• Published 17th Jul 2019
  • 2,213 Views, 26 Comments

Roaring Winds and Rising Tides - vortex123

(Displaced) A young dragonslayer and water wizard find themselves in a familiar (the former) and unfamiliar (the latter) world.

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A hunt for a Princess and two Captains

Mike's POV-moments before the mane 6 and spike reached the forest

We had walked a good distance in the castle, during the walk, Zoey had brought up her, Wendy and my situation as displaced. Among other things, like how she and Wendy met.

"So all three of you are stuck here with no way to go home?" Storm asked with a frown on her face.

"Yep." Wendy and Zoey said at the same time.

"I don't even remember much of my old home, it's been awhile since I've been there." I say with a shrug. It may seem a little cold hearted, but I didn't see the point in getting sad about not being able to return to a place I don't really remember.

"And that women you saw, did she seem strange in any way? I know you didn't see her face, but surely something caught your attention." Storm asked Wendy who shrugged.

"No, nothing out of the ordinary, in fact, she felt like she belonged there. That being said, I didn’t even realize she was gone until I looked, and I have super sharp hearing and sense of smell. So maybe there's something I missed. I mean, Ponyville is like a magnet for odd things, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.” Wendy explained with a shrug.

"…How do you know that, about the town being a magnet for odd things? According to you, you two have only been there a week. Not to mention that nothing of note really happens in that town. The celebration and that evil Alicorn are the first strange things to happen in that town since its founding, if the history books are anything to go by." Storm asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Huh?" Wendy asked with a surprised look on her face. 'She must've forgotten the point in time we're in, guess Ponyville gets really exciting in the future. Gonna have to drill her for info, I mean, we're both in the same situation so we should be on the same page.' I think before stopping in front of Celestia's door, and the two guards currently stationed here.

"What do you mean "huh"? There's a blatant contradiction in your st-OH! Looks like we're here. Sorry Mike, I wasn't paying attention." Storm apologized after bumping into me.

"It's fine, I should have said something ahead of time." I reassure her with a smile, I then looked to the unicorns guarding the princess' bedroom door.

"What business do you have with the princess? If you're unaware, she's currently attending a celebration in the town called Ponyville." The guard on the right said with authority.

"If you're here to get into her room, I'm afraid you'll have to leave this area of the castle. You may be the adopted son of…those two…but that does not give you clearance to restricted areas, like the princess' chamber." The guard on the left said with the same level of authority. 'I recognize those voices, as if these two could actually stop me.' I mentally chuckle, using all my will power to not grin.

"'Those two'?" Zoey asked, probably curious about who he meant. The guards stiffened when she said that, before the guy on the right gave them a look.

"…I am always here, but I never stop running. Try as you might, you can never get me back. Though I'll never truly leave your side, I can be cruel or kind as I run by. What am I?" He says.

"Uh." Wendy says in confusion.

"I am often used as a symbol of harmony between the three races. What am I?" The guy on the left asked.

"The fu-?" Zoey started before the guy on the right interrupted her.

"I am the fruit of two forces made one. I come when they are not enough. What is my name, what do I represent?" He said.

"What in Tartarus are you on about?" Storm asked, Wendy, Zoey and I nodding in agreement.

"Don't worry about it." The one on the left said.

"In any case, what business do you all have?" The one on the right asked.

"The princess never showed, and an Alicorn who hates the day crashed the show. Here's a picture one of the photographers took." I said, handing righty the picture.

"…Ma'am, are you just sitting there and arguing with some rainbow haired Pegasus while a hostile Alicorn was threatening everyone present, including you?" Righty asked Storm in bewilderment, actually braking from his military attitude. Lefty is in a similar state, looking back and forth between the picture and the woman in question.

"No." Storm answers bluntly, causing them to sigh in relief. "I was ignoring her and everything else entirely. Look, it even shows me with headphones on while I listen to music." She said, pointing at herself in the picture. Righty's left eye twitches while lefty rubs the bridge of his nose.

