• Published 17th Jul 2019
  • 2,213 Views, 26 Comments

Roaring Winds and Rising Tides - vortex123

(Displaced) A young dragonslayer and water wizard find themselves in a familiar (the former) and unfamiliar (the latter) world.

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The night finally ends

2nd POV - Storm

A tiny bit earlier

Storm had been sneaking around the camp site when she noticed Wendy popping into view, in her hand was a small bottle. Storm didn't care enough to read what was in it, she was more focused on trying not to laugh at Wendy's realization.

"Damit! I forgot about that! I really hope I'm not the first to screw up!" Wendy whispered in panic. Mike, who Storm was following, flinched at that. Storm had found Mike right after he hopped the fence and decided to tag along. Right now they were covered by a an illusion spell that made them invisible and silent to anyone else. It's a spell Storm picked up from a traveling show women who kept talking in third person.

"Do I want to know what that was about?" Storm asked with a raised brow. Mike was silent for a moment, deep in thought if his expression was anything to go by, then he spoke.

"I might've run into a bit of trouble earlier, nothing I couldn't handle." He waved her concerns off before gaining a concerned look. "Come on, let follow her."

"'Follow'? Wouldn't it be better to go and conceal her with the spell I'm using." She asked with an unsure look. Mike gives a deep sigh before looking at Storm.

"As much as I want to do that, I'm gonna have to say no." He said with a frown. Seeing Storm's shocked look, he explained. "I was sent to Ponyville for one purpose, and one purpose alone. I'm supposed to keep an eye on them and see if they're a threat to Equestra. At the beginning, when I first met them, I was fully prepared to just write them off as no threat since I thought I knew who they were. As it turns out, those aren't their original……looks. As much as it makes me feel like scum to say, I need to verify their characters. That means I have to observe how they handle certain situations. Do they have a taste for blood shed? Are they manipulative? Do they unnecessarily get hostile towards things that upset them? I know this is wrong of me to say but, they could actually be a threat. Especially since both of them have confirmed how aggressive Zoey is. And if they have all the powers of their lookalikes, then I need to see where they stand."

“‘Lookalikes’? What are you going on about!? You know what, now’s not the time for this! Are you absolutely sure about this?” She asked, feeling a mind-grain starting to form. He nods.

“Unfortunately yes, I just…I just gotta make sure. This is the safety of my home, family and friends I’m talking about. We can make sure she’s not captured, but I gotta make sure, for my friends and family’s sake, and my own piece of mind.” He finished with a sigh.

“Ok Protag-Kun.” Storm says with an eye roll.

“Wha?” He asked in confusion.

“Just a joke a…friend of mine used a while back. I don’t really know what it means, but for some strange reason, I feel like it fits here.” She explained before motioning towards Wendy. They then proceeded to run interference for Wendy, unaware of a strange, now hot, puddle of water following them. Along the way, Mike was able to piece together something about Wendy fairly quickly.

“Well…at least I won’t have to worry about her sneaking into vital areas in the kingdom.” Mike deadpans as he hides the 12th guard to find Wendy in the past 4 minuets, most of which were privets.

“No kidding, I actually feel bad for not using this spell on her.” Storm says with a frown, Mike nodded in agreement.

Zoey's POV - present

"I'm a little sick, so I grabbed some medicine that's supposed to help with that. I forgot about the whole 'no touching' rule." Wendy said with an embarrassed look, before turning towards the entrance. "You guys can come out now, there's no one else here." After he said that, those fuckers came into view, both having shocked looks.

"How did you know we were here?" Storm asked.

"I have a strong sense of smell." Wendy answered simply before gaining a confused look. "How come you two were sneakily following me?" He asked. Their attention was on Wendy, so they didn't see my glare.

"Yeah, it's a little strange." I asked, forcing my face to show only confusion and not rage when they looked at me. 'Not that I need to hear it again.' I thought with venom.

"There were multiple factors to consider, rest assured, it's nothing you need to worry about." He said simply. 'So the prick knows how to tell a good lie.' I think.

"Oh, alright. I guess I can understand." Wendy waves it off.

"Mmmhhh." I "agreed" with a nod.

"By the way, Zoey?" Wendy called. I look at him. "Where did you get that syringe from?" He asked.

"I got it from one of the tents, specifically the tent those two were in when you were attacked." I answered. Already knowing what they were going to ask, I filled them in. "How did I know you were in there? Why, because I've been following you two since Wendy became visible. I also heard some very interesting things." I explained, openly glaring at them, specifically Mike.

