• Published 11th Dec 2015
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Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 1: Harmony - Jeweled Pen

Following the events of The Last Alicorn, a new Avatar has risen. Can she defeat the mysterious Meadowbrook and stop her from removing everypony's cutie marks?

  • ...

Chapter 7: Tomorrow Industries

Diamond groaned when she woke up the next morning.

Every. Bucking. Thing. Hurt.

She didn't even know why. It wasn't like she'd done anything really new, she was training and all that. Sure, she usually just trained one bending thing at one time and usually spent more time resting. And she had trained with Prism the day before. All that padding had been a bit heavy and...

The door blasted open with Prism standing in it. “Rise and--”

“Please no,” she said, whimpering. She wanted to be forceful and mean, tell him to go the buck away. But more than anything she wanted to rest. And she knew telling him to go buck himself wouldn't work. “Not today, pleaaaase,” she begged.

He stopped and looked down at her. “Diamond? Are you okay?”

“I... I think I pulled something yesterday,” she groaned.

He stared for a few moments before chuckling. “I see.” To her amazement, he turned back around. “I guess it can't hurt to let you get a little rest, since you asked nicely. Just this once.”

She nodded, burying her head in her pillow. She'd have to use 'please' more often if it actually got him to stop being such a morning pony. “Hey uhhh... when Button gets here, can you come and get me?”

He nodded. “Very well. But you'll have to come down for breakfast.”

She groaned and gave a nod, before nestling into her pillow and blankets. Soooo soft.


“So, what did you think? Was it awesome or what? We were so coooool,” Button said after they got out of the boat and he had a few seconds to regain himself after the rapid travel. “You were all 'boom' and I was all 'bam' and Acrylic was all 'swiss'.”

She nodded, cringing as it made her body call out in anger. “Yeah, I was pretty awesome, wasn't I? You weren't half bad, either. You really need to work on your hoof work, though. You keep not stabilizing right.” Each step sent little shock waves through her body, her muscles objecting slightly. Still, it wasn't nearly as bad as when she first woke up.

He nodded. “Yeah, I'm working on it.”

“I can't believe one of the council members came and talked on our behalf, though. I guess having the Avatar on your team has a few extra perks, huh?”

“Oh, she probably did that because of Acrylic. You know, being her son and all. I know my mom wouldn't--”

“Wait, what?” She stopped. “Repeat that?”

“Err... my mom wouldn't talk to them? She's kinda... too focused on following the rules.”

“No no, not that. Who's his mom?” Her sore muscles disappeared from her mind as she focused on the stallion.

“Oh, Vinyl? Yeah, she's Acrylic's mom. Wait, you didn't know?”

She stared at him. “Wait, his mom is a member of the council? Why didn't you say something? I just met his mom!”

“Really? She's awesome, isn't she?”

She stared at him with bafflement. How could he leave out--

“Wait, are you related to the council as well?”

“Yeah, my mom is Octavia. Earth bender representative.”

“You're both related to the council?” she asked again, shaking her head.

“I... I thought you knew. I thought that was the only reason you... joined us,” he said sheepishly. “So... you mean you joined us... without knowing?”

“Well, yeah. I just thought you were both somewhat decent benders. I didn't know... why didn't you tell me? No wonder she helped me. Wait... weren't they--”

“Previous champions? Yeah, we know,” Button said sourly, his mood darkening. “Trust me, we all know they're some of the best benders around. We've heard about it almost every single day of our lives from just about everypony who's met them. We get it, they're totally awesome and everything.”

She nodded slowly, walking up besides him. “So... if you're mom's that awesome, why are you such a lame bender?”

His mouth fell open in shock and he stared at her. Slowly, he lowered his eyes. “I... I don't know. I try my hardest, I really do. All the time. But I'm just... not talented like she is. I can't even metal bend yet...”

Diamond shrugged. “Eh. You're good enough. A few weeks fighting with me and you'll develop to a whole new level, probably. So, what are these sponsors like? How'd you meet them?”

“Oh, Tomorrow Industries. It's the company that's been making all those metal wings and horns, I'm sure you've seen them?”

