• Published 17th Jul 2019
  • 2,213 Views, 26 Comments

Roaring Winds and Rising Tides - vortex123

(Displaced) A young dragonslayer and water wizard find themselves in a familiar (the former) and unfamiliar (the latter) world.

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Meeting the ruler of the country and her lost sister

Wendy's POV

As I make my way to the group, Zoey and Mike met me halfway.

“So those rocks can turn people into kids? Lots of people back home would literally kill for something like that, just saying.” Zoey says with a smile.

“As odd as that is, we should really rejoin the group.” Mike points out, Zoey frowns and glares at him a little, obviously still angry at him.

“Whatever.” She grumbled before walking to my side.

‘Why is she so angry at him? Sure it’s kinda hurtful that he’d do something like that, but he was only doing what he thought was best for his home.’ I think with a slight frown. We continue walking for a bit when suddenly, all I can make out was pink.

“Heeeey~” Pinkie says, having apparently brought me into a hug.

“Hey Pinkie. How’d it go on your end? None of you are hurt, are you?” I ask her as she let me go and came closer to the group.

“Oh nothing much. I got the others to laugh at ghosties, Twilight nearly fell to her death-“ She’s interrupted by Mike saying ‘what’. “-We also ran into some weird cultists that wanted to sacrifice Rainbow to some Pegasus device-.“ she’s interrupted again by all of of asking ‘what’. “-and for some reason Dashie got extremely mad when she heard ‘Pegasus device’, and asked us to give her a moment as she took them and flew off. She got back not long after, saying that they were taken care of.” It looked like she wanted to say more, but we reach the group before she could continue.

“So what have you all been doing?" Rainbow asked, as she glared at Zoey and me, though the one directed at me was softer then the one directed at Zoey.

"Before that, Pinkie said you ran into some cultists." I say, a little nervous. 'I really hope I'm just jumping the gun!' I think in worry. Rainbow just groans.

"Some idiot extremists who don't seem to get the flaw in killing 'failure Pegasi' who fail the flight test. They apparently kill them for their pigment, which in on itself is stupid! First of all, that's not how rainbows are made. But what do I know about making rainbows, it's not like I'm the freaking manager of cloudsdale's weather factory or anything! You just mix the correct chemicals together in the correct order, to get the correct colors, that's it! And if we really had to use already existing pigments, we could achieve the same result by taking it from everyday objects, like the grass or a bunch of apples. And even if we had to take it from ponies, we could've simply set up a partnership with barbers who cut willing ponies pigment filled manes and tails."* she finished fussing with a huff.

“So you two are those humans I’ve been hearing about.” Celestia said, gaining everyone's attention.

"Who are you? And why are you so big?" Zoey asked her.

"ZOEY!" Twilight yelled in disapproval.

"Yo." Zoey said back, not at all caring about Twilight being mad at her.

"She's the princess of this country!" Twilight yells a little quieter. Zoey nods like she understood, then looked at Celestia. 'Why do I feel like I know she's not gonna take this seriously?' I think to myself.

"Nice to meet you 'the princess of this country'". Zoey said, causing Twilight to groan and Celestia to chuckle. "Why are you so big?" She asked, causing Twilight to groan even louder and Celestia to roll her eyes.

"My name is Celestia, though my title is 'princess', so you should be sure to add that as well." The woman clarified, Zoey nods, this time it was obvious that she was taking this seriously. "As for my height, Alicorns just grow more then the other pony races."

"Well thank you for actually answering my question." Zoey said before turning to Twilight. "You should really learn from her example, I'm positive she'd make a great teacher for you."

"She is my teacher." Twilight growls in agitation.

"Then why do you suck at introducing her?" Zoey asked. "You'd think a student of the princess of this country would want to accurately introduced the princess to foreigners like me." She finished with a huff in mock agitation.

"…I'm going to kill you…I know I'll face so many charges and serve a lot of time in jail…but I'm gonna kill you, and I'll enjoy it so much!" Twilight seethes while lighting up her hands with volatile magic. Zoey smiles, which tells me she's not gonna defuse the situation. Mike looked at me with a pleading look, most likely because he knows that if he gets involved, Zoey will make it worse just to spite him. With a sigh, I get in between them. I then take Zoey to the side while Mike stops Twilight from following…somehow.

After taking a few moments to explain to Zoey why antagonizing the student of the ruler of the country was abad idea, especially since we can be kicked out of this country at any time, she agreed to chill with her smartass attitude for the moment. Walking back to the group, we catch the tail end of what Mike was saying.

"-If it hadn't been for the fact the dude was smuggling contraband like blood gems or those sacrificial books to that cult, you either would have been banished, or worse. You gotta stop letting your emotions get the better of you!" Mike apparently finished lecturing Twilight.