"…What all did you hear?" He asked, now cautious. I repeat their conversation to everyone present.

"While I can't deny that, I can honestly say that we did run interference." He said, trying, and failing, to calm my rage. Before I can yell at him, four darts hit us all in the neck, Mike is the first to go down. Turning towards the direction they came from, I see that bat winged chick holding that thing used with blow darts, she's grinning as if she won the lottery.

"Surprised? Part of my training involved gaining an immunity, or at least resistance, to as many known drugs as possible. Her highness was always much more thorough then her sister. Praise her beautiful night, may it last forever!" She says maliciously. As we loose consciousness I hear her whisper. "I finally got to say the line! Her highness will be so proud of me!" She says like a total fan girl.

"Can you at least wait until we're completely unconscious or leave the room before you start sucking off her nonexistent d-?" I started to ask before I see her foot race towards my face, then I feel a spike of pain before everything goes dark.

3rd POV

After a few moments, Zoey, Wendy and Mike found themselves in a strange arena. Looking around, Zoey and (through the original's memories) Wendy knew that it was a perfect replica of the Grand Magic Games arena. Seeing that the other two looked a lot bigger, Wendy pieced together that she was a little kid again.

"Ok but why tho?" She asked in slight annoyance.

"'Why' what?" She heard someone with her voice ask behind her. Turning around, they saw two duplicates of Zoey and Wendy, along with a grinning John. The other Wendy noticed Zoey angrily looking at John. "Juvia-chan, why are you looking at him like you want to murder him?"

"First of all, it's Zoey. Second of all, because I do! But before that, I gotta finish talking to featherbrain here!" Zoey answered before glaring at Mike.

"The hell? How did you get here? I only ment to bring the girls! On that note, who the hell are you?" John asked the pony.

"Uh, I'm not sure how I got here. I didn't intend to come here. And my name is Mike, just Mike." He answered before looking at Zoey. "Look I understand that your upset-" Zoey flips him off. "-but you gotta understand-."

"I don't have to do shit, you basic beta-bitch! You can take you excuses and shove them up your-!" Zoey started before (Displaced) Wendy interrupted her.

"Zoey, you have every right to be upset, I am too. But he was sent to Ponyville to watch us, it certainly doesn't help our case that we came here so close to this mess. He's just doing what he was told to do by the ones in charge, he did it to make sure his home would be safe with us here. Plus, he did make sure nothing happened to me." She says.

"If that's the case, then I want to know something. How do you even know what we're capable of? You said you can't remember much from our world." Zoey asked Mike.

“My laptop came with me when I was brought here, and it’s somehow connected to our old world’s internet. That’s how things like phones and non-magic electricity came to be in this world. While I was on it, I found out about anime and watched some of it in my down time.” He says with a shrug.

“Anime?” Juvia and the other Wendy asked in confusion.

“Don’t worry about that.” John waved it off before continuing. “Wendy, you’ve been turned into a child again to make this easier. To be blunt, I brought you all (not including Mike) here as a sort of test. Basically you two will be fighting in teams of two, I already cleared it with them. Mike on the other hand…I guess I can think of something you can do, just follow me. As for you four, whenever you’re ready, just keep in mind how new those two are to magic.” He says the last part to the originals before taking Mike and leaving. He pops back to quickly say: "Also I'm temporarily lifting the restraints on your magic to get on accurate test result from you two, have fun! Oh, and don't worry about time, dreams can seem to last for ages on the dreamer's end before you wake up." Then leave the four to themselves.

Twilight's POV - Cell room - Present

Nightmare Moon along with some guards, those humans, Mike, and some familiar unicorn came walking in, all in chains. I noticed that Zoey seemed to be trembling, it doesn't take them long to shed a tiny bit of light on the reason why.

"I know this is Juvia we're talking about, but wasn't that a bit much?" Zoey asked Wendy who just deadpans.

"Considering what you said, and how it involved Grey, are you truly surprised she reacted that way?" Wendy asked with a huff. "Just be glad John agreed to wipe what you said from her memory, if only to continue his weird project." 'John? Gray?' I thought in confusion.

"…Thanks for the help by the way." Zoey said with a smile.

"No problem, just be glad the other Wendy decided to help us instead of Juvia." Wendy said with a sigh. 'Other Wendy?' I thought, even more confused.