She nodded. “Quite a few times, yeah. So they make them?”

“Yeah. That and a lot of other stuff. It's pretty cool, you know. All the stuff they do. The owner is Dr. Alicity. Err, he's not a real doctor, though. He just likes the title and has a PHD in... something. I don't know what it's all about. He's kinda... weird. You'll see. But he's a genius. I mean, like wow. Even though he can't bend or use any kind of magic, he's been able to crack soooo many different magical things. He was the one who found out how to make the robotic wings to help non-pegasi fly. And he's done a lot of things with spell matrixes to be able to store spells in artificial horns. He's not able to do anything with bending, yet, but in a decade, who knows?”

“You seem to know a lot about this, huh?” she asked with a cocked eye. “You work there?”

“Well... I interned once. There was... an incident,” Button said with a shudder. “Not any more. But he's a good friend of our moms, it's one of the reasons he sponsors us. He's actually got a kid about our age, too. She's pretty awesome.”

“Yeah,” Diamond muttered, tuning him out. She wasn't sure how she felt about this Dr. Alicity. Making artificial alicorns like that. It just didn't seem right. If all ponies were meant to have wings and horns, they'd have wings and horns. Only she was supposed to.


Diamond stopped and stared when they stepped out of the city. “Is... that it?”

“Uh huh,” Button said with a smile as he gestured forward. “Acrylic is already there., We'll be meeting up with him. I'm sure the doc will be super happy to see you.”

She nodded slowly, staring ahead. A massive chain link fence surrounded the headquarters. That was all she could think to call it. She counted at least three air ships, four warehouses. Many of the ponies standing around it(most likely the security) had the metal wings or horns. Except they weren't steel, instead solid black and almost seeming to glow. “Are those the civilian models?” she asked softly.

“I don't think so. They're special models, like the ones the Shadowbolts have.”

“Wait, the Shadowbolts use these?”

“Not often, they're still kind of new. But apparently the doc has been working to get them into their hooves, since they can't use bending. You know, horns with special stun spells and the like, or hooves that can cut different elements without the user getting hurt. They apparently have a faster reaction time than standard models, too.”

She stared, before looking to Button. “You've studied this all a lot, haven't you? How long was this internship?”

“He's our sponsor. It'd be really weird if I didn't know some things about this, wouldn't it?” he asked softly. “Besides, you'll know all about this too, trust me. He's very...” He sighed. “Well, you'll see.”

“I guess,” she mumbled, looking towards the building again. The two were waved inside quickly and she gave a small smile to the guard. He just glared at her.

Button led her through the complex with ease, taking her to a large, three story building. It was kind of impressive, she couldn't deny. She knew her own family had things like this, but she never had any chance to see them. Her father didn't travel much. Now she knew why, at least. “So, why do you need a sponsor, anyway?”

“There's a huge fee for entering the tournament and all the things like uniforms and training time costs money. We tried funding it ourselves at first. Doing odd jobs and stuff, but there's just no way to keep on top of our game, work full time jobs and organize everything. All the pro teams have sponsors.”

She nodded. Well, she guessed money did help in situations like this. And apparently they had quite a lot of it available to them. She'd probably had to have had her family chip in to pay for it all, if not for this.

Suddenly an explosion tore through the building and she went into full stance, ready for an attack. Was it the anti-benders? She knew they couldn't be trusted. Attacking a pony like this, hah, it... why wasn't Button getting freaked?

“I'm guessing another prototype just blew up,” he muttered.

“Wait, another? Blew up? Does that happen often?” she asked, her mouth falling open.

“Oh yeah, all the time. Like... at least three or four times a day. The doc is nice, really. But I think he might be kind of... not all there. If you catch my drift.”

“Secretary, get me the thing!” a voice echoed down the hall.

“That'd be him,” Button grumbled before trotting on ahead. Diamond followed after, quickly. She didn't know what to expect, so she tried to expect everything.

