• Published 17th Jul 2019
  • 2,212 Views, 26 Comments

Roaring Winds and Rising Tides - vortex123

(Displaced) A young dragonslayer and water wizard find themselves in a familiar (the former) and unfamiliar (the latter) world.

  • ...

Courage from another world part 2

With Mike’s group, still 3rd POV

“Oh...couldn’t we have waited a little longer? My stomach hurts from all the food.” Twilight complains.

“So you’re saying you want to be behind schedule?” Mike asked with a teasing grin, said grin is immediately wiped off by Twilight’s look.

You shut your whore mouth!” She says in seething rage, Mike frantically nods.

“Up next is weather, the pony in charge of that is someone named Rainbow Dash.” Spike says.

“Wait did you say Rainbow Dash?” Mike asked, a smile on his face. Spike nods.

“Well unless it’s scheduled for mostly cloudy, I’d say she isn’t doing a good job.” Twilight says, finally getting over the stomach ache. Just then a rainbow blur slams into her, and they landed in mud.

“Hehehe, uh sorry didn’t see you there. One second.”’ Dash says, she washed her with a rain cloud then dried her off by spinning around her. After she and Spike laughed at the end result, Rainbow notices Mike.

“Hey, long time no see! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? Would have welcomed you to Ponyvill.” She asked, excited to see him.

“It was a sudden decision, mentors sent me here to keep an eye on two strange creatures.” He says. She frowned at the mention of the strange creatures, then smiled.

“Good to hear that! Was worried I was the only one suspicious of them.” She sighs in relief.

“I’m just here to watch and learn about them, no need to be hostile yet. Innocent until proven guilty you know.” He states. She rolls her eyes but smiles nonetheless.

“I don’t suppose you would be Rainbow Dash would you?” Twilight asked, irritation clear in her voice.

“The one and only, I take it you’ve heard of me?” She poses.

“Yes, from Mike actually. He’s told me a lot about you, including how active you are. With how many clouds are still in the sky, I find that hard to believe.” Twilight says in a matter of fact tone.

“Pttt, I’ll handle that after I’m done practicing.” She says before flying on a cloud to rest.

“Practicing? For what, slacking off?” Twilight asked. RD rolls her eyes.

“No, For the Wonderbolts! The greatest group of flyers in Equestria!” She smirks.

“And why would they recruit someone who can’t keep the sky clear for just one
measly day?” Twilight asked, striking a nerve.

“HEY, I can take care of this in ten.seconds.flat.” She says. Twilight motions for her to show her, summoning a stopwatch. Low and behold, exactly ten seconds later the sky is clear. “What do ya think?” She says with pride.

“I think you should have made a bet before providing it, this filly’s loaded.” Mike says, slightly disappointed in her.

“Ugh you’re right, oh well. That look on her face is rewarding enough on its own though. Can’t wait to hangout with her again.” She says before flying off.

“Mike! What the hell!?” Twilight asked, miffed by what he said.

“Relax, it was a joke! Rainbow isn’t that type of pony! Besides, you were being kind of a bitch.” He states, she rolled her eyes but nods.

“Yeah I guess I should have expected that, I mean I was imitating you after all.” She says with a laugh. Mike shakes his head and laughs himself.

“Come on. Wendy gave me a map to the town, next is decorations.” Mike said, already walking away.

Walking in, the group is greeted by all sorts of eye-catching fabrics and the sort. Mannequins here, a fabric roll over there. Basically a clothes makers paradise. ‘Kinda gives the same vibe as the ones back in Canterlot.’ Mike thinks, remembering Prince Blueblood’s trips there that Mike had to escort him too.

“So beautiful~” Spike says, somehow getting hearts literally in his eyes.

“Yeah, glad to see that so far only Rainbow Dash was slacking in her job.” Twilight snarks.

“One: get over that, she already proved it wasn’t a problem. Two: not that, her!” Spike says, pointing to the owner.

They see a woman in a solid ruched full foldover collar tunic top blouse top, it was purple with big white stripes. She was wearing gray jeans and black and slightly elevated heeled sandals.

