• Published 11th Dec 2015
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Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 1: Harmony - Jeweled Pen

Following the events of The Last Alicorn, a new Avatar has risen. Can she defeat the mysterious Meadowbrook and stop her from removing everypony's cutie marks?

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Chapter 5: Meeting the Council

Diamond could barely hear her hoof steps over the crowd. The only reason she could even hear the play going on was because of all the magic gone into making it louder. She stepped onto the final platform and smiled.

It was filled with ponies. At least a dozen of them, not including the guards. “May I announce, the Avatar,” Prism said with a flourish of his wing.

Most of the heads turned towards her and she didn't recognize any of them, except for Blaze. But, for some reason she couldn't imagine, so many of them felt familiar.

A unicorn jumped from his chair and started trotting towards her. “Avatar? Quite the pleasure finally meeting you,” he said with a wide grin. He was an orange unicorn with white hooves and a dark orange mane. “I am Sunburst, representative of the fire benders and current head council member. A joy to meet you at last.” He reached out to grab her hoof, pulling it up to put the most gentle of kisses on it. Color flooded her cheeks and she gave a sheepish smile.

“Errr, n-nice to meet you as well,” she said softly.

He nodded and then glanced to her guide. “I trust Prism has been doing wonders to keep you entertained and feel welcome in our city. I'm sorry I haven't been able to meet you before now, but the jobs of a council member are quite busy. We must be constantly vigilante if we wish to maintain and keep the desires and wishes of all we represent forward in our minds. Please, allow me to introduce you to the rest of the council who has come.”

“O-okay,” she said with a smile.

“We'll begin with the non benders. I think there's one amongst them who will be quite happy to meet you.” He led her towards a small grouping of a pegasus, negasi, unicorn, earth pony and zebra. “This is lady Scootaloo, representative of the pegasi and one time leader of the Shadowbolts.” He motioned towards a brown pegasus mare with a purple mane.

The mare got to her hooves and waved a hoof. “Hello, Avatar. I knew your predecessor well. She was quite the Avatar, if you're even a quarter as good as her I know we'll all be in good hooves during your stay.” She reached out and shook the hoof. Diamond couldn't say why, but she felt oddly competitive suddenly and a weird urge to call the mare blank flank. It didn't make any sense, the mare clearly had a cutie mark.

“A pleasure to meet you as well.” She bowed politely.

“This is Lady Ashmane,” he said before motioning to an earth pony with a red coat and a very faded blue mane. She looked like the oldest of the council members and needed a little help from one of the guards in order to stand. Her face was covered in wrinkles and much of the gleam was gone from her coat. Still, she slowly reached out a hoof to shake. Diamond very carefully shook it, afraid she might hurt the mare.

“A pleasure to meet you, Avatar. It is a shame we could not have met sooner. I was an ally of the last Avatar, back when she was on her quest. I hope I can offer you the same aid.” She smiled gently when she pulled her hoof back.

“Oh, I ummm... I'm sure you will,” she mumbled softly. What was this warmth she felt inside? She swore she recognized all these ponies.

“This is Lady Zecora, representative of the zebras.” A black and white zebra stood up. She couldn't help but be a little disappointed. She'd seen so many different striped mixes for the zebra colors. Black and white was just so boring. The second feeling, however, was even worse.

She had the over powering urge to hug the zebra, which she barely suppressed.

“To meet you at last is much sublime,” the mare said with a smile. “Perhaps next time we can do it with more time?”

“O-of course,” Diamond said softly, suddenly fighting back the urge to cry. Ugh, what was happening to her? She didn't know these ponies, why did they feel so familiar?

“Next, Lord Styx, representative of the negasi, bat ponies, vesper...” He gave a sigh. “Still haven't decided on a name for yourselves?”

He looked like all the other negasi she'd met, gray coat, black wings, yellow eyes. Yet this one seemed oddly... cocky. A wide grin on his face flashing a little bit of his fangs. He also looked quite young, a little older than her. But just a little. “It's you ponies who keep coming up with new names for us. I actually heard one pegasi call us vampire bat ponies the other day. Could you imagine? Maybe we'll go by that next.” he said with a laugh before taking Diamond's hoof and shaking it. “Avatar, it is so nice to finally meet you. Ironwing has told me all about you.”

“You know Ironwing?” she asked, her eyes widening. “Wait, he's a negasi?”

“Of course not,” he said with a smile. “You just met his mother, after all.” He motioned towards Scootaloo, who tensed up. “And I assure you his father is one hundred percent pegasus. Even if some would refuse to admit he was actually pony.”

“Styx...” Scootaloo said in a warning tone.

“I am merely jesting. After all, in times of strife we all must stand up in our won ways,” the stallion said with a light chuckle. He then grinned towards the unicorn. “I'm expecting great things from you, Avatar. Our last one changed the world. I can't wait to see what you'll change.”

At least this one didn't feel familiar. She gave a shrug. “Oh, don't worry about me. I plan to mix everything up. When I'm done, none of you ponies will even remember any of the past Avatars.” She gave a confident smirk to match his.