Her mouth dropped when she came to the room. Before she had been impressed. Now... she was just disappointed. There were two ponies. One was an earth pony covered head to hoof in soot, little hints of white coat and a golden mane breaking through. He wore a lab coat, completely in tatters. The other was a unicorn mare with a red and white coat, as well as a black mane. She only wore a pair of red rimmed glasses and was completely clean, not a mark on her. Likely because of the big, charred steel shield she was hiding behind.

“Sir, perhaps you should stand behind the shield next time?” the mare asked, before walking over and holding out a small metal tube with her magic.

“Nonsense! A little fire and metal shards never hurt anypony,” he said confidently before he started prodding at what remained of a long, metal box. “Now, if I adjust the--”

“Doctor? You have visitors,” the mare said, looking to them.

He paused and looked up. “Ah! Switch! Crystal!”

“Button, Diamond,” Button corrected.

“Right, right. I've heard so much about you,” the stallion said, adjusting his soot covered glasses before walking to her. She backed up a little, but slowly exposed a hoof.

“Errr... hello. Doctor. Nice to... meet you,” she said with a small smile. He seemed... interesting at least.

“Yes, yes. I've always wanted to meet an alicorn. Sadly, I never got the chance to study your predecessor. I was amazed to find out you've decided to join our little team.” He gave a wide grin, before turning back around and trotting towards the device. “Silver is in the study with Acer. I'll be in shortly.”

Button paused and looked around. “But... this is the study.”

“They're in the main hall,” the mare said, before shaking her head. “A pleasure to meet you, Avatar. I am--”

“Secretary! Do the thing!” Alicity called.

The mare cringed, before looking back towards him. “Coming, sir.”

Diamond rolled her eyes and followed after Button. “Acer?”

“Acrylic. He's not very good with... names. It's why he calls her Secretary.”

“Oh. What's her name?”

He paused for a moment, before looking back. “You know... now that you mention it, I don't think I even know.” He shrugged. “Eh, I probably just forgot.” He led her through the halls and she came to a large, open room and she gasped.

Acrylic was there, sitting on the couch next to an all too familiar mare.

“Silver Spoon?” Diamond asked.

The earth pony looked up and gasped, giving a little wave. “H-hello again. I uhhh... I heard you joined my daddy's team.”

“I didn't know you were a part of all this,” Diamond said with a grin as she moved over, sitting between her and Acrylic. She heard an objective grunt from him, but ignored it. “Why didn't you say anything? That your dad owned this company?”

“I, ummm... y-you didn't seem to know and... I didn't want to bother you with it,” Silver muttered softly, poking her hooves together. “You're the... Avatar and all.”

“Well, yeah, but if I'd known you had a team I would have wanted to see it. That's pretty awesome,” she said with a grin. “So is that why you have the horn and wings? Your dad makes them?”

She nodded. “He gives me the prototypes usually. They're self defense models,” she mumbled softly. “He uhhh... worries.”

“Well, that's still pretty cool. So what can they do?”

“Uhhh... well, these ones are actually new,” Silver said, before eeking. “No, don't!”

But it was too late. Diamond had already reached out and put a hoof to Silver's back. The wing lashed out and, with a burst of electricity, zapped the alicorn.

She collapsed, her eyes wide and body spasming.

“I'm so, so sorry! Daddy hasn't calibrated them yet!” Silver said, just a hint of a smile on her lips. The alicorn groaned and heard Acrylic laughing from besides her. “Acrylic did the same thing. Are you okay?”

“O-ow,” Diamond said softly, slowly sitting back up. She twitched a few times, but there didn't seem to be any damage done. She jumped from the couch and backed from Silver, glaring at her. “The buck was that for? Why didn't you warn me!”

“I-I didn't think you'd, I was just--”

“You could have really hurt me! What if that'd done some real serious damage?” she asked furiously. “I'm the Avatar. What if that had paralyzed me? Do you have any idea what kind of chaos that would have caused?”

Silver shuddered, lowering her eyes as little tears started to form in her eyes. “I-I'm so... I'm so s-sorry... I just... I was... I just... I-I didn't mean to. P-please, I'm so sorry. I didn't--”

“You need to be careful,” she snapped. “You stupid--”

“Knock it off!” Acrylic snapped, before getting to his hooves and glaring at her.