“Dial it back dude, she’s hot sure but I’m pretty sure she’ll throw you out if you not careful.” Mike says, before Twilight get a word in, the lady notices them.

“Sorry but I can’t take any-oh Celestia!” She started before looking at Twilight.

“Hi, sorry to bother you but we’re here to check on the decor. It looks good-great even but don’t mind us, we’ll get out of your hair.” Twilight says. But before they can leave, the lady stops them.

“Where are my manners? I’m Rarity, owner of this fine establishment. But why are you worried about my hair? Yours is a mess!” She says with a frown. Before Twilight can get a word in, Rarity pulls her behind a privacy wall and fixed her hair. She also was wearing a new dress and holding her original outfit in her hands.

“How much does that cost?” Mike asked, wanting to speed this up.

“Oh don’t worry about that darling, consider it on the house.” She says with a smile.

“Nice! Wish they were that generous by in Canterlot!” Mike said, happy this didn’t take long.

“Think nothing of-wait did you say Canterlot?” She asked, a smile growing on her face. He nods. “I had no idea that I was dealing with such high standing ponies, that outfit simply won’t do!” Before any of them could decline, they hear a click at the door.

“Did you just lock us in here?” Mike asked,now creeped out. Before she could respond, Twilight teleports her and Spike out. By the time that Twilight came back, Mike was in a tuxedo holding his normal clothes and running to her with Rarity chasing him. When he got close enough, Twilight teleported them both to where Spike was left.

“Sorry!” She said, with a nervous chuckle. Twilight had the decency to at least look apologetic so Mike let it go.

“It ok I guess, next is music.” He says, agitation dripping in his voice.

Back to when the Canterlot group left them

“Considering that I was talking about our powers and abilities, I’d say fighting’s on my mind. So how about it? The best way to prove your point is to show us. Plus I’m bored of the back and forth between you two.” Zoey answered.

“Is that really necessary? I’m pretty sure someone more experienced than us would win pretty easily.” Wendy said, already seeing the flaw in Zoey’s logic. Zoey waves her off, and looks at Link.

“She does have a point though.” Link pointed out, agreeing with Wendy’s wise choice. She shrugs.

“Regardless of that being true, you gotta admit it would get your point across. Besides it’s just a friendly match, what’s the harm?” She asked.

“You mean other than the harm a fight causes?” Wendy asked, it was her turn to be completely confused by the direction the conversation had taken.

“Alright, but let’s take it away from the road.” Link suggested as he walked off of the mentioned road. Link reaches back to the sheath that held his sword, but instead pulling out what the group saw at his hip, it was a wooden sword with odd symbols, its handle wrapped with bandages.

“Why would we-“ Zoey starts before Wendy interrupted her.

“*cough* Granny Smith *cough*.” Wendy said. Zoey goes pale and nods.

“Yeah, that’s probably for the best! Any suggestions? Also what’s with that sword, the symbols I mean?” She asked.
“It’s a wooden sword meant for sparring and training.” Link explained as he held it at the readdy. “It won’t cut you nor leave any bruise, unless I swing it hard enough.”

“So who goes first?” Zoey asked.

“Well you’re the one who asked for this but we can decide with Rock Paper Scissors.” Wendy says. After a quick game, Wendy wins. “…well I guess I’m up, though we should actually go somewhere more open. My magic would cause to much damage, I know a place not to far. It’s where I go to practice my spells and just think.” Wendy says, looking around in concern.

“Sounds reasonable, plus you could learn a few new things from me.” Link said with a nod to Wendy. She smiles and leads the way. As they walk Zoey looks to Link.

“So what’s the mindscape like?” She asked suddenly.

“Depending on the location, you’ll always see it as you being at the highest peak to see all of equestria, it is a place that allows you to do whatever you want through a form of mental training. Time tends to flow a lot more slower there as well.” Link explained as he walked alongside the other two. Zoey commits to memory, could prove useful in the future.

“Well here we are, just the way I left it.” Wendy says. The area was a flat piece of land, there was a pond a little away from them with a big flat topped rock in the middle. There were no trees and no animals. There were however, signs of use, what with all the small craters and red spots.

