• Published 11th Dec 2015
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Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 1: Harmony - Jeweled Pen

Following the events of The Last Alicorn, a new Avatar has risen. Can she defeat the mysterious Meadowbrook and stop her from removing everypony's cutie marks?

  • ...

Chapter 20: Prepare

“Really? That's the best plan we've got?” Diamond asked as she looked over the council. “Charge in, hope they're there, just break them out? Doesn't that seem like a bit... well... simple.”

“The fact there will be a hoofful of earth benders and a near army of diamond dogs means getting in and out will be easy,” Strongheart said. “While it is a bit... crude, it should be more than effective. The key reason being... well, there's truly nothing they can do to stop us. The dogs can get in and out of their locations with ease. The city, fortunately, doesn't have any true underground defenses like many bending cities. We can use this to our advantage to move. We have every advantage here.” She paused and shook her head. “As long as we're only trying to rescue the two, it should be quite simple.”

“What if they're not there?” Diamond asked softly.

“Then they're not there,” the buffalo said with a shrug. “There should be no real danger so long as we spend the majority of our time under ground. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

“Okay. So when do we go?” she asked with a smile. Silence reigned over the room. “What?”

Zecora took a deep breath. “A plan such as this does not the Avatar need. Instead for you we have a task of some peril, indeed.”

“Wait, what? In Equestrian, please.”

“We're calling for aid. For that we unfortunately need radio equipment. Working radio equipment. The best place to get something like that...” Strongheart shook her head. “Would be Dr. Alicity's lab. Unfortunately, our plan won't work quite as well there.”

“What, why?”

“The... doctor was always a bit eccentric and paranoid. There are a number of traps set all over the complex. Going underneath it to try and sneak in would be dangerous, possibly fatal. We'd need somepony to break in, clear their way through, grab the equipment and then get back out here.”

Diamond nodded. “Oh. And this is the only radio in the city?”

“Of course not. But, as most of the... well, the city is now under the control of Meadowbrook. Locking us out through the radio towers and blocking our communications would be easy. But Dr. Alicity should have the equipment we need.” The buffalo looked mildly annoyed. “In fact, I can almost guarantee it. If we got a bit for every time we told him to...” She paused. “Actually, considering all the fines we ended up leveling on him, we likely have gotten a bit for it. It's not exactly legal, as equipment goes. But it should enable us to call for help and get around Meadowbrook's control.”

Diamond nodded. “Great, when do I go?”

“Rush this we cannot,” Zecora said before getting to her hooves. “For this we must carefully plot.”

“We'll be assembling a team,” Strongheart said. “Each of the council is choosing a representative to aid you. Please try to be careful.”

“Representatives? Why?” She grumbled and tapped her hooves down. “I can do this on my own.”

There was a sigh from Zecora. “Yes, one who believes herself perfect. A team is needed before you get yourself--”

“No!” Diamond said, shaking her head. “That's not what I mean. It's not that I'm too good, or too fast, or anything like that. This is a mission where you need somepony who can get in and out quietly, without causing trouble. If you want me to have a team, send me in with Prism or a Shadowbolt. But a big team will just draw attention. Somepony who can fly would be best.”

“How does pony plan to get equipment out?” Rover asked, eying her.

“I'm stronger than I look. If you need to, choose just one or two. I'd think Shadowbolts would be best, though. Since they can sneak in, I can use my bending to deal with any problems we need to bend our way through. If we need to break anything, then maybe a metal bender. But please, sending a huge team with me is just going to slow us down.”

Rover nodded. “Is true. But then why need you? If--”

“If you don't need me, then don't use me,” Diamond snapped. “Put me somewhere else, where ever you need me to be. But for something like this, don't send an army. You'll just get everypony captured.”

Strongheart nodded, quickly speaking up before the others can. “That is a valid concern and we will take it under advisement. If you would please excuse yourself, however. We still have much to discuss. What... remains of the council must discuss things.”

