• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,337 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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The Way of Things

The car ride home was nearly silent. Adagio was out like a light and Aria and Sonata were sleeping on each other's shoulders. It must have really tired them out, that snowball fight. They were so cute when they actually got alone for a change. By the time Anon had gotten back to the house they were still fast asleep. He walked Alto in and then the other girls one by one, placing each of them in their beds. Now the only order of business left was to cook some chocolate chip cookies and pancakes!

Another issue was Christmas presents. Not only did Anon not know what he wanted to get them, he was also going to have to sneak them one after the other out of the house so he could buy them gifts to give each other. The thought of Aria and Sonata alone with each other sent chills down his spine. It would be a miracle if they didn't kill each other within the first ten minutes. Woken by the sweet smells, Adagio made her way into kitchen.

"The smells wonderful." Dagi said with a smile "What are you making?"

Clearly it was only the smell that brought her here, as Adagio was so tired she could barely keep her eyes open. She was practically dead on her feet.

"What are you doing up Adagio?" Anon asked "You look like you're about to fall asleep on your feet."

She nods, nearly falling over as a result.

"I didn't want you to feel like you were alone, so I came to keep you company." she explained

What a wonderful girl Adagio was. Despite being pretty much asleep, she was forcing herself to keep her old man company. Truly Anon was blessed.

"Oh, sweetie, it's fine. Just go to bed. You barely got any sleep last night. You need to rest."

"Are you sure? I can-" she paused to yawn "help you with the food if you want. I'm not sleepy at all."

Anon turned off the stove and in one fell swoop, picked her up in his arms. She didn't even have the energy to protest, she just feel asleep right then and there. Adagio. She was such a caretaker. he had to wounder that if she was naturally so kind, what made her into the demon she once was. Anon went to go place Dagi back in her room when he noticed something odd. Aria's lights were all on. She must be awake. After tucking in the poof haired beauty, he want to check on her.

"Aria?" he asked with a knock "Are you up?"

"Y-yeah!" Aria says in a panic "Do you need something?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to check on you. Can I come in?"

"One second!"

There are hurried sounds on the other side of the doorway and Anon walks in. There is a large mound of blankets on her bed.

"Aria? What's that on your bed?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"Drop the act. I know you're hiding something there."

She sighs and moves to the side, uncovering the sheets on her bed. Underneath the blanket is a big black book. The old scrap book.

"I'm sorry Anon! I didn't mean to pry! You just..." Aria got quiet "you never tell us about your past and I was curious. I'll accept whatever punishment you give me."

Anon sighs

"Come sit next to me Aria. I suppose I do owe you an explanation."

The two sit on the bed and curl up in a blanket. He opens up the black book and points to the first picture. It was a picture of baby Anon with two adults. The woman holding him was blonde haired and rather frumpy while the man had black hair and was quite tall.

"That kid is me and the two holding me were my parents." Anon explained "This was back when my parents were pretty normal and likable people who had an earnest love for me."

He points to another picture, this time of a toddler Anon holding another baby.

"That's me at five holding my baby sister. And that was probably the point where everything went downhill."

Anon took a deep breath to collect himself

"You see, something changed in my parents when they had my sister. My dad became very mean. He would call my mother all sorts of horrible things. This led to my mom developing a bad drinking habit."

Aria frowns and hugs Anon tighter. Anon ruffled her hair.

"By the way Aria, if this gets to heavy for you feel free to tell me to stop. Let's just say I didn't have an easy life growing up."

"No." she shook her head "I want to know this. I want to understand you better. Why you act the way you do."

"Alright. If you say so."

Anon pointed to the next picture. This was of his mom holding a beer with him and his sister holding hands. His sister is glaring though.

"Here I was 7 and she was 5. My sister, even at a early age, was clearly screwed up. She was very mean and very manipulative. It was almost as if the only way for her to be happy was to see someone else in pain. At first her lies were pretty obvious, but she quickly got more clever."

The next photo is of Anon and his sister at a lake

"We would go to a my grandfather's lake house a lot during the summer. My grandfather was the only man I respected in my family. He had lost his wife after she gave birth to my mother but he never let that slow him down. He was the hardest worker I have ever seen. Anyway, while at the lake house, my sister would torture me. You see, I was very similar to Sonata. Very kind, but not very smart."

Aria looks down, guilt taking over her.

"What sorts of things would she do?" Aria asked

"She would trick me." Anon said "Like one time she said that she had a big surprise for me in the old shed but I had to go get it. When I went in she locked the door behind me and wouldn't let me out."

"That's awful!" she said in disbelief "What did your parents do when they found out?"

"Nothing. They just told me to quit my whining and be a man. Of course for Annie, this was just like saying what she did was acceptable."

"Annie was your sister's name?"

"Yes." Anon pointed to the next picture of him and his grandfather "My grandfather was the only one to look out for me during those summer months we spent with him. Of course, since my grandfather was my ally, he was Annie's enemy."

Aria seemed to be really taking it in, feeling it. Whenever Anon would talk about something more emotionally charged, her hug got tighter. He put his arm around her.

"My sister would scream and yell at my grandfather, just horrible, horrible things. Like how he should just die so we could get his money and how that's the only reason we loved him."

Anon turns to the next page.

"My grandfather was quit the stubborn son of a bitch and wouldn't back down. This enraged my sister because she was so used to people letting her have her way. She refused to be near him. In fact, this is the last picture she would take with the old man."

Anon skipped through a few of the pages

"My dad would steadily become more and more abusive, even encouraging my sister to be mean to me. Sometimes they both would do terrible things to me together. This is when my mom just decided one day to leave without so much as saying goodbye. I would later find out she ended up in jail."

Anon sighed, taking a long break. The wound was a lot more fresh than he would've cared to admit.

"You ok Anon?" Aria asked "We don't have to keep going. I've already learned so much about you."

"You're sure Aria?"

Aria smiles her beautiful smile.

"Of course. It's not like you're going anywhere. Right?"

"Of course not." Anon "What do you say we go get some chocolate chip pancakes?"

"Sure. I love you Anon."

A warm feeling arose in Anon's chest.

"I love you too, Aria."

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