• Published 11th Dec 2015
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Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 1: Harmony - Jeweled Pen

Following the events of The Last Alicorn, a new Avatar has risen. Can she defeat the mysterious Meadowbrook and stop her from removing everypony's cutie marks?

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Chapter 16: Even MORE Aftermath

Attack on the finals!

The pro-bending finals were a quick affair, only one round before the Rock Bunnies managed to defeat the Fighting Notes, marking themselves as champions and defeating the Avatar. Unfortunately, using shady tactics to win(see indepth examination on page 2c), they raised the ire of the Avatar. Avatar Diamond Tiara led her own counter attack, wrecking the arena and nearly killing her opponents before Shadowbolt commander Ironwing stepped in, paralyzing the mare and leaving her helpless for what was to come(see picture on page 3b.)

It was all a trap. Meadowbrook's unmarked had infiltrated the viewers and launched a sneak attack. Disabling the Shadowbolts, metal benders and council members, Meadowbrook made her appearance and declared the end of the competition(see 'Alicorn armor in the hooves of terrorists' on page 4a.) After stealing the cutie marks of the Rock Bunnies, she called for the end of cutie marks, before escaping without incident after a failed attempt by Shadowbolt commander Ironwing(see picture on page 3b. Warning, those with weak hearts should look away.)

Escaping on an air ship, none of the Shadowbolts in pursuit were able to stop her, many in fact losing their cutie marks in the process. With this mare able to so easily break through the cities defenses only one question remains to be asked. How safe are we, truly?

Diamond's hooves shook as she read the paper. It was a rough summary, if that, but it put her in the worst light. She would have crushed Meadowbrook if not for Ironwing. She would NEVER have killed them. She was just going to break them. A lot. That was all. They made her out to be some kind of violent lunatic. The Bunnies had cheated, that was obvious. Everypony knew. So why were they treating her like she was some kind of deplorable monster. She was just getting vengeance for the wrong that had been dealt to her.

“Are you ever going to stop reading that story?” Prism asked, his voice filled with annoyance.

“No,” she grumbled, her eyes traveling over it another time. “Do you think Blaze is coming home tonight?”

He shook his head. “No. Things are still... hectic. Lots of ponies are calling for you to be banished, others are calling for Ironwing to be removed from power, some are asking for recounts on all the council members. It's nothing more than chaos out there.”

Diamond nodded and slowly put the paper down. “I... should go out there. Check on everypony.”

“Don't you think you've done enough?” he asked with a glare.

“I was cheated, you know that! They deserved it!”

“You went into a berserk rage,” he snapped. “They lost their cutie marks. If anything, shouldn't that be enough of a punishment?”

She paused, before slowly nodding. “I... I guess it should be. I just...” She stomped a hoof down. “It's just so... frustrating. I was right there! She just... ugh!” She then smiled. “So... did Ironwing... well, is he out of the doctors yet?”

Prism frowned. “It's not funny. I'm sure once the swelling goes down, he'll be leaving. If he'll be a Shadowbolt when he gets out, though... that's the question.”

She nodded. “How do you think the others are doing?”

“I don't know. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like with the council right now,” he muttered. “Ponies are in panic. Copper is likely going to be taking over full responsibilities of defending the city at this rate.”


Octavia took a deep breath as she eyed the two ponies before her. Copper Shield was as calm as stone, not moving as she looked ahead. Ironwing, on the other hoof, was sitting in a special padded chair. The... strike that Meadowbrook had levered had done quite a bit to take the poor stallion out of commission as well as shame him in the eyes of the city. She wished she could close down those papers that were doing everything they could to stir the pot. Causing panic on one hoof while mocking the defenders on the other. The only good news was that now every member of the council was here and taking these matters seriously. But it was only a matter of time before things went truly sour.

Sunburst cleared his throat. “Ironwing, Copper Shield. After the events of the previous night, I'm afraid... there will have to be some changes.”

Ironwing nodded. “I am ready and willing to step down. I failed in my duties,” he said firmly.

There was a light crack as Scootaloo slammed a hoof down, but she didn't say a word.

Sunburst nodded. “Indeed. We were expecting you to... maintain the safety of the arena.” He sighed. “But, the fault is not only yours. As many of you know, I was opposed to him taking over once Councilmare Scootaloo retired. Ironwing, you are a great fighter, but you are not a leader. You are too young, too inexperienced. During times of peace, allowing your mother to carry you to a high position was fine. But now we need ponies with experience. A pony who doesn't feel they have to answer to you.”

Octavia glanced over to Scootaloo who looked as if she was swallowing lemons. Styx didn't look much better. She hoped Sunburst would avoid saying any more things too harsh or he'd feel a hoof to the face. She was just thankful Ironwing's father wasn't here as well, then there would be some true violence.

“As per the ruling of the council, until time that we deem acceptable for you to return, you are removed from the Shadowbolts entirely.”

The pegasus' eyes widened and he looked up. “Wait, removed entirely? But I--”

“You have failed. Unfortunately, we need a pony who will not fail now, more than ever. Many of the ponies there are still loyal to you and will likely ignore your replacement, so long as you are nearby. As such, you are removed. Perhaps once this threat has been dealt with, you can return.”

