• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,338 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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A Peaceful Reverie Under a Dull Moon

After a quick lunch, they gang goes back to the mountain. The hairstyle Adagio sported now was working much better with the helmet as it placed the bulk of her hair outside of it rather than within it. Now it was only a matter of getting down and time was fading. They had merely two hours before the park began to close for the day.

The first run, a green, went without incident. But it was the blue that became most dicey. It was a lot steeper than he had remembered and the snow was especially slick, almost like ice. Even for an experience skier as Anon was, he was going to have to exercise a high amount of caution while traversing the run. As if that was't bad enough, the ski had become completely overcast and a deep chill ran throughout the mountainside. Adagio looked as if she was going to be sick to her stomach. Anon gave her a little hug.

"You're going to do great." he said "Just do what I do and you'll be just fine."

She nods and takes a deep breath.


He pushes off and start to slowly slide down the slick slop, the three girls following suit. It was quite difficult to keep balance with the ice like snow, but thankfully the three made it through without much difficulty, although rather slowly. Adagio fell only a few times, though he could tell that despite her fear she was improving. Even Aria and Sonata were taking it slow, keeping their antics to a minimum. Anon could tell though that this weighed heavily on Adagio's mind. The fact that he two younger sisters were getting it so easily while she was still shaking in her boots hit her self confidence and it showed. Each run she became less and less confident, falling more and more each time until they finally reached the bottom. She seemed absolutely miserable. After getting back to the hotel and changing into better clothes, the two sat down and talked.

"Hey, Adagio."


She looked at him with an empty stare. This day had really knocked her on her butt, both figuratively and literally. Even her voice sounded rather hollow.

"What's going on sweetie?" Anon asked gently "I can tell you're struggling right now."

Adagio leans into his shoulder

"That was hard." she sighed

"I know sweet heart. You did wonderful though."

"No I didn't. Sonata and Aria barely fell at all during that time. But I was falling all the time."

"You want to know why?"

"Because I suck at this?"

"No. It was all about confidence. When you were sure of yourself, when you believed in what you could do, you were doing awesome. But you lost faith when you saw how good Sonata and Aria were doing. Remember, this isn't a competition, despite what your sisters may act like. You did wonderful. You were also doing it the hard way. Skiing is a lot easier than snowboarding, yet here you are, doing it anyway. You should be proud of yourself."

"I don't feel proud."

"I know. But just give yourself a chance to relax for a while. You had a pretty bad day. Once you get relaxed you'll see it."

"You mean it?"

"I wouldn't lie to you, Dagi."

"I love you dad."

"I love you too."

Just then there's a knock on the door. Anon goes to answer it, revealing Sunset Shimmer.

"To what do I owe this honor?" Anon asked sarcastically

It was amazing just how long Anon could hold a grudge.

"I could do without the sarcasm." she says, cocking her brow "Anyway the girls and I are heading back down but we decided to get you a little something."

She holds out a basket of flowers with a wide array of colors, each representing the mane six from purple to pink.

"You're not still mad are you?" Sunset asks

"Nah. I had gotten over it a while ago." he lied "It's just been a long day. Thank you though. We very much appreciate it."

She smiles as Anon takes the flowers.

"I'm glad to hear it. See you around ok?"


Anon carries the flowers back into the room, much to Sonata's delight.

"It's so pretty!" she says "Where did you get them daddy?"

"Sunset came by and dropped it off. It's really something isn't it?"

Aria pouts, still quite a bit salty over Rainbow Dash's reaction to her. That was not going to be something she let go of soon. Anon sits down on the bed. He couldn't believe it was going to be Christmas Eve tomorrow. Not only was it going to be their first real Christmas, but it was going to be his as well. Anon's parents never celebrated things like this, hell it was as if he didn't exist some days. It was going to be an amazing to spend a holiday with people who actually loved and appreciated him for once.

"Come on over here girls."

The three of the gather around the foot of the bed as per request.

"What is it dad?" Aria asked

"Well I was just going to say that Christmas eve is tomorrow and I was wondering where you'd all like to do. I already have a special dinner spot picked out."

"What can we do?"

"Well, we could try the snowcat again. We could also go into town. They have a big festival for Christmas so they have things like bungee trampolines, zip lines-"

Aria raises her brow

"Bungee trampolines?"

"Yes. Basically you are strapped to a harness with two large bungee chords. So when you jump you go 4 times as high."