"In any case-." Lefty said, clearly annoyed with Storm's lack of concern for what was clearly a national threat. "-given the circumstances, we'll check in the princess' chamber to see if she really is missing." He said before motioning righty to look inside, he walks in shortly after righty's gesture. A few moments later, righty returns with a concerned and scared look.

"She's not there, but she left a letter for…those two. I didn't read it, but it's probably a note telling them an important assignment. I for one nominate Mike to give it to them." He said, trying to hide his fear. His partner nods in agreement.

"Excellent idea, he'd definitely know where to look with how much time he's spent with them! Mike, Equestra might depend on…them…receiving this letter, make your country proud son!" Lefty said with a firm nod, they both salute to me. I returned the salute with a mental sigh. 'Given Jenny's insanity and the fact that Sam can actually handle Jenny's insanity with a loving smile, I honestly can't blame them for wanting no part in this. Especially with how powerful they are and how on-edge they've been lately.' I motion for my group to follow me as I walk away from those clowns and head for a quiet area with a window.

"What do you think that was about, you know, those riddles?" Zoey asked the rest of us.

"No idea, the middle one sounded like an Alicorn, but I'm not sure about the other two." Storm answered with a shrug. "In any case, where to Mike?" She asked me, but not without stealing glances at Wendy, most likely because of her earlier contradiction. I think for a moment before giving them my thoughts on the matter.

I would have asked Wendy or Zoey to play that teleporting wings song that Link taught them, but Storm was here. Sam and Jenny both drilled it into my head to not show my full hand to anyone unless they're my other half, whatever that means. Storm seemed trustworthy, but I can't judge a book by its cover. So I decided that we should fly there, everyone agreed. Since neither Wendy nor Zoey were good enough flyer yet and Zoey's flying would drench Storm, I had to pick her up and fly her to the destination. It would have been no big deal if not for one thing, it was incredibly awkward. Don't get me wrong, I've done this for countless other women (I don't mean it like that, he's not that type of guy). The problem was her specifically, and how she talked.

"Wow this view is amazing, a girl could mistake this as a date attempt. Hey Mike, you're not trying to make a move on me, are you?" Storm asked with a grin, causing me to blush. 'Why is she like this!?' I think with a mental moan.

"No I'm not." I say, trying to suppress my blush.

"Oh really? Then why are you blushing? And your pulse tells me your heart is racing, care to explain that?" She asked with a teasing smile.

"Yes really. I'm blushing because of both all the comments you've made this entire flight, and all the gestures and signs Zoey has been making for a while. My quick pulse is because of the situation with the princess and how quickly I'm flying." I answered with a grunt.

"*Giggle* If you say so~" Storm says with a grin. I roll my eyes but keep my mouth shut, after a few more minutes Wendy grabs my attention.

"Uh dude, is that the place?" She asked in confusion while pointing to the area she was talking about. I follow were her finger is pointing, and my heart drops. Due to Sam and Jenny's…unique qualities…they have a secluded area outside of Canterlot, right now it looked trashed. Those two might go crazy every now and then with their training, but they always put a self repair spell in place, in case they go overboard. Giving a quick warning to Storm, I sped down to what was formally a house. After I safely put storm down, I flew to my childhood home. The damage was even worse up close, and I felt cold at the sight of it. There were scorch marks everywhere, from the destroyed house to the wrecked yard. The ground was soaked as if a tsunami came through, and the trees looked like a hurricane came through. I noticed glittering objects scattered everywhere, a closer look told me they were fragments of the gems enchanted with the self repair spell. Whoever or whatever attacked them, was powerful enough to overpower the enchantments.

I continue looking around to find new boulders lodged into the ground, I'm not even sure how many boulders were there. I noticed that all the boulders have the same scorch marks on them, the scorch marks themselves are in the shape of a hand. I'm so rapped up in my head, I failed to notice Wendy approaching me until she put her hand on me.

"Listen I know this is bad, but we need to focus on finding your folks. Let's check the house, maybe there's something in there that can tell us what happened and where those two might of gone." She says in a comforting voice, I shakily nod. 'Whoever caused this is going to pay!'

