• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,337 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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The Being Within

Adagio and Anon, along with the rest of the now newly formed family, sit down for dinner. A blizzard was raging outside, the wind whipping the windows. Looking through the pantry, it became quickly apparent that food was running low. But there was still plenty of cheapo easy to cook meals Anon has saved during his attempt at college. He starts to set them up.

"What are we having tonight daddy?" Aria asked

Every time one of them said that, Anon's heart of ice began to melt just a little bit.

"Did you just call Anon daddy?" Sonata asked



"Because Anon is going to be our new father."

Sonata lights up like a Christmas tree


"For realzies."

Sonata turns to Anon. He couldn't hide his smile anymore. They were all just too sweet.

"I love you daddy!" Sonata exclaims happily

"I love you too sweetheart." Anon said, a smile a smile wide across his face

That night he had never slept better. It felt as if all the worse aspects of life were suddenly lifted away and all that remained was beauty. He had always scoffed when people said it would work out in the end, that life would give him some sort of purpose. But maybe they were right. After all the pain, all the tears, he was finally happy and finally had something to believe in. Something to protect, something to care for. And it was beautiful beyond comparison. He had never felt more love in his life that he had now.

The next morning he awoke early. It was still dark outside, the winds still battering the side of the house. He went down to get his usual coffee when he found Adagio by the window, crying. Anon quickly rushed over to her aide.

"Adagio?" Anon asked "What's the matter?"

She turns to him, her face stricken with deep pain and eyes pouring a waterfall of tears. She looked awful.

"I... I don't know. I'm just really sad right now." she said in between sobs

She hugs Anon tightly and he hugged her right back. She was acting quite strange.

"Dad, can you promise me something?"

"Of course I can."

"Please promise to never leave."

"Why do you think I'd ever do something like that Adagio?"

"I... I had a nightmare..."

"Come." Anon said, motioning to the couch "Let's talk."

Anon grabbed a blanket and the two curled up tightly on the couch.

"Tell me what happened."

"I was alone. I was in a big field surrounded by nothing but snow." she explained "No Aria, No Sonata, no you. I know it was just a dream, but it was still scary."

"Shhh. You're safe now. You can stay here for as long as you want. I won't leave."

"But what if you do?"

"I won't, ok? I will always be here no matter what."

Anon ran his fingers through her hair. It seemed she had quite the fear of abandonment, the poor thing. The two stayed curled up like that for nearly two hours, Adagio being two petrified to leave. She seemed to think even the slightest separation meant he was going to leave her forever. What must her life as a Siren been before this? Maybe she was living repressed memories. After yet another hour she finally gets the courage to move about, but stays close to Anon's side, as to make sure he didn't run the second he got a chance. If he was being honest it was actually rather adorable. She was never more than two feet away at any given time.

Sonata and Aria were both deeply confused by the spectacle. When asked to play, she refused as it would put too much distance between her and her father. She had never been like this before. She was usually so calm and collected. As the day progressed she kept constantly looking over her shoulder in a paranoid fervor. This obviously was much deeper than a simple nightmare. He pulled Dagi into her room for a little chat.

"Adagio what's going on?" he asked "You are acting frantic."

"I just don't want you to leave..." she said quietly

"I already told you I'm not. You have to trust me."

Her eyes light up with anger all of a sudden.


Her eyes widen and she covers her mouth at the sudden outburst.

"Where did that come from?" he asks, shocked

"I... I don't know. Dad what is going on?"

Her eyes are full of fear, darting from side to side and she's shaking. She puts her hands on her temples and mumbles to herself, hyperventilating all the while. It was as It looked as if she was seeing and talking to something that wasn't really there. It was as if she was slipping into psychosis.

"What do you mean?"

Her breathing picks up.

"I keep getting flashes in my mind. I see this... this thing in the mirror. Its a dragon but with hooves and a long tail like a mermaid. And it looks so angry. It just stares at me like it wants to kill me."

Could she be regaining her memories? Or was this a split persona? Maybe the Adagio that tried to take over the school still existed insider her. And if the ladder was the case, did that mean the Sonata and Aria would go through the same thing as well? No! He couldn't lose them, not now! Not when things were just starting to turn up!

"That monster is so angry. Is this a part of puberty dad? Do all girls go through this?"

"Afraid not." Anon said, shaking his head "It's time I told you the truth Adagio."

"The truth!? What are you talking about!?"

"About your past. Allow me to explain."

Anon gave her all of it. How they came from Equestria, how they tried to take over the school, how they tried to make the entire world adore them because it was the only food source they knew. How they thrived off disorder and chaos and how they were actually monstrous fish monsters with hooves and sharp teeth. Adagio is in disbelief.

"I... I did all of that...?"

She puts her head in her hands and begins to cry. She couldn't possibly fathom doing something so horrible. Anon hugged her tight.

"I know this is probably a lot to take in. Would you like to be left alone or would you like me to stay with you?"

"Don't go! Please!"

"Ok. I'll stay right here. Look at me. We will figure this out. But in the mean time, you must fight her ok?"

"Ok. Ok." she exhales, calming down slightly

Adagio wasn't going to turn back into that thing. He didn't care what lengths he had to go through, what hell he had to endure. He was not losing his daughter. Even if it cost him his life.

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