• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,337 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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Liminal Bridges Part 1

Two days and four hours had passed and Twilight was working harder than an ugly stripper. She was nearing completion of the amulet. Just four more components and then calibration. But she was slipping and she knew it. She had to stay at the top of her game. One piston out place, one screw too loose and the entire mechanism would fail. Even with the constant stream of coffee she could hardly keep her eyes open. It was taking all her mental power to not pass out on the table.

Sunset tentatively watched her from the back of the room. She couldn't help but admire just how hard she worked. Even if Sunset was passionate about something she couldn't imagine staying up for nearly two days straight just to complete it.

"Hanging in there?" Sunset asked

"Just barely" Scilight sleepily mumbled

She could barely find the energy not to slur her words. But she couldn't stop. A screw there, a heat sink here, a temperature gauge there. After another four hours, Twilight screwed the final component in place before shouting happily "it's done!"

The entire room looked in surprise.

"You did it!" Sunset yelled

But before Sunset could even utter the words, the little bookworm was out. She earned it however. And with the new amulet now in their possession, they could siphon the energy from the barrier. Sunset picked up the amulet while Rainbow and Rarity carried Scilight to a bedroom.

It was beautiful. It was pink this time but apart from that it looked just like the last one. And hopefully preformed just as well. Sunny ran downstairs to tell Anon and his daughters.

"The amulet is completed. Now all we have to is take it to the portal and watch the magic happen."

"That's wonderful!" Anon shouted

Adagio looked disinterested. If it didn't get her sister back she didn't care.

"Well then let's do it." Anon said "No point in sitting around."

"I couldn't agree more."

The rest of the group walks downstairs and gets ready to head out while Adagio stays slumped on the couch

"Come on big sis." Sonata said

"I don't want too."


"I said no."

"Adagio. Up. Now."

She just ignored her at this point. He pulled at her arm.

"Let me go! Let me go right now!"

"Now! I don't want you to just sit here and be sad! Come on!"

Sonata pulled even harder now. Finally Adagio relents, not wanting to hurt another sister.

"Fine. Annoying brat."

Sonata just smiled brightly with her usually optimism


Once at the portal, Sunset takes out the amulet.

"Alright. Here goes nothing."

She opens it and like clock work energy begins to flow into the device at and alarming rate. It was so much energy that the device looked as if it might explode. All of a sudden, the device pops out of Sunny's hands and shoots a beam of energy at the portal, causing a rip. Everyone's eyes go wide with shock. It ripped a hole into what appeared to be a pitch black void and inside it was Aria. Adagio gets a frantic look on her face and charges towards the rip.


Aria looks at where the sound came from and reaches out her hand. The rip began to close as Adagio ran forward, making her run for it even faster. Sunset tackled her.


"If you put your hand in there the rift will cut it clean off! We'll find a way to get her out! Just-"

Adagio began to scream and struggle as the rip slowly closed, cutting off view from Aria. Adagio broke down in a huge mess of tears.

"We have to open it again!" she screams "Where is the amulet we have to save my sist-"

Adagio looks at the amulet, burned and broken beyond repair. It seemed that so much power coursing through it blew a circuit and completely damaged all the internal parts. Dagi is completely distraught and Sunset gets up off her. Anon quickly swoops in to comfort her.

"What was that?" he asked

Sunset is just as puzzled

"I wish I knew. How in the name of Celestia did she end up in a place like that?"

Pony Twilight thinks for a minute

"I think I might know where this is. It's only a theory, or was only a theory until now. But it was proposed the the mirror between this world and mine is like a road of sorts. And if one happens to fall of the road they end up in that black void. It's a reality in which nothing exists. It's completely empty."

Twilight paces back and forth

"But it couldn't be completely empty. Otherwise how could she still be alive? No one can survive in a vacuum. Just what in the world is going on here?"

"We can figure out the how and why later." Anon said "Do you think there is a way to get her back?"

"Yes. It will need an incredible amount of energy though, especially if we don't want to destroy the portal in the process. Three alicorns should be sufficient. There's just one problem."

"What's that?"

"Celestia only knows just how big that dimension is. It could be as small as a room or as large as our entire universe. Tracking her down is going to be a incredibly challenging process."

"You think you can find a way?"

"It'll take some time, but I have a few ideas. We'll just have to see which one works best."

Adagio looks completely hopeless. Anon hugs her close.

"We'll find her ok? Just have faith. Our friends can do anything."

Dagi stiffen's her upper lip.

"Right. We can do this. We'll get Aria back."

Anon smiled brightly. That was the Adagio he knew and loved. The one that didn't give up not matter what. Twilight looks back towards the portal.

"I'm going to go back to Equestria and inform everyone what's happening. Maybe they'll have some ideas too. In the meantime, hold down the fort."

"We will."

And with not a word more, Twilight crosses into the portal. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Hopefully this nightmare would be over soon. Anon helped Adagio up.

"How you doing sweetie?"

"I don't know... frightened. Overjoyed. Determined. Just a huge mess of emotions."

"You can do this Dagi. You're strong. And when we get Aria back you can tell her all about how strong you were."

She smiles brightly


"What do you say we take the load off while Twilight finds a solution? It's important to destress when you can."

Adagio looks down

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt... What do you have in mind?"

"Why not a trip to the spa? You look like you could use some tender love and care."

Adagio sticks her tongue out

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that."

"So you'll come?"

"Yeah. The spa sounds amazing right about now."

Anon walks over to Sonata and picks her up

"How you feeling sweetheart?"


"You want to go to the spa with big sis?"

Sonata puts her head in his shoulder and nods

"Oh sweet pea."

Anon admired their love for one another. If only he had siblings like this. Ones that were so close they would do whatever it took to see them. Adagio grasps her daddy's free hand.

"I'm so proud of you two. You are being so incredibly strong and brave."

Adagio smiles

"Thanks daddy. I love you."

"I love you two pumpkin."

Out of the corner of your eye you can see Rarity smiling

"You really are a good father." she said

"Thank you."

Anon and the girls hop into the car and drive to the spa. He and Sonata spend your time in the hot tub while Adagio got a massage. It looked as if the weight of the entire world was slowly being lifted off her back. He had never seen such a look of bliss. The hot water was doing wonders for Anon. It was as if his muscles hadn't stopped tensing up since the week began. This spa treatment was worth every cent. He probably would've payed an arm and a leg for relaxation this intense.

After their two hours was up, Adagio looked like a brand new woman. Her hair shining and put up perfectly and her blue nails glistening brightly.

"How are you feeling now my love?"

Adagio let out a happy sigh

"Like a million dollars. Thanks for that daddy. I really needed that."

"Don't thank me. I needed it just as much as you did."

Adagio stood up tall, a smile on her face

"Now let's get Aria back."

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