• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,337 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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Be My Little Light

The next few days that went past were rather uneventful. Aria and Sonata kept their fighting to a minimum, Adagio was busy doing Adagio things and Anon was busying doing nothing as was usual. But one night things changed, and not for the better. The phone range loudly as the group gathered around for their usual dinner. It was strange. Anon nearly never received calls being the social outcast he was.

"One second girls. I'll be right back." Anon said, going to pick up the phone "Hello?"

"Hi. Is this Anon E. Mouse?" A voice on the other end said

"The one and the only."

Something was familiar about this voice, but he couldn't quite place it. Then it hit him like a sack of bricks.

"What do you want?" he asked sternly into the phone

"What do you mean? I just wanted to have a friendly talk with you." the voice said

The three little ones had gotten curious and were all looking at him now from the table.

"What? For alcohol money!?" he yelled "Or maybe you'd like to discuss how you walked out on me when I was fifteen years old!? How was fucking prison huh!?"

"Hey, let the past be past. You know I love you."

"NO! You do not get to fucking tell me you love me! Don't ever fucking call me again you understand me!? I am fucking happy now and I won't let you ruin that for me again! Get out of my life! I don't ever want to hear your voice again!"

Anon slammed the phone to the receiver and the girls looked at him wide eyed. He had completely forgotten they were all in ear shot.

"Uh..." Aria said "You alright Anon?"

"Who was that?" Sonata chirped, joyful as usual

Anon's vision become cloudy from the tears. It hadn't been since he was fifteen that he had heard from her. Tears began to flow.

"That was nobody girls. Please excuse me."

Anon quickly rushed to his room and for the first time in a long time, cried. The person on the other end of that phone was Anon's mother. A good for nothing alcoholic who had no shame. She would stoop to any low in order to get her booze. She walked out on him when you was 15, leaving him with an abusive drug addict father only later to turn up in prison. The anger he felt was indescribable. He had to basically grow up without parents. Not to mention his sister was no better. She was a complete narcissist who thrived on tearing people down. For his sister, the only thing that made her happy was when someone else was miserable and he was usually that person. He slammed his fist against the pillow.

Why now? Why, when he was just starting to move on, just starting to be happy? Couldn't she see that she had done enough damage already? Would his life never be free of the burden of his past? Anon cried like he had never cried before for a good hour. He just wanted to move on, to start his new life. But he knew she would call again and again. She always did.

That night he couldn't sleep. His mind was running at a million miles an hour. He just couldn't stop thinking about the call. Why would she call him now? What purpose did it serve? She knew he hated her guts. He wanted to believe that maybe, just maybe, she was trying to make amends, but in reality, you knew she just wanted more money to blow on beer like usual. She truly was pathetic. All he could do was stare at the ceiling fan intently and stew on it. All the memories he worked so hard to repress were coming right back. The smell of Sonata's urine became too much to bare and he couldn't keep thinking about his mom or he'd have to hit his head against a wall. He finally got up at three in the morning.

Anon walked down the steps and when he got the the living room he saw Dagi. She looked beat. She must have been having trouble sleeping too.

"How long have you been up, Adagio?" Anon asked

Dagi stretches and yawns loud

"An easier question would be how long did I sleep. To which I would answer barely at all." she says "I'm getting terrible cramping."

"I see. I think I have something that can help."

Anon rummages around for a while, pulling a heating pad from the closet. Adagio rests on the couch and he places it just above her abdomen.

"mmmmm~" she says in delight "That feels great."

"I thought you might like that."

The two sit in silence for a while before Dagi asks the inevitable question.

"Who was that on the phone last night?"

"Listen Adagio." he said "You don't need to worry about it. She won't bother us anymore. Just worry about yourself."

Adagio frowns

"Alright. But just know that you are as deserving of happiness as we are."

Anon just shrugs off the comment and goes to get his morning cup of joe. Adagio follows him and looks at it curiously.

"What is that drink you make every morning?" she asks

"Oh this? It's coffee. It helps me stay awake."

"Really? Can I have some. It smells delightful."

Anon smiles, handing her is coffee, not bothering to inform her that he drank it black.

"Sure. But it is a bit strong, so just take a small sip."

Adagio places the cup to her lips and takes a sip, immediately spitting it out and gagging.

"How on earth do you drink this!? It's absolutely disgusting!"

"It's an acquired taste." he said with a laugh "Also, most people don't usually drink their coffee black. It's the strongest tasting type of coffee you can get. There are a lot of more mellow tasting ones like lattes and what not."

She hands him back the mug and gets a drink of water to wash the taste from her mouth.

"Maybe I could give those a try next time." Adagio shivered

"No way. Drinking coffee at your age will stunt your growth. Maybe when you're about 19 or so you can."

"But that's so long!"

"Well that's just how it is. Don't be so eager to grow up kiddo. It ain't that fun."

"Yeah, yeah whatever."

"By the way Adagio, I know I asked you this before, but do you know anything about Canterlot High?"

"Not really... why do you ask? Is that where you went to high school or something?"

Anon wanted to keep asking her periodically, just to make sure her memories hadn't returned. It was too soon to tell about her past though. He just could bare to let them know just yet.

"No, just curious. I just have heard a lot of bad things about it is all and I thought you went there at some point."

"What do you mean? We've lived here our entire lives."

All of a sudden a stomach growls.

"Sounds like you're hungry." Anon said, thankful for the distraction

"Yeah... I guess so."

Adagio still looked skeptical but decided to leave it alone as Anon cooked some bacon and eggs.

"You sure I should be eating at three in the morning Anon?"

"I do it all the time and I'm fine."

Adagio pokes his belly

"You may be, but your belly doesn't seem to agree." she says with a giggle

"Oh you."

The bacon and eggs finished and they both sat at the table, eating.

"Whatever the phone call was, I promise I'll be here if you need me."

Listen to her. Such an adult.

"It's fine, Adagio. I promise I'll be fine."

The two eat and silence before bidding one another goodnight and falling asleep without incident.

"U-um Anon? Are you ok?" a little voice calls out

Anon blinks open his eyes. It's Sonata leaning only inches from his face.

"I'm fine." Anon lied, wanting only to get back to sleep "Do you need something?"

"Come downstairs!"

He puts the pillow over his eyes

"Is this important?"

"Yes!" she says, grabbing his hand "Just do it! Come on!"

Sonata guides him through the house and to the living room. Across the front of the living room was a bunch of bed sheets, blocking whatever was behind. Funny. He didn't remember doing that. The living room was dark but he could faintly see the silhouettes of Adagio and Aria through the sheets. They were holding something in between them but he couldn't quite make out what. Sonata quickly rushes behind whatever object they were holding.

"Get ready girls!" Sonata says excitedly

"Alright. Three, two one!" Adagio says

The sheets fall to the floor and Anon's eyes go wide. They are holding a long piece of paper that read "We Love You Anon" in different colors. Each of the girls put their own flare on the small poster. Sonata's corner being covered with cute cat stickers and pink, Adagios being covered with words like strength and happiness, and Aria's being covered with a more grunge look, with black and pink. The sisters yelled surprised in unison.

The tears flowed again, but this time it was from happiness. The three girls rush into to hug Anon.

"I don't know what's going on with you Anon." Adagio said "But we love you."

"I love you too Adagio." Anon said back "I love you too."

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