conversation.

"I take it that whatever is in it must be really important if someone like you is putting a lot of interest in it. How about a compromise?" I raised a brow but motioned for her to continue. "Well since we can't go home I was thinking you could do some things for us." 'I mean, considering our power difference, I could just force them. But, why not humor her. She seems smart enough to recognize their positions so I doubt it will be much.'

"Alright shoot" I say, already knowing what they would 'demand'.

"One: make it to where the rain is optional and not simply a curse." 'Easy and predictable, though I don't want her using it recklessly.'

"Two: make me the same age I was before coming here." 'Even more predictable and easy, seemed to be in the early 20s.'

"And finally for me, three: translate all the memories I have from Wendy into English." 'Oh yeah forgot about that, wish I could've seen the look on her face. Wait finally? Did she forget about her gender?'

"Ok sure. Was going to do the first one anyway but it'll still happen on its own if she's upset to an extreme. If she wants to use it of her own will, she'll need to use her magic. And you Zoey?" 'Here we go'

"Does this place have alcohol?" I nod. "Ok.....can you fix the damage we caused to her-" "our" Wendy cut in. "-our house and what not?" She finished, looking surprised at her new housemate. 'Wendy's only been here for for around 2 hours and Zoey has only been here for 10 minutes. How do they already have their own home?' I question because I sure as hell had nothing to do with it.

"Sure, with how weak you both currently are its not really that much. By weak I mean you both have no idea how to property use your magic." My hand glowed and the few broken furniture and single wall started to repair itself. It doesn't stop raining because Of her current mood but her problem with rain was somewhat gone. The loli wasn't a loli anymore (now 20) and I fixed the translation for her memories. "Ok now where is the book?"

"In the house in the living room, I dropped it when I attacked Zoey." I just stare at her with a blank expression before rolling my eyes, then quickly get the book. A few seconds later I return with the item in my hand. "Can I ask you a question?" I nod. "Did you send anyone else here?"

"Good question. Anyway good luck with your new lives. Oh and here's another book but I wouldn't recommend reading it until you've got the Dragon slayer magic down pat. Not that you'll be able to open it until then anyway." I take my leave, handing Wendy the book and Zoey a slip of paper with instructions about the whole rain thing. Truthfully, I genuinely don't know if there are others here. If I accidentally sent one person here, then it's possible there are others. I can't think of any though because I only had the two outfits.

Time Skip

Things settled down after that meeting. In the week before the show started Zoey and Wendy got to know each other. They helped each other get used to their new bodies and magic, though Wendy struggled with her body and Zoey felt like a lot of her magic was locked. They weren't masters but they had the basics down. They surprisingly made good friends, despite having really different personalities. The atmosphere in Ponyville had changed from when Wendy arrived a little after Pinkie found them and had a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party. Like there was a fog in their minds that was lifted. They notice that they looked different then them. They didn't have the same ears or any sort of tail. They weren't as bulky as adult earth ponies are. The didn't have wings or a horn but could use magic and their faces were flat.

The duo were worried that their fight would have earned the locals' ire and fear but none of them remembered anything, not even the sudden rain or tornado. So all they had to worry about was the natural Xenophobia they had. There were some incidents that confused them, Zoey more so as she's never seen the show. They notice that both cartoon and anime logic applies to this world. Some Pegasus stallion was running like his life depended on it while an earth pony mare was chasing him with a frying pan and yelling for the poor guy to stop running so she could hit him. They later found out the lady misunderstood whatever the guy did and they made her apologize before the two made up and went there separate ways.

After that they came across two friends that were having a random musical number about some problem they were having. It was about not knowing what to get the other for their, and I quote 'Friendshipiversary'. After commenting about how both the name and problem was stupid much to their anger, Zoey eloquently told them "shut up, your friend would like anything you got them as long as it came from the heart if they really care about you". They seemed to forget her rude comment and thanked her for her help much to her confusion. Solving problems, be it because of anime logic or cartoon logic, was how they spent most of their down time. Thankfully common sense seemed to exist here too, with how much work they did around Ponyville the ponies seemed to have warmed up to them for the most part.

They took jobs here and there then practiced their abilities in some of their free time. Zoey figured out how to turn her body into water (allowing her to fly) and learned water-make sword and water-make arrow. Wendy learned Vernier (which increases the target's speed), Deus Eques (which increases the target's physical capabilities) and the Sky dragon Slayer healing spell (doesn't restore health but cures ailments). Granted their bodies remember doing those spells so Wendy has made no progress with the ones her body isn't use to and Zoey can't make that much progress thanks to whatever is locking most of her power.

Finally the day had come, the start of season 1 episode 1. Wendy was excited to see the mane 6 live in action and meet Twilight and Spike. She had made it top priority to befriend the rest of the gang and while her and especially Zoey's relationship with Rainbow Dash was shaky, she had succeeded. So all that was left was the meeting with a prodigy and her assistant.

Author's Note:

To clarify Zoey doesn't really know how to use all the spells she used in the fight, she just pumped enough magic into her spells until they worked. That's not an option anymore, she has to actually learn them. Also sorry for the poor fight scene, I've never written one before. Plus if you think about it, excluding Zoey's bar fights (she looked 26 but was actually 19 and had a fake ID), nether of them have any combat experience so in a way it kinda makes sense. Not that I'm trying to make excuses, it's just something that makes sense for everyday people.