He stared, his mouth falling open. “You... you can't. I AM a Shadowbolt. It's not something you can take away! I--”

Sunburst slammed a hoof down. “The will of the council on this is final. Ironwing, you are dismissed.”

“But I--”


The stallion shook and Octavia couldn't help noticing the mist beginning to gather in his eyes. He quickly looked down and turned, slowly steering his chair out from the room. This was just temporary, but she had no doubt the punishment broke his heart. Her eyes then moved to Copper.

“Now, Copper,” Sunburst said slowly once the door closed.

The earth pony merely nodded.

“You've proven yourself again and again. While you were unable to stop this attack, you have gained nothing but respect from the council and those under your hooves in your time as leader of the metal benders.”

Octavia glared at Sunburst. She could practically hear the insult directed at Scootaloo. Copper wasn't related to any of the council members and yet had made it to become their leader. Meanwhile, Ironwing was still seen as a child by many who only gained his position due to his mother's influence. The pegasus looked ready to jump the council head.

“You've always been willing to follow the wishes of the council, and I hope this time it will be no different.” He took a deep breath. “Effective immediately, the Shadowbolts are being brought under the control of the metal benders. All protections of the city will now be in your capable hooves.”

If the mare was shocked, there was no sign of it. She just stared ahead. Octavia couldn't help but wish her child was able to act in such a way.

“A number of new, emergency rules are being put into effect.” He tossed a small notebook to her, which she caught deftly. “There are also a few businesses we want you to investigate, personally. This mare has access to quite a few expensive toys. Submarines, air ships, she has connections. All of these connections need to be flushed out, eradicated and, hopefully, her along with them.”

The mare nodded, still watching him.

He smiled. “Please go through those notes and put our new rules in effect.” He motioned forward and one of the unicorns behind him marched forward. “The council will offer all aid we can during this sudden change of leadership, but things must go smoothly. This Meadowbrook is a recognized threat, now. By all members of the council.” His eyes glanced over towards the non-pony section. “And she must be stopped. Dismissed.”

“Eeyup,” Copper said before turning and trotting away, the aide following behind her.

“Now, onto our next order of business,” Sunburst said carefully. “On matters of trade, we...”


“Welcome home!” Button yelled happily as the main door to the house opened. He galloped out of the kitchen, skidding along the ground a little and flying down the hall. He slammed into a wall before regathering himself and running back towards the door. “Mom!”

Octavia gave a weak smile to her son. “Hello, Button. What is that... smell?” she asked softly. It reminded her of rotten fruit mixed in an outhouse before being lit on fire.

“I cooked dinner!”

“... Joy,” she said softly. She trotted into the main room and sighed. “Hello, Acrylic. I see you're still here.”

“Has your invitation run out?” the unicorn asked before looking up from the newspaper.

“Of course not, you're always welcomed here,” Octavia said before she walked over to sit on the couch and pour out a little bit of tea. She sniffed it and smiled. Acrylic had made it, so she knew it was drinkable. “But you do know your mother would want you to be in the Water Nation with her. The tournament is over, there's no need for you to remain.”

“I know. But I'm not one of the Moon Raisers.”

“You could be. Your mother--”

“My mother would put me in that position, even though I'm nowhere near capable. Tittering is twice the bender I am, and we both know it. If I become a moon raiser, it will be because I earned it. Because I was good enough.”

Octavia gave a sigh and gently stirred her tea before taking a sip. “You are good enough. A moon raiser does not need to be perfect.”

“A moon raiser may not need to be perfect, but not me. If mom wants me to replace her, I have to be perfect,” He paused. “Button is doing better. Did you see the way he was fighting at the matches?”

She nodded slowly. “Indeed. It was... quite impressive. I never thought I would see him move in such a manner. Where did he learn such a technique?”

Acrylic's eyes widened slightly. “He didn't tell you? I thought--”

“We do not talk often. You know this,” Octavia muttered.

The unicorn lowered his gaze and for a few moments there was silence. Finally he sighed. “He learned it from Diamond. She's been teaching him fire bending.”

“Fire bending? But he's an earth bender. He only gets the one style, she should know that.”

Acrylic nodded. “I know. But she's been teaching him how they fight and... all in all, it seems to be working quite well. He's doing a lot better as a fire bender than an earth bender. I think next year we'll have a real shot.”

Octavia's frown deepened. “You two intend to participate again, next year?”

“Most likely. We only lost this year because...” Acrylic shuddered. “We can try again next year. It'll be fine.” He looked over at the mare. “Mom is pretty excited about us still being in it.”

“Your mother has always been quite... easily amused.” Octavia glanced up and stared at Acrylic. “You've always been a much calmer child, if I remember correctly.” There was a sudden crashing sound from the kitchen. “The more grounded. Do you really intend to keep entering these tournaments? Don't you believe there are more important things you can do with your time?”

“I don't see why not, they're making my skills better,” he said softly, his eyes lowering.