She gave a nod and turned to trot off, sighing softly. She doubted they were going to listen to a word she said. She couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, none the less. Even if it wasn't, she still felt as if this was her fault. If she had stopped Meadowbrook when they'd first met, none of this would have happened. Or the second, or even third time. Maybe if she'd stopped her from taking Silver's cutie mark. There were so many things that just seemed to go wrong. As if everything Meadowbrook was doing was just going along perfectly. She snorted softly and wondered how many of the unmarked had been helping her from the beginning. Giving her information on patrols to help her ambush the defenses. Stirring up trouble amongst the marked and unmarked. She kicked the ground a little.

She considered going to check on Ironwing, but shook her head and couldn't do it. She thought about those ponies, standing around his broken body. They deserved some privacy. They deserved to be able to grieve in peace.

Her mind turned to her other friends. To Silver, Button and Acrylic. She prayed they were okay, that they would be safe and sound. Though she doubted it.

She took a slow, deep breath and shuddered. The cave suddenly started feeling a lot more confined. She moved to the nearest diamond dog. “Which direction is the main exit? I... I need to get some fresh air.”

The dog snorted and pointed down one of the many tunnels. “Down tunnel, fifth right. Keep going for ten...” It took a few minutes for her to get it all straight, but she then nodded and trotted off.

It took nearly a half hour to find the exit, but when she did she took in a deep, grateful breath of fresh air. There were a few other ponies there, mostly pegasi. To her surprise, one in particular was sitting by the exit. “Blaze?”

“Huh?” the mare asked, turning around. Her eyes were slightly red. “Oh. Hello Diamond. What are you doing out here?”

“I needed some fresh air. How are things going in there? Is Ironwing doing better?”

“Too early to tell,” she mumbled softly, looking ahead again. “We won't know until tomorrow, probably. He's such an idiot. As big of one as Prism. I swear.”

Diamond nodded and moved over, sitting by her. “So... I uhhh...” She looked up to the mare and gulped. “What... happened?”

“It was an ambush near one of the parks,” Blaze said softly. “Styx was never the fastest flier, so they couldn't outrun them. Ironwing should have just ran off and got help, but he can be as stubborn as a mule sometimes. He tried fighting them. Ended up getting zapped a few times, it slowed him down enough until they overwhelmed him. He fell, hard. Landing on the dirt, stomach first. If they'd been over the roads or he'd landed fully on his head, he'd be dead now. He still might not make it. A few more Shadowbolts arrived to help Styx, but they weren't fast enough to...” She shuddered and closed her eyes.

The Avatar nodded. “I... didn't think you liked him.”

“Just because I think he's an idiot and an ass doesn't mean I want him dead,” she said angrily. “Do you want everypony you argue with to die?”

She quickly shook her head. “No, no, sorry.”

The pegasus glared, but then sighed and shook her head. “No, I'm sorry. I'm just... upset and lashing out. It's not your fault this happened. It's not anypony's fault except Meadowbrooks.”

Diamond nodded. “What happened? I mean... between you, Prism and Ironwing? I thought... well...”

The pegasus let out a groan. “It's... long and convoluted.”

“I have time and nothing better to do,” Diamond said softly. “If you don't want to tell me, I won't pry. I'm just curious.”

There was a few moments of silence, before the mare nodded. “I... suppose there's no fault in telling you. He was... well... we used to be really good friends. All three of us. In fact, Ironwing and I used to date.”

Diamond's eyes went as wide as possible. “WHAT? How? Why? When? What? You dated HIM?”

“Oh, yes. He and I dated for nearly a year. The three of us grew up together. You see, Ironwing's mom is a council member now, but she used to be the commander of the Shadowbolts. Prism's mother was the Wonderbolt representative and air bender council member for years. Though I hear she almost never actually showed up to do her job. I ended up traveling here and learning under her when I first started my training. There were a few others, but I was the only one who stuck around.”

“Why?” Diamond asked, cocking an eye. “Had the hots for Prism?”

“Ugh, no. He was such a dork back then,” she said with a small chuckle and roll of her eyes. “Rainbow was... well... let's call her eccentric. She was one of the best fliers in the country, possibly the world. She knew it. And she made sure EVERYPONY knew it. She was almost as arrogant as you, except she could back it up.”

The unicorn's cheeks turned red. “H-hey. I-I'm working on that!”