Sonata's face lights up like a Christmas tree


Aria elbows her sister

"Not in my ear!"

Sonata's voice quiets down to a whisper

"O-oh. Sorry."

"Do you agree Adagio?" Anon asks

She just smiles and nods. She was really reeling from that. Perhaps her body image issues extended far beyond this once incident. Not that it mattered, he would do everything in his power to help her see the beauty that she was both inside and out.

"What do you say we play a few games huh?"

"Games of what daddy?" Sonata says, cocking her head

"Well they do have an arcade here so-"

Then it hit him. He had nearly forgotten about the ornaments.

"On second thought girls, why don't we run and grab the ornaments then we get get something to eat."

Anon shuffles the girls into the car and off the go to retrieve their ornaments. Not even five minutes into the drive Sonata begins to nod off. She must been exhausted. This was probably quite a lot of activity for a little seven year old. They arrive and the store and Sonata is already halfway to dreamland.

"Sonata sweetie? You going to come in with us?"

"Y-yeah daddy just ehrm.."

Sonata cuddles into a tight ball and shuts her eyes, falling asleep almost instantly. Obviously this was all the answer he needed.

"Welp I'll just keep the heater on. You coming in Dagi? Aria?"

Adagio moves in an uncomfortable way.

"I'll just sit here and watch Sonata."

Something was up with her. It could very well be her anxiety running rampant, but he could tell it was more than that. It was as if she had some nervous tick about her, almost as if she was craving something. He couldn't quite explain it but this wasn't just mere anxiety.


"Sure, dad."

The two of them make their way into the store to collect their items. The snow is beginning to rain down and night was fast approaching. Outside it was deadly silent, you could hear a pin drop. The only sounds were his and Aria's footsteps crunching in the newly fallen snow. Inside they finally get a look at their creations and Aria reels back in disgust upon seeing hers.

"What's a matter?"

"Nothing... I love it."

"You can tell me if you don't like it. We can always craft a new one."

"No. Actually I really do like it. For a second I hated but now that I see what it truly means, I love it."

"What it means?"

She looks at it with a half smile.

"Yeah. It means that we are getting closer and closer to being a real family."

"Right. When we get done with this trip I will go to the adoption agency so we can get it going for real."

She hugs him tight

"I can't wait. Then I will officially be your daughter and you'll officially be my dad."

"It's always been that way sweet pea."

She giggles

"I love that."

"Love what?"

"When you call me nicknames."

"Well then I will make sure to do it more often. You need your daily dose of compliments sweep pea."

She smiles even bigger and snuggle hugs him. She was such a cuddly little thing. It was a shame she tried so hard to play tough girl. Sweet and sensitive Aria was truly a catch. She was going to make one lucky boy really happy some day. They both walk back to the car to find Sonata sleeping like a baby in the back seat. Adagio cracks a sly smile.

"Aria? Did I just see you hugging Anon's waist?" Dagi asks

Aria's face goes tomato red

"W-what!? What are you talking about!? I-I would never... Y-you must be hallucinating or something you weirdo!"

Adagio starts to laugh

"Oh shut up! J-just..." Aria's voice lowers to a whisper "Just don't tell Sonata ok?"

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. I think it's adorable though. So cute."

"S-shut up Adagio!"

"Alright, alright that's enough you two." Anon says "Next stop, the cafe."

Anon takes a little drive through the quiet mountain town. It was so peaceful up here. Even during Christmas, it was so sparsely populated. Only a few lights shinned through the windows and Anon's was the only car moving down the empty streets. He wished he could live up here. Such a quiet and peaceful area. They make it the cafe.

"Sonata. Sonata honey wake up. We're at the cafe now"

Sonata twists and turns, trying to get in extra shut eye.

"J-just a few more minutes daddy." she says groggily

She was so sweet looking he was tempted to just let her be. He got out of the car and picked her up in his arms. Her cute little face rested on his shoulder snoring quietly. Her hair hung down as she was just too tired to put it back in a ponytail as she normally did. He kinda liked it actually. They other girls get out and they walk inside, sitting at a booth. Inside was quiet, only 3 other costumers occupying seats elsewhere. It had the look of a retro 50's bar, with records lining the wall and a fake malt machine at the far wall, along with a red and yellow tiled floor. It had barely changed from when he was a kid. Adagio smiles at the sleeping blue girl on Anon's shoulder.