“Learning how to fly without wings is hard, ok!?” Wendy says, a little embarrassed. She chose not to mention the acrobatics, she’s glad she removed evidence of those failures. Her face was glowing red with embarrassment.

“Every Displaced has to start somewhere, don’t reflect it as failure, but reflect it as a learning experience.” Link said as he thought way back.

“I guess.” Wendy sighs, still upset but not as much as before. “So I guess we should start.” She hovers an inch in the air.

“Wanna sword? I can make you one if you want.” Zoey offered Wendy but she shook her head.

“It wouldn’t do any good with how little I know about using it.” She states before reading her fists.

“Would it be more fair if I play on your ground rules?” Link suggested as he put away the sword. “I can use magic too.”

“That’d be a relief actually, I regretted telling Zoey to fight with her swords that one time.” She says, feeling a little more confident about the first.

“HEY! Don’t make me out as a lunatic! I warned you it was a bad idea!” Zoey shouts, Wendy nods apologetically at her. Link softly chuckled at that before resting his arms at his sides.

“Your move first.” Link suggest as his eyes took on a gentle gleam. Link had just used Wide Angle to scan Wendy.

Name: [Error]
Displaced as: Wendy.
Status: Very Healthy
Source: Big
Weaknesses: Poison.

Link blinked on minor confusion at how different his Wide Angle displayed the information differently this time. Wendy takes a deep breath and then a hurricane like blast shoots at Link. “Sky Dragon’s Roar!” She shouts, still not sure how that works.

Link’s eyes widen at the size of the attack, forcing him to pull out his Hookshot, aim at the nearest tree, and zip out of the projectile’s path. Link, aiming his hands toward wendy, started to gather up a swirling glitter of blue energy. Quickly thrusting them out, Link sent a flurry of cold wind at Wendy. She just stands there and takes it. Being a Sky Dragonslayer not only does a normal wind spell not hurt her, it actually straightens her as she eats it. It does make her shiver, she makes a mental note to ask about that later.

Link held his arms out as fire gathered into his palms before quickly crossing them over each other. A spark flies out of his hands as a fiery snake coils around him protectively, its flames doing no harm to Link. Link quickly runs toward Wendy, closing the gap between him and her. Despite the snake being of flames, they appear to do no damage to the surrounding area, telling Wendy it was a snake created through magical fire instead of normal fire that can be controlled to burn or not.

“Nope.” She says, she wants nothing to do with whatever that is. She flys a bit away and observes his next move. Link skids to a halt as she flew back, the snake hisses in reaction to this. Quickly pointing a finger out, the snake uncoiled from Link and flew straight at Wendy. Wanting to get closer to Link, Wendy casts wind armor then sprints at him.

“Fast wind that run the heaven...vernier!” Wendy says, increasing her speed significantly. She crossed her arms and attempted to ram through the snake, hoping the armor would be enough help. When the fiery serpent got close to her, she slammed into it, however it quickly coiled around, attempting to burn through the wind that cloaked her form.

After it fades, the wind armor does become somewhat unstable but stays. Wendy continues running to Link, when she gets close enough she punches him with condensed spinning wind around her fist. Link learning that she would be alot stronger than she should, reached back to pull out his Hyrule Shield, he raises it up just in time to take the full assault of her attack. However, Link is sent skidding backwards

Wendy blinks, surprised she actually hit his shield. Shaking her head, she takes a moment to get rid of her armor. She flys at him in an attempt to get another hit in.

Link waits patiently, but once she got closer, he thrusts his shield out, tempting to bash her out of the away. Given her inexperience in flying not only does it work, it also causes her to crash into the ground. Wendy gets back up, a little dazed but overall fine. She smiles and motions for him to attack.

Link reaches into his small pouch and pulls out a small boomerang whose edges appear to look like wings, the boomerang suddenly grows to its original size. Link pulls his arm back, then throws the boomerang, it spins around again until it’s managed to create a small tornado spinning toward her.