“My point stands. She expected the very best from her ponies. If you failed or messed up, she'd make sure it only happened once. But...” She tapped the ground. “She believed in you. She never let you give up, no matter how much you wanted to. No matter how hard she pushed you, she'd be by your side the entire time, helping you along. She never abandoned you. Lots of students couldn't handle her, but I never gave up. It was worth it. Prism and Ironwing were best friends back then. Believe it or not, they were a lot different, too.”


Blaze nodded. “Ironwing always had a bit of a stick up his butt. Trust me, he gets it from his parents. His dad, especially. But he used to have this... other side to him. He'd... well...” She sighed. “He was caring, loving and very sensitive. You should have seen him whenever Fluttershy came by with a herd of baby bunnies, he'd be the first one in, snuggling them. He was... cute.”

“There's a lot of 'was' there,” Diamond said softly. She tried to imagine Ironwing playing with baby bunnies. Somehow, the image just didn't compute.

“Yeah. Was is the key word here,” the mare mumbled. “Prism was exciting back then. He was like his mom. Cocky, believed he couldn't fail. Half the time he was right. He could try half as hard as other ponies and get twice the results and I won't deny, I hated him for it. He spent soooo much time goofing off and playing pranks.”

“Wow, I bet his mom hated that.”

“Are you kidding? She taught him half those pranks! I remember the day he put itching powder in the council member's robes. All of them.”

“Wait, you have robes?”

“Had robes,” she mumbled, giving a shiver. “I still remember the vision of the council chasing the two of them through the city. I... liked Ironwing back then. A lot. I even thought I was in love with him. I think he thought he loved me too.”

“Well, what happened then? Prism break you two up?”

The mare snorted. “Nah. We just kind of... well... we drifted apart. To be completely honest, half the time I think Ironwing was more interested in Prism than he was me,” she said with a light chuckle. “Those two used to practice all the time together. The Shadowbolts and Wonderbolts were a deadly combination together and they had half a dozen different moves they'd pull off together. But me and him, we just never had that bond. Our relationship started off fun, but it never went anywhere.” She paused. “I'm not even sure who broke up with who, in the end. We both knew it was coming, but we were both afraid it would change things. That the three of us wouldn't be friends any more. It was silly, but we still loved each other so much.”

“Did it?”

She nodded. “A little, but it wasn't the main reason. Things were awkward, but we were still friends. The three of us. Then... well... Scootaloo retired from the Shadowbolts.” Her face darkened. “Ironwing was put in charge. I still don't... I don't think he was ready. Sometimes I don't think he's ready now. He's too young.”

The Avatar nodded again, keeping her mouth shut.

“That's when we drifted apart. He never had time for anything but being a Shadowbolt. Dealing with all the work that entailed. Organizing the zebras and negasi. He tried to see us, of course. But it wasn't very successful. Sometimes weeks would go by without even a note. Anypony could see the tension in him from it, but we didn't do anything. He declined our offers of help.” Blaze closed her eyes. “Sometimes... I wonder if things had been different. If we had been there for him. Maybe forced him to accept our help. Went to his mother. Something. But we grew more and more apart. With just me and Prism, we started to get closer. He was... well... for all his pranking and bratiness, he actually was a lot of fun. And loyal. He'd have died for any of us.”

“And that's why you guys hate each other?”

She shook her head. “No. We don't... hate each other. Prism and Ironwing... they just...” She sighed. “Neither of them want anything to do with each other. Ironwing won't even talk to me outside of official council business. Both of them are stubborn as mules,” she grumbled again. “There was this... pony. Shining Blast. She... hurt a lot of ponies. Both the Shadowbolts and the Wonderbolts screwed up. Didn't react in time, in the right way. Ironwing and Prism blamed each other after Rainbow got hurt and ran away.”

Diamond blinked a few times. “Wait, is that what Prism meant by betrayed him? Because he messed up?”

Blaze nodded. “I suppose. I don't think either of them over got over what happened to Rainbow. How she...” She gave another soft sigh, her eyes lowering. “It's not either of their faults, Rainbow is a grown mare. She knew how to take care of herself. Even if she didn't know she...” She put a hoof to her head and shook it. “Ugh. And now Ironwing might die and the two of them never made up. I should have just forced them to.”

