• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,338 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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A Complete Shit Show Parts One and Two

“A Princess?” Adagio asked curiously “I had no idea you were so well connected daddy.

“Not just any princess. Princess Twilight.”

"You're not actually going to go into the portal, are you?"

“Not unless I have to. Luckily for me though, Sunset has a journal she can use to talk directly to Twilight.”

"Are you sure this will work?"

"We only have one way to find out. Let's get you home first. If you get any headaches tell me."

Just then, Aria and Sonata find their way out and get into the car. Judging by the looks on their faces they had already heard the news. The drive home was done in absolute silence and when Anon looked back who noticed why. Sonata seemed angry. So angry in fact he swear he could see fume coming from her ears. What in the world was the matter with her? When they all arrived home and walked inside, Sonata blew a gasket.

"I still don't understand why you didn't tell us that beforehand!” Sonata yelled “Don't you think we could have helped you!?"

The whole group stands in shock before Adagio responds

“No, you don’t understand the situation!”

Sonata almost felt betrayed. She looked up to Adagio and respect her so much. She knew if she ever had any problem she could tell her big sister. Why was it that her own big sister, her friend for life, wouldn't do the same? Did she not trust her? Or was it because she thought she was a stupid little kid?

"Then what was it then Adagio!?” Sonata yelled “Did you just not trust us!? Is that what it is!? I am not a stupid little kid you know! I can hear grown up stuff!"

Adagio was clearly not in the mood for this



They were really going at it. Even Aria didn’t want to intervene. They had never seen them yell at each other like this before.



The two of them stare at other for a while before Sonata gives.

“You know what? I don’t care! Don’t tell us! Let whatever monster you have inside you eat you whole! See if I care!”

Sonata storms off to her room and slams the door so loud it can be heard throughout the house, leaving everyone else aghast. Tears began to stream down Adagio’s face. Anon kneels next to her.

“Oh sweetie.” Anon cooed

“I… I…”

Adagio is completely speechless. Anon didn’t really blame her though. He had no idea Sonata felt that way. It must be so difficult for her, being the youngest. Everyone, himself included, wanted to protect her innocence. She was clearly a lot smarter than any of them had given her credit for her and it must have frustrated her too no end. Adagio had devolved into a mess of sobs.

“Shhh. It’s ok. Just breathe.”

Adagio just kept saying ‘I’ over and over again. What a day this had been, what a mess of a day. Anon looked too Aria who had started to stare into the middle distance. Who knew one outburst from a little girl could send such waves?

“I’m going to go try to talk to Sonata really quick o- “

Adagio pulls hard on his sleeve

“W-wait! Can you stay with me just a little longer?”

“Of course I can, Adagio.”

A little longer turned into an entire hour. When he managed to make it away, he headed straight to Sonata’s room. Outside the door it was so silent he could hear a pin drop. He cautiously opened the door, lest a flying object hit him straight in the face. The lights were out and Sonata was sitting with her back to the wall hugging the pillow. Her eyes were red and puffy.

"Hey sweetie. Everything ok?"

And just like that the water works started again. She runs and hugs her daddy, putting her face straight into his lap.

"I-I can't believe I said that to her… Why am I so stupid!?”

“Sonata, you’re not stupid. Don’t say things like that.”

“Yes, I am! Aria is right! I’m just a stupid little girl!”

“Sonata calm down. Just breath ok?”

Sonata can’t stop hyperventilating

“Why can’t I stop being such a screw up?”

“Sonata, why would you ever consider yourself a screw up? What would ever make you think that for a second?"

“How could I not? I annoy Aria constantly, I literally told Adagio I didn’t care if that thing inside her ate her whole… I’m a terrible sister!”

Anon felt his heart break. He hated seeing the girl who was just the epitome of positivity call herself stupid and a screw up. It was one of the saddest things he had ever seen.

“Sonata.” he said, looking directly into her eyes “I want you to remember something.”

“What’s that?”

“This family and I love you more than anything else in the world. No matter what you do or what you say, that will never, ever change. Do you understand?"

She hugs him tight

“Yeah. I get it.” Sonata said “I love you daddy. I love you so much.”

“I love you too baby girl.”

What a shit show today had been. First day of school and already in tears. He didn't think it would happen this fast. All he could hope for was that tomorrow would be better.

The next day the girls, rather reluctantly head off for the bus to school. They still hadn't completely amended things with each other and the tension was palpable. Aria spent most of the day just going through the motions. She was smart for sure, so she didn't need to focus all that hard. She was just on autopilot. Sonata was even worse off. She was nearly mute the entire day and seldom lifted her head from the floor. Adagio, unlike her sisters, was a complete nervous wreck. She was hyper alert of everything not wanting to give her inner Siren a chance to strike again. At lunch the three met up again along with the Scoots, Bloomy and Swibble. The changes weren’t lost of them either.