"I know…you've made your point, I'll apologize." She sighed before looking at us, I didn't know what to tackle first, Zoey did though.

"Did you just say sacrificial book!? And how many cults are running around this country!?" She asked in shock. "Because you two are treating this like you're discussing the whether!" She finished before looking at me.

"Don't look at me! This wasn't something I knew about, I'm just as shocked as you." I say in mild panic. 'What the fuck…WHAT THE FUCK!?' I think before noticing everyone save for Mike, Twilight, Spike and Celestia giving us weird looks.

"Umm, I don't mean to be mean but, how could you not know about Grogar's cult. It's a pretty well known cult." Fluttershy asked as if it was common knowledge…wait.

"Is this common knowledge?" I asked, only to receive nods all around.

"…I'm gonna hurt John the next time I see him." Zoey says with a growl. Suddenly a piece of paper appeared in her hands with a flash. She reads it aloud.

Don't look at me, I had no idea about the cults. In fact when I looked at the codes and programs for this universe a few moments ago, I found multiple unknown programs and what not. You might wanna kick your training into the next gear, because when I managed to figure out what some of those programs were, well I'll just say they aren't pretty. I'll try to see if I can't fix it somehow, but you should prepare for the worst.

"As…concerning as that is, we should focus on the here and now. Now then." Celestia (wrongfully) states before walking to the blue Alicorn. As shocking as it might have been, her two guards weren't exactly thrilled about that, but it's not like they could beet a completely healthy Alicorn both unprepared and with just the two of them. With no better alternative, they watch with baited breath as Celestia kneels down to the blue Alicorn. Since I already know what's gonna happen, I tuned them out. I'm more interested in the fucking cults in Equestra, that's kinda more important then what's happening at the moment. I'm brought out of my thoughts by Luna.

"Um…nice to officially meet you." Luna says with a smile.

-Mom, why is other mom so small? And why is she blue? Shouldn't she be pitch black?- I hear some child ask, looking around, I can't see anyone else but us.

'That's odd, wonder who said that. Whoever did must have not seen what happened, otherwise they'd know that Luna was hit by the elements of harmony, and turn into what she is now.' I think in curiosity.

-Oh.- Said the same child from before. I'm getting worried, I really hope some kid didn't wonder here.

"Nice to meet you too, officially, I mean." I say while shaking her hand. I then give her a concerned look. "Hey I heard some kid asking questions, we should find them and get them home."

"A child? We heard no child." Luna said, her modern speech seeming to have improved slightly.

"Yeah what she said." Zoey says before turning to Luna and…gives a deep bow? "Sorry about the 'old' comment, I don't have much of a filter. I regretted it moments after I said it, I hope you can forgive me." She apologized with sincerity I hadn't heard since she apologized for attacking me unprovoked a week ago. Luna just stares at Zoey in contemplation, Zoey makes no attempt to end her deep bow until Luna says something.

"We forgive thee, most young like thee would not realize their 'rr'r until it was pointed out to them. As long as thee learned from this, i seeth nay reason to not f'rgive thee, thee may rise." Luna said with a smile, Zoey does so with a relieved smile. "Though we art surprised that you bowed, we didn't think we were still considered royalty."

"I didn't bow because you're royalty, I don't really care about royalty. I bowed because in my home country, it's expected for one to bow when apologizing. And just to clarify, me and Wendy didn't grow up in the same country, so I doubt she'll feel the same way." Zoey clarified.

"I'll only bow if I have to, I feel no obligation to." I say with a shrug. Luna hums in acceptance.

"Lets continue this back in Ponyville." Celestia said with a smile, having walked to us after seeing Zoey bow. She turned towards Mike. "Also Mike, Jenny and Sam need to have a word with you." Mike frowned.

"Yeah, I have some things I need to talk to them about, starting with the whole 'displacer' thing, and a certain bag I found." Mike says as he walked towards the two in question.

"Fascinating, I'm very interested in what that was about." Zoey sarcastically says before looking at Luna. "Come on, Pinkie disappeared from the room after we started talking to skittles, so there's probably a party already set up for us winning. Well, for Twilight and her friends winning that is." Luna nods and we all head for Ponyville, though the lunar guards are still keeping an eye on Luna, in case any of us 'try anything'.

Author's Note:

* Not gonna suger coat it, the entire concept of that version of the Rainbow Factory is stupid. The embodiment of Loyalty killing what is essentially her sister in every way save for blood? The citizens not questioning where the failures go, and not investigating? (I don't think the ponies even know what the word "privacy" means). Parents continuing to send their kids to a place where countless children have never came back from? No matter what way you look at it, it's stupid.