• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,338 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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This Wasn't The Plan

"Looks like we made it. Aria, Sonata. Wakie wakie. We're here."

Aria slowly blinks her eyes open and Sonata stretches big. The excitement quickly spreads across the little blue girls face. They had arrived at the ski resort. Sonata presses her face against the glass and looks at the sign.

"Frozen North Sky Resort?"

Damn. For a seven year old she could read well.

"That's right. Now lets check into our room and I can tell you all about what we're doing."

Aria smiles and hugs her daddy through the chair.

"I have to say, this is pretty cool dad."

"Thank you Aria."

She quickly puts on the tough girl act to save face

"But not that cool. I mean there are way better places to be."

Anon just laughs it off.

"Alright girls, get your stuff and we can go inside."

As he gets out of the car, the air seems to freeze the very liquid on his eyeballs. It was almost as if his blood crystallized from the cold. The three girls grab their bags and quickly follow him inside. Just as they enter however, Anon spies something that made him stop in his tracks. Sunset Shimmer working at reception. Shit. It was far too soon for this. She could still think the Dazzling's were evil! What if the other mane six counterparts were here too? Might as well just throw caution to the wind and hope she would notice.

"Hello, I am here to get my room."

"Oh yes. A Mr. Anonym-"

Sunset stops as she sees the three little dazzlings clinging to his coat. She clears her throat and speaks deliberately slowly.

"Mr. Anonymous. Your room is going to be number four twenty five. Fourth floor."

She hands them four room keys but stops Anon as they go.

"What about the plan?" she whispers

"Things change. They're not like they used to be."

"You agreed to this! You said you take them and throw them-"

"Daddy?" Sonata asked "Who's this girl?"

Oh sweet fuck. Why Sonata? Why? Sunset gives Anon a "are you fucking serious?" look.

"Sonata just go stand by the elevator ok?"

"This conversation isn't over alright? You have some serious explaining to do." she says with a glare

Anon catches up with the girls, looking over his shoulder to see Sunset on her phone, no doubt contacting the other mane six. He hoped this wasn't going to be more trouble than it was worth. The elevator arrives and they all walk inside. Aria tugs at his sleeve.

"Dad who was that woman? She didn't seem to like you very much."

"That was Sunset Shimmer. She is the one the delivered the finishing blow to you three that destroyed your gems. Let's just say she doesn't know you've changed."

"What was that thing she said about a plan?" Sonata asked

Damn it Sonata. She just didn't know when to hush up.

"Don't worry about it. She was just talking about something we did together one time."

Wasn't entirely untrue, but he could've been a little more convincing. Sonata looked worried.

"She won't hurt us will she?"

"Not if I have anything to say about it. I will explain the situation to her." he said "I promise I will keep you safe. That is my first priority."

The three girls hug him in a big sandwich as the elevator reaches the 4th floor. They take their stuff and head into the room. It was quite cozy. It was styled in the way of a big log cabin, with wood walls, snow shoes and other winter like things mounted to the wall and a fake polar bear fur on the floor. And, lucky him, there was only two beds. The fight dad sleeping rights was going to be fun no doubt.

"Alright girls. You stay up here, I am going to go explain this to Sunset." said Anon "Adagio you're in charge. Make sure everyone stays here."

"Aye, sir!"

Anon leaves the room and heads back down to meet up with Sunset, still at her post.

"What are you doing!?" she says angrily

"What do you mean?" Anon asked, trying to play dumb

"You do remember what the dazzling's did don't you? They weren't exactly big on the whole love and tolerate thing. I'm all for forgiveness but they're dangerous. Did you forget the plan? You were supposed to take them and get rid of them!"

"I do remember. But they're different now."

"Different how?"

"I have noticed a few changes ever since their gems were destroyed. The first is that they have gotten younger."

"I did notice that. Sonata seemed almost toddler like."

"The second is the amnesia. They can't seem to remember a single thing from before the Battle of the Bands."

"Really?" Sunny asks in disbelief

"Really. Sonata didn't even remember who you were." Anon said "I have since then informed them about their past and all three of them are deeply remorseful. It took me nearly two days to convince Aria she wasn't a monster. Even now I still think she doubts that."

She sighs and nods.

"Well I suppose something like that could happen. I mean it happened to me, you know, besides the age and amnesia part."

"I urge you to trust me. They are no threat to anyone anymore. In fact, I am planning on legally adopting them."

Sunset gave him a deeply concerned look at the idea.

"Well I am in no place to judge. But promise me that if any of them act out or start showing signs of their former selves that you will call me?"

She hands him a slip of paper with her number on it.

"I promise. I doubt I will need to though."

You see a look of disappointment on her face for just an instant

"Well not that you have to call me for just that you know. You can call whenever..."

"I will if I need too, thanks!"

That was Anon for you, oblivious as ever. But this wasn't the end for Anon and his troubles.

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