“It was an accident. It happened to me, too. It's not too powerful a charge, so just calm down. Or leave. I really don't care which,” he said, stomping a hoof and glaring into her eyes.

Diamond glared back, but after a few moments she sighed and gave a shrug. “Fine. Whatever. Just be more careful. Sheesh.”

“Sorry,” Silver said softly, keeping her eyes lowered. Acrylic sat besides her again, though Diamond now understood why he had been sitting so far away from her.

Diamond still felt twitches through her body, her sore muscles objecting as she stood. Finally, she slid back into the seat, this time keeping Acrylic between her and Silver.

“Sorry for making you all wait,” Alicity said as he trotted into the room. He looked far better, almost fully cleaned. She snickered as she saw Secretary coming in a moment later, her horn glowing as she wiped the remaining soot off the stallion. “Now, I think it's time we get down to business.” He paused and they watched him. Secretary jumped and suddenly ran out of the room and he nodded. “Good. Secretary, do the thing!”

The lights dimmed and the covers over the windows went down. A small cloth fabric fell down across the opposite wall and after a few moments, light flashed across it. Crude, black and white drawings appeared on it, glowing from a light outside the room.

A few moments later the fabric burst into flame. Diamond watched in horror as the flames caught onto the wall. Secretary came running in with a shriek, but before she could do anything, Diamond spread out her hooves and the flames shot up, gathering over her hoof and disappearing.

Alicity hummed and looked up at the charred mess. “Well, I guess maybe we should work on the heat distribution. But the flame silk works so great at reflecting the light...”

Secretary gave a sigh and shook her head. “Sir, if I may, perhaps we don't need the projector for this presentation? It's still in development after all...”

He gave a sigh.

“I'm really sorry,” Silver whispered to the three. “Daddy just gets... carried away sometimes.”

“What was that thing?” Diamond asked, watching the stallion as he trotted back and forth, looking over the mess.

“New invention from R&D,” Silver said with a shake of her head. “It... still needs testing. It's supposed to use photos and kind of... project them onto the screen. Like illusion magic. But storing the spells hasn't been working very well.”

Diamond nodded and looked at all the burn marks. “How has this place not burned down?”

“Oh, it has a few times. But most of it isn't flammable anymore,” Silver said.

The Avatar's mouth fell open. Was that a joke? Before she could ask, Alicity cleared his throat.

“Okay! Well, since that isn't going to work, I guess I'll have to stick to just telling you. Secretary, hit the thing!”

She sighed. “Yes sir,” the unicorn said before trotting to the windows. Her horn glowed and the curtains rose up, filling the room with light.

“Now, as all of you know Tomorrow Industries is the maker of technology of the future. We've been developing the alicorn enhancements for years and we're almost ready to go into full mass production. Our cloud boots are working with only a .1 percent failure rate. Telekinesis and basic flight are now very possible.” He said with a quick nod. “Now, I'm sure you're wondering what this has to do with anything.”

“Yeah, kinda,” Diamond said with an annoyed roll of her eyes. “It's not like anypony can wear these at the tournaments, so why should we care?”

“I'm happy you asked, Miss Avatar!” the stallion said before gesturing up. He then frowned. “There was supposed to be a picture of the prototype up there. Just... look at Silver. Honey? Can you stand up for daddy?”

The mare slowly nodded and got to her hooves, spreading out the wings. They gave a little zap into the air. “Err, daddy, I think you might need to finish calibrating these before I hurt somepony. Again.”

“After the presentation,” he said before looking to the ponies. “The reason is simple. This technology will change the world. How long have ponies been unable to do things that their brethren can? Did you know roughly one in ten pegasi families have a child without wings and are forced to leave their homes behind or even set their child up for adoption because there's no way for them to be in the clouds with them?”

Diamond froze, her eyes widening. There was no way that was true, was there? She felt guilt flooding through her, though she didn't know why.

