• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,337 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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A Scarlet Letter

The commute to town was made in absolute silence. Aria sat in the back with her arms crossed, angrily glaring out the window. Sonata still was sucking down oxygen and her eyes closed. Adagio stared out the window, eyes glazed over and not really seeing anything, in her own little world. How could those girls be so mean? And here he thought the they were all into friendship and kindness. Clearly they had some work to do on that.

"Sonata honey, wake up." Anon said "We're in town."

Sonata slowly blinks open her eyes

"How do you feel sweetie?"

Sonata smiles nice and wide

"Awesome! Can we get something to eat? I'm starving!"

That put a smile on Anon's face. He could always count on little Sonata to lift the mood.

"That's good to here. And we sure will."

They all get out of the car and start heading towards the grocery store. Sonata jumps in the air.

"Daddy can we get tacos?" she asked

"I don't see why not."


Anon looks back at the other girls. Aria is still glaring into the distance and Adagio is still caught in a trance like state.

"Come on girls. Turn those frowns upside down."

Just as he says this a blue van pulls up and the side door opens, revealing the mane six. Well as if they didn't do enough damage already.

"What do you want?" Anon said, hugging Sonata close

Rarity elbows Dash in the ribs.

"Hey Anon..." Rainbow starts off quietly "Sorry about what I said before... I wasn't aware of the whole situation. But Sunset explained everything us."

He wasn't sure what to make of it. He turns to Rarara.

"I apologize too darling."

"Don't apologize to me." Anon said, moving to the side "It's them you should be apologizing too."

Just one look at Aria and he could tell she was revved up. Rainbow made quite the bitter enemy. Rainbow gets out of the car.

"Hey girls. I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't realize all that had happened."

Both Sonata and Dagi take the apology, but Aria remains firm. It was a real big cut to her self esteem to hear someone call her that and a simple word wasn't going to heal it.

"I don't care." Aria said to Dashie "Go tell it to someone else."

Rainbow Dash clenches her first, obviously frustrated.

"Come on Aria! I said I was sorry!"

"Screw you!"

"What did you just say!?"

To the surprise of everyone, Fluttershy stands between them

"Rainbow! Calm down. I'll take care of this."

She kneels down in front of the disgruntled ten year old.

"Aria?" she asks gently

Aria just turns her head defiantly

"Aria. Look at me. Can you do the for me?"

She waits patiently for Aria to turn her head, a glare still tightly fixed to her face.

"We didn't mean it ok? We just weren't aware of what happened. I promise we will make it up to you, alright? But in order for that to happen you need to accept Rainbow's apology and become friends."

Aria's mask begins to crack and tears form

"But she called me a monster!"

Butterhush runs her fingers through her hair, trying to soothe her.

"I know. It must of really hurt huh?"

Aria bows her head and starts to cry. She can only nod.

"Well I want you to know that neither I, nor Rainbow, nor anyone else sees you as a monster. You're very brave and very passionate. So what do you say? Will you forgive us?"

Aria rubs the tears from her eyes and composes herself

"Yeah, fine, whatever. Just leave me alone."

Fluttershy stands up and smiles.

"Well now that that is done, do you have anything else you want to say?" Anon said angrily "We're a bit busy."

Rarity comes closer to him, their bodies touching

"Oh yes, one more thing."

She sneaks a little paper inside his pocket and gives him a sly wink

"Alright girls, our business is concluded. Let us go."

They all hop back in the van and leave as quickly as they had arrived. Anon pulls out the paper and reads the inscription. It says meet me in the hotel lobby at 10:30 tonight sharp. Don't be late. in beautiful cursive. Was this some kind of booty call? He shook the impure thoughts from his mind. No. There was no way. She just needed clarification is all. Nothing... sexual.

"Ok girls let's go inside shall we?"

He lets out some nervous laughter, causing the girls to look at him funny.

"You ok Daddy?" Sonata asks

"Y-yep just dandy. Now let's go."

Without another word Anon starts walking to the doors. When they get inside the rush of warm air was welcome.

"Can we get the tacos now daddy!?" Sonata asks gleefully

"Of course we can."

Sonata jumps for joy, happily squealing. Unfortunately, however, Aria's patience was at an end.

"Shut up, Sonata! Will you please just shut up for once!? God you are so annoying!"

Of course, Sonata's eyes fill with tears

"Aria, I know what she said hurt you but don't hold it against her." Anon said "Rainbow Dash tends to be rather impulsive and says things without thinking them through. She didn't mean it."

"Whatever. I don't care."

Anon sighs. It took 2 days to get her out of that funk and all it took was a sentence to put her back.

"We'll talk later alright?"

All he gets is a grunt in response. Anon stops to buy some tacos and it cheers Sonata right up. After that they all roam around getting some food and other supplies for the week, including some cheap swim suits for the pool. That's when Anon gets an idea.

"Ok girls we're going to do something fun."

Adagio looks at him curiously

"Fun how?"

"We are going to buy some special ornaments."

"Special in what way?"

"You'll see. It's in a different store so let's finish with this first."

Anon buys the rest of the supplies as quick as he can then walks back out too the car.

"You see, there is a special shop here that is known for making amazing ornaments. We are going to get some for the three of you."

Adagio smiles at the idea

"I'd like that."