Wendy looks at for a moment before running towards it. She grabbed it but was surprised by it struggling. She ignored that and ran at Link with the intent to hit him with it.

Link quickly took out some kind of nut, then tossed it down to create a bright flash, blinding wendy in the progress. While she was blinded, Link yanked the boomerang out of her hand, then kicked at her chest.

“Oof..Physical ability rise” She said, casting Deus Eques. She then faked a left hook then kicked at him with her right leg. Wendy was successful in the fake out as the leg caused him to tumble to the right.

“Alright, let’s change it up a bit.” Link suggested as he pulled out some sort of mask, and upon placing it onto his face, it quickly tighten around, causing veins to spread out as the wooden mask became flesh. With a flash, Link was no longer a hylian, but some sort of strange scaly creature known as a Zora. With a flick of his arms, fin-like blades sprout out along his arm, he leaps a short distance forward before delivering a straight kick to her jaw. She saw stars for a moment when she hit the ground but got back, albeit a little off balance for a bit.

“One: ow, two: awesome, and three: are you ok? That looked painful.” She asked in worry.

“Just a transformation mask.” Link said in a strange voice like he was underwater, but a lot more clear in quality. “Now, if I was new to using that mask, I would have screamed.” Link explained to Wendy, he glances over at Zoey curiously.

She has a first-aid kit halfway out of her bag before stopping when he said that. She then slowly looks at him then slowly puts it back in. She then coughs and waves sheepishly.
Link softly chuckled. “You’ll be seeing all sorts of weird things happen with each Displaced you meet, there is no end to the possibilities of what they can become.” Link explained as he looked back to Wendy.

“So…does that mean there might be a Danganronpa displace?” Wendy asked, ignoring Zoey’s “seriously?” look.

“A Danga-what? It’s times like this I wish I had access to the internet just so I can google up who that is.” Link said with a shake of his head.

“It’s a game and I personally feel like it’s a good thing you don’t know about that. The pink blood was pretty weird though” Wendy says with a shrug, then got back into a fighting stance.

“Still want to continue, huh?” Link asked in that odd voice of his, he thought by now after showing some things, she’d lose interest. Link gets back into a fight stance as well, reminding Wendy of a certain kick-boxing.

“You went through the trouble of using that weird mask, it’d be pretty rude of me to not at least give it a chance.” She says.

“Just be sure to stay on your toes.” Link suggested as he ran toward, went, he goes for an overhead swing of his fist, only to suddenly around Wendy to try and hit her with an uppercut. She moves just enough out of the way for it to miss.

“Sky Dragon’s roar!” She said with a grin. Pouring most of the little magic she had left in it, firing point blank in his chest. Link was sent flying and spinning out of control through the air, he flails his arms in minor panic trying to set himself correctly, only to fail. Wendy can hear the sounds of tree branches being broken as he flies out of sight.

“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!” Wendy sucks in air to get her magic back and flies full speed in the direction he flew in, Zoey right behind her.

“Link? LINK!?” They both called, worried about him. Their attention was drawn by some kind of humming sound. Following the sound, they managed to find Link in his normal form as he’s healing up his wounds using some kind of blue spell.

“Oh my god, Link I’m so sorry! I didn’t think it would be that strong, at most I thought you would just be pushed back a few feet.” Wendy says, feeling guilty.

Link waved his hand. “Not the worse i’ve suffered.” Link remarked as his wounds slowly close up by a blue glow in his hand. Wendy still looks guilty so Zoey decided to take control of the conversation.

“So…where’d you learn how to do magic and how? Zoey asked.

“Discovery and practicing, I never knew I could do that until I performed the same arm movements as the Link from Ocarina Of Time casted his spells, afterwards throughout the years I learned to manipulate the spells and changed them into another. What I’m casting is Nayru’s care; a variation of Nayru’s love.” Link explained as he got up and off the ground.

“I think I’m done fighting for the moment, Zoey can go.” Wendy sighs in relief.

“Alright,” Link said as he flexed his neck around, causing it to pop a few times. Wendy flys a decent amount away as Zoey got ready.