“And do you know how many earth and pegasus ponies face abuse when coming from a unicorn family, due to their lack of magic?” He shook his head. “Now, this technology is still in the foal stages of development, but within a year I expect we'll be able to make cheap, affordable versions of all these types of attachments. Within a decade we'll be able to make ones that don't need to be recharged more than once a month and don't have the same weight or discomfort.”

“That'd be nice,” Silver said before nudging the metal strapped to her chest. “This thing chafes horribly. Also, you really need to recalibrate it so it stops zapping anypony who touches me.”

“It's a feature!” Alicity said proudly.

“Daddy, I will come over there and zap you so hard!” Silver yelled shrilly, drawing a few chuckles from the three. Secretary didn't join in, merely watching with indifference.

He sighed and gave a nod. “Fine, after my presentation. Now, as the funder of the Fighting Notes, I want the three of you to display a few of my models. Now, I know what you're thinking.”

“That you want to use my name and prestige to push your product?” Diamond asked flatly.

“No. I want to use all three of your names and prestige! Very different. The Avatar and the sons of two council members? It would be front page news everywhere! Ponies would be lining up to try them! Imagine the extra funding I could receive!”

Diamond blinked, before looking to her two team mates. Right, they were sons of... those two. “Isn't that kind of... a waste? I mean, aren't you already rich?”

He nodded. “Yes, yes. Beyond most ponies wildest dreams. But this kind of research is far from cheap. I've spent hundreds of millions of bits and I still have a long way to go before this is complete.” A grin formed on his face. “I'm not just pushing to make these, Avatar. If it was just to get them done for a few ponies wanting to use them and pay out the nose, they'd be ready by now. Military specs are already almost complete. But I don't want to stop there. I plan and make it so ANYPONY can have them. Imagine. A world where nopony was forced to feel inferior just because they can't fly or use magic. No longer will ponies be discriminated against or told where they can and cannot go just because of how they were born. Cities like Cloudsdale would be open to all ponies.” The grin on his face spread even more. “And, perhaps one day, even bending can be given to all.” He then pointed towards the charred wall. “Twilight Sparkle, the last...” He paused. “Oh, right, projector burned it. Just imagine there's a big picture of Twilight Sparkle there. Now, Twilight Sparkle, the last Avatar, created this city. A city where all ponies and even non ponies could come and be equal and allies, regardless of their race. This is merely a chance to take it a step further. To create a world where-- Oh, wait! Secretary! Do the thing!”

She let out an exasperated sigh, but her horn glowed and a dull image of Twilight appeared against the charred wall.

“Now, where was I, oh! To create a world where all ponies are equal, where races no longer have to be divided. That Avatar took the first steps towards this world when she made this city.” He then looked to the three. “I merely want the three of you to help me achieve the next step.”

Acrylic sighed. “Is this the whole reason you agreed to fund our team?”

“What? No... no... yes,” he said with a shrug. “For the greater good, of course. After all, all ponies should be equal and able to spend their lives with their families and loved ones.” He then looked to Acrylic and Button. “How about you two? Have you ever felt inferior? Watching your friends fly? Or Button, how about the fact you can't use telekinesis? Can you honestly not tell me you don't find the idea intriguing?”

Diamond raised a hoof. “Wait. You're telling us all this, what happens if we say no? Are you pulling your funding?”

He looked shocked then and shook his head. “No! Of course not! I would never do something so... so dastardly!” he said, taking a step back with wide eyes and having the good grace to look hurt.

“He will, however, guilt you horribly if you decline,” Secretary said firmly. “He has truly mastered the art of whining. No offense intended, sir.”

He nodded. “Yes, indeed. When for the greater good, no tool must be ignored!” He then smiled to them. “If you don't want to, however, I won't force the matter. You all have the choice.”

“I'll do it,” Acrylic said with a shrug. “My mom would probably be all for it. But not during our matches or during official events where I'm representing my mother or the moon raisers.”

Button nodded. “Yeah. Ummm, me too except for the metal benders instead of the moon raisers. It'd probably be pretty cool. I've never flown before.”