"The best part is that you can make them however you want. It'll be your personal ornament."

"Well then what are we waiting for?" Dagi says, grabbing Anon's sleeve

They get back into the car and drive at the ornament shop. The girls are in awe, even salty Aria. It smelled like a retirement home and had wallpaper to match, but along the shelves were ornaments of all kinds, from large spheres of a million colors to tiny stars. It had gotten even better since Anon was here last.

"You can customize your ornament to damn near whatever you want here." Anon said "But first you need to pick a base."

The girls fan out, searching for their perfect ornament. Adagio picks out a ball, Sonata an oval, and Aria a Christmas tree outline. Anon leads them to a row of computers.

"Alright. Step two is to enter it into this computer here and pick the design."

The three of them go to separate computers and pick the design. Sonata of course fills hers with a bunch of tacos while Adagio takes a more abstract approach. She decorates hers with lots of wave lines, curious shapes, and a rainbow of colors. She lined the ball with stars on each axis, coloring them the same color of her cheese puff hair.

Aria's design seemed to match her mood; she made it have a black base with red stripes running every which way. But it did seem to exercise a large calming effect over her. Maybe she was an artsie fartsie kind of girl. She did draw the unicorns and hearts on the we love you Anon banner. When she finished the ornament, her demeanor had changed drastically. She was still angry, but much calmer. Finally they all finish their designs. While Anon was busy admiring Aria's work from afar, Sonata has added a thousand more tacos in varying sizes. The girl had some issues with Mexican food.

After paying and leaving, Sonata becomes distressed.

"B-but what about the ornaments?" she asks

"Oh they won't be ready till tomorrow. They still have to make it."

Sonata pouts

"But I want it now."

"I know honey. But you'll just have to be patient. So how about in the meantime, we go to the pool to warm up. Then we will get some dinner going after that."

Back at the hotel, Anon remembers Rarity's message and his heart begins to race. No! he thought I do not like her like that and nor does she! Stop it!

The three girls grab their swimsuits and head to change, Adagio being the first into the bathroom. While Sonata, still with no shame to speak of, starts to undress right in front of Anon and Aria. Aria looks away in disgust as she starts to pull her panties down.

"Sonata!" Aria yells "Not in front of us!"

She quickly covers herself again, embarrassed

"O-oh... sorry."

Adagio finishes up surprising fast, still managing to keep her cheese puff hair perfectly done. Anon couldn't wait to see her poof get all messed up in the water. Ever since he found them you hadn't seen it messy once. Sonata goes in next shortly followed by Aria and then of course Anon. As he waits in starts to change in the bathroom, the door creaks open, followed by angry whispering. An eyeball poked through. Luckily he hadn't taken his shorts off yet.

"Sonata can I help you with something?"

The door quickly shuts, followed by morn angry whispering. Anon puts his shirt back on and walks outside.


She's sitting on the bed, doing her best to act natural. The other girls were acting just as suspicious.

"Girls? May I ask why you were peaking through the door just now?"

"W-what? I wasn't doing that! I was just um... sitting here." Sonata stammers

Aria slaps her face as their cover is instantly blown. At least Sonata was a terrible liar.

"Come on Sonata. I know you're lying. Are you three curious about boys?"

Adagio shoves her head in a book, Aria turns away and Sonata blushes bright red.

"M... Maybe."

Oh great, the whole birds and the bees talk. Every parent's favorite chat.

"Do you girls have questions?"

They all nod. Well looks like this was going to have to be done. Anon talked to each of them and answered every question they could possibly want about sex ed, all without an embarrassing glimpse at the dong. After the more than awkward chat, they head down to the pool. Adagio seeming especially self conscious now after learning in great depth about her body.

Anon goes straight for the hot tub and is soon joined by Aria. At least one of his daughters had superior taste in pool activities. She probably needed it more than him too. She had quite the stressful day. Aria had her entire body submerged, leaving only her head out with her eyes closed. It was good to see her relax. After a while of sitting out on the bench with her hands covering her chest, Adagio decided to join them. She is very careful to keep her poof out of the water.

"I see you're enjoying yourself Aria." Adagio observes

Aria smiles

"Oh yeah. I definitely deserve this."

Little words pass between them as they just relax, Sonata goofing around in the shallow end of the pool. This was the life. Pretty soon it was time for it to be over however. It was nearly time to meet Rarity. After rushing the girls upstairs to their annoyance, Anon waits in the lobby just minutes before the scheduled time. The suspense was killing him. Rarity came down just as the clock struck ten thirty.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Anon asked

"I want to know why." she said "Why you'd take the dazzling's in even though you knew what they did."

Anon clenches his fist. He couldn't believe that even after all the they were still suspicious.

"I did it because they taught me to love again. I did it because I could. There is no other reason than that. You all still don't trust that they aren't who they were do you?"

"It's not that."

"Well then what is it? What could possibly warrant this much interrogation if not for the fact that you don't trust me?"

"I don't know. It was silly of me."Rarity said, fidgeting with her hair

"Are you done wasting my time?"

"J-just one more thing darling."

Before Anon can response, Rarity leans in and deeply kisses him.

Author's Note:

I figured there was no elaboration needed. Unless of course you'd like me to write out Anon's sex ed chat with the girls, which of course you could tell me about in the comments.

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