"Enough, both of you, do not forget your current situation." Nightmare Moon snarled, she had been practicing common lingo with my help, if only so I didn't have to keep translating for her.

"I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you." I shouted with conviction, seeing her raise an eyebrow, I continued. "We have the Elements!" I reveal with a smile, showing her the shards.



"……She was the best you can find!?" Nightmare Moon asked/shouted at Celestia, seeing my confusion, she explained. "The Elements were shattered! Those are completely useless!"

"…You do realize these are artifacts, right? Sure they were shattered, but the shards still contain their powers. What, did you think just shattering them would strip them of all their powers? Even though they gain their powers from ideas instead of tangible objects?" I deadpan at her, she then starts to sweat as she realized I was right. I then precede to explain how all my new friends and I just so happened to represent those ideas. "Oh and by the way, thanks for practically gift wrapping our victory to us, I would have never come to this conclusion by myself. I really appreciate the help!" I say condescendingly with a smile to match it as the harmony magic swirled around us, braking all the cages and chains present.

"If I am remembering this correctly from my time back here: As the kids would say, 'yeah-no'." Nightmare moon said as she took out a clear gem. She then castes what look like two, maybe three, spells. Magic envelops both the gem and her and a portal opens up right behind her, though it doesn't show where it leads. She then spins around and throws the now cloudy gem into the portal before the portal closes. It may have been a trick of the light, but her eyes seemed to go blank as soon as the gem left her hand. That's all I can make out before the harmony magic slammed into her.

Once the light dies down, I noticed two things. One: in Nightmare moon's place was a small blue child with darker blue hair. She was wearing a plane black dress with a crescent moon in the middle, she also had blue shoes on (the kind you'd see kids wearing at a formal gathering). She was also an Alicorn, and that's all I needed to figure out she was the same woman I just tried to blast to Oblivion. Two: after a few moments, gravity remembered that it was gravity, and decided to launch us at the spikes below us.

"Fuck." Spike said with a frown while we were falling.

"SPIKE!" I yell in anger, he gives a small "sorry" as we meet our deaths.

3rd POV

As Twilight was berating Spike, everyone else got to work. Wendy flew and caught Rainbow while Zoey caught Fluttershy (who was too scared to fly on her own) and Rarity, Applejack grabbed Pinkie and lassoed Wendy who was flying full speed towards the safe area of the floor. Celestia flew and caught Twilight and Spike, and finally, Mike flew and caught Sam and Jenny while using the small amount of telekinesis he could use to try to make it easier on their injured body. The guards from before went to check on the child, as it was pretty obvious who she was.

After everyone was safe, everyone but Wendy walked over to the child. She noticed that Nightmare Moon's armor and scythe survived the blast, curious, she decided to check them out. Picking up the scythe, she marveled at how light it felt. While she was debating on whether or not it had to do with some enchantment, she failed to notice the armor turning into blue smoke and flying towards the scythe. She did however, see said scythe poof into blue smoke and obscure her vision. In that moment, the smoke from the armor fused with the smoke from the scythe. It then seeps into her skin, unknown to her. Once she can see again, she noticed that both the scythe and armor are gone.

'That's weird, I didn't think there would be a delayed reaction to being hit by the rainbow laser. Then again it's not like the armor and scythe were evil……that only confirms that they shouldn't have been destroyed.…well they were, so I guess that's a good sign.' She thinks with a shrug before joining the others.

Author's Note:

A few things. One: Yes Mike is strangely aggressive towards them, the reason for that is because he's not in a stable mindset. Sure his entire time in Equestra has been hectic, but this is the first time he's never experienced anything like this. His mentors to him are like Celestia is to Twilight. Twilight and Mike have been friends for years for a reason. He's also pretty sheltered give…things I can't say because spoilers. Most of his free time (without hanging out with his specific group of friends) was spent watching anime, so there's a sort of social barrier between him and outsiders, with anime playing a big part. Storm was closer to the truth with the "Protag-Kun" remark then she realizes.

Two: Yes the ending is rushed (and I'm sorry about that), but writing any more with that event would be ridiculous, I'm already milking it as is.

Three: I'll make a chapter showing what happened in that dreamscape at another time. Writing for Displaced who's personally I made is one thing, but actually capturing the originals is another. Like I said, I will show their interactions and fight(s), but I rather wait until I ether have enough experience writing, or I find someone who can do the originals justice. I will however, show what Mike was doing at that time.