He chuckled and gave a nod. “I look forward to it.”

“Now, what some would call the best for last, you may recognize her. Lady Sassy Saddles,” Sunburst said before motioning towards a very tall, beautiful blue unicorn with an orange and yellow striped mane. “Representative of the unicorns and your aunt.”

Diamond had been ready for just about anything. But that last word threw her off. “Wait, what? My aunt?” she asked, staring up at the mare. Ironically, she didn't recognize this one either.

“Indeed,” the regal mare said as she moved forward, gazing down at the unicorn. “I am Filthy's sister. Though I'm doubtful he ever mentioned me.” She grit her teeth in distaste. The way she was looking at Diamond made the mare uncomfortable, too. As if she was looking at a tool, rather than a pony. She'd seen her father looking at ponies like that during many of his negotiations. However, after a moment the look faded and the mare sighed. “I'm afraid my closeness to the council led to your father breaking most ties with me. I had imagined he was disappointed that I had left the Earth Kingdom. I never imagined he was hiding the Avatar right under our noses as such.”

“Yeah, daddy was... just trying to keep me safe,” Diamond said feebly.

“You would have been safer here. We have an army. The Shadowbolts, the metal benders and the moon raisers. Any of them would have kept you safe.” She gave a soft smile. “I do hope we can talk again soon, perhaps once you've had time to settle and get over this... somewhat startling shock, I'm sure.”

“Y-yeah,” Diamond mumbled.

“That is all of the non-benders,” Sunburst said with a smile as he trotted up besides her. “Do you still feel up to meeting the rest? If you're unwell, we can delay this.”

She shook her head and put on her most confident grin. “Of course not. I'm right as rain.”

He nodded and led her towards the last three. “Well, you already know me as the fire bender representative, so let's move on.” He started with an older earth pony with a light gray coat and a dark gray mane. “Lady Octavia, representative of the earth benders and the previous leader of our metal benders.” The mare stood and bowed her head.

“Avatar, it is quite pleasing to meet you. I knew your predecessor well, she was quite the mare. I trust you'll be able to fill her shoes quite well.”

“Of course,” Diamond said softly, feeling slightly in awe. She'd met plenty of earth benders before, but this one was... different. She seemed completely still, unmoving. But there was something else. It wasn't as if she was just unmoving, it was as if she was waiting. That when the moment was right, she'd strike, crushing Diamond like a fly. She shuddered.

“And this is--” Sunburst started, but was shoved aside.

“Oh, relax Sunny,” an older white unicorn with a blue striped mane said as she moved over, took Diamond's hoof and shook it. “Yo, I'm Vinyl Scratch, best water bender you'll ever meet. Nice tah meetcha.”

Diamond yiped as the sheer force of the shake made her jump in place. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Octavia roll her eyes.

“Now, don't you worry one bit about all this posh and preenness these ponies got going on. I can tell you right now, not a single one of them is as up tight as they seem. Well, except Sassy. I don't know who went and stuck a stick up her--”

“Vinyl!” Octavia snapped, making the unicorn shudder, before giving a grin.

“Well, anyway. You'll fit in just fine. We have everything under control, so just try to enjoy yourself, okay? Things are a lot calmer than they were decades ago.” She turned and trotted back towards the earth bender, getting a nasty look the whole way. “Come on, Octy. It's just the Avatar.”

“You are impossible.”

Diamond stared. Well, at least now she knew where Tittering got it from.

“Last but not least, Lady Blaze, representative of the air benders. I believe you've met.”

She looked up at the pegasus and gave a small smile. It wasn't matched.

“We were worried sick about you, Avatar,” Blaze said in disappointment.

“I was just having a little fun. Come on, it's a festival. You can't expect me to spend the whole thing under lock and key.”

“If you wished to run off, you should have told us. We could have prepared an escort to--”

“That's just it!” Diamond said with a roll of her eyes. “I am a grown mare, not a fresh filly! I don't NEED a pony to watch every little step I make! I just wanted to go out, have some fun, relax!”

The pegasus stared at her for a few moments and the unicorn wondered if she was going to get the rage of a hurricane tossed on her. Instead, the pegasus gave a nod. “Very well. I can understand the need to rebel, stars know I used to do it all the time when I was your age. Next time, please leave a note so we know where to find you and that you haven't been captured.”

Diamond opened her mouth to object, before pausing. “Wait, that's all?”

“Yes, that's all. Now, if you don't mind I'd like to watch the end of the play.” She turned and walked off, moving back to her seat.

The unicorn frowned, before looking out towards the play. It was another rendition of the defeat of Discord. She wondered just how often they did that play here. But, she supposed it was a celebration about the defeat of Discord. She sat down and looked over the crowds.

She really didn't see the big deal. She'd heard the stories about Discord. Sure, he seemed like a bit of a jerk, but all of the little pranks and stuff he played seemed hilarious. If he'd toned it down a bit, he probably would have been pretty awesome. With time, at least. Though, she supposed there were a lot of deaths laying at his hooves. Maybe he wouldn't be quite so... savable after all. “So, can I go back out and enjoy the festival?” she asked Prism.

