• Published 17th Jul 2019
  • 2,212 Views, 26 Comments

Roaring Winds and Rising Tides - vortex123

(Displaced) A young dragonslayer and water wizard find themselves in a familiar (the former) and unfamiliar (the latter) world.

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Intermediate Time Start

3rd POV

After the “trio” had reached the guards training room, Mike had went and gotten his old training instructors. One was a pegasus mare. She had light blue skin, and short white hair. Her eyes were grass green. She was wearing black shorts and a white short sleeve shirt, she was also wearing white tennis shoes. She gave a welcoming look, but there seemed to be a dark undertone to it. The other was a unicorn mare. Her skin was dark blue, and her hair and eyes were teal. Her outfit matched the pegasus' outfit. She had a carefree look, but there was a touch of seriousness in them.

"Alright, Zoey, Wendy. These two have volunteered to help you train and hone your skills, though I'm still confused about their looks…." Mike said, giving the two a confused look.

"Don't pay that any mind you two." The pegasus says in a tone that left no room for argument. "We are Roaring Winds and Rising Tides. Call me Roaring or Ring for short. The unicorn likes going by Tide." Roaring finished, Tide confirming what Roaring said with a nod.

"We heard you two can only use water and wind magic respectively." Tide says, causing Zoey, Wendy and even Mike to go wide eyed.

"How do you know that?" Mike asked.

"That girl who stalked you all boot camp told us." Ring said, causing Mike to pale. "Don't worry, we've…come to an agreement. We'll take you to see her to further discuss it after today's training session, and rest assured, you'll have the ultimate say on what happens. All we ask is that you at least hear her out, and make your decision with more logic then emotion." She finishes with an apologetic look, the dark undertone temporarily vanishing. With a deep sigh, Mike speaks his mind.

"You two are going to drive me to drink when I'm old enough. You know that, right?" He asked them while deadpanning, they chuckled bashfully. "…Fine." He agreed before quickly saying. "But if she try's ANYTHING, I swear to GOD…."

"Don't worry, we've made that very clear to her, she won't try anything if she values her life and afterlife." Tide says with a mad grin. Before they could continue, what Ring said clicked in Mike's head.

"Wait…has she been following me around this whole time!?" Mike asked/shouted.

"It would appear so. Apparently she saw you working with 'some grey succubus tramp trying to steal your soul', and were attacked by 'some filthy degenerate', before 'some kinda water monkey fussed at you'. All the while making you out to be some fearless superhero who bravely and courageously protected 'some clumsy airhead'. When she got to the part when you were captured, she started foaming at the mouth." Ring finished explaining.

"Well…I guess she's technically not wrong about the water monkey comment, though I wouldn't exactly call Wendy an airhead, more like she wasn't at her best. Speaking of which, didn't you have a cold?" Zoey asked Wendy, who shrugged.

"I did, but it went away after the scythe turned to smoke, in fact I feel better then ever!" She said with a smile.

“Well from what we gathered, it was a cold that stemmed from magic. Everyone knows about magic deprivation, which is when you’ve depleted your magic past the safe area, and have gone into the critical (lethal) percentage. You on the other hand, experienced something called magic overstimulation. Everyone, no matter how experienced or powerful, has a set limit to how much magic they can handle, be it type or shear power. This Link fellow used magic your body was not accustomed to. The fact that it had a wind aspect to it, lessened the damage and postponed the after affects, but didn’t neutralize it. You would have felt progressively worse as time went on. The only way to recover from it would be to have it slowly siphoned out, or let it leave you naturally. I’m not sure how the smoke helped you, frankly that should have sent you over the edge, and put you in magic overload.” Ring explained. Wendy and Zoey gave a completely lost look.

“Boom.” Tide simplified.

“Oh.” They say in shock.

"Alright! Enough chitchat. For the next few hours, you two are our bitches. When were done with you two, you'll be planning a way to murder us! Mike can confirm this!" Tide says with a grin.

"While I wouldn’t say I was trying to kill them, I will say that they have a talent for getting on someone’s nerves. That being said, remember, you promised not to go past a certain line." Mike said, giving them a look. They nod in agreement, and with that, the training began.

Mike’s POV

I decided to leave the four to their training, and head to Twilight's library tower, after leaving some gems enchanted to both follow them and record what happens. Don't get me wrong, I trust those two with my very life. That being said, they had a habit of going overboard, even if they try not too. It doesn't take me long to reach my destination. Taking out a key, I unlocked the door and head in, but not without locking the door behind me. Twilight had lent me her Key to this place on the off chance I decided to visit it, saying that the books here would be much better for someone as new to magic as I was. She also took the liberty of making a list for me with two columns. One was the types of magic I'd be able to learn the easiest, the other was what order I should learn them. She also gave me another list, this one had tips on using and learning magic, and of course safety rules.

Spell types you'd have the most progress in:

Fire: Thanks to how similar your magic is to Princess Celestia's, your magic has an affinity for fire. This should have come as no surprise, since you have a surprisingly long track-record of burning things out of nowhere. Most none magic users assume that fire magic runs on anger or hate alone for power, this is a big misconception. Fire is passion, plain and simple. While yes it does sometimes use anger or hate, it utilizes other emotions as well. Love, determination, hope, the heart burns with powerful emotions, and through magic we can give those emotions a physical form. Fire magic is your passion given form, it's important to remember this whenever you use this magic, otherwise you'll be swallowed up by a sea of rage filled fire.

Solar: The Princess once said this to me when describing Solar magic. "The sun helps life grow, but it can also take that life away. Get too close, and you'll get hurt. Get too far, and you'll wither away. While most of my little ponies assume that the sun is pure good because I'm the one who raises and lowers it, this is not the case, which they don't seem to understand no matter how many times I say it. When using this magic, you're taking in solar energy like a plant would. After taking in only what is required, you then shape it to your desired form, then release it. When doing this, it's important to take two things into account. One: How much you absorb. The mortal body can only take but so much Solar energy before they risk developing health problems, and to drive this point home, many casters have lost their lives because they didn't practice caution. Two: What affects would the intended amount of Solar energy have on your target, targets and/or whatever or whoever is near the blast zone. Some (like albinos, ice type creatures or certain supernatural creatures) are sensitive to the point of serious injuries (or even death) from a low level spell from this category. They could also have some unknown condition that could replicate this outcome, that you aren't aware of. Use this magic as you deem necessary, but please consider the consequences of it before using it." Given how your body was made, it's safe to say that you might have a bigger tolerance for this magic, and would have bigger repercussions as a result.

The order you should work in.


Basic beam attacks

Shields (be sure to ask Shinny for pointers the next time you see him).

Teleportation (Your going to be a guard anyway, might as well learn this as soon as safely possible).

Fire spells (be sure to practice this AWAY from my tower when I’m not there. Given how strange your body is, I don’t wanna risk you burning through the fire immunity spells. As one of my closest childhood friends, I hope you take this to heart.)

Solar spells (start out small, gain solar energy through a small window).

Author's Note:

Yes I’m aware naming characters Roaring Winds and Rising Tides is lazy, but given future events, it fits really well! Though I’m not making excuses, I’ll be the first to say it’s lazy, and you’re more than welcome to say so in the comments, because it’s completely true.

As for the list of tips on using and learning magic, and safety rules. There pretty basic stuff, so I didn't bother writing it down.

And to clarify, intermediate time is the time between arcs, think of it as a slice of life. It'll just be the characters interacting in normal everyday scenarios. Basically the plot is slowing down for the moment, and I'm taking time to try to develop the characters, and their abilities if I deem it necessary. Heads up, this won't be the only intermediate time in the story.