• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,337 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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"Now let's get this Christmas Eve done right."

Sonata cocks her head curiously "How do we do that?"

"Well, we have to make preparations for Santa of course."


He had completely forgot. The Dazzlings, being from another world, had no concept of this world's myth and legend.

"Why, yes, Santa. He's a jolly, fat old man and If you're all good girls, he will fill you the tree with presents."

Sonata's eyes glow and a big smile forms on her face.

"For realzies!?"

"For realzies."

Aria rolls her eyes

"That sounds pretty fak- OW!"

Aria is interrupted by a elbow to the ribs from Adagio.

"Fantastic." Aria corrects herself "Fantastic is what I was going to say."

"Right." Anon agrees "He makes a list of those who were naughty and nice and the nice little girls get presents."

Sonata's amazement knows no bounds

"Was I good girl Anon!?" Sonata asks, hopefully

"Of course you were Sonna. But remember the only way for Santa to come is to go to bed. If you wake up, you'll scare him off."


Anon runs a hand through the cute little blue girl's hair as she cuddles even closer to her sister. She was so sweet.

"Alright, the first step to making this place Santa ready is to spruce up the tree." Anon pauses "Get it?"

The girls look at him, completely clueless to the pun he just made.

"Because spruce is a type of tree?"

No response

"Alright moving on then." Anon points to the tree and gets out an ornament, putting it on the tree "Observe."

The three little ones each get their ornaments and place them on the tree. Luckily for Anon, the tree already came with lights and a star at the tip.

"Now for the next step: Cookies and milk."

As if Sonata wasn't already excited enough

"We get to eat cookies Anon!?"

"Yes and no. We get cookies but only some. We have to leave some out for Santa when he comes. Luckily for us, I packed some cookies already."

He goes into his bag and digs out a box of already premade cookies, placing it at the base of the tree.

"And the final step, of course, is being cute. But you three already have the covered." he said "Now we have a few hours before bedtime, what do you say we head down to the pool like I promised? Unless of course you girls would like to do something different."

"I'm good for it." Dagi said

"Fine, whatever." Aria said

"Yay!" said Sonata

"Well then I guess we're in agreement. Let's head down."

They all put on their swim suits and go down to the pool. Rarity and Sunset Shimmer seemed to have the same idea. As the three sisters do their separate activities, Aria going to the hot tub and Sonata and Adagio goofing around in the pool, Anon went to sit by his adult friends. Rarity sat on a lawn chair, looking fabulous as usual, while Sunset sat at the edge of the pool, only her feet sinking into the pale blue water. She looked amazing in the swim suit, every stunning curve exhibiting itself like a perfectly rendered sculpture. As they see Anon approaching, Sunset perks up.

"Hey, Anon." Sunset said with a smile "How are you?"

"I'm alright. Just letting the girls have some exercise before bed."

"What did you end up doing after you went back to calm Aria?" Rarity asks

"We all took a little nap. Sometimes little girls just got fussy when they don't get enough sleep."

"I probably could've used something like that?" Rarity giggled

"So, Anon" Sunset begins "what have you been doing with yourself since the Dazzling incident? Besides raising your new family of course."

"Nothing terribly fascinating." he says "Just mundane things like gaming."

It was a lie of course. Before he had gotten the Dazzlings and really came to love them, his mind was often preoccupied with depression and even suicide at times. It wouldn't be inaccurate to say that these girls literally saved his life. He quickly moved away from the topic.

"What about you two?"

"I've been working on my craft in dresses." Rarity said "It's hard work and the market it unforgiving but it's a life I love."

They both turn to Sunset who seems to get nervous.

"Oh well... nothing in particular. Just doing school and things."

She was clearly lying. She was nervously fidgeting with her hair and wouldn't make eye contact. They both decide not to press her on the matter.

"Do you plan on going back to school Anon?" Rarity asks

"Probably not. It isn't really my thing. College isn't for me"

"Well, darling, I would propose going. There is nothing shameful about increasing your knowledge."

"I probably won't." Anon said "So Sunset, what do you plan to do with your life? Any jobs you're trying to peruse?"

"I'm not sure honestly." she said "There are a lot of jobs but most of them aren't very fun or interesting. Certainly no Dragonslayers or Royal Advisers."

Anon giggled

"Yes, that's very true. But I would certainly do accounting over slaying dragons any day. Would you ever consider going back to Equestria?"

Sunset looks down

"Let's just... not talk about that alright?"


An awkward silence settles down over the group before Rarity breaks the ice again

"Anon would you be interested in a little project I'm doing?"

"Like what?"

"Well, you see, I need someone to try on my new line. Most of the outfits are just your size."

"They're male outfits right?"

"Of course, darling. I would never get you to put on a dress. Not unless you wanted too of course."

Sunset all of a sudden gets up and storms out of the pool, fists clench. What had her so angry?

"Sunset has been acting so strangely." Anon said "Do you know what's going on with her?"

Rarity looks down nervously

"Oh uh... I wouldn't know."

"You sound like you're lying."

"I promise I'm not. You know us girls. We get weird sometimes."

"Whatever you say."

After a while of sitting quietly, bedtime finally approaches.

"Well I have to get the girls to bed. I will talk to later alright?"

"Talk to you later Anon. Have a good night."

"You as well, Rarity."

Anon walks over and gets the girls out, taking them upstairs and getting changed.

"Alright girls. To bed."

Once they were in bed it was going to be time for a super secret mission. Sonata pouts.

"But I'm not tired!"

"I know Sonna. But you need to get rest. Remember, if you don't fall asleep Santa won't come."

"Fine, fine." Sonata looks at Adagio "Can I sleep with big sis tonight?"

"Of course you can."

"Just don't snore alright?" Dagi teases

"I won't!" She smiled back

Aria shoots them a look he couldn't quite explain. Was she jealous of their positive relationship?

"Alright girls. Bed."

The three girls get under the covers and settle in, quickly falling asleep. Now it was Anon's time to shine and go on his secret mission. Just as he was about to exit the lobby, his cellphone rings. Who would be calling at such a late hour?

"Hello?" Anon answered

"Hi, sweetie."

Anon's blood begins to boil. Just the thing to ruin this day: his mother.

"I thought I told you I never wanted to hear your voice again? Or did you forget that?"

"Come on honey. Come on."

She was slurring her speech. It was obvious that she had been drinking again. It made Anon even angrier that she couldn't do him the simple courtesy of calling sober.

"What the hell do you want? If you want money for beer than you should hang up now."

"Honey just... just slow. Slow"

She was so drunk she could barely speak. Probably didn't even understand a word he was saying either.

"You have five fucking seconds to explain why you're calling me or I'm hanging up."

"I lorve... louve... loove... you."

"Fan-fucking-tastic. It would be even fucking better if I could believe that. I hate you. No go back to drinking you piece of shit."

Anon hangs up with a hard click, nearly throwing his phone to the ground. She was not going to ruin this for him. He was going to have the Christmas she never gave him growing up, no matter how much she tried to stop it with her drunken nonsense. Good riddance to her and good riddance to all those who hurt him. He was finally happy and nothing would stop him from being so.

Author's Note:

The chapters are going to start slowing down now because I am starting school again, but I will try to put them out as often as possible. Also Santa isn't real.

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