• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,338 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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Danger Close

"Alright girls. We have most of the day left. What would you three like to do?"

Aria's smile seemed completely glued to her face.

"I don't know, Dad." she said, putting extra emphasis on 'dad'

Anon smiles back, brushing a hand through her hair

"How about this. Why don't we go to the Museum of Nature and Science?"

Sonata jumps for joy

"Yay! That sounds like super fun!"

"What's your opinion Dagi?"


Again with this somber vibe. What had gotten into her? Her eyes also had the empty look to them, as if she was staring into space.

"What's the matter Adagio?" Anon asked

"Nothing." she replied "I'm alright."

"Are you sure?"


Anon just left it alone. He was going to have to talk to her at some point, but now was not the best time. After a brief rest, Anon and the girls got back in the car and began the long drive into town. For once, Aria and Sonata were getting along long enough to play together. They were continuing the stare contest that Anon had interrupted last time. Adagio, however, was as depressed as usual. She was just staring out the window, her eyes glazed over. What in the world could be bothering her right now? After about an hour they arrive at the museum.

"I have to use the restroom." Adagio says

"Alright. I'll be waiting outside alright?"

"Aye, sir!"

She scurries off to the bathroom while Anon waits with the other two. They wait there for what seems like forever before Adagio comes back out. Instantly it's clear that something is wrong. Dagi is drenched in sweat, pale as a ghost and panting. She also has a frenzied look in her eyes.

"Adagio? What's the matter? You look sick."

"What? Sick? N-no I'm just fine."

"You sure? You don't have to keep going if you don't want to. We can take a little rest."

"I said I'm fine!" she snapped

There's a brief pause

"If you're sure. But if you need help just say so."

After Anon pays for the tickets, they start to walk around.

"So which exhibit should we see first?"

Sonata looks around for a second before pointing to the left

"OH LET'S SEE THE SPACE ONE!" she yells excitedly

"Any objections?"

The other two shake their head.

"Alright, we'll go there first."

They walk through a large tunnel covered in pictures of stars and planets and glistening with bright lights. Sonata is in awe.

"Wow!" Sonata says "This is so awesome daddy."

"I agree." said Anon "They've updated this since I was here last. It wasn't nearly this cool the last time I was here."

Anon looks back to see Adagio walking slowly and breathing hard, as if she had just run a mile. The frenzied look in her eyes had only gotten worse. Enough was enough and Anon's protective instincts kicked in.

"Adagio tell me what's wrong. No more lying."

Adagio grabs his shoulder and whispers

"I-it's just my time of the month alright? I need to go to the bathroom."

She is so pale her skin is nearly white and she's colder than ice. There was no way this could be boiled down to a simple menstruation cycle.

"If you're not better by the time you come back we'll take you home."

She becomes frantic

"N-no! Sonata really wants to see this! We can't leave!"

"But if you have come down with some condition it won't be worth it. You can go to the restroom, but if you come back like this we need to leave."

"Fine." she says and storms off

But that's when he sees it. Just as she turns to head for the restroom, Adagio's eyes came into view. They almost look like they are crying out in terror. Like she's afraid of something. Was that why she wasn't telling him? Was something or someone threatening her safety? Once Dagi is out of earshot, Anon kneels beside Aria and Sonata.

"Ok girls." he says sternly "I don't mean to alarm you but something is wrong with Adagio and she won't say what."

Aria nods in agreement

"You saw it too then? That look in her eyes?"


Sonata looks down sadly

"Is big sister going to be alright daddy?"

Anon hugs his little girl tight

"You can bet your life on it. Now lets get going."

The three of them follow Adagio to the restroom and see her acting strangely. She was digging in the trashcan for some reason. Aria tries to go out to stop her but Anon pulls her back.

"Wait." he says "We need to say what she gets out of there. I got a feeling it's linked to her odd behavior."


"Just be patient. We need to see what she gets."

Aria grumbles and they wait and watch. What she pulls out of the trashcan filled Anon's heart with a deep pain.

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