"Come on, let's check the house." I say before walking towards the house in question, I hear them following from behind.

Once I reach the house, I quickly walk through the now doorless doorway. With the light from the moon, I'm able to make out all the damages. The living room sofa was overturned and one side was bashed into the floor, the kitchen table was broken in half, as if someone fell on it hard. I checked their room, surprisingly it's intact. I checked my room, it's intact, it even looks cleaner then I left it. As I look, I noticed my old drawer is slightly open. Looking inside, I see a bag and a horribly written note that smells like alcohol.

swup bitches? miyke, if oyu readiang this, dnoq't tocuh this bag! it's mifne! it's la special ahammerspace baag thmat ctan store a carp ton of stuvff. i'm nolt sayilng what's in itr, because of about to pass out. and if itl's kyou sweetie, forget uoy saw i,t plealse! i'll meake it worth it if you doj.

"I have absolutely no idea what this note says. Oh well, if it's in my room then it must be for me." I concluded with a shrug and grabbed the bag. I sigh before coming out of my room, but not before grabbing a piece of paper and pencil. Quickly writing down a note, I grasp Link's token and change into my wolf form. Grabbing the note with my mouth, I head downstairs. 'This paper tastes terrible, glad I have snacks in my coat pocket to get rid of the taste. Man it's so great that ponies without magic don't have to use their mouths to do things, that'd really suck.' I think, snorting at such an absurd concept.

"-You should have seen it, the dude made it rain bright arrows! I've gotta see if I can replicate that, it'd look so cool!" I hear Zoey say. 'Is she talking about Link? Well I guess there's no point in hiding this.' I mentally sigh before changing back, I then use a very basic fire spell to burn the note. Twilight had wanted to see where I was in terms of magic power, so she had me practice some spells during the walk to the celebration. As it turns out, I have a strong affinity for fire, most likely from the princess. I say that because every time I attempt this spell, my magic aura gains a flicker of yellow in it.

"Hey." I say, gaining there attention.

"Look who's back, I see you've calmed down a bit. Zoey was telling me about Shield, and about the lightshow that happened earlier today. She also told me about the songs he taught you all. Tell me, why didn't you use that to get here quicker?" Storm asked, giving me a suspicious look.

"Simple, he taught them the song, not me. I don't know why they didn't use it, ask them. Also I don't have authority over them, so I can't really order them to do anything." I honestly answer. I may have wanted to keep it a secret, but I never told Wendy and Zoey that. They could have easily suggested we use the song of soaring to get here, they just decided to go with my plan to fly.

"He's right, plus I think you need to physically learn the song from someone else before you can actually use it on your own. Mike never bothered to actually ask Shield to teach him. I actually forgot we could do that to be honest." Wendy said with a shrug.

"Oh." Storm said, it was her turn to blush.

"Well anyway, did you find any clues?" Wendy asked. I shake my head. "Well I'd love to help, but all the water and fire is making it impossible to smell their scent. I can only smell us here…let's read the letter. If there's nothing helpful on it, I could at least use it to track the princess' scent." Seeing my shocked expression, she explained. "People like me can track people by smell, and the princess was the one who wrote that note. The note should still have her scent, so hurry and open the letter." She says, I smile. 'Good, looks like I can keep that card a secret. Gonna have to ask those two what they told that unicorn.' I open the letter and we all read it.

Dear Sam and Jenny

How have you two been? I hope you're adjusting well to this era. I know the stasis spell has left you two with…mental scars, especially since you were aware of the passage of time. If either or both of you ever want to talk about it, my door is always opened. I hope you two are well enough to attend the celebration, you two really need to socialize with my little ponies. That being said, I won't force you two if you're not ready yet. I know the nobles (or as Jenny put it, 'adult brats') have repeatedly tried you girls' patience, but you shouldn't let a few bad apples spoil the batch. Just give it some thought, if you won't do it for yourselves, then do it for me.