All eyes fell on Diamond. She shook her head. “Not a chance. Listen, I appreciate what you're doing, but come on. I'm the Avatar. I have enough magic and will have my own wings soon enough. I don't need a bunch of fakes, that'd just be silly,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hoof. “I'll like... wear a button or something. That's it.” She glanced to Button. “An actual button. Not you.”

Alicity gave a sigh, but slowly nodded. “Well, you can't blame me for trying. But I understand, I won't try to force you and-- Secretary, do the thing!”

The image of Twilight disappeared and suddenly a plate of cookies appeared in front of Diamond.

“Would... you do it for a cookie? Oatmeal raisin? Chocolate chip? Or even... macadamia?”

The unicorn stared at them for a few moments, before cocking an eye. “You're... kidding, right?”

“I also have chocolate cake!” Alicity said proudly.

She pushed them aside. “That's my answer and I'm sticking to it. No.”

He nodded slowly. “Hmmm. A mare who sticks to her principles. I like that. Even if I don't agree with them. Very well! What if...” He hummed and looked around. “I gave you... the spherical shiny thing!”

“Sir, the spherical shiny thing blew up. Remember? You pushed the button...”

“Oh. Right. Secretary! Order five more spherical shiny things!”

There was another exasperated sigh, before she nodded. “Yes sir.”

He then looked to Diamond. “I will accept your refusal, for now. But rest assured. I will get a yes from you!”

She sighed and looked to Silver. “Is... he always like this?”

She nodded slowly. “Yes... sorry.”

“Good, now that that's over, Plastic, Switch, how about I get you two fitted for some attachments?”

“Acrylic and Button, dad,” Silver said with a face hoof. “And before anything, you need to fix my suit so I stop zapping ponies. I can't get near anypony like this without hurting them.”

He nodded. “Yes, as I said, a feature!”

The earth pony jumped to her hooves and dashed after him. He yelped and jumped behind Secretary. “Do the thing!”

“Very well, sir.” The unicorn said before stepping to the side to allow his daughter to pounce him. There was a loud zap.

Diamond watched, a hoof covering her mouth as she burst into giggles. This was actually kind of fun.


“So, are you feeling okay?” Acrylic asked as they stepped out of the house, waving to Silver.

“Huh? Why?”

“You keep limping.”

She blushed and looked down. Was she limping? She didn't deny she was still kind of sore from yesterday, but she didn't realize it was that bad. She gave a nod. “I'm fine. I just... you know. Yesterday was pretty tough. I mean, not for me. Just, you know. I wasn't used to it and... still kind of sore. A little bit. Not much, though.”

He rolled his eyes. “You could have left. You didn't have to wait for us to finish getting measured and everything.”

She chuckled. She had only actually waited because the idea of getting off of the couch just seemed like a foalish idea at the time. Her body hated her. She gave a small shrug. “Eh. It's fine. You're my team mates and everything.”

“Really? Well, how about we go get some practice in, then?”

She shuddered. “W-what?”

“Practice. The arena won't be open, but I'm sure we can find someplace to do some minor training.” A wicked grin formed on his face. “Come on. It'll be fun...”

She shook her head quickly. “N-no. I uhhh, I need to go home, anyway.”

“Oh? Too bad, I suppose. Button and I were probably going to go to the spa. But I guess your--”

“This place has a spa?”

“Of course,” the stallion said with a smirk. “You're welcome to join us. We'll probably head over... after we get some practice in.”

Her eyes twitched. She was sore, so training was out of the question. But... but spa. But training. But spa. Uggggh. She shook her head. “Sorry, can't. Prism is waiting and he turns into such a whiner when I'm late. Another time, okay?” she said before turning and galloping off, doing her best to hide how much each running step hurt her. The moment she turned a corner she slowed down, cringing. “Ow ow ow owowow,” she said with a groan. She was sure by tomorrow she'd be fine. All she had to do was walk back to the island. Yes. A slow, gentle walk. That was easy.

She was halfway to the island when she heard the screams for help and her eyes widened. Her ears shot up and she raced towards it. She was not in the mood for this.

But then again, she was the Avatar. Maybe it would be fun.