“Wait, at any time you could have just forced them to make up?” Diamond asked.

The mare sighed again. “If only. I could have just locked them into a room and slammed the door, I guess. Prism is a stronger bender than me, but I always had more finesse. Don't even get me started on Ironwing. He has like, half a dozen blind spots that if you know how, you can take him down easy as pie.”

Diamond blinked and suddenly grinned. “Sayyyyy. Could you teach me some of these blind spots? For, errr, Avatar reasons.” She received a flat, unamused look. “Sorry. So, what happened to this whole... carefree, braty, pranky Prism? I feel like I only have the stick in butt model, with extra crankiness.”

She snorted. “He's not that bad. But... yeah. Things changed after his mother left. He still blames himself, even if he blames Ironwing more. At the time, he spent most of his focus practicing for pro-bending or sleeping. He didn't think there was anything worth really practicing for. We all thought the future was so bright and...” She shook her head. “That's the problem with being young. You think you and everypony around you is immortal. The sad truth is, they aren't.”

Diamond nodded, her eyes lowering. “What... happened? To his mom? Why uhhh...”

The pegasus went quiet and stared off in the distance. Then, slowly, she turned back inside. “I'd best go check on them. See if there's been any changes.”

“What? But what about his mom? You're supposed to tell me! You can't just stop mid story! Tell me!” She tried following after the mare, but a sudden burst of air sent her into a spin, ending with her facing the other way. “Ugh. Blaze, you suck! Like... super mega suck!”

She crossed her hooves and pouted. 'Ugh. This is so boring. I wish Acrylic, Button or Silver were here,' she thought to herself. Guilt began to fill her heart and she closed her eyes. 'For so many reasons...'


Strongheart stared down at the Avatar. “Okay then, Avatar. Your mission, should you choose to accept it--”

“Of course I'm going to accept it. Like, why wouldn't I? It would be the stupidest thing in the world for me not to. Ponies would die! Well, maybe not die. They'd lose their cutie marks. That's... almost as bad.”

The buffalo frowned. “Twilight would have let me be dramatic...”

Diamond gave an exasperated sigh and face hoofed. “Fine, go ahead.”

“Now you've ruined it...”

“Git on with it!” Rover yelled.

“Ahem, errr, right. Of course,” Strongheart said with a soft cough before smiling to the unicorn. “Your mission is going to be simple, but dangerous. We have no real way of knowing how many ponies are in the Tomorrow Industries compound. There could be none, there could be dozens. We can't say. You'll need to go underground and try to get your way in. We'll be sending you with two others.”

Diamond nodded, grinding a hoof into the ground.

“The diamond dogs have graciously offered the service of one of their strongest members. Fido, would you step forward?”

Diamond's mouth fell open as the massive gray diamond dog stepped forward. His arms were almost as thick as tree trunks. Granted, he still paled in comparison to Legond, but that didn't really matter when he was THAT big. “Ummm, h-hi,” the unicorn said softly.

The diamond dog merely snorted.

Strongheart cleared her throat. “For the next, an old guard has been chosen. We... were a little surprised by his volunteering, but...” She shook her head. “Hornclipper?”

An older pegasus stepped forward and Diamond's mouth almost hit the ground. “Wait, aren't you Ironwing's dad? Shouldn't you be with him?”

He nodded. “I am. And he doesn't need me right now. Were he able, he'd do this mission. I'll be going in his place.”

Diamond looked him up and down. “Aren't you a bit... old?”

The glare she received almost felt like a smack in the face. She quickly looked away. “Well, what do I know? I uhhhh, I think this team will work just fine!” she said, shuffling her hoofs. “When do we leave? Soon, I hope?”

“Immediately,” Strongheart said with a nod. “Fido will be leading on the way there. Hornclipper will be in charge upon arrival, he has the most experience with the facility. Avatar, please listen to them.”

“Of course,” Diamond said, before following after Fido. She couldn't believe she had to follow after a dog, he--

She nearly burst into laughter as the dog picked up Hornclipper over one shoulder and then dove into the wall. The pony looked just as shocked as she had, the last thing she saw was his startled face before she dove in after them, bending the earth around her.

'Heck, it was worth it just to see that alone.'