“Did y’all get inta a fight ‘er somethin’?” Applebloom asked

None of them answered of course. It would be much too awkward to air their dirty laundry in such a public place. Sweetie Belle tried to break the ice.

“You all want to play a game?”

The three somber sisters all shook their head no. Nothing was going to get through to them. When the lunch bell rang they practically ran out, trying to put as much distance between themselves as possible. Sweetie Belle manages to catch up to Aria.

“So, what happened?” she asked “You guys don’t look too happy.”

“Sonata and Adagio got in a big fight last night. Like a really big fight. It’s been pretty awkward ever since.”

“What was it about?”

“It’s… a private matter.”

“Well whatever happened I hope they work it out.”

“I hope so too. Now is the last time we all need to be fighting.”

“You want to hear some advice? I mean, I have a sister I get into fights with constantly.”

“It certainly wouldn’t hurt.”

“Sometimes sisters just need to fight. It’s hard to watch and hard to go through, but on the other side things are almost always better.”

“Don’t I know that.”

“Do you three not get along?”

“No, we do… or, well, we do now should I say. Sonata and I used to go at each other like cats and dogs, that was until we discovered we bonded over cooking.”

“I’m glad you found something like that. Rarity and I never really found anything to bond over. We just seem to be in a constant temporary cease fire.”

“Is that so? I never realized you and Rarity got along so badly.”

“We’re just two different people I guess. But that’s alright. We don’t need to like each other, we just need to get along.”

“That’s a sad way to look at it.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah. Just imagining that if I had viewed that between me and my sisters would make me sad. I cherish the bonds I have with them. Sisters are supposed to support each other no matter what.”

Aria and Sweetie finally reach their separate classes

“Well you have a good math.” Aria said

“I will.” Sweetie said “And thank you for what you said. That really made me think.”

Sweetie goes to her class but Aria opts to go sit on the bench outside. She just couldn’t focus. Out of nowhere, Rainbow Dash strolls up. Great, just the person she wanted to see.

“You seem a bit lonely.” she says

“What do you care?”

“I already said I was sorry, didn’t I?”

“I know, I know. Sorry. I need to work on not holding a grudge so long.”

“It’s alright. Mind if I sit with you a while? You look like you could use some company.”

“I’d like that.”

“So, what’s going on?”

“Adagio and Sonata had a huge fight. Adagio’s Siren self is slowly coming back. It’s looking pretty bad.”

“Her siren self is coming back?”

Aria probably shouldn’t have said that. But the cat was out of the bag now.

"That's not good at all."

“You mean you’re not mad?”

“Why would I be? I always had a hunch about it. But you all have proved to me that you aren’t what you were. So don’t worry about it.”

“What’s worse is that Sonata and Adagio haven’t said a word to each other since the incident. They’ve barely even made eye contact. And here I am, stuck in the middle like an idiot not quite sure how to ease the tensions.”

“Aria don’t worry about it. If there is one thing you’ve shown me, it’s that you three are tighter the glue. One little fight isn’t going to separate you.”

“It wasn’t little, but thank you. I really do appreciate it.”

Aria smiles and looks to Rainbow

“Thanks Dash.” she said “This is just the talk I needed. It really helped.”

“I’m glad it could. I know I act like a bit of a dummy sometimes, but I know a thing or two about life. If you ever need me I’m here every Tuesday.”

“I was meaning to ask you about that. What are you doing over here?”

“I am part of a mentor program for troubled kids. Basically, it’s my job to make sure they don’t go down the wrong path.”

“Is that what you plan to do for a living?”

“Something like that.” said Dashie I’m planning on being a rehab officer.”

“Really?” Aria said, surprised “I never thought you would be into that sort of thing.”

“I want to help people. I never had the easiest life growing up and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes I did.”

“That’s very noble of you Dash.”

“Thank you, Aria.”

“Well I have to get to class. Thank you for this talk. I needed it.”

“You’re welcome, Aria. Sorry we got off on the wrong foot earlier.”

“It’s alright.”

Aria left for class with a new feeling of hope alive within her. Who knew Rainbow could be such a down to earth, sensitive girl? She went most
of the day without seeing her sisters until the bus. Except for Sonata. They both waited at the bus forever but she never showed, forcing them to leave. They’d tell Anon when they got back. When they arrived at the house, however, things were not looking as promising. Outside was a police car. Aria felt sick to her stomach. They both rushed inside to see what was going on and in one sentence, got everything they needed to know.

"Mr. Anon E. Mouse? Sonata has gone missing."

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