Your friend, Celestia

P.s. I've been hearing rumors of some shady deals happening in Canterlot, I'm worried it might be more serious then the average troublemaker we have to deal with every now and then. I'd be extremely grateful if you both could keep an eye and ear out for anything out of the ordinary. Mike is going with Twilight and Spike, so he can let us know if anything happens in Ponyville. Be sure to inform him of this development as soon as you can. I would do it myself, but I can't get him alone without the reporters causing a scandal. Sometimes I wish I had been stricter when concerning them, but I know that would have led to a scandal.

"Huh…so looks like I'll have three jobs in Ponyville." Mike said with a concerned look. Noticing the others' confused looks, he explained. "Job one: watch Wendy and Zoey. Job two: report anything out of the ordinary to the princess and/or my folks. Job three: make sure Ponyville is safe from any threat while I'm here. Alright Wendy, lead the way." He said, handing her the letter. Taking it, she got a wiff of the scent and followed the trail, everyone else following behind.

About 30 minuets later, we see what looked like a camp site in the distance. After Wendy confirmed the scent was in that direction, we quickly flew towards it. When we got close enough, we hid in some bushes that were a decently far from it and hid. Storm must’ve noticed my expression, because she put a sound barrier around us.

"You know how to preform a sound barrier?" I asked Storm, she nods.

"During my time off, and my breaks, I like to have peace and quiet while I wind down or have a hangover after drinking with friends and colleagues. Trust me, having a sound barrier on hand is a God sent during a hangover, especially after the days ponies I deal with at work all decide to be idiots and I have to fix their messes! You don't know how hard it is to not snap and just punch them, I honestly come close to doing that every now and then." She groans, rubbing her temples.

“Preach.” Zoey said, with a knowing look.

“Anyway, we need to scout out the camp, we don’t know if they’ll be hostile or not. Zoey, while talking with Applejack, I learned you can turn your body into water. I need you to do so now and sneak towards the camp, if it’s no trouble that is.” I say, she agreed with a shrug. “Storm, Wendy, I have some scrolls enchanted with invisibility. We can use those to get close and scope them out, they'll last until we attack, use magic or interact with anything.”

“I can cast invisibility on myself, so no thank you.” Storm says with a wave.

“Why do you have scrolls of invisibility?” Wendy asked me.

“Found them, among other things, in a bag I found in my room dresser." I answered. 'Half of the stuff in this bag would've landed even the most influential person with a death penalty. I'm definitely going to have to ask those two about this, starting with Jenny, given the alcoholic smelling note. Not even they could get out of punishment for something this bad.' I think with a worried look. "Come on." I say before handing Wendy a scroll, and both used them. Storm flares her horn and vanished while Zoey turned into water, moving closely and thinly to the ground. I'm not sure what they all do, but I make a beeline for the came. Reaching it in moments, I noticed it was a fairly standard camp site. I took a look around to see if I could spot any of the girls, after all, they weren't trained for…this kind of…stuff. My entire body freezes at that.

'Did I just take three untrained, ordinary citizens into a mission to find two of the highest ranking officers in Equestra's military.? Two people who, despite being the most powerful beings in Equestra's military, were beaten and missing. Oh, oh no, nonononono! This could end with a battle against something more powerful then those two, and I brought three untrained civilians into this! Two of them I was assigned to keep out of trouble! God knows what my punishment's gonna be when the Princess finds out!' I think, now panicking. 'I can't make Wendy and Zoey go home because one: I was told specifically to keep an eye on them, and I'm not prepared enough to make a unicorn do anything yet...also she could press charges on me if I try to force her to go. And two: I'm technically a civilian myself, so I have no authority over them. Just going to have to look for an opening to lose…wait, Wendy can track me via scent. DAMIT! Well…I'm dead when this is over.' I think with a sigh before getting back to the task at hand.

Thankfully I'm unable to see any of them, that means they are at least good enough at sneaking to not get caught. With that out of the way, I focused on the camp site itself, along with the occupants. The dark green tents were scattered across the area in a fairly standard fashion. The camp was surrounded by a decently sized wooden fence with spikes at the top. There were four structures, that kinda looked like watchtowers, on every corner of the fence. The occupants black and grey with bat wings, slited yellow eyes and weirdly fuzzy ears. They were also armed with various weapons and wearing armor that strangely looked like it was designed by that black Alicorn with the stary hair....'Are they with Nightmare Moon?' I questioned before feeling a sharp object pressed up against the back of my neck, breaking the invisibility spell.

