• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,337 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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The End of Childhood Days

Anon began to order out dinner and noticed Dagi and Sonata giggling behind him.

"What's so funny girls?"

"N-nothing daddy." Adagio says, doing everything in her power to suppress her laughter

"It sure doesn't seem like nothing."

The two finally break out laughing, not being able to contain it anymore. Sonata hands you a pocket mirror and taps her back, laughing too much to speak. He positioned the mirror so that he could catch a glimpse of his back. A sticky note was taped there that read "lozer" in big bold letters. Clearly Sonata's handwriting and spelling.

"Very funny, very funny. But I have a counter."

Anon goes and tickles them

"Daddy stop!" Adagio says "I'm ticklish!"

"And I'm a loser." he smiles "You are the stealthiest girl I know Adagio. How do you move about so silently?"

Dagi smiles and looks around mischievously

"A ninja never reveals her secrets, not even to her own father."

"Is that so?"

"Well daddy do you want me to blow my cover or not?"

"I suppose not, I suppose not. Lots of bad guys out her in suburbia are there?"

"Like you wouldn't believe. You're lucky you got me on your side."

Anon looks around and notices a surprising lack of Aria. She must still be taking everything hard. Maybe now was a better time to talk to her. He walked down the hall to her room and slightly creaked open the door. Inside Aria was writing in her diary. She quickly shut it when she heard Anon entering.

"Hey Aria. I just wanted to check in, you know, after that whole talk."

"I don't have much more to say." Aria stated

"I didn't know you kept a journal."

"Well, you do now."

She was clearly still a bit angry.

"Are you alright?"

She sighs and doesn't answer. Anon sits beside her on the bed.

"What's still eating at you?"


"I what?"

"You love me don't you?"

Her voice quivered a bit when she said it, as if she was experiencing a high level of doubt and expecting him to say no. It broke his heart to think she doubted his love for her this much. This clearly wasn't going to be solved tomorrow.

"Of course I do Aria. Why would you think anything different?"

"Well look at me... I'm mean... I'm cold... I torture Sonata all the time... I just.."

Tear fill her eyes again and Anon brushes them out of her eyes.

"Hey. Keep those thoughts out of your mind. Just because you don't get along with Sonata doesn't make me love you any less."

"But I'm so mean. I'm a mean, mean girl."

"Aria. You're breaking my heart. You are not a mean girl. You are beautiful in every possible way. Nothing will change that. You are my daughter and I love you."

"You're just saying that."

"I'm not Aria. How about this. What do you say we do that little fun event between us even earlier?"

"We still get to do the other event to right?"

"Of course."

"So what do you have a mind?"

"Baking cookies of course."

Aria looks at him skeptically.

"You cook?"

"Nope. But what better way to learn than with a daughter I love more than the moon and stars above?"

She smiles and gives you a big hug. He loved seeing the smile. It lit up the entire room. He walk out with Aria into the garage where he kept spare supplies. One of those supplies being flour, chocolate chips, and cookie dough. Why? Who knows. But he had it. He pulled up a recipe on his phone.

"You ready cook Aria?"

"Ready, dad!"

Adagio and Sonata both walk over curiously.

"What are you two doing daddy?" Adagio asks

"Making cookies of course."

Sonata's eyes light up


"You bet. But this is an Aria-Anon project only. But don't you worry, you'll be able to eat them once we're finished."

"Awww!" Sonata whined "But I wanna help too!"

"Sorry. Just be happy we're sharing." Anon said "I'll tell you what though. I'm going to give you a very special mission. If the doorbell rings make sure to answer it."

"Aye, sir!"

Anon winked and Aria and she winked back. The two other girls went and sat back at the table, waiting for the take out to arrive.

"Alright. The first step of any good recipe is to our aprons on."

They both get their aprons on and move to the actual recipe.

"Alright Aria, I need you to measure me a few cups of flour."

She measures a few cups and pours them inside the mixing bowl while Anon measures out some extra ingredients.

"Ok. Next we're going to need some cookie dough."

"We're putting cookie dough inside the cookies?"

"No, no, no. You misunderstand. That's for us to eat while we work."

She giggles

"You're silly you know that?"

"And why's that?"

"Eating cookie dough while making cookies? Come on daddy, it doesn't get any sillier than that! I mean we're literally going to be eating it in a an hour or so!"

"Are you saying you don't want any?"

She changes her tune pretty quick.

"N-no not at all!"

"I thought so." he said smiling

Aria grabs the dough and they both begin to eat when the doorbell sounds. Perfect timing. They were just getting ready to put everything in the oven.

"Food's here daddy!"

"I know. Gimmie a sec!"

Anon quickly grabs his wallet and pays the take out person, rushing back with the food.

"Aria and I will join you in a bit alright?" he said to the two at the table "We've got some cookies to make."

They both get back to work, measuring brown sugar, some eggs, etc. Finally they were ready to measure it out into the cookie tray and slap it in the oven. Anon points to the flour.

"Aria can you take that back to the garage for me?"

"Why can't you do it?"

"Because I have to make sure the cookies are baking properly."

Bullshit excuse of course, but hey, he had children, he was going to make use of them. She lifts up the bag and immediately begins to stumble. Anon quickly went over to help her but it was too late. Flour drops all over the place, including all over his body. Aria looks extremely guilty.

"Daddy! I'm so sorry!"

"It's ok, it's ok!"

"Are you sure!? You're not hurt are you?"

"No, it was just flour Aria. I've survived much worse than that." he said "Well I am going up for a shower. If I don't make it out before the time goes off, go ahead and take the cookies out Aria."

"What about your food?" Adagio asked

"It's fine. I'll just have to reheat it."

Anon walks up stairs to clean off, leaving the three alone.

"So, how was it?" Dagi asked

"I-It was alright..."

Aria tried her best to look as uninterested as possible. In truth she loved it.

"I'm glad. You know daddy really loves you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah!" Dagi said "You wanna know what he said to me after you told him all that?"

"Sure, I guess."

"He was afraid you hated him. He said something about not wanting to follow what his dad did to him. He apparently had a really hard childhood."

"I've heard."

"But anyway, the point is was that he was really scared that you hated him. You don't do you?"

"No, of course not. Just got worried is all. Don't worry about it."

"You know I can't."

Aria just scoffs, signaling that the conversation was over. After a while Anon comes back down, just minutes before the cookies were ready.

"Girls. I thought about some things in the shower and I have an announcement."

"Oh?" Dagi asked "What's that?"

"Come January, I'm enrolling you in school."

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