“Slightly. If you were to focus fully on your training, being a Moon Raiser wouldn't be outside your grasp. Even with your high standards. Earning it would be simple, as you want.” She paused for a moment and sipped her tea. “I do appreciate you helping my son in his dreams, but you mustn't allow them to hold you back.”

He sighed. “I know. But it's kind of... fun, you know? You liked it, didn't you?”

She nodded. “Indeed. I will admit I acquired a bit of a thrill from the game. But that was then, we were at peace.” She slowly put the cup down. “All ponies require some way to unwind.”

“Mom especially,” Acrylic muttered. “I just... want to prove I can be as capable as her. You've seen the two of us fight. Do you think I'm anywhere near as good as her?”

Octavia looked the stallion over for a moment before slowly shaking her head. “No. I'm afraid not. Your mother, despite her rather... brisk actions and movements, is one of a kind. At her peak, she would have been a threat even to Nightma... Princess Luna. She had her own style and movements. She bent her bending to her will in a way most benders could never hope to achieve. While she is... not quite as skilled as she once was, she is still far beyond your current talents.”

He nodded and sipped his tea. “Then until I am, I can't be a moon raiser. Do you think Button could be a good metal bender?”

That made Octavia cringe. “Perhaps one day. But... not today. He still has a long, long way to go. He hasn't even mastered the basic movements or showed the slightest ability to metal bend. I don't even think he can sense through the earth.”

He nodded. “Exactly. I might be more grounded that Button, but I still have a while to go. I know mom wants me to be like her and... I want to be. But for now, I can't be. Not until I'm ready. Maybe when--”

The windows shattered as a metal orb sailed into the room. The two looked at it, only for a great white light to flash out and blind them. Acrylic let out a shriek, falling to the ground, his horn glowing as he gathered the tea up. He felt something hit his back, moments before electricity surged through it and he crumbled, splashing his drink.

Octavia closed her eyes, though all she could see was white. She stepped out onto the floor and tapped it, swirling around. She could hear them, but couldn't feel them yet. She dove to the right, shoving out a hoof so the ground reached out and encased Acrylic, wrapping him in a protective bubble. “Button! Attack!” she yelled.

“Huh?” Button asked as he came running in. “MOM! Above you!” he yelled.

Octavia shoved her hoof down and the ground surged up around her in four pillars. She heard the metallic crack as she hit something, then felt the resounding tremors as the pony fell to the ground. She felt the ground surge around her as Button charged forward. He tore the ground apart, lifting tiles and bricks from all around. She was forced to duck down as they flowed out, swirling through the air like a angry swarm of bees. Her vision was returning slowly, though everything was still in shades of white.

There were three more thumps. “That's all of them,” Button yelled, looking around. Octavia blinked a few times, slowly looking around. Four ponies, all unmarked and wearing the alicorn armor. She tapped the ground but she didn't feel any more of them out there. The armor's ability to fly made her assumption impossible to prove, however.

Octavia slid a hoof forward and uncovered Acrylic. “We're going back to headquarters,” she said firmly. “The unmarked have gotten a lot more...” The words trailed off as she looked towards the city.

It was illuminated with flame. Fire stroking along the buildings.


“YAH!” Diamond yelled as she bucked out, sending a burst of fire into the unmarked pony's chest. The armor didn't help enough and the pony was sent flying back, crashing through the wall. “That's the last of them!”

“I can't believe this,” Blaze muttered as she looked around at the collapsed ponies. Six of them in all. “Why would they attack us here?”

“I'm going after their submarine!” Diamond yelled, but was grabbed by Prism before she could make it out the door.

“No,” the stallion said. “It's too dangerous. This could all be a trap to lure you out. We're going to the city, to meet with the council. This is--”

“Fire,” Blaze said softly, a hoof pointing out the window towards the city.

“Fire? Fire wh--” Prism's words stopped as he looked out the window. Slowly his mouth fell open.


Ironwing charged forward, the blades across his wings lancing out as he clipped one of the fake metal wings from the pony, sending her crashing to the ground. He twisted in the air, diving down at the pony and slamming her into the ground. He then leaped back, panting slightly as he looked around. Many parts of him throbbed, especially around his waist, but he tried to not focus on it, while barely managing to not throw up.

“Everypony okay?” he asked, looking around.

“I'm fine,” Scootaloo said, a little blood dripping down her side. “Styx?” she asked, nudging the unmoving negasi. He groaned, but slowly lifted a leathery wing.

“H-hurt... but... it'll w-wear off,” he said weakly.

Ironwing dug his hoof into the ground. “Where's dad?”

“I'm here,” a red coated pegasus said as he stepped into the room, limping slightly. “One of them tried to sneak up behind me, but I gave them a buck they won't soon forget. What was that?”

“Somepony is targeting the council,” Ironwing said, glancing at the two. “The non-benders, it seems. We need to warn the others. It--” He was nearly knocked off his hooves as an explosion tore through the building and smoke filled the air. It took a few moments for him to regather himself, but he quickly rose into the air and out the window, looking over the city.

Smoke billowed in the air and fires bit at the sky. The city was burning.