"Well what do we ha-?" I cut of whatever she was about to say by grabbing her wrist. Before she can react, I move my head out of the way and yank her forwards. She recovers before she can fall and yanks back. Using her momentum and the fact that she's clearly wearing heavy armor to my advantage, I wrapped one of my legs around her's and shot backwards, causing her to fall this time. While she was momentarily dazed, I quickly take off her helmet and put her in a sleeper hold until she goes limp. Thankfully I've been taught how to tell if someone's faking, a quick check off the pupils told me she was. A punch to the side of the head fixed that. After hiding her unconscious body, I make my way to the camp. Reaching it fairly quickly, I hop over the fence after distracting the look out by throwing a bit to the opposite side of the watchtower. As I snuck in, I couldn't help but think about the girls. 'Please, please don't do anything stupid! I'm really counting on you three, please don't get caught!' I think, genuinely worried about what they'll do.

POV Wendy

I'm able to sneak in with no trouble, being able to fly around without having to flap wings sure is helpful when sneaking! Unfortunately, the cold I apparently have, is not. I can barely stop myself from coughing up a lung or sneezing, which get really bad if I breathe to quickly or deeply. As I walk around, I tried looking for anything that could be helpful. I can't use my sense of smell because of my stuffy nose. Only reason I was able to lead us here was because I was able to constantly blow my nose since we were in safe areas. Here, if I do that, I'm dead. Some tents I checked were useful, I was able get some medicine to help lessen the agitation in my throat. Other tents were not, I walked in on a man rubbing up against a giant picture of Nightmare Moon like a dog would rub themselves against the ground. Thankfully I haven't seen anyone else here do that, so I'm not too worried about it.

I had a few close calls, definitely going to have to be more careful if I ever have to do this again. I sneezed suddenly before I could stop it and nearly got beheaded by a guard who I was trying to sneak past! Thankfully the guard turned out to be a private, so I managed to lose him without him seeing me. I had forgotten the requirements for staying invisible, which includes not touching anything. When I had taken the medicine, I unintentionally broke the spell. So here I was, trying to sneak by these trained soldiers without the invisibility advantage. Unfortunately for me, I had just ran out of luck if the hand around my throat was anything to go by. I had bumped into one of Nightmare Moon's soldiers at a bad time, and she looked pissed. She then leaned in closer for intimidation, making me notice a fresh bruise on the side of her head.

"If you don't mind me asking, how'd you get that bruise on your face?" I asked, trying to stall for time, so I can think of a way out of this. I could tell by the look on her face, that I shouldn't have asked that.

"…I'm not exactly sure. I remember finding someone near this camp, like you." She started, squeezing my neck tighter. "But that's all, before things go black. Next thing I know, I wake up in a bush and laying in mud. You wouldn't happen to know why, would you?" She says, glaring daggers at me. 'Wow, smart move dumbass! Talking about the wound the girl choking you has! What's next? Telling her about the others?' I mentally berate myself. Before I could answer her, water suddenly envelopes her. As she thrashes around, I noticed the water form a familiar face over the soldier. Zoey smirked at me and held up a syringe in her hand. When the soldier finally managed to get her top half out, Zoey plunged the syringe into the soldier's shoulder and pushed the…thingy down. A few moments later, she's out like a light.

"So…why are you not invisible?" Zoey asked me, as she put the soldier into bed and covered her up. She then put her hands on her hips while looking at me, and I chuckle nervously.

Author's Note:

To explain Mike's concern, he has no idea what Zoey and Wendy can do. He left with Twilight before Those to fought Link. As far as he knows, they're just normal, everyday citizens. Plus Sam and Jenny aren't exactly pushovers, so anyone or anything on their level is a pretty big deal to him.