"She's so sweet." Dagi says

"I agree. You girls... I don't know what I'd do without you. You girls have changed my life in so many ways."

Aria smiles

"I'm glad dad. We love you too."

"And I love you too, girls."

They all begin to eat, Sonata slowly regaining her energy. Anon lifts his glass in the air.

"Well girls, I propose a toast. To family, to love, and to the many good times we'll be sharing together."

The other three lift their glasses.

"Cheers." they say before clinking their glasses and taking a big drink

After the short meal, they return the hotel for some R&R. Sonata raises her hand.

"I call sleeping with daddy tonight!"

Aria butts in

"You slept with him last night!"

"But I called it first! Snooze you lose!"

"I get to sleep with daddy you dork!"

"Sorry Sonata." Anon said "It is Aria's turn."

Sonata pounts

"But I wanna!"

"Sorry sweetie. You'll get me tomorrow."

She crosses her arms


The girls quickly get in bed and fall asleep almost instantly, Aria hugging Anon's side tightly. Despite it being such a big day, Anon couldn't sleep at all. Something was nagging him, as if he had forgotten something but he couldn't put his finger on what. He tossed and turned all night but sleep managed to elude him every time. Finally, after wriggling from Aria's tight grasp, he got out of bed at around three thirty. Anon put on his coat and went outside to the balcony overlooking the mountain. The moon shown bright across the landscape. It was so beautiful, so peaceful.

In the distance a wolf sang it's song. It sounded like it was in pain, not of a physical wound, but one of loneliness. He could hear the anguish in it's cry, just as he was before he found the Dazzlings. What did he do to deserve them? To deserve three such beautiful gifts? He had never really done anything with his life, never helped anyone, never did anything amazing, just existed. Yet here he was, being handed three of the most precious gifts he had ever received. At last he had found happiness, but he couldn't help but hate himself for it or, at the very least, be highly suspicious of how such happiness would be stolen from him. Life had a nasty habit of giving him something wonderful then pulling the rug out from underneath his feet. Not to mention he just didn't deserve such a blessing, much less three times over. Just as he was about to sink further into this depression, the screen door opened behind him.

"Adagio? What are you doing out of bed? You should be asleep right now."

She had a strange expression on her face.

"I was getting ready to get my hair done and saw you out here. Also... why are you crying?"

He hadn't noticed the hot tears streaming down his face. Truly pathetic. He wipes the tears from his eyes.

"Don't worry about it."

She walks next to Anon and leans on his shoulder, the poof getting into his mouth.

"You have seemed more sad lately." Adagio said "I can tell you try to hide it. But I can see it."

She could read him like a book.

"Why are you so sad?"

"Don't worry about it Adagio. It's got nothing to do with you."

She looks at him almost angrily

"But it does daddy! When you're sad, I am too!"

Anon runs a hand through her hair.

"I'm find darling. Just thinking is all."

"Fine. Well I'm still going to sit out here with you."

Once again the wolf's anguished cry rings through the darkness, filling the void with it's song of sadness.

"That wolf. It sounds so sad."

"I had the same opinion."

They both just sit there in silence, looking out upon the mountain lit only by the moon. After a while of sitting there, the sun starts to peak out from the mountains. It gives a beautiful pink glow as it inches above the horizon. Adagio admires it's beauty.

"It's so beautiful daddy."

"That it is Adagio, that it is."

"I wish it would stay this way forever."

"As do I."


"Yes sweet heart?"

"Why can't we always live this way? Why does everything have to be difficult?"

Anon sighs. How the hell was he supposed to answer a question like that?

"That's just how life is sweet heart. It's how us humans grown. If everything were perfect, what need would we have to move forward and progress?"

"I guess."

"What's the matter? You've seemed a bit sad lately too."

"I was just thinking about yesterday. You know, with my hair?"

"What about it?"

"You don't think I'm ugly do you?"

"Of course not. Like I said before, you're beautiful."

"Well, compared to Aria and Sonata I have no where near the beauty."

"Nonsense. You are just as beautiful as they are. But enough about that. Come with me. Both you and I need to get out of this depressive funk we're in."

"And how are we going to do that?"

Anon walks back into the room

"One moment." he said

After a few minutes of rummaging quietly around in his bag, he comes back out with a large wooden box.

"Ever played a game of chess before?"

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