“Soon. They'll be doing the... exhibition match soon,” he said with a sigh. “After that, you're free to go.”

“Cool,” she said with a nod, looking towards the stage. At least the pro bending was something she WANTED to see. She just hoped they were even a tenth as awesome at bending as she was.


“Ladies and gentlecolts!” the announcer yelled into his microphone as he stood in front of the stage, peering out over the wide eyed crowd. She didn't think it possible, but it was even more crowded. Stands had been set up to allow the ponies to gather up two or even three high. The stage had been doubled in width and divided into two halves. Each half had three zones, a large one near the center, a slightly thinner one behind it, then one small partial circle in the back. “What you've all been waiting for! Three year winners of the pro bending championship, the Rock Bunnies!”

The crowd went crazy as three ponies jumped onto the stage, all wearing gray, rock shaped cloaks and fake bunny ears on their heads.

“Introducing their earth bending master, Babs Seed!”

One of them stepped forward and threw off the cloak and bunny ears, revealing a light brown earth pony with a red mane. “Woooo! Are yah'all ready tah rock?” She yelled out into the microphone, stomping her hooves. The crowd erupted, making the ground shake from the sheer thumping of ponies.

“Limestone, their fire bender!” the announcer yelled.

A second pony stepped forward and cast off her outfit as well, revealing a gray unicorn with a dusty white mane. “I hope you're all ready to see a real thrashing, because ain't no way we're losin' to ANYPONY THIS YEAR!” she yelled over the crowd, before sending a few fire works over the crowd with her horn.

“Finally, last but not least, Marble, the--” The rest of the words were drowned out as the crowd just erupted, stomping their hooves as hard as they could, the excitement dwarfing the reception of even the other two.

The last pony stepped forward and slowly took off her cloak and ears, neatly folding them up before putting them on the ground. Her coat was a lighter gray and her mane was streaks of gray. She timidly waved a hoof at the erupting crowd, though if she said anything nopony could hear it. Diamond was near the stage with the rest of the council members, watching with... just a hint of awe. She didn't know who these ponies were, but they seemed pretty awesome. The crowd absolutely adored them.

It would be a real shame later this year when she smashed all of them into the ground and took the championship for herself, but what could she do?

“And this year we have a real treat!” the announcer called, before turning towards the gathered ponies. “Councilstallion Sunburst?” the announcer asked, before holding out the microphone.

The unicorn walked up and took it with a grin. “Of course. This year we have a real treat before we do the exhibition match. As I'm sure a few of you have seen, or at least heard the rumors, the Avatar has joined us. Diamond Tiara, if you'd be so kind as to come up here?”

The unicorn gasped, her eyes widening. Judging by the looks of shock on the other council member's faces, they were just as shocked. However, she grinned none the less and stepped up, a wide grin on her face. Oh, she was going to love this. She stepped out in front of the crowd and waved a hoof.

They cheered. Not as loudly as they had for the pro bending team, but they still cheered none the less.

“Avatar, would you like to say anything to the ponies of Harmony?”

Diamond blinked as the microphone was put under her face. She then smirked. “I'd love to.” She took a deep breath before... “I just want all of you to know. I'm here, I've mastered three of the four and I'll have the fourth element mastered in a few weeks, tops.” She could see the anger flash on Prism's face and she reveled in it. “Not only that, I'll be entering this pro bending tournament this year. So I'm sorry to say, bunnies, but you'll be losing this year. You're good and all, but... I mean, come on. I'm going to have to show you how a master bends.” She then focused on the crowd, a wide grin on her face. “And don't any of you ponies worry, either! I'm not going to just be another Avatar. I'm going to be the greatest Avatar that ever lived! I'll make sure every last one of you remembers this as the day you saw Diamond Tiara, the most amazing Avatar to ever walk these streets and set the world on a new, grander track! There isn't going to be so much as a tiny skirmish as long as I'm around!”

For a few moments there was stunned silence. Then the crowd erupted into cheers. She turned back towards the bunnies.

If looks could kill, she'd be dead a dozen times over. Babs and Limestone looked like they wanted to jump her, fire in their eyes and teeth gritted. She trotted off with a smirk.

Sunburst chuckled as the microphone hovered back over to him and he talked, preparing for the match. However, she rolled her eyes when Prism moved over to her. “What was that? What is this about a team?”

“I joined a pro bending team. What of it?”

“You weren't even gone a full day, how did you join a team? How did you FIND a team?” he asked, the anger barely contained in his voice.

“I went to the arena, found a team, and joined it. I'm the Avatar, of course they wanted me. And I plan to win, too.”

“I forbid it!” he said, stomping a hoof down.

She shoved past him. “Well, then it's a good thing I don't have to listen to you, isn't it? In case you haven't noticed, you're not my father.”

He stared for a moment, visibly shaking with rage. Blaze sighed as she looked between the two of them. She could already see where this was going as the unicorn disappeared into the crowd. It was best she prepared now.