“Water-Make Sword.” Zoey says as a sword made completely out of water spawned in her right hand. The sword was simple looking with a decently long but blunt blade. “So…whenever you’re ready.” She said, pretty confident but cautious.

Link took the wooden sword out and a simple hylian, readying them both. “I’ll be changing accordingly depending on how you fight.” Link warned.

“Aren’t you supposed to in a fight, real or not?” Zoey asked, a little thrown off by his warning.

“I meant to see how capable you are so I can adapt and remain above your level just to give you a challenge.” Link explained to Zoey.

“Fair enough.” She says with a nod, she gets into a stance and charges forward.

Link suddenly leapt high into the air, surprising the azure mage. Link comes back down with an overhead swing of his wooden sword over Zoey. From sheer shock Zoey used water body, making her body like water but keeping her colors. His attack goes right through her like water.

Taking the opportunity, she swings her sword at Link. The hylian quickly raises his sword to block hers; the dull wooden blade’s edge suddenly coating itself in blue sparkling energy, Zoey’s watery sword suddenly freezes up into a block of ice.

“Useful move there, but I can see it as a problem if you were ever hit by an ice spell.” Link said with a smirk. She shrugs at that, he just made her sword harder. She swings at him again, more to judge his reaction than to hit him. Link raised his hylian shield to block the attack, unphased that she was still going to use it as a weapon.

She then put the hilt in her mouth and spawned another sword, she then grabbed the frozen sword and charged him again.

Link leaped forward to her right, rolling out of the way of her charge. Link sheathed his sword for just a moment as he aimed his hand toward Zoey. A small fireball exploded out of his palm, coming straight for her. She puts the frozen sword back in her mouth and shoots a basic water blast from her hand to stop the attack, both attacks collide on impact, created a burst of steam to fill the air. Zoey was unable to see what was going on, until a wave of electricity traveling along the ground came straight at her.

Completely forgetting Link’s earlier warning, utilizes water body’s flying aspect and shoots into the sky and dropping the swords.

With a flick of his arm, Link sent his boomerang at Zoey; the fairy within empowering it to form a small tornado, allowing it to fly toward Zoey.

“Water-Make Arrow.” She says, as a bow made of water spawned then an arrow made of water. She then proceeded to fire arrow after arrow at both Link and the boomerang. The boomerang sucked in some of the water arrows, however it has to quickly turn around when it couldn’t hold anymore. Upon returning to Link, the arrows were dropped at his feet, only to turn into a puddle of nothing.

Link sped off, moving faster than usual to the surprise of Zoey. If she were to pay attention, she’d noticed there were golden wings that were now part of his leather boots. Link puts away his sword and shield and decides to return off with his own bow and arrows. Pulling them out and getting the arrow readdy, their tip is suddenly ignited. Quickly taking aim at Zoey, he begins shooting arrows that were now on fire.

Zoey zigzags towards Link, shooting basic water blasts at any arrow that got too close. The whole field was now littered with water and arrows, each one that hit would cancel each other. Fire Arrows and Water Arrows, polar opposites that can dry up or put out the other.

Link quickly took aim at the sky as the tip of the arrow took on a bright yellow. Link releases the arrow into the air, suddenly it split into many smaller light arrows over Zoey, quickly raining down a volley of holy light. Though since Zoey is using water body to fly and isn’t an unholy creature, it passes harmlessly through her.

Having used the Shining Shot as a distraction, Link lines up a shot, letting a weak powered Ice Arrow loose toward her in an attempt to freeze her. Turning solid again she grabs her golden butterfly clip in from her hat and ripping it off, she throws it at the arrow, it’s ice spell freezing the clip solid.

“I think that’s enough for now, if I fight anymore serious than that, I'm going to end up drawing a lot of unwanted attention. “ Link said as he sheathed the wooden sword, it quickly vanishes back into his inventory. Zoey lands with a thud as Wendy walks over to Link.

“You’re still worried about that? I thought you stopped caring about that when you made all those bright arrows come down on Zoey.” She states, giving him a confused look.

“I meant more than I really wanted,” Link said as he glanced around the area with his hand in one of his pouches. “If anyone or anypony comes running to check up here, I’ll just tell them it's an experimental spell for the Sunset Celebration.” Link said as he pulled out a mask that looks like like a unicorn’s face.

As he said that a rainbow blur shoots towards their location, it was Rainbow Dash. As she got closer she focused in on Zoey and Wendy, she crossed her arms and looked at them expectantly.

“Alright, what did you two do!? What was with the light show? She asked.

“I’m only capable of using water spells and Wendy can only use wind. How in the hell could we have possibly done that?” Zoey asked, Rainbow glared at her.

“She’s right, I mean we haven’t really done anything bad. Baring Zoey when she’s drunk, nothing we’ve done should make you suspicious of us.” Wendy says, her glare lessened when she looked at Wendy.

“Sorry about that.” A new voice spoke up, causing Zoey and Wendy to see a red skinned unicorn with green hair wearing a darker red cloak and clothes. His cutie mark being a sword crossing over a shield. “I was testing out a new spell I plan to cast tonight at the Sunset Celebration.” The unicorn said.

“And you are?” She asked, wondering why she didn’t notice him before.

“Protective Shield.” Shield answered simply.

“So Protective, why does this place look tra-“ she stops and looks to Wendy who is glowing red, she’s well aware of what Dash is thinking. “-er, never mind.” She says rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

“No worries.” Shield said as he gave Dash a friendly salute. Wendy sighs, Zoey rubs her back in comfort.

“So anyway, how are things coming with the preparations?” Wendy asked, wanting to change the subject.

“Fine.” Rainbow says, keeping what Mike told her to herself. “How’s your head?” She asked.

“I-it’s fine.” Wendy says, her mood sour.

“Hey, you’ll get there. I was just like you when I started and look at me now!” She encouraged/boasts. Wendy smiles as she remembers how fast Dash is in the future.

“Hey, gotta start somewhere, I doubt there is a single unicorn who has casted their first spell without it exploding in their face.” Shield said half jokingly. Rainbow smirks, she notices something dark blue in the corner of her eye but when she looked, nothing was there. She shrugs it off.

“Well I gotta go. Try not to cause to much of a commotion, everyone’s already on edge because of the celebration.” She says.

“It should go well considering that one purple unicorn doing check ups.” Shield pointed out.

“Oh yeah, I’m confident it’ll be more awesome than the one Canterlot did, but it’ll be awesomer if no one is worried about something other then the celebration.” She says, with a carefree smile.

‘Welp, she’s in for a big surprise..’ Shield said mentally to himself. “Hopefully everyone won’t be worn out afterwards, they do need to stay up for the party tonight.” She nods.

“Well we should catch up with Twilight and the others.” Zoey says, picking up the frozen clip. She looks to Shield as Dash flies off. “I don’t suppose you could thaw this, could you?” She asked.

Shield was quiet for a few moments as he wanted to make sure Dash was well out of hearing range. “Yea, just a gentle Din’s fire will help.” Shield sad as he reached up to pull at his face, it stretches out before coming off with a flash, revealing Link in his place. Link holds his hand aloft over the clip, giving it a soft glow of din’s fire to help thaw it off. Neither of them responded for a moment, then Wendy gagged.

“Well I’ll be seeing that in my nightmares.” Zoey states calmly. “Thanks for thawing that though.” She said, grabbing the clip and sticking it back in her hat.

“Hey, I did freeze it, so it was only right to thaw it out.” Link said as he tugged on his leather gauntlet. “Right, remember when I said I can give you some new things?” Link asked.

“Ye-“ Wendy starts before the sound of flapping interrupted her, she turned to find that Mike was flying towards them with a concerned expression. In his arms were Twilight and Spike. It didn’t take them long to get there, one explanation later they all were looking at Link. The hylian frowned when he saw Twilight here.

Author's Note:

Currently Wendy and Zoey are relying on muscle memory from the originals to fight. They aren’t actually that good at fighting, well Zoey has some experience in